Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Moods ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Chapter Five: Moods
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When I think about Nadil kissing me, I literally feel like I'm going to be sick. But Kharl... Kharl wasn't so bad...
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It was four whole days before Kharl's next tutoring session was scheduled. This gave Rath a lot of time to think.
When he woke up Friday morning, he was surrounded by cooing, worried servants, who brought him food and checked for broken bones and insisted on bringing up the family doctor. He had to make up a story real quick, ending quite firmly with how he'd managed to drag himself home before collapsing. But there was no doubt about it; he remembered everything.
Not because he wanted to, that was for sure. School would be hell on Monday. But he barely thought about that; that was looking very seriously insignificant right now.
His tutor was a vampire.
Last night, he'd watched him get fired at with twenty guns and live. He'd watched him kill ten or fifteen people - later he would learn that he'd tracked the other ones down that night and killed them too, because if there was one thing a vampire knew, it was how kill people properly. He'd watched him fly. And then he'd been kissed by him.
He could even remember what he'd said afterwards, that it had just been about the blood. That made him feel strongly... well, strange. He refused to think disappointed, dammit. Because if he actually came out and thought that, he'd have to... to... well, do something. Possibly involving ripping out his hair, or jumping off a building.
He even tried the concussion theory. However, he was kind of dubious about this from the start seeing as how he could remember thinking it up during the time he was supposed to be having it. It didn't help that the newspapers were now referring to Fedelta's, Saabel's, and their gang's deaths collectively as the 'vampire murders.' It also didn't help that he still had a couple really huge black feathers...
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The problem was, it snowed on Tuesday. It wasn't supposed to; winter was supposed to be pretty much over for the year. But they did always have crazy weather around here, after all...
Yes, the society had done their very best to make his afterlife miserable. Twenty more mortals dead! Twenty! That was more than had been killed by vampires in the last two hundred years, apparently. When he couldn't help but ask about the last two hundred and ten, they weren't very happy. Was he out of his mind? they had wanted to know. They'd all deserved to die, he'd said. Was he sure? they'd asked. Had he known them all personally? Had he even known their names? Well, that had shut him up. And on top of it all, they'd said, he'd shown himself to a mortal and let it live. Without permission! He'd kissed it! When he'd said, So what, it hadn't minded too much, all things considered, well, at least it hadn't tried to shoot at me or anything, though that might have been because it'd figured out that that didn't do too much by now, um... Well, when he'd said that, some of the calmer Council members of the group had had to restrain some of the rather less calm ones.
All in all, it had been a very stressful weekend. And now he couldn't think of what to say.
He was standing outside Rath's door, but he couldn't quite bring himself to knock. He'd considered bringing more food, but he decided that that probably wouldn't help much at this point. What if he tells me to go away? he wondered. What will I do? What if he doesn't even remember? ...Or, what if he does remember, and is pretending not to because he really, really doesn't want to? Godsdammit... Finally he got up his courage, and knocked.
There was a moment of silence, just a heartbeat really, and then Rath said, "Come in."
He was sitting on the windowsill, staring out. He didn't look up when Kharl came in, quietly closing the door behind him. After a moment Kharl cleared his throat and said, "Um-"
"Kharl, are you really a vampire?"
He hesitated. Then he said, "Yes."
Rath finally looked at him and discovered, despite having had the entire weekend to think it over, that he hadn't really figured out what he was going to ask first. If you've been a vampire all this time, why haven't you killed me? Why did you kill all those people? You killed Saabel and Fedelta, too, didn't you? Why are you protecting me? WHY did you kiss me? So he settle for a miserable smile that he thought summed up both their situations pretty well, and said, "It's snowing, Kharl."
"Um..." Kharl sweatdropped. "Yes, so I've noticed," he said diplomatically. He's cracked... but that's better than him yelling at me to get out, right?
Rath laughed at his expression. "Oh, I... Do you know why Nadil wanted to kill me? Why everyone thinks I killed Saabel and Fedelta?"
"Um..." He looked at the floor. Why must he always spring things on him like this? "Yes."
"Oh, so you did kill them, then." At Kharl's shocked look, he shrugged. "The first two 'vampire murders,' you know. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out." He paused, and looked out the window again. "I hate snow."
Rath turned back, and in that way he had, his mood had completely changed. "Sit down," he commanded. "I want you to tell me everything. Everything. Are there more vampires? If there are, why hasn't anyone found out? I think it's the least you owe me, after all the rumors going around school that I'm some kind of deranged mass-murderer."
Kharl stared at him for a moment. And then he sat down. And he told him everything.
He told him all about the society, and all its rules. He told him about how much trouble he'd been getting into lately; about how he was becoming a bit of an outcast too. He told him about the society's history, about how he'd been one of the people who'd first started it, around the Age of Enlightenment in Europe. He told him about Changing, how it hurt every time when all the blood in your body just suddenly disappeared, and you grew fangs and wings, and all you wanted to do was kill someone, except you knew that you couldn't, no matter what, because then you'd want to do it again and again and again like he wanted to every night right now... And when he finished, Rath was very quiet.
"I'm sorry," he finally said. It was about the only thing he could think of just then, except maybe 'thank you,' but Kharl got that much just from looking at his eyes.
Kharl leaned back. "And now," he said, with just a hint of smugness, "it seems to be your turn. It think it's the, ah, least you owe me. Considering all the rumors and whatnot."
Rath flushed, and looked out the window. It seemed to be snowing even harder, he noted... "Did those two tell you their names before you killed them?" he asked.
"Wha...? Gil and Bierrez, you mean?"
Rath nodded. "Yeah, them... They were just kids, you know. We were all just freshmen. They didn't do anything wrong. They were just there."
"Where?" Kharl said quietly. It was a lot different, wasn't it, killing someone you knew...
Damn, he was starting to feel a little sick already. He could see their faces... No. Stupid. If he thought about that, he'd never get through this, and he owed it to him, after all, to get through it. "They used to beat me up a lot," he said, watching the snow. "Because I was rich. I'd fight back, but only enough to keep from getting hurt, you know? Usually it was Saabel and Fedelta, and sometimes Bierrez. But one time it was all three of them and Gil, and they dragging me outside because Nadil wanted to see me... And..." He smiled helplessly. "Please tell me you know what he did? I mean, it was nothing really bad, just like the... other night... but, it was the first time anything like that had ever..." He grimaced. "So I just kind of lost it. I tried to kill him. Gil and Bierrez tried to get me to stop, so I killed them instead. Saabel and Fedelta were smart; they ran. Later they asked me to join their gang, though." He smiled in an utterly unhappy way. "It was snowing."
"I..." There was really nothing to say to this. Kharl cursed his inability to comfort people. Not knowing what else to do, he leaned over and hugged him.
For a few moments, neither of them thought too much. Then Rath tensed, just slightly, and Kharl jumped away like he'd been burned. "I'm... sorry..."
Rath frowned. Damn, and just when they'd gotten one thing out of the way... "I think there's something you need to clear up for me," he said quietly. "Did you really just kiss me because you were blood-crazy or whatever?"
"Yes!" Kharl snapped.
"Don't lie to me; you're not that dumb," Rath said calmly.
Kharl raised an eyebrow at this, but seemed to deflate somewhat. "Well, it was either that or kill you at that precise moment, you know. ...Yes. No. ...At first."
Kharl looked like he was about to die. Rath looked... expressionless. Kharl stared at him for a moment, and stood hurriedly. "I guess I'll go then," he said cheerfully. "I'll - I'll tell your parents that some other job came up, how about that?" What a peculiar sinking feeling...
"Kharl, you are dumb," Rath said.
"Pardon?" All I want to do is hide somewhere and have a good sulk, and you have the nerve to call me dumb?-! You... You brat!
"You really are dumb," he repeated, sounding mildly amazed. Then he smiled, and there was actually a hint of genuine amusement in it. "You know, I've always know that I'm gay. Hanging out with Rune can do that to you." He laughed. "Rune likes Thatz, though, I think. Which is a real shame, because Thatz likes Kitchel. Funny how that works, huh? Really, Nadil is the only guy who's ever taken an interest in me, and you know what? Just knowing that makes me want to die. But you're..." In the way of someone whose intelligent brain has just figured out where their stupid mouth has taken it, and where it is going to take it next, he went bright red and look away. "You're my friend. So it's different."
Suddenly - were Rath's mood swings contagious? - Kharl felt amused. "Do you even know what you're saying?"
"Yes!" His eyes added, 'Unfortunately.'
"Then you wouldn't mind if I kissed you again?"
Rath flushed again. "No."
Kharl took one look at his face, and laugh. Rath glared. "Well, I'm afraid you're just going to have to be patient. I mean, for starters, have you actually thought about the age difference? And you'd better tell me you haven't just started thinking about this since I kissed you, or I'm afraid I'll have to lower my opinion of you a great deal. And don't lie, because you're not anywhere near that dumb."
Nor was he dumb enough not to know when he was being mocked. "Of course not!" he snapped.
Kharl stood, and kissed him on the forehead. "Well, that's all right then." Rath stared. "And now, I think I was supposed to be tutoring you..."
Wow, is there ever going to be hell to pay, Kharl thought, and felt oddly giddy about it.
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Rune and Thatz were amazed. Rath was known for being pretty good at ignoring people who tried to get under his skin, but surely everyone had their limits, and that week he was the most popular topic in school. But on Wednesday, while the other students whispered behind their hands not very secretively, he just stared out the window. The snow had turned to rain over night, transforming the ground into slush. Rath's two friends later upheld that he went through the entire day in a daze.
He wasn't even sure if yesterday had happened. All that stuff about being a vampire and this so-called 'society' thing - did Kharl seriously expect him to believe it? True, there was overwhelming evidence in his favor - the newspapers' favorite new phrase, for instance, or the giant black feathers buried in his sock drawer - and yet common sense rebelled.
That wasn't the main thing on his mind, though. Oh, definitely not.
What exactly did he think he'd gotten himself into, anyway? It had been scary enough when he'd just been in love with an older man. Now all of the sudden he turned out to be a vampire? Perhaps he should have spent a little more time considering that point. That was enough to make anyone feel at least a little insecure.
It certainly kept things interesting, though, he had to admit...
But the worst part, the worst part, was that he wasn't even sure how Kharl felt about him. It was almost like he was toying with him, which certainly wasn't something he would have expected from him. He'd always seemed fairly mild-mannered, in a weird and vaguely creepy way.
Yesterday he'd simply kissed him on the forehead, like a little child, and insisted that he do his homework. He hadn't even looked at him while he was doing it, either; he'd just stared out the window with a vague sort of smile on his face. He knew he would have been uncomfortable if Kharl had stared at him instead, but at the same time he'd wished that he would at least look his way. And then, a little bit before sunset, he'd just left.
He couldn't help but wonder if Kharl was really interested in him at all. He was just going to have to do something about this...
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When Kharl came in that afternoon, he beamed. "Already studying?"
"Your parents would be proud."
"I'll bet."
He set a box down on the desk. "I brought cookies."
Kharl smiled sweetly, and proceeded to sit down on the window sill with a book.
Rath stared for a moment, and frowned. Well, the - the jerk. He'd failed test one with flying colors, that was for sure. He hadn't acted this coolly towards him since the first day they'd met; he was like some kind of bloody teacher or something... Well, he'd just have to use his secret weapon - bluntness.
"Are you really interested?"
"In what?"
"Me." His expression added a very distinct idiot to this.
Kharl looked up from his book, blinking innocently. "What? Why, of course I am. Whatever gave you the idea that I wasn't?" And he looked at him with such utterly earnest concern that Rath wasn't sure how he was supposed to find something to complain about.
Besides the fact that it all sounded just a bit off, anyway. Besides the fact that it all sounded just a bit like something out of a cheesy, C-rated romance novel. Besides the fact that when he took a moment to answer, Kharl smiled and went back to his book.
Rath was beginning to learn that Kharl was at his least trustworthy when he was smiling.
And then Rath was standing right next to him. "Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it, don't you think?"
Kharl looked up at him, blinking again. "Whatever do you mean?"
Rath glared, and fumbled for some words. Stop saying whatever; don't you know how fake that sounds? he wanted to say, but he controlled himself. "I mean you don't just seem disinterested; you seem like you don't even like me anymore. Why?"
Kharl arched an eyebrow. "Well, I certainly don't want to rush you. Do you mean you want me to be more physical?"
Rath hesitated, taking a moment to remember that he wasn't the only one well schooled in bluntness. "Yes." Well, it was close enough. That was part of it, at least.
Kharl smiled. "Are you sure?"
Inwardly, Rath froze over and felt rather too hot at the same time. "Yes!" he snapped outwardly.
Kharl continued to smile pleasantly - the worst kind - right up until he kissed him.
And once again, this kiss was... different. It was sort of slow and sensual in a way that made him go weak in the knees. It also made him realize that he had absolutely no idea what he was doing when it came to kissing people. All he could do was pretty much sit back and watch while Kharl, with perfect elegance, pulled him burningly close and slipped his tongue into his mouth and explored and wove his fingers through his hair and under his shirt -
He pulled away, panting and feeling like a small, soon-to-be-deceased creature in the headlights. He was too busy doing this to notice that Kharl wore an odd sort of half-smirk.
And eventually he got back to his homework and Kharl got back to his book, and all in all Rath had decided... that something was seriously wrong here, and he was damned if he knew what it was...
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AN: (happy sigh) Aw, they're so silly. So, does everybody totally get exactly what Kharl's problem is, because he's just being so obvious about it? Even I had a hard time figuring it out, heh. Shiiiiiiiiiny reviews, spaaaaaarkly reviews...