Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ You Ask The Z Gang Answers ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DB/Z/GT there I said it, happy now.

SayinAngelPrincess: Okay guys here's the first batch of questions

Trunks: Wow that was fast

Vegeta: All right woman get on with the stupid questions so I can go back to my training

SayinAngelPrincess: *turns to Bulma How do you put up with him

Bulma: I have my ways I'll tell you later about them

SayinAngelPrincess: Cool. Now onto the questions the first one comes from Silvertress and she writes:

Why did Gohan become Saiya-man? Where did he learn all those moves the Ginyu force? Is Mr. Satan immortal or lucky because he just won't die. If Nameks can eat because they are always around those garden things and Dende ate some of the food Bulma and co gave him. Why does Piccolo only drink water?

Gohan: Well I became Saiya-man because I wanted to help protect the city but I didn't want anyone to know it was me. And no I did not learn those moves from the Ginyu force I made them up myself. If you ask me their moves make them look gay.

Videl: Oh and like your moves don't do the same?

Gohan: Of course not mine are a lot cooler

SayinAngelPrincess: All right guys knock it off we still have more questions to answer you can finish this argument later

Videl and Gohan: Fine

Hercule: It's not my fault that everyone has lousy aim and always misses me. You know I am the best fighter in the whole wide world *puffs out chest and acts like Mr. Macho I can block anything that comes my way

Vegeta: Lets see you block this then *shoots ki blast at Hercule which ends up disintegrating him

All: *cheers and does happy dances while singing hail, hail Hercule's dead

Dende: Some Nameks do eat once in a while but they're only vegetarian that's why we have gardens and the only reason I was eating at Bulma's party was because I was being polite

Piccolo: I only drink water because that's what Nameks live off of

SayinAngelPrincess: Okay onto the next letter. This one is from GuseBat and he writes:

Konnichiwa minna-san 1. (for everyone) Is this true 23-46+87384783*pi is greater than 87873-(9384938493)divided by the speed of light? 2. (for Mirai Trunks) Let me get this straight, there are three different timelines, one being yours, the one with Goku alive, and the one where you are dead? 3. (for Chichi) Ever consider getting a cat? They help lower stress. 4. (for Piccolo) Do you like gum? 5. (for Goku) What was it like being fused with Vegeta? Until we meet again, au revoir!

Everyone: *Pulls out calculators and begin to type numbers on it sweat drops appear on heads we have no idea

Mirai Trunks: You are correct there are three different timelines although if it weren't for Cell there would only be two timelines

SayinAngelPrincess: You mean Cell killed you twice where is he so I can pulverize him no one hurts my man and lives to tell about it *looks around and spots Cell in a corner and proceeds to chase him with a frying pan

Chichi: I never thought of that well that's what I'll do when we're done here, but knowing my luck someone will squish it while they're training *sighs

Goku: It was really weird all he did was complain and demand that he have control of what Vegito did I'm glad to have my own body back though, I don't think I would have liked it very much to stay fused with him

Vegeta: How do you think I felt I've been contaminated by a third class clown do you know how many showers I had to take to get rid of your stench?

SayinAngelPrincess: *comes back looking rather pleased with herself as Cell returns looking like he'd been through hell and back about ten times All right guys time for the last letter this one comes from AnimePam and she writes:

Why did Gohan marry Videl when he could have had me? Which way did Trunks like his hair best? And last but not least why did you all stop Dragon Ball series? Thanks for answering

Your loyal fan,


Gohan: *gulps I married Videl because I love her and how could I marry you if I never met you before if I had met you before well then who knows what might have happened

Videl: *glares at AnimePam Gohan is mine you can't have him *hangs onto Gohan for dear life while Gohan blushes feeling very uncomfortable

Mirai Trunks: I have to say I like my hair short, having it long was really annoying it just kept getting in my face

SayinAngelPrincess: Okay who wants to answer the last question?

Bulma: I will we were not the ones to end the series it was our creator who decided to end it if we had it our way the series would just keep going and going and going just like the energizer bunny, but unfortunately we have no say in what happens sorry about that

SayinAngelPrincess: Well that's it for now hope that answered your questions until next time

All: *waves good-bye