Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ Steal The Covers ❯ Lykouleon ( Chapter 5 )
A fresh breeze carried the scent of spring into my study. I eyed the window and wondered if it was big enough for me to fit through and escape. Then I stood up, the way I have to stand up to Tetheus and say that I'm just not interested. I paced a bit before adding Alfeegi to the list. Maybe not on the same day, though. Another pace reminded me that they're not the only ones: Ruwalk does it too. All three swamp me with unimportant things and dither over the important ones. My job should involve important issues, or at least the entertaining ones. Good old Kai, his briefs are always interesting, if not relevant; they give me the urge to leave the castle and experience them for myself.
I looked out that window and my gaze flew to the walls surrounding the grounds. Maybe I could head off on a diplomatic mission. Rath could come with me. It's about time that he leaned that part of our lives.
I stood there a while longer, watching the castle urchins in a brief bout of play on the grass, trying to put several things out of my mind, such as the unpleasant business that I'd already had to deal with that morning. Things like that really put the small stuff into perspective. Poor guy, he took the news badly; started trembling as soon as he caught wind of what I was suggesting. He's very quick. I hate to send him, but he's the best choice and these are the choices that I have to make.
A glance at the clock revealed that I'd been standing there long enough and it was time to go. Today I would be free of meaningless drivel, as long as Tetheus didn't catch me.
A cross-wind caught me when I opened the door. The castle was falling to pieces if there were draughts this strong. I hoped that Cernozura had noticed and was dealing with it. I would have to mention it the next time I saw Alfeegi and ask him to increase the maintenance budget. We might be able to use some money that had been allocated for weapons. Tetheus had expected a rise in the price of iron, but when a new mine opened unexpectedly, the price fell. I wasn't sure how much the surplus was, but every penny would go toward stone-masons.
My back twinged when I stepped fully out of the comfy study. I wondered if I'd pulled something, or if it was the way I had slept the night before. If I didn't recover too quickly, it would give me ammunition to use against Raseleane. Our habitual fight over the covers had turned into our habitual tussle under them. I don't usually mind, in fact I find it quite enjoyable, but it is difficult to keep the romantic fever going when your bottom is freezing: muscles seize up; you get a cramp and suddenly it's all gone horribly wrong and it's all your fault.
We never have this problem when we sleep in my bed. It's much bigger; there's plenty of room to stretch out and stay warm; there's no need to cling together and I wake up so rested. I could stay there that night, if my ailment lingered, although it's an empty place without Raseleane; far too big and ridiculous for one. I get lost in it when she's away. It's hard to sleep without a heavy lump on my chest, cutting off my breathing. That helps me drop right off.
It's strange that the most powerful man in Draqueen can't get a blanket big enough to cover himself and his wife at night. We always seem to huddle up and yet only just get all of our appendages under the sheets. Every night in her bed, we risk frost-bite - I remember waking up one winter night, so cold that I was numb and turning over to see herself wrapped in layer after layer of blanket. She'd rolled over so many times in her sleep that she'd caught the sheets and they'd wound around her. If she hadn't panicked and thought that she was trapped when I woke her up, I would have gotten upset. Extracting her was difficult. I laughed a lot and her pride was hurt. She struck me with one of her weak punches; I fell over; she pounced; her lower body was still trapped and somehow her struggles dislodged her, the blankets and brought the mattress down on top of us. Since we were already sweaty and too hyped up to sleep, we built a tent and cavorted, before remaking our bed on the floor.
A smile lit my face and my step grew lighter. My back suddenly didn't twinge so painfully. It's funny that one wonderful memory can ease your heart.
It was wonderful, but sometimes a man just wants to sleep. Women don't seem to understand that. If you go to bed and fall asleep they think that they've failed. What's wrong with a snooze? Making love is a great thing, but rest when you're tired...
Sure, she always manages to get me excited, but just once I'd like to resist her and prove that sleeping together can be just as caring as making love.
Still trying to improve. If you've anything to point out that can help, please let me know.