Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Knights: The Dark Dragon Sword ❯ Keeper of Fire, Avenger of Darkness; Protector of Earth, Master of Water ( Chapter 4 )
Dragon Knights: The Dark Dragon Sword, Part Four
By Master_Of_Red_Eyes
Yay! Chapter four! And I have readers! Yay! *Hallelujah chorus starts*
Let's just get on with it…
Part Four- Keeper of Fire, Avenger of Darkness; Protector of Earth, Master of Water
`Does that make me one of them?'
Minora had the sneaking suspicion it would. Rath, keeper of the Dragon Fire, still had his enchanted sword pointed at her chest. He looked strangely familiar, although she was positive that she had never seen him before. Minora shook her head; such nonsense was useless in her current situation. But before she had even started to think of a plan, Rath spoke.
"Who the heck are you? And do you work for Nadil?" he questioned, never once taking his eyes off her. Minora shook her head, and replied, "It is not something you need to know, and I would like to know just why you are accusing me of working for Nadil?"
The one she supposed was Thatz laughed, and even the Elf smiled. In the dim light, Minora began to think that maybe the stories were wrong, that there was a female Dragon Knight…. "Wait… Elf… Are you the first lady Dragon Knight?"
Thatz laughed even harder, and Rath snickered .The Elf glowered.
"No, I'm NOT female, but I AM a Dragon Knight…" He said, glaring at her. "But, by the looks of your sword- And the fact that there was a Dragon here not five minutes ago- Says that you may be the first female Dragon Knight…" Minora shivered. Those dang eyes, they looked as though they had read her very thoughts. Magic swords, psychic Elves, what's the world coming to?
*Septomath's P.O.V…. Or you can call him Dark, or Darkness, I guess…*
What is going on here? One moment I was staring down a group of sword-wielding hooligans, now I'm inside that accursed sword! Grrr… Ah well, what can you do, rage and rant without doing anything? No, my friend who doesn't exist. The time has come for action.
*Normal P.O.V.*
Minora clutched her sword tightly. The cool, metallic feel of the hilt made her sure that she wasn't dreaming. There were three knights in front of her, and not just any knights…. Dragon Knights. The one who called himself Rath had sheathed his sword; Minora couldn't believe that he was letting her go. Just as she thought she had an escape plan brewing- Use my sword to knock out the girly-girl and I'll be home free! - He spoke.
"I don't know what it is, but I don't think you're evil" he said, skulking. Minora grinned. But then she saw the worried look of Thatz, and the unreadable face of Rune. Uh-oh. He must not let people get away often…
"So, we are going to take you back to Draqueen with us! Lord Lykouleon will do what he wishes to you from there." Minora gasped, the fame of the Dragon Highlord had spread throughout the land of Dusis. But she had never even been to Draqueen, much less the royal palace, to see for herself. Being a mercenary thief/ assassin kept you away from such places. Well, she wasn't really an assassin, but she did thieve for a hobby, as well as her only source of income. But now she was being sent there, and it didn't look like she had a choice in the matter. Ah well. I always wanted to visit the capital anyway, if not just to see if the stories are real…I somehow doubt that the streets are paved with gold, but does lady Rasalene have Dragon eyes? I guess I'll just have to wait and see…
Rune watched the whole exchange with growing unease. He didn't think that it was a good idea to bring this Yokai to the castle. But, then again, when had Rath ever had a good idea? He sighed; Thatz wouldn't have many objections to re-visiting Draqueen; under normal circumstances neither would he. But there was something about this Demon that made him suspicious. He wasn't sure he trusted her; likewise, he wasn't sure she trusted any of them. She was a knight; however, there was no getting around it. Rune figured he would just go along with the flow of things…
"Ok, Thatz, we visit Draqueen! We all said we would, but you haven't said anything yet? What do you think?" Rune asked, not taking his eyes off the Earth Knight, but also trying to keep the Yokai in the corners of his eye. Didn't work, so he just shut his eyes and concentrated. If he concentrated enough, he could just barley feel Water's presence on the rim of his mind. Then he received quite a shock- Water spoke to him!
`Master Rune…. So glad that you could finally gain enough power to communicate with me, Water…' Her voice- from the Dragon's voice, he could tell it was female- sounded not dissimilar to the way a brook sounds when it slides over some stones. And if this wasn't enough, he somehow knew that it would only be a matter of time until the other Knights could communicate with their Dragons as well. Perhaps the Yokai could communicate with hers already. Who knew?
`A great evil is at work. The last sword's powers are being unleashed upon the populace. Wind, Light, and Darkness have clashed against the Dragon-Lord's armies for centuries. But now, the Dark Dragon Sword has been lost to time for over three hundred years. But, it has been rediscovered again. The force, the presence, of Darkness, I can feel it. The energy is strong, and quite close. Over there, by the Keeper of Flame and the Earthly Protector stands the Avenger of Darkness. She is meant to wield the Dark Dragon blade. I can feel it.'
*Normal P.O.V.*
"Hey Rath" Thatz nudged Rath in the ribs and pointed a thumb at Rune. "Hasn't Rune been acting weird since we found the Yokai?" He looked at Rath; Most times the Fire Knight would have just laughed in his face and told him that Rune was just being weird or something along the lines of that. But instead, Rath became thoughtful.
"He has, hasn't he?" They both looked behind them, where the Water Knight in question trudged along, looking at the path that was slowly fading into the dusk and gripping his sword. He appeared to be deep in though, so he didn't notice the troubled glances of his erstwhile companions. Then Thatz and Rath looked ahead of them, to where the Yokai was walking ahead of them. Her long, violet hair streamed out behind her, and the Dark Dragon Sword caught the dying twilight and became even blacker than before, darker than the gathering shadows. The Earth Knight and the Fire Knight looked at each other questioningly.
"You don't think that…" Thatz began, pointed at Rune, then at the Demon, and made a heart with his fingers. "I don't really know if she's Rune's type, but…." Rath shook his head. "Same old Thatz. All of our adventures haven't changed that about you- Yet". And with that, he ran to catch up with the Demon, leaving Thatz to wonder at the Fire Knight's comment.
OK guys! Sorry this chapter was so long in the making…. I was on vacation! I'm sorry if it was short! So sue me! (Lawyers out there don't take this seriously!!!!).