Dragoon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Who knew? ❯ Prolog ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I dont own any of the characters of Slayers or LOD. I own only my created characters.

A/N: This is my first fic. Check it out and tell me what u think.

Dart: Its about time som1 wrote a story about me!
Jax: Its my first story. Write somthing good about me.
Shana: What about me? Am I in this story?
Author: No sorry Shana. Not this time.
Shana: What the fuck is this? Dart do somthing!
Jax: I think he is over there talking to Lina.
Shana: What the fuck? *Is seen stomping over to Dart and Lina* Dart! What are u doing?!
Dart: Uh...I just found out that I would be dating Lina in the story, so I figured I should meet her b4 the story.
Shana: Dart, the author is cutting me out of the story. Do somthin!
Dart: Uh.. um.. gotta fly! *Dart turns dragoon and flys away as fast as possible. Jax and Lina watch in amazement as Shana transforms and chases Dart.*
Shana: Oh no u dont Dart, get ur ass back here right now!
Author: I think I..uh..should start the story now.
Jax and Lina: Good idea.
Lina: I think u should hurry b4 she seriously hurts him. I dont think that his armor will hold up much longer. *She watches as Shana shoots Dart out of the sky.*

***Cue the intro music***
The words "explosion!" are heard and the stereo system explodes.
Dart: I hate that music. Hit it Jax!
Cue loud rock music.
Dart: Yea thats 4better!
Author: Fuck man! That stereo cost me almost a thousand bucks! *Author takes a page out of FF8 and does the Lion Heart to Dart, and leaves him battered.*
*Squall pops in.*
Squall: Hey thats my move! Get ur own move to use.
Author: Hey man I was just borrowing it. Chill out.
Squall: Yea whatever. *Leaves the fic.*
Author: If u ever mess with my shit again I will leave u in a room with Shana after she reads my story.
*Dart gets up and looks at the author* What so bad about that?
*Author smiles evilly* Mess up my shit again and find out. U gotta buy me a new stereo system.
Dart: Fine.


Dart and Jax were walking down the street with their girlfriends, Lina and Naga. The fiery redhead was arguing with Dart about what they should do for the weekend. Dart settles the arguement by grabbing Lina and kissing her lightly. Lina sputters to a stop and scowls, saying 'I hate it when u do that.' Dart laughs and turns to his friend, Jax. 'Hey Jax, have u and Naga improved ur ice powers?' 'Yeah,' Jax replies, 'I have created a new attack.' 'Really? Show me.' 'Sure.' Jax raises his hand and it glows blue for a second, then a bright blue ball of fire appears. 'I call it blue fire.' Dart laughs. 'Obviously.' 'My red fire is still stronger.'
No its not.
Is too.
Prove it!
Dart gathers energy for his red fire. After his fireball forms, he and Jax square off. They throw their balls of fire at each other. An explosion of blue and red light ensues. When the dust clears, both Dart and Jax are lieing on the ground. They sat up, out of breath. <Damn, his blue fire is nearly as strong as mine. I shouldnt have held back.> Dart is the first one up. Jax follows. They look at each other, and Jax says 'See I told u it was as strong as urs.'
I was holding back.
Stop lying.
Im not.
Dont make me go dragoon on ur ass!!
Lets go!!
At this point the girls, who had retreated a safe distance away, stepped in. 'Hey guys, calm down,' Lina said. When the men pulled out their dragoon spirits, Lina and Naga took action. Lina blasted Jax with her fireball attack, and Naga froze Dart where he stood. Dart heated up his body temp to unfrfeeze himself, and then Jax landed next to Naga, smoking. Lina helped Dart to melt himself with a fireball. 'Thanks babe,' Dart said. Lina punched him, 'Dont thanks babe me!' Naga helped Jax up and dusted him off. He turns to Dart and says 'I think Lina is still stronger than u.' 'Ditto with Naga.' They get up and laugh loudly while the girls look on exasperatedly. Lina and Naga look at each other with a look on their face that says "why me?" Lina looks at her watch and yelps in surprise. 'Dart we gotta go or we gonna be late for the movie!' 'Shit I paid $13 bucks for that ticket!' 'Sorry guys but we gotta go.' 'Later,' called Naga. Dart and Lina run up the street to Dart's house to get the tickets, and they rush to Dart's car, and drive to the local movie theater. On the way there, Lina leans over and kisses Dart and lays her head on his shoulder. 'Thanks for getting tickets to the movie I wanted to see.' 'Anything for u baby.' Lina whisper something in Dart's ear and his eyes light up. 'When?' he asks. 'Tomorrow night, I promise.' 'No more backing out?' 'Yes, yes no more backing out.' 'Good. We're here.' They walk inside and watch their movie. A couple of hours later, they leave the movie theater and head home. Dart drops Lina off at her house with a long kiss goodnight.
A/N: It took them 10 minutes. I had to break them up so I could continue the story. I told them to get a room. Anyway back to the story.
Dart heads home and calls Jax. 'Hey Jax, guess what.' 'Whats up?' 'She said she's ready to fuck.' 'Seriously man?' 'Yeah and I hope she doesnt change her mind.' 'Good luck taming her.' 'U said that when we first started dating.' 'Yea I know.' 'U know what they say about redheads, their real spitfires in bed.' 'Shutup, Jax.' 'Hey im just sayin.' 'Yea whatever. Later man, I gotta get some sleep.' 'Night.'

So what did u think? There will be lemon later on in the story, maybe the next chapters or so. R&R and give me a couple of suggestions on what to do in later chapters.