Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ Beauty and the Beast ❯ Once Upon a Time ( Prologue )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yay! A story! Hope you all like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Knights.
Beauty and the Beast
Chapter One
Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time, there was a beast. This beast's name was Rath Illuser. He wasn't particularly bad looking, with short black hair (that had a white streak on the side) and pale red eyes, but he was still a beast.
When he was young, a wizard with experimental issues cast a spell on Rath, turning him into a mindless killing machine. Rath wreaked havoc on the country of Dusis and destroyed many a village.
This went on until a kind man, named Lykouleon, who was living in the city Draqueen, decided to end Rath's murdering terror. He succeeded only by giving Rath half of his blood, therefore making Rath part of his family.
Now, Lykouleon was a Dragon Lord and bound to the Dragon of Light. As Rath was a new family member (and a royal one at that), Lykouleon bound Rath to the Dragon of Fire, making him a Dragon Knight, and treated Rath like his son, to try and make up for him being a demon.
Unfortunately, because Rath only received half of the Dragon Lord's blood and being a demon, he could only stay in his right mind and not turn into an emotionless murdering machine if he mated someone with Dragon Eyes, mystical eyes that only original royal Dragon Clan members had (Lykouleon had mated someone with Dragon Eyes, too.).
But there was a catch. Rath had to mate before he turned eighteen, or else his insane demon mind would take over. But where could he find someone with Dragon Eyes?
Yes, I know it's short, but the chapters get longer later! Really! Besides, this was just a prologue. Please review!