Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Youthful Perceptions ❯ A Sonny Morning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon ball Z or any of its concepts. Akira Toriyama. Permission granted by Maria Cline to sequel her story "Just One Cut".

Authors note: This Fic is going to end up being an Epic one. I found that there are very few good non AU Goku/Chi Chi focused fics out there and I wanted to give them a chance. Maria started it off by writing a very intriguing one-shot story called "Just One Cut" which is set after GT. Go here to read it. http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/dende19/JOC.htm. In it Goku has returned to life still in his child form but lost the ability to go Super Saiyan as a sacrifice. Chi Chi then takes drastic measures to be with her husband again. As you read you will come to see what these drastic these measures are.I just want to say thank you to Maria Cline who has been so helpful and great while I was writing this story.

Italics indicate Flashbacks.**…** indicate thoughts. I will only be using Japanese words when Chi Chi is mad… baka means idiot and kuso is basically shit. I prefer to have her curse in Japanese as it is hard to imagine Chi Chi cursing in English. The attacks are also puns. Spatla is reference to spatulas and Sartensu as a pun on frying pans (sarten means frying pan in Spanish)

Youthful Perceptions by Natz

Sequel to "Just One Cut" by Maria Cline

Chapter 1: A Sonny Morning

Goku's eyes fluttered open. It was still dark, still night. It had been a while that he'd last slept on that bed and he was relishing the experience. Just as he'd remembered, it was soft and comfortable. However, it now seemed huge in comparison to him, but he didn't mind it. It was his bed and he was glad to be there.

His line of sight came to rest on the body next to him. Her chest was rising and falling with calm, natural breaths and there was a slight smile on her lips. He smiled at the sight. It had been a long time since he had felt so comfortable watching her sleeping in their bed. Before, there had been feeling of discomfort on both their parts. He had known in his mind that his "situation" had been the problem.

One of her hands was lying on the pillow and he glanced at it. There in the middle of her palm was a scar, a still healing wound, which she had inflicted upon herself. She confused him sometimes; actually it was most of the time. Before his confusion had been based on her penchant for a fierce and violent temper and her insistence that Gohan study and not fight. But now, he felt that understood her motives better. He understood how lonely and desperate she must have been to do it. He felt closer to her now than he had for a long time and he knew it was because of what she had done to herself. He had missed her so much.

The body next to him stirred and shivered. He immediately pulled her closer to him and wrapped one arm around her gently. When she was sleeping she seemed so helpless, so different from when she was awake. He remembered doing that before, when they were...well older...younger…well before. Their situation was confusing him now. He knew that things had changed a lot from then but then he did not mind it.

In the last few days, since she had used the knife, things had changed. They were more relaxed around each other and things were always more fun for them. The Flying Nimbus had become their personal chauffeur as they had romped around the world at her request. He had been surprised when she had appeared in the clearing a few days earlier.


She was wearing a blue gi with a purple band, which he had never seen before. She had her long raven black locks down and tied back off her face with a purple band. He laughed as at that moment she reminded him of Pan. She looked straight in his eyes with a stubborn glare.

" I want you to train me," she had said with her 'I'm Son Chi Chi and I don't think you want to mess with me right now' glare.

He had fallen over when he heard those words. " Ummm… Chi, do you really want to do that? I mean it's a lot of work and you would have to be away from the house a lot."

" What do you mean by that? Don't you think I can do it? I am a fighter too remember. Do you need me to remind you?"

Images of the ever-present frying pan were conjured up in his mind. He stuttered, "Ummm… no … no, I know you can fight. " He relented with a sigh, " I guess I could train you"

He watched as her eyes went to stars and she began jumping up and down gaily. He began to laugh and jump up and down as well. She jumped toward him and grabbed his hands. "This is going to be so much fun", she shrieked with delight.

"But Chi…?" he stopped suddenly causing her to trip and fall to the ground. He had remembered something very important. "If you are here training, then who is going to cook?"

He watched as her eyes turned narrow and he could see the telltale redness in her pupils. He knew what was coming next. *Oops*. He watched as if in slow motion the familiar shape was drawn from behind her back and he felt a slight but very familiar on his head tingle. He grinned at her. " Well at least I know you are fast", he quipped and had begun to run away from her. He could feel her close behind him. " Ha, ha you can't catch me"

"Come back here Son Goku!!" she had bellowed, but there was a hint of amusement in her voice and she had proceeded to chase after him in his diminutive form with her trusty frying pan in tow.


Goku chuckled softly as he remembered what a beating she'd tried to give him when he had slowed down enough to let her catch him. After all their years together she knew his weak spots and it told whenever she tried to fight him. It never really hurt but he was always left feeling a little winded. She was still a warrior.

He glanced back over to her laying peacefully the bed. Her eyes were closed but he knew them well. Sometimes they were the colour of coal, hard and with the ability to burst in to flames at any moment. At other times they were like the night sky, with sparkles in them that reminded him of the stars. They held such secrets within them. She herself was a mystery. He had not understood her wish to marry him those years before. In fact at that time he did not know what marriage was. But he knew it sounded good, like food. He laughed inwardly again at the comparison. Truthfully, it was like food in a way, ranging in the ways that it appeared, its quality and it's filling nature. And just as he loved food he loved their marriage. He had always loved it.

Then he blushed profusely, as all the things they had done before his 'situation' had made it impossible started to rush back to his head. The things which she told him had given them Gohan and Goten. He remembered that before he had especially enjoyed that part of it and he loved their sons with all his heart. Just as suddenly his heart ached, remembering the reason why they had stopped. Even with her sacrifice they were still in no position to start that again. He just had no desire to now. He blushed once more. *Maybe in a couple of years, if she still wants to, that is*. Now things were different.

He tried to push his thoughts away from that. For some strange reason Master Roshi and Oolong popped into his head, laughing and snorting in the way they always did when they were looking at their books and watching the aerobics channel. He still didn't understand why they did that. Bulma had always called them perverts and he knew that they were always called 'dirty'. He once again tried to stop thinking those thoughts. He never wanted to be compared to Oolong on the pervert scale.

He then realised that the room was filling with light. It was morning! He smiled. He had always loved the way the thin lace curtains in their room caught the light. The dark shadows were fleeing from the walls and were replaced by sparkling diffusing light. Morning was always so exciting. He could hear all the animals waking up and moving around outside. He could hear the rustling of wings as the birds, which lived in the sequoia tree across from their capsule house, were waking up and going for a morning flight.

Then the body in his arms began to move around. The eyes he had just been looking at opened and blinked three times. They had the same colour as the blackest feather of the biggest, healthiest raven he'd ever seen. He smiled at her. "Good morning Chi." Her eyes opened wide and her nose wrinkled in disgust. He continued smiling as she stuttered.

"Ohhh, morning breath… nasty!" She then proceeded to push him away from her hard. As he was taken by surprise she managed to push him off the bed. He landed with a bounce.


" You smell like something Goten and Trunks did when they were babies. Go wash…a lot… and with soap and water and don't forget toothpaste."

"Sorry Chi didn't realise. Guess I forgot to bathe after sparring with Gohan yesterday."

" OHHHH, Son Goku, you are soo disgusting. I am glad that at least one of our sons is unlike you and actually knows good hygiene"

"Heheheh, Chiiiii! Please don't be mad. I'll go get clean right now.

And with that Goku jumped up from the ground, barely taller than the huge four poster bed and rushed out of the room leaving Son Chi Chi in the room with a half frown, half grin on her face.

He rushed outside to the large bathtub under the tree canopy. Although they had a shower in their home he still felt cleaner when he used their old bathtub. He used a small blast of ki to light the wood under the tub and pulled the lever to release the water from the tank suspended above it. A few seconds later, if anyone had been watching, they would have seen a very naked twelve year old boy with spiky black hair launch himself in the air, flip and land with a huge splash in the large tub. Goku laughed loudly and splashed around for a while. Then remembering what his wife had sent him to do. He found the soap on the side of the tub and began to scrub himself clean. Once that was done he pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste and began to vigorously scrub his teeth.

When he was finished he pulled the plug and watched as the water flowed out of the tub and out through a drain. With his task accomplished he ran, still very wet and just as naked back to the house. The smell of Chi Chi's cooking filled the air. "Ohhh pancakes" he yelped and ran into the house. He ran into the house and was accosted by the smell of blueberry, strawberry, banana and chocolate pancakes. This was in addition to the piles of fluffy omelettes, bacon, and gallons of juice.

It was then that Chi Chi screamed. " SON GOKU, WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?"

Goku halted immediately, then grinned the smile only he and his descendants could give. He still didn't get why she was so shocked by him being naked. She had seen him naked before. He looked towards his twelve-year-old wife. She looked very upset. "Oops, sorry, forgot to get clothes" and with that he zoomed upstairs and ran into their bedroom.

He went to the chest of drawers and opened them up. It was filled with a mixture of gi, most of them were orange but there were a few red and blue ones. He pulled out a blue gi and an orange undershirt and proceeded to put them on. He had realised that Chi Chi had started to wear fighting gi like him now since she 'the incident' and strangely enough, they suited her. There was something about them which made them uniquely Chi Chi. He knew that she would have had to get new clothing after she had cut herself but he had expected for her to find dresses, like those she had worn before. The gi made her look even more formidable now, if that was even possible.

He sighed. She had changed a bit since she had decided to make herself his age. Her need to start training again was something he did not expect. He knew that she had trained Goten for a while when he was little, but he never expected her to take back to the rings. She had never explained her decision to train with him. But he had to admit that she was good. Like that day she had actually shocked him.


"AAAAUUUGGGGGGHHH!" Chi Chi screamed in agitation as she was trying to hit him but was finding it hard to do so.

"Come on Chi. You are fast. You can do it," he began to grin in anticipation for her next blow.

They were training in the clearing near the house. They had been at it for nearly an hour but she still could not hit him. He knew that she could do it. She had caught him with the frying pan many times before.

He leapt to his left, just escaping from Chi Chi's extended fist. She screamed once more in frustration and turned swiftly on her heels to clip him in the side with her right elbow. Goku saw her coming and evaded her move. One thing about her, she was surely persistent. And not to mention fairly pissed by now.

She screamed, " That's it you are going down mister smarty pants." She pulled back suddenly, and fell into a crouching stance. He stopped moving, puzzled as to what she was doing. He watched as her muscles tensed up and she stared at him angrily. It kinda reminded him of when she used to get mad at him for taking Gohan off to train. However he had never seen this before.

A red aura started to form around her small body and he could feel great energy being given off. The strong wind current that Chi Chi was giving off was affecting bushes and grass, which surrounded them in the clearing. He was stunned. Her ki had begun to rise quickly. His eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open. *Chi Chi has a power up!! *

She clasped her hands and lifted them above her head. The aura began to converge on her arms. Then just as sudden, she brought her arms down forcefully as if she was trying to smash him in his head. She screamed, " SPATLA HA"

He was confused for a moment. She was too far away to touch him. She grinned at him evilly and realisation flooded his mind. A large sweat drop formed on his forehead. All to late he looked up to see a large flat ki cuboid right above his head. It crashed down onto him and the world blinked out of view for a second. He was able to open his eyes then. He was on the ground and Chi Chi was in front of him, with a smug look on her otherwise innocent little girl face.

"See, I told you I'd get you. You thought I couldn't use ki attacks, huh?" He looked at her incredulously. She began to laugh at him then. As she laughed she fell onto the ground cackling with amusement.

Out of the bushes Goten, Gohan, Videl and Pan appeared. They seemed to have just arrived as they were staring open mouthed at them. Goten spoke first, " Dad, Mom, what's going on here we felt a power up and it did not feel like dad's.

Chi Chi kept on cackling. She did not seem to be able to stop. Goku grinned and looked over to where their stunned family stood. "Ummm, that was your mom" he stated nonchalantly.

Their mouths dropped open even more. "Mom??" That was Gohan.

All Chi Chi could do was to stop convulsing long enough to shrug nonchalantly at her confused sons.


Goku looked into the mirror in front of him and stared at himself. He usually did not do it but for some strange reason he could not help but stare at the image in the glass. He turned on a side and inspected his rear. He remembered that Chi Chi always used to comment on it in private. He never got that. That was another thing, which had confused him about her. Before, when they were alone she would make comments to him about his body. He guessed that was probably why she was so nervous about other people seeing him naked. He never got why she was though.

"GOKUUUUU, GOOOTEN, food's ready" Chi Chi bellowed from down stairs in the kitchen.

That got his attention fast. He zoomed out of the room like he had not eaten for days .In truth he remembered getting up last night and getting a little 'snack' which had consisted of a few loaves of bread, a jar of peanut butter and another of grape jelly. But that was last night, this was a whole new day and he felt like he would die from hunger if he did not eat in the next ten minutes.

He met Goten on the way as they practically fell down the stairs.

" Morning dad, "quipped his youngest son.

" Yeah Goten," he replied briefly. He'd talk to him later, now he had to EAT. As if to agree with him his stomach rumbled loudly.

The food was laid out on the table but Chi Chi was gone. It smelled just as good as it always did. This was surely another reason he was glad Chi Chi lived with him. She was a great cook. He could not remember all the times he had been out training with Piccolo, Gohan or Vegeta and had returned home to her food, laid out on the table, waiting for him.

But now was not the time to be thinking, it was time to eat. He dug into the pile of pancakes with his fork and began to shovel them into his mouth. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Goten mirroring his actions. Then their eyes met and for a moment, only a moment they paused. The tension in the room crackled like the straining of sore muscles. A challenge had been issued. There was no backing down now. Goku dispensed with the fork grabbed at a plateful of blueberry pancakes. They disappeared into the orifice of his mouth. Goten, not to be outdone reached out for the bowl full of scrambled eggs, lifted it to his face and downed all the eggs into his mouth. Little bits of egg clung determinedly to his face after he lowered the bowl. From there on out it was only through flashes of light and colour that the rest of their battle could be seen.

BANG. One of Chi Chi's earthenware bowls crashed to the ground. An apple was flung away from the table and a flash of colour followed it. Before it could hit the floor an open mouth had saved it. Then the flash of light descended once more to the large kitchen table. And soon, the whole table was devoid of edible treats and was now carrying a new burden, two spiky haired males rubbing their stomachs, identical goofy grins on both their faces. And that's the state she found them in when she returned.

"AUUUGGGHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?" a loud shriek pierced the previously calm atmosphere in the Son house.

The birds that resided in nearby trees looked towards the house in curiosity. The scene that lay before them was incredibly hilarious. Three figures; one tall, two short were running out of the small house. The shorter of the male figures was ahead, laughing excitedly. His legs were moving at a speed that could not be discerned with the human eye. The taller one, which looked like a grown up version of the shorter one was moving just as quickly, just behind the short one with a terrified expression on his face and curiously enough was screaming, "NOOOO, MOM… PLEASE DON"T… I DIDN"T MEAN IT… DADDY SAVE MEEEEEE…."

The curious thing about his words was that the one chasing them did not look like she could be the "mom" the he was screaming about. She was a little taller than the shorter male, but was still apparently a little girl, wearing a purple and blue gi. She was holding in her hands a rather old but still dangerous looking frying pan. Her face was contorted in the most odd fashion, which would have been hilarious if it was not so scary. Then suddenly, she stopped chasing them and a red glow formed around her body she held the pan out above her head and it began to glow with the same curious glow. She gave an angry shout that sounded vaguely like "sartensu attack". Then, the forest was consumed in a red light and moments later the two fleeing figures were laying dazed and starry eyed in the clearing in front of the house.

The small but still terrifying little girl stalked towards their inert bodies, grabbed a foot, which was attached to each of the bodies and preceded to drag them back to the small house they had just come from. She was mumbling, quite visibly irritated, to herself. Once in a while you could hear a "baka" and "kuso" escape from her lips. She entered the small house pulling bodies after her and the door slammed shut behind them.

For a few seconds it was quiet in the woods, which surrounded the small house. Then cautiously, the birds began return to their usual routine and after a few seconds, the forest was back to normal. They were not shocked, that was their usual daily show. It no longer surprised them at all, but they knew that it was wise to always stay out of the way of the dark haired female, no matter how big or small she was. Yep, it was another 'normal' day at the Son house.
