Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ New ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Mm, pretty fire :D
AN: (sweatdrop) Well, it turned out to be a more of a normal-length wait, actually... maybe even a couple days over normal...? (weeps) And it took - from my incredibly lazy point of view, of course - a feat of super-human strength just to get it out this soon (in spite of having it basically all written already, yes. Whatever will I do when I get to college and actually have to do real work...?). Okay, let's see. First of all, there was Gaia. (makes rude gesture at Gaia) Well, at least I'm gaining more insight into the workings of love/hate relationships, but still... And then, I went to the public library for the first time after living here for six years, and discovered, (gasp!), that they actually have a semi-decent collection of manga and anime; that definitely did not help... And then, when I was least expecting it, Real Life snuck up behind me and beat me viciously over the head with an AP European History textbook. And then!!, I finally took a look at this chapter, and decided that in spite of having rewritten it a couple times during the original writing, I needed to do it one more time. So, yeah. (wipes sweat from brow) At long last, here it is, the lemon chapter - and, just for all ya'll nice people who told me I could get away with it, in unedited form! Please note: I know it's somewhat graphic - well, some people might not think so, but on the other hand I know some people might be offended... If you are of the latter persuasion, please for the love of God don't report me right off the bat T.T Even as lazy as I am, I promise that if you just tell me in a review or send me an e-mail or PM, I'll take it down and edit it ASAP. I know I'm going against the rules here, but please understand that a lot of other people wanted me to, too :) ...(headdesk) Argh, the author's note eats my braaaain...
Dark Angel Rath: (crosses fingers) Okay, I'll give it a go... even though I've been booted once before - and for a fic in this fandom, no less... Hee; in any case, thanks for the recommendation.  I've heard of that story before and the summary interested me, but it seems that most of the time I just don't have time to read fics anymore, (tear) Nevertheless, I'll try to remember it :) Moreover, I'm really glad you like the story!  And I'm glad you think they both make good vampires, (cackles suspiciously)
Chizz-muffinChik: Hee, I think we all love Kharl.  Those who claim they don't are just in denial.  But, as for whether things turn out all right in the end... well, it might depend on your definition of all right.  Or who you ask.  Aw, they'll sort everything out eventually ;) (nods) And, yeah, I don't think the lemon leaves too much to the imagination, but on the other hand it's not exactly a kinkfest, more romantic and a bit silly than anything else (cus these two are cute like that :D)...
Sarehptar: XD Goodie, I'm glad you didn't think that little so-called plot twist was too cliché (well, more like, I think we can both agree that it was cliché, but in a good way, lol...).  Heh - on the other hand, I hope I don't wind up being chased around with a big ass sword, for not going in to more detail about the parents' reactions; Chizz-chan wanted that too... (sweats) Perhaps I was just over-eager to get to the really fun stuff?  Or perhaps I thought that it could just as easily be summed up in a few sentences?  Or maybe I just went with the first thing that popped in to my head, like usual...?  Hee.  German rave parties?  Oh, that only sounds like just about the funnest thing in the whole world, I wanna go...!  But even more so, I'm glad you like the bit about Hawaii , because, (whusp), that shall be referred to again in a later chapter... Only referred to, though; no actual descriptions of shirtlessness T.T Perhaps a side-shot sequel-thing is in order...?  Hee, and, Doberman!  Such a noble, loyal puppy he is :D It's even funnier if you've read a certain Pet Shop of Horrors story, I forget which book it was in... As for your second-to-last paragraph... (snort, giggle) No comment! (beam) And yes, by the way, you are forgiven for not reviewing (a lot of people didn't know about it), especially since your friend Leeayre sent me such a mind-blowingly long, wonderful criticism by e-mail... and I've had her response to my reply sitting in my inbox for about a week now, speaking of; I'm such a horrible person, heh...
Turtle Kid: (squee) You like OffBeat too?  Yay, I adore that manga! :D But more importantly, I'm glad you didn't think the wait was too long.  If I was writing it as I went, I wouldn't think two weeks was anything either, but I feel bad because it's pretty much all finished, aside from the occasional bit of editing that I have to do because it's sooo ooold...  Also, I know what you mean about the problem of planning your stories, lol.  I need to have a basic plan or else I'm not confident enough, and yet if I plan it out too much then I wind up getting bored.  In this story, for instance, another reason it's split into three arcs in my head is that each of them were kind of planned out separately.  It's merely a coincidence that each part wound up being five chapters; those splits really represent the times when I had to take a long hiatus to figure out what the heck to write next, heh... (nods) As for the lemon, yeah, that's what I'm hoping.  It's not like it was the whole point of the story (considering that there are still more chapters!), and it's more romantic than kinky in any case... well, I hope people think it's a little kinky, hee...
Ronin-N-Gang: XD lol, sorry it took so long.  For my part, hopefully I can keep that from happening again :) But, but, what is this `If' story you speak of?  I heart Saiyuki, so I wanna read it, but ff net won't let me search with just the word `If' T.T Who's it by...?  Hee, yes, a lot of people think I'm crazy for liking Kharl too.  I tell them they're just in denial; all the cool people like Kharl. (nods) Yup!  All... five of us... eheheh... (grin) But in any case, I'm glad that you've been looking forward to the lemon.  Since every single person who reviewed said I would probably be able to get away with it, it's unedited... even though I'm still nervous about it, what with having been booted once before, and for a story in this fandom too; heh... (crosses fingers)...
Xooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooX
Chapter Twelve: New
Xooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooX
Just calling it `spring break' did not, apparently, make it any more inviting. At least it hadn't snowed recently, but that didn't stop the weather from being bitterly cold. Rath stalked along the wind-swept sidewalks, lined with bare-branched and shivering trees, and exercised to its fullest his ability to impose an aura of darkness and gloom upon anyone in the immediate area.
The bastards (his parents) had even been monitoring his phone calls. The only reason Rath was here now was the handy tree outside his window. They probably wouldn't be doing this if the couple hadn't let on that their feelings were mutual, but it had been the only way to stop them pressing charges. It hadn't been enough to stop them firing Kharl, unfortunately. Rath had taken his revenge by not doing a bit of homework for the week since, not that it had accomplished anything.
So now he walked. He had been doing so for quite some time. He wasn't exactly sure where he was going, except that he was fairly certain it would be someplace far, far away. Hah, so there.
Sadly, he was becoming more aware by the minute that he couldn't feel his knees. Not to mention how hungry he was. He'd left before lunch, and it surely must be about dinner time by now. Normal kids at least took a backpack when they ran away, didn't they?
A street light flickered on as he walked beneath it and he stopped to stare, as transfixed as a moth. He was only distracted when, down the road, other lamps began to follow suit one by one. After a moment he sighed and leaned against the pole, bothering to take in his surroundings for the first time in a while.
He found with grim humor that he was in one of those typical cozy suburban areas, the kind with a white picket fence, 2.5 children, and a dog. It was also probably the kind that had one of those neighborhood watch programs, maybe if he was lucky somebody'd at least call the police and he'd have a place to spend the night...
Rath let himself slide down the lamppost until he was sitting, and tried vainly to massage some warmth back into his legs. He wished with every fiber of his being for a cheeseburger, as another wave of dizziness broke over him.
I don't think I've ever... been this pitiful before, wow...
At first he wondered if he'd jinxed himself and it really was the police, when he looked up to find a car purring down the street towards him. Except that, as `purring' implied, there were no sirens, and no lights either. Plus the vehicle was neon blue. It did pull up beside him, though, and Rath stared as the driver's-side window rolled down to reveal crazily-spiked lavender hair...
“Neon blue?” he asked eventually, because it sounded appropriate. Kharl grinned at him.
“What did you expect, black? Any vampire can have a black car.” Rath just shook his head, looking dazed, so he added, “Come on, get in.”
Rath was silent for a good ten minutes, at which point he finally got bored with watching the scenery, because they were circling the block. He said: “How did you do that? Find me?”
Kharl glanced sideways at him with amusement in his eyes. “You know how they say you always instinctively know where the one you love is?”
“Which is so lame I could puke.”
“Except with vampires, who you might know have very good instincts. Of course, it helps if you also know a witch...”
Rath grimaced. “So everybody knows I'm gone now?”
“Afraid so.” Kharl smiled gently, watching the road. “Does this mean you really don't want me to take you home, then?”
“Would I have come this far if I wanted to go back?” he asked grouchily.
Kharl rolled his eyes. “Well, I don't know, it just seems like it was a rather impulsive decision on your part, but perhaps appearances are deceiving.” Rath's stomach chose that moment to growl for emphasis, and Rath merely sulked. Kharl smirked. “And on that note, would you like to come to dinner?”
Rath eyed Kharl's black-feathered wings with a grin, but decided not to rise to the bait. Anyone could make that joke. “Sure.”
So they drove through the land of fuel-inefficient SUV's and tire swings, and a peaceful sort of silence settled over them because Kharl didn't ask any questions so Rath didn't say anything, either. This was abruptly shattered, however, when they arrived at Kharl's house.
You live here?” Rath demanded as they pulled into the driveway, too shocked to resist stating the obvious. “We're still in the middle of the set for fucking Edward Scissorhands! What is wrong with you?”
“Believe it or not, a person can get tired of living in a castle on a hill,” Kharl said mildly.
Rath groaned. “Oh, good one, very nice,” he grumbled miserably as they followed the front walk to the door.
Kharl's house, Rath discovered, seemed to betray no eccentricity other than that which would be naturally warranted to a teacher. It was tastefully furnished with a touch of classic elegance - what of it he could see, anyway; it was also rather messy. The tables, chairs, shelves, couches, and even the floor were all littered primarily with papers and books, though the occasional knickknack shoved above the sea of decay. Rath caught sight of an old record player as they passed through the living room and arched an eyebrow; okay, maybe a little eccentric...
When Kharl led him into the dining room, however, all of this was abruptly put out of his mind. Rath gaped. The millions of books were still present, but now they were being put to good use rather than just lying around, as holders for a small army of candles. At the center of it all was a little table, one of the places at which was set with enough food to feed a small army.
“Should I even ask how...?” he wondered eventually.
“Oh, but why bother?” Kharl asked with a chuckled. “What do you think? I believe you said something about a fancy dinner...”
“I told you I didn't want one, moron,” Rath said, but he was grinning. “Anyway, I can't believe you left the house with all these lit. If one of them fell down this place would go up in like two seconds.” He said all this as he took a seat in the chair Kharl had graciously pulled out for him.
“You're blushing,” the vampire said simply, in Rath's ear, which only served to worsen said condition.
“Yeah, well, you did it, you fag,” Rath accused. Kharl choked on a laugh; Rath rolled his eyes and started eating without waiting for an invitation.
Eventually Kharl managed to compose himself again, though he couldn't help but grin a bit as he said, with otherwise perfect formal solemnity, “Do you mind if I drink?”
Rath grinned again. “Go right ahead.”
So the vampire disappeared into the kitchen, and meandered back a minute or two later with a glass of what could've easily passed as rich red wine. He took a seat across from Rath and merely watched him eat for a few minutes, smiling in the soft candle-light. Eventually, though, he spoke. “So, Rath... Out of curiosity, can I assume that you really don't have any plans?”
He shrugged. “Well, I didn't when I left,” he said casually, “but now I guess I'm gonna stay with you.”
Kharl scoffed. “Oh really?”
“Well, you're not going to turn me in to my parents, are you?” Rath demanded.
Kharl sighed, and gave Rath a calculating look. “Far be it for me to play the part of the fussy old man and hinder your rebellious escape from conformity, of course, but I just think you ought to know that you'll probably regret it later.” When Rath glowered at him, he grinned suddenly and toothily back. “In more ways than one, possibly.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you'll eventually miss your parents,” he said matter-of-factly, “and don't tell me you won't, even if you don't miss Lykouleon and Raseleane, you'll miss your parents. And also...” He hesitated, sweeping his eyes across Rath's form. “Also, you can't really expect me to restrain myself forever in your presence day and night. Again, in more ways than one.”
“Pervert,” Rath complained.
“That's not the way you need to worry about.” Kharl's eyes, Rath noticed, lingered especially long at his throat before hurriedly darting away, and he took a long drink from his wineglass. Rath was silent for a few moments, but when he spoke, it was with confidence.
“So what?”
Kharl arched his eyebrows. “Don't tell me think you want to be a vampire,” he said, with just a ghost of irritation in his voice.
“So do you want me to die in eighty years?” Rath countered. “And sure, maybe it's naïve to want to be immortal, but what's the alternative? Do you want me to want to die in eighty years?”
Kharl grimaced. “No,” he admitted, and sighed in a defeated way that implied that he didn't want to talk about it anymore. Rath just beamed.
“So does that mean I can move in, then?”
Kharl shook his head, but it was merely an expression of exasperation; a moment later, he laughed. “You leave me no choice, I suppose. Just consider yourself warned.” Rath gave a mock salute, chopsticks in hand, and went back to eating.
Eventually they moved into the stage of the evening where serious conversation lost its luster and they talked of little things - like Kharl's latest hopeful job and whether Rune had tried to meet any more vampires yet - and then they moved past that too, and into the stage where Rath was slouched back and sliding out of his chair moaning about how stuffed he was, and Kharl had gone through three glasses and was feeling quiet comfortable. Kharl chuckled, watching him with half-lidded eyes.
“You look silly,” he declared. Rath just shrugged, suggesting that this was not his greatest concern at the moment, and clutched his stomach. Kharl shook his head again, in amusement, and stood. “Well, there's no bed - not much use for one, you know - but I'll help you clear a couch off,” he offered. Rath shrugged again wordlessly, and followed him back out into the living room.
They made quick work together of pulling the stacks of books off of one of Kharl's grand and antique-looking couches, and the winged one stepped back to eye it critically. “I hope you'll be comfortable. I should have some blankets around somewhere...”
Rath smirked. “What are you, my mother? I'll be fine.”
“Your mother? How cold...” With a smirk of his own, Kharl finally gave in and reached out to wrap a hand around the back of Rath's head, and pulled him into a kiss. As Kharl delved his tongue greedily into his mouth, Rath discovered that his knees had grown rather weak, but he was hard-pressed to care. After some period of time that Rath found to be entirely too short, Kharl pulled away enough to murmur, “I doubt it...”
Rath just gave him a glazed look, however, not quite able to remember what they'd been talking about, and pulled him back. Kharl found that he couldn't really complain about this treatment, so when the boy sunk feebly onto the couch, he half-stood over him with one knee on the couch as well, and held Rath's face gently to show him how to angle his mouth just so.
For his part, all Rath could do was hang on to the front of Kharl's shirt and be in awe of this kiss, as usual. Somewhere in the back of his head a little storm of implications was brewing, despite his best efforts to ignore it. Everybody knew what a couple really amazing kisses could lead to, especially alone at night at your boyfriend's house, on his couch... even if you were a guy yourself... Rath shuddered as Kharl gradually slipped one hand down the side of his face to his neck, then to his shoulder to play with his shirt collar, and then down across his chest to rest at his hip...
All in all, even Kharl had a little color in his cheeks when he abruptly pulled away. “I warned you,” he pointed out with a small, awkward smile. “You need your sleep-”
At which point he found himself on his back on the floor with Rath kneeling over him, a strangely intense look in his eyes. “You're a damn tease,” he snapped.
Kharl stared at him, nonplused. “Tease? I didn't want to rush you-”
“Rush me?” Rath rolled his eyes. “Wasn't I the one complaining the other day that you were taking everything too slow?” With that, he kissed him roughly once again. Kharl sighed against his lips, knowing that he was going to have a great deal of difficulty controlling himself once it came to a certain point, but still not quiet able to protest...
It was a minute or two later when Rath suddenly moaned, and even Kharl couldn't hold back a low hiss, as their middles accidentally brushed. Rath gave Kharl a wide-eyed, startled look, but then graced him with another feverish kiss and rocked his hips forward again. Kharl groaned into his mouth, and reached up to the small of Rath's back to pull him closer and arched his back at the same time. He couldn't help but find it strangely erotic, albeit almost humorous as well, to allow himself to be dominated by this child of a boy that he... felt so strongly about...
Kisses, Rath was finding, were very wet, especially when made sloppy with passion. But that was okay, just like it was okay that Kharl tasted suspiciously coppery, because that was just what Kharl tasted like. Rath moaned again as Kharl thrust his tongue deep into his mouth, only serving to intensify that tense ache in his stomach. It was such a powerful feeling that it made him dizzy, and he could tell from the delicious way Kharl writhed beneath him that he felt it too...
Abruptly, though somewhat regretfully, Kharl flipped Rath onto his back, and beamed down at him. Rath noted vaguely that the man's eyes had taken on a reddish, lustful sheen. “You rush things too much, dear,” Kharl informed him huskily.
“Don't call me `dear',” Rath growled in response, and quickly dragged him down by the hair for another kiss before he could say `okay, honey' or something like that. Kharl left his lips soon, to trace an intoxicatingly slow trail of kisses down to his collarbone, while at the same time reaching a hand up under the boy's shirt. Rath gasped in surprise and arched into the touch when Kharl brushed one of his nipples, and Kharl smirked.
“You like that?” he murmured, mock-sultry.
“Pervert,” Rath snarled. This only caused Kharl to smirk more, and to swiftly yank the boy's shirt off. Rath didn't protest - though he might have just been startled speechless - but either way, Kharl first returned to where he'd left off at his collarbone and kissed down across his chest before finally taking his nipple into his mouth. Rath gave an agonized whimper and arched up again most wonderfully as he suckled and lapped roughly at it, so Kharl moved over to give the second nipple the same treatment. Utterly delighted by the way he was squirming, Kharl licked and kissed his way down to Rath's stomach, to swirl his tongue around the boy's navel - and then he glanced up at him, and it was Rath's turn to find something illogically sexy; Kharl's eyes were blood-red.
“You had better tell me to stop right now,” Kharl threatened, crawling up his slight form again to nuzzle his neck.
“Don't you dare,” Rath breathed, and sunk the fingers of one hand into the man's hair in anticipation of whatever was to come. That ache in his stomach seemed to be filling his whole body. Kharl grimaced, knowing that he would probably be most disappointed in himself later - but then his fingers were fumbling with the zipper of Rath's pants and pulling it down to allow him to reach underneath.
Rath let out a wordless half-scream and bucked his hips, his own hand flying down to cover Kharl's and press it harder against him. While he lay there trembling and drew a shaky breath, Kharl grinned again. What a sensitive boy...
When Kharl's fingers curled around Rath's erect length and began to move, Rath's hand grew weak against his, and he gradually gave up on trying to guide him and just lay, moaning, beneath him. This was really, he realized, the most incredible thing he'd ever felt; knowing it was Kharl - who could make his stomach go funny just by looking at him - who was doing this to him just made it that much better. Considering how aroused he had already been from Kharl's previous ministrations, it was really no surprise that, when Kharl kissed him deeply again, he couldn't hold back anymore and tumbled over the edge with an almost startled, animal cry.
When he was finally able to open his eyes again, he added an embarrassed blush to his already flushed state, because Kharl was sitting on his stomach licking his fingers and was looking down at him with a decidedly wicked expression. “Was that all?” he inquired, and grinned hugely. “Don't tell me - I was your first?”
“I'm going to rip your hair out,” Rath grumbled, if a bit breathlessly.
“Next time I do that to you, probably,” Kharl agreed, and kissed him. It was a slow, soft kiss at first, but eventually Rath leaned up into it and deepened it, acquiescing to engage in a lazy dance of tongues. He reached up one hand, fingers splayed out, to tentatively touch Kharl's chest, and was pleased when the vampire made some sound in the back of his throat and leaned into the contact. “...like that?” he muttered, and smirked. Kharl gave a deep chuckle, and sat back.
“Don't tell me you haven't had enough yet?” he asked, feigning incredulity.
“Have you?” Rath returned bluntly.
“Never,” he said, with feeling, and Rath didn't even have time to consider the possible insinuations of the sentiment, because Kharl was kissing him again. And while he did so, he slipped a hand down Rath's side - sending shivers up his spine with just the brush of a fingertip - and between his legs, eliciting a startled yelp.
“But I thought you said you knew you were gay,” Kharl said curiously. “Didn't you ever read gay porn?”
Rath gaped at him. “No!”
“...Shut up.” Rath shifted impatiently under him and gave him a you're-so-dumb glare; Kharl merely beamed devilishly. Finding that Rath was more relaxed now, he slid a finger into his entrance. Rath grimaced more from discomfort than pain, so Kharl kissed him again to distract him. He could tell the black-haired boy was really wondering what the point to all this was, by the way he grimaced again when he added first a second and then a third finger. Determined to show him before they got to the painful part, Kharl prodded a bit further... and Rath's whole body suddenly convulsed, and he had to pull out of the kiss to gasp for breath.
“And I think you really like that,” Kharl purred, and for once Rath was too stunned to offer a hot-tempered reply, but merely nodded faintly; he even frowned in disappointment when Kharl abruptly stood. Kharl ignored it, though, and stared down at him with his glowing eyes for a moment before commanding softly: “If you really want to do this, take off the rest of your clothes.” And Rath couldn't help but obey, because Kharl was doing the same. His shirt, Rath noticed, had laces in the back so that it could be taken off around the wings; he watched as the vampire undid them with deceptive ease, and then moved on... And when he was done, Rath was so entranced by how he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen that he could almost ignore the fact that Kharl was staring at him in an equally lecherous fashion.
Kharl stepped forward to kiss him after a moment, though, and presently Rath was overcome by a sense of warmth and quiet as the lavender-haired man pulled him gently to his knees on the floor. It took Rath a moment to realize in his already hazy state that Kharl had wrapped his wings around him as well as his arms; he smiled, and rested his head against Kharl's chest.
“You really should at least try to get me to stop,” Kharl said, and laughed in a strained sort of fashion. “Though I promise nothing at this point.”
“You talk too much, you know that?” Rath asked, touching Kharl's lips lightly. He felt the skin beneath his fingers stir, as if the vampire were about to protest further - but the only sound that came out was a strangled groan, as Rath thrust himself down onto Kharl's length.
He hissed and bit his lip, and Kharl managed to stroke his face in a concerned fashion but couldn't seem to do much else at the moment but keep holding him. Once his ragged breaths had slowed somewhat, Rath shifted in a way that made Kharl choke on air. “Move,” he insisted.
Kharl inhaled rather shakily himself, and laid Rath gently onto his back before pulling out half-way or so and pushing forward again. Rath's eyes fluttered closed and his lips trembled invitingly, so Kharl bent down to claim them and thrust harder.
At this point Rath's world collapsed into a much smaller sphere that only had room for a blurry mix of sweat and skin and limbs and the white-hot heat pooling inside him again in a whole new way. When Kharl reached between them to stroke his length again, more roughly than before, he thought his body might tear itself apart right then. He managed to hold himself together for a little while, though, even with Kharl moaning in his ear. It was only when he opened his eyes to find himself looking into Kharl's eyes, red-glazed blue as they were and set in that gorgeous face that was currently shining with sweat and slightly but not unattractively contorted in concentration, that he just had to let go or die. He opened his mouth in a silent scream and his back arched of its own accord as he clawed at Kharl's arms desperately; the vampire followed a moment later with a frantic gasp of Rath's name into Rath's lips...
And after that they lay there for a very long time, listening to each other's breathing slow. Eventually, even that faded away, and nothing could be heard but their heartbeats and a clock ticking somewhere, and everything was soft around the edges.
Rath snuggled closer, mumbling something about being cold. Kharl blinked blearily around, and tugged on something sticking out of the edge of the encroaching clutter - the item revealed itself to be an afghan. After a moment or two of blank staring, an expression of recollection crossed Rath's face, and he tried vainly to choke back his giggles; Kharl remained suspiciously solemn as he draped the shawl over them.
“You know, Kharl, I - love you.”
“Too cliché,” Kharl announced, and then buried his nose in the boy's hair to hide his ridiculous grin. “I love you, too...”
Xooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooX
The first thing Rath became aware of upon waking was that he had fallen asleep. He hadn't meant to do that; for one thing, he hadn't wanted to leave Kharl alone. And yet, there it was - the warmth and comforting solidity of a body still beside him - well... wow...
He opened his eyes to find Kharl staring back at him from a few inches away. “Do you dye this?” he demanded, and tugged lightly on the white section of Rath's hair. “It's been driving me crazy, but I didn't want to wake you...”
Rath eyed him quizzically. “No, I was struck by lightening.” Kharl chuckled, and it occurred to the boy that perhaps he had wanted to hear his response more than the answer...
Rath tilted his head up and gave Kharl a quick kiss, to through him off his guard, and then asked: “Kharl? Will you make me a vampire now?”
It was a little sad to see how the man's gaze turned cold, but Rath stared defiantly back. “Ah... I was under the distinct impression that we had discussed this already...”
“So? I want to talk about it some more.” Kharl sighed, but Rath was resolute. “For starters, if it's so bad, why didn't you just let the Council kill you?”
“...Do we really have to do this now?” Rath just stared at him, and so Kharl took another deep breath and held it for a moment. “I see... Well, if we must talk about it at all...
“First of all, the Council could never have killed me, in the human sense. Even having a stake driven through one's heart wouldn't be a real death, you see? It's like a nightmare of starvation that you can't wake up from, except that the pain is real...” He made a face, fingering a few strands of Rath's hair without seeing. “Believe me, I've tried it before. There is no escaping this existence. All these years, and the pain and temptation every night - you know, it could take you centuries to even be able to be this close to a mortal without killing them - they're so much greater than anything you could be feeling right now.”
“You don't know what I'm feeling right now,” Rath grumbled.
“I don't need to.” Kharl smiled darkly. “This may be the last thing you want to hear right now, but you're not the first person I've been with. And yet, obviously, I am alone now. Nothing lasts forever.”
Rath was silent for a long time. Finally he said, a bit bitterly, “So? I would... `give up' my mortality for just two hundred years of... this.”
“Maybe you think so now,” Kharl said gently, “but what about the off chance that you got tired of me after a decade or two? It's not exactly unheard of, in case you hadn't noticed. Where would you be then?”
“Yeah, I could get sick of you in twenty years, or I could get run over by a car tomorrow,” Rath returned. “It's not just about how long I get to spend with you... I also want to know what you're going through.”
Kharl stared at him. “You think you would be able to console me if you were suffering too...?”
Rath looked down. After a moment, he switched tactics rather than answer. “So you could do it for the other people you loved, but not me?” he demanded.
“I didn't do it because they asked me to,” Kharl said, with perhaps a bit more force than was necessary. “I was a monster back then; just be glad you didn't meet me until now.”
“Oh, I'm thrilled,” Rath snapped, and glared suddenly at him. “God, you bastard! You really are acting like a parent! Why don't you stop worrying about what you think is best for me, and just do it because I want you to?”
Kharl sat up and stretched, and cast him a disparaging look over his shoulder. “How could I say I loved you if I did that?”
“Because I won't believe you otherwise,” Rath said through gritted teeth. “If you don't do this, I might as well go home, since you obviously don't want me around!” And from the way he glared insolently, it was obvious that the last thing he was expecting was for Kharl to laugh.
“`You might as well go home'? My dear boy, if you can give up that easily, I really don't think you're cut out for immorality.”
Rath stared at him with wide eyes for a moment or two, and then he rolled over onto his side, facing away. Kharl pursed his lips, aware that he'd really blown it, somehow... He decided that it would probably be best to give the boy some space, and stood; Rath remained dead to the world as he replaced his scattered clothes and left the room.
Kharl pottered into the kitchen and ladled himself another glass of the stuff that was gently steaming on the stove, and wondered what on earth they were going to do. How in the world had they wound up arguing after something like that? How were they supposed to live together civilly if they could do that? More to the point, how were they supposed to live together after doing that...?
He finished off his glass and got another, even though he wasn't really hungry, and stared out the kitchen window for a while to try to quell his growing feeling of unease. Everything looked right; the air was crisp and the stars were out, a perfect night for flying... He sighed, and abandoned the half-finished glass on the counter to go find Rath.
Rath was no longer in the living room - nor were his clothes - and Kharl cursed his worthless instincts. “Rath?” he called, annoyed by how plaintive it sounded, and wondered whether he was even still in the house. But he'd been so adamant about not going home earlier... “Rath?”
This time, he got a reply. It was faint, from another room, but still discernable to a vampire's ears: “Fuck you!” Kharl sighed in relief.
He headed in the direction he thought the voice had come from until he found a suspiciously closed bathroom door; he rapped smartly on it. “Now, now - locking yourself in the bathroom again? Isn't that a bit over the top?”
“It's not locked, you bastard.” Rath's voice broke as he spoke... Kharl sighed, steeling himself for perhaps some raging-teenage-hormones induced tears, and let himself in.
But of course it couldn't be that easy. The overwhelming smell temporarily froze him in place, as irresistible as a glacier, and he wondered why he'd thought that it could possibly be that easy. When had it ever been that easy...?
Rath's face was pale, and he had broken out into a light cold sweat, but there was no sign of tears. Instead, he stood with his left arm submerged to the elbow in the sink, which was plugged and full of... red water... For once, Kharl's cool exterior utterly failed him. He rushed forward with a cry to jerk Rath's arm out where he could see it, and nearly just broke down at the way Rath yelped at the jarring movement, at the way the flesh was so totally mangled...
Rath smiled thinly as he let Kharl lay him down on the floor. “Now you'll have to...” He didn't finish the sentence, but Kharl thought he got the idea.
“Godsdammit, you're not going to die!” He shook the boy by the shoulders, ignoring the look of pain that crossed his face again. “I'll call the police - I can be gone by the time they get here-”
Rath grabbed his sleeve as he moved to stand, and in spite of the way his hand was trembling, he did a good job of looking smug. “Listen to yourself. You're panicking... Why? You know I'm too far gone... you have to...” He closed his eyes. “You have to, because... I don't want to die.” He laughed like it was really funny, but he sounded tired.
Kharl covered his face with a somewhat bloodied hand for a moment while he composed himself, and then he was able to frown coldly down at the fading boy. “You know this is wrong, Rath,” he stated. “In the long run, you'd be happier if I let you die.”
Rath chuckled. “You're so sure... guess I can't argue... But what about you?”
Kharl stared at him. That... was cruel. That was below the belt. That was really just too much... “Bastard,” Rath murmured lovingly.
What else could he do, when he said something like that? He'd run out of time, anyway. He gathered Rath up in his arms, noting how he was already as limp as a puppet...
Turning someone into a vampire, Kharl knew, was the most darkly sensual experience possible, and it had been so many centuries... Even the best love-making was downright boring in comparison, and he knew in the back of his mind that he wouldn't be able to be around humans for weeks. The state of searing ecstasy he was in rendered him so nearly incapable of thinking, however, that it took him some time to even realize the identity of the moister pouring uncontrollably down his cheeks. If only the boy would stop screaming, he reflected muzzily...
And then, there it was. Rath's eyes had always had a red tint to them, but nevertheless these were not the eyes of the boy he knew. They were crazed, feral... He was beyond making any sound, now, and merely trembled spastically as a pain many times greater than the one that had just almost killed him wracked his body, centering on the brand new wings emerging from his back. Kharl felt oddly detached, still more than a little buzzed as he was, and he remembered all the other people he'd done this to and wondered what it felt like...
Eventually Rath relaxed, falling back into his arms choking for breath. Kharl stood up with him and carried him, bridal-style, out to the kitchen, where he watched impassively as the boy devoured everything that was left in the pot until his trembling stopped. After he was done he lay down on the floor, so Kharl picked him up again and carried him back to the couch. Rath lay with his eyes closed, breathing shallowly now, but he tossed and turned and Kharl knew he was discovering how impossible sleep was now, and would be...
How many times had he seen this before? he wondered. It had been so long that he'd actually dared to hope... He really hadn't changed at all, had he?
Xooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooX
AN: Oh, my... So dramatic T.T Maybe too dramatic...? Well, I'm sure you knew it had to happen sometime, nervous grin. The whole attempted-suicide bit was completely Bulma Wannabe-senpai's idea, blame her... But at least I finally got to give them a lemon!! (happy) Hmm... now as long as no one decided to just report me after all after reading it... (sweats) R&R?