Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ You'll be in my Heart ❯ You'll be in my Heart ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Yeah, right.

A songfic to the song You'll be in my Heart by Phil Collins. A fic about Vegeta before sacrificing himself during the Buu saga (yes, I know it's been done to death, but this song inspired me so much when I heard it for the first time in a long time).


~You'll be in my Heart~


The Namek had told him he would not see his rival in the Otherworld. Indeed, he would not be allowed to keep his body and therefore not be given the privilege to train with a Kai. But despite this obvious hell that was to be his future, Vegeta's mind would not be swayed.

The Majin sign branded on his forehead meant nothing. No wizard was controlling him now. No wizard was supplying him with power. The strength he needed would come from within himself, and he would find it and summon it forth for the lives of those he cared for.

His pride had already fallen away for he had just discovered that Kakarott was the stronger warrior. He had been unable to defeat the lower-class Saiyan fairly; he had waited until the caring man's guard was down and had then made his move, taking the last Senzu bean as he did so, though the bean hadn't been enough.

~Come, stop your cryin'

It will be all right

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I'll be here

Don't you cry~

Perhaps it was guilt that was driving him closer to his fate, determination to make up for past actions. Or perhaps it was a change of heart, caused from having a mate and son. Either way, he had thrown all sense to the wind.

Vegeta knew that his breathtaking blue-haired woman would be devastated, and his determined lavender-haired son would miss his presence. Even if they were the only ones to acknowledge his death, it would be sufficient. For he was, after all, sacrificing himself so that they in particular could carry on.

A small smirk came to his face, thinking of his feisty mate. Bulma would be upset, but she would carry on, head high, just as she had done when she and Yamcha had broke up almost ten years earlier. Though he would never admit it, Vegeta had admired her internal strength and her fierce pride and stubbornness so much like his own. She would go on with her life with or without him.

~For one so small

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you

Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here

Don't you cry~

Vegeta's son was a mere child, but Trunks' confidence and determination rivaled even his own. He had already reached the level of a Super Saiyan and the prince knew that the young blue-eyed boy would take care of Bulma. He would, if only to prove to his father that he could.

Vegeta increased in strength, preparing. The time would come for him to make his move. Never before had he done something so drastic and bold for another person; never before had his pride allowed it. Even during the time of the Androids, he had been fully prepared to let his wife and son parish in an aircar crash. And they would have died, had it not been for his son from the future.

But there was a first time for everything. And he was sure that Bulma and Trunks would know he was always with them.

~'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart always~

Though neither Bulma nor Vegeta had been willing to admit it, not many approved of their marriage, excluding the warm-hearted Kakarott, though he had known before all that the prince and the genius would fall in love. Yamcha had been the worst; he was envious of the fact that he had lost Bulma for good, but even more so that she had fallen for one of the people Yamcha hated most.

Yamcha had claimed that Vegeta wouldn't treat her right, not the way he could; he has said that the Saiyan didn't truly love her, and was only with her for her money and to sleep in her bed. And though Vegeta would never say so, the scarred warrior's words had stung, for that Saiyan did love Bulma... in his own way.

"You're too different," had been Krillin's remark, and Vegeta had to admit that at first glance they were. Even at a second glance, a likeness was hard to find, but, upon closer examination, they were a lot alike when it came to their outlooks on life.

Both overconfident and too stubborn for their own goods, Vegeta and Bulma and found it difficult to get along. But it had been the same qualities that had drawn them together. And together they would remain, heart and soul, if not body.

~Why can't they understand

The way we feel

They just don't trust

What they can't explain

I know we're different

But deep inside us

We're not that different at all~

Whether or not the Z Fighters agreed with the passion that ran between the arrogant warrior and the feminine beauty, Vegeta didn't care, though he had a feeling the only one who still had a problem with it was Yamcha. And the prince doubted the former bandit would ever forgive him. Not that he needed that weaklings acceptance and approval!

"Me make you hurt bad!" Buu threatened childishly, but Vegeta only chuckled.

Steam came from the holes of the large, pink creature nearby, showing his annoyance. "Buu give big man pow! Me want fight!"

"I think I finally understand you. Let's go!" Vegeta's tone was one of confidence, his facial expressions ones of determination. He would defeat this monster! There was no two ways about it.

The Saiyan powered up, the sky in the near vicinity darkening from the sudden surge of power. Buu merely looked confused.

~And you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

Don't listen to them

'Cause what do they know (what do they know)

We need each other

To have, to hold

They'll see in time

I know~

Vegeta knew that his son was safe. The Namek was taking both Trunks and Kakarott's youngest son, Goten, away. And Bulma was still at the World Martial Arts Tournament... as far as he knew. He knew that she was safe, for although he had been mostly under Babidi's control at the time that he had destroyed the stadium, his subconscious, the part of him that had not been tainted by Babidi, told him to seek out his mate's ki and aim in the opposite direction. And he had.

"Buu make you chocolate," Majin Buu said. "Or maybe," he added, his mind changing, "make you crackers and cheese!"

Again Vegeta only chuckled. "You are a fool!" he said arrogantly. "I am going to crush you, and throw you into the wind!"

And again Buu appeared confused.

~Ooh, you'll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart)

No matter what they say

(I'll be here) You'll be here in my heart

I'll be there always~

A smirk appeared on his face. A triumphant smirk, as though he was already victorious. In his mind, he was, because for the first time since he could remember, he was doing the right thing.

Trunks, Bulma, I'm doing this for you, he thought, increasing his power even more. And yes, he added, even for you, Kakarott!

Even his rival deserved some respect from him, Vegeta realized. It had been Kakarott that had allowed him to live when he had first arrived on Earth. It had been Kakarott whom Vegeta had poured his heart out to on Namek, insisting that the third-class Saiyan defeat Frieza on the race's behalf. And had it not been Kakarott who had pushed Vegeta beyond his limits to reach something greater? Just the thought of someone surpassing him in strength had helped drive Vegeta to reach a new level. The level of a Super Saiyan.

His body was aching from the strain of so much power, but he would not stop. This was the only way to defeat Majin Buu!

Powering up even more, Vegeta could feel his body breaking. His ki exploded from his deteriorating body, creating a dome of light and power around him, Buu, and everything else nearby. He threw his head back and roared as his body was consumed in pain and then was suddenly no more.


I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always~

His eyes opened as the excruciating pain ceased abruptly, and he found himself in a room standing before a large desk, a towering bearded man seated behind it. The man leaned forward to get a better look at the newcomer, an eyebrow raised.

"I am King Yemma," the giant said, introducing yourself. "You must be Vegeta."

The Saiyan only nodded, his face still grim from the pain he had so recently felt. He had died, but he wasn't on his way to Heaven. Nor was he to remain in the Otherworld to train. He knew where he was headed.

A sad expression fleeted across his stony features for a moment as the full realization that he may never again see his beloved mate or cheerful son again. But he would always be with them, thinking of them, no matter where he went, just as they would always be with him. In his heart, at least.

Of that he was certain.

~Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there



There you have it, the first songfic I've completed in a while. Hope you liked it ^.^