Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Enemy, My Friend by Kaialicious

Disclaimer: I do not, nor have I ever owned the animation Earthian or the characters of Earthian or any of its merchandise. I in no way make any profit from Earthian or its characters or any of its merchandise.

Warning: This story contains obscene language, rape and adult situations. So if you are underage, please DO NOT READ! You have been warned.

Author's Note: A crisis arises among our angels. It is up to Kagetsuya and Chihaya to help Messiah overcome a terrible ordeal. This story came to me in a dream -a daydream that is.


He told himself that it was none of his concern -that it did not matter to him, but after what he had seen, he could not leave him there. No human deserved that, not even an abomination such as Messiah. Kagetsuya had seen the men enter the building. Something about their behavior had drawn his suspicion. It appeared that the building was some sort of drug den. Kagetsuya watched as the men exchanged packages and examined them, and then retreat to a back room separated by a curtain of colorful plastic beads. The room that they had conducted their business in was empty, so Kagetsuya stepped out of his hiding place and ventured near the beaded curtain. He heard hushed voices and one of the men's laughter.

"This is some strong stuff."

"Yeah. He'll be like this for hours. I've tried it on him before."

Kagetsuya carefully peered through the curtain and saw the two men leaning over a still body that was on a mattress.

"The best thing about this stuff is that once they take it, they won't remember what happened when their lights went out." The man undressed the person that was lying on the mattress. The other undid his pants and nervously licked his lips.

"You've been fucking him too?" he licked his lips.

"He hasn't complained," the dealer said and prepared another syringe.

"Whoa, two shots? Won't that kill him?"

"You won't believe this, but this guy absorbs the stuff. It doesn't last as long with him though so I have to keep doping him up so that he doesn't fight me."

"You're a sick bastard, you know that?" The man made it sound like a compliment and not an insult. He was already thrusting into their poor captive, grunting and perspiring with his efforts.

The other one dipped his head to kiss his victim, and then stuck the needle into the captive's arm. The man shifted, and Kagetsuya gasped as he saw the vacant eyes of Messiah staring back at him.

"Messiah." Kagetsuya couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The man administered the drug and Kagetsuya saw Messiah's fingers twitch. A feeling of dread washed over Kagetsuya. They were killing his spirit, these men. He was like a doll to them. Messiah looked as if he had not eaten in days. His cheeks were sunken, there were shadows beneath his eyes, and he looked leaner than usual. He had not washed himself either. His hair was filthy. Smudges of dirt were on his face and neck. The smell of urine wafted from the room.

The drug dealer's client came all over Messiah and fastened his pants. "I'll buy him for you," he blurted out, his face still red from his exertion.

"He's not for sale," the dealer told him.

"You want him for yourself, you selfish shit."

"You got what you wanted," the dealer shouted. "Now get the fuck out of here!"

The client gave him the finger and headed for the beaded curtain. Kagetsuya hid behind a large wooden crate then returned to spy on the dealer when the client had left.

Kagetsuya's blood boiled at what he saw next. The twisted drug dealer was urinating on the man made angel. Kagetsuya could watch no more of the creature's abuse. He stepped into the room and threw the evil human against the wall.

"Who the hell are you?" the dealer exclaimed when he'd recovered his wits.

Kagetsuya ignored him and went to Messiah. The angel appeared to be in a dream while he was awake. His eyes stared straight through him.

A sound behind him alerted him of the dealer's intentions. Kagetsuya quickly turned and wrenched the chrome-covered gun away from the spiteful human. He placed his hand over the human's face. A bright glow emanated from his palm. The dealer screamed and fell to the floor, lifeless.

Kagetsuya returned to Messiah and wrapped him up in his cloak. He took Messiah from the awful building, wondering what had possessed him to rescue the creature.


Chihaya finished cleaning up the apartment and was about to go outside for a stroll when Kagetsuya returned.

"Kagetsuya, you are back." He noticed that his partner was carrying someone in his arms and he asked him, "Who is that?"

"Messiah," the tall blond answered plainly. "Where were you going, Chihaya? I thought that we agreed that you would not go out without me."

Chihaya blushed in embarrassment and said, "I was just going to take a walk. It wouldn't have taken long."

"Chihaya, it's dangerous out there. I don't want you to get hurt. Now come, I need your help. Messiah is suffering."

Chihaya followed Kagetsuya to the bedroom and helped him take the angel into the shower. He washed the filth form Messiah's body and kissed away the many wounds that had been made by syringes while Kagetsuya held him upright. Messiah's state frightened him.

"Will he be like this forever, Kagetsuya?"

"No. It will take some time, but he will recover." Kagetsuya tilted Messiah's head back into the spray of the water to wash away the suds from the shampoo.

"What did this to him?" Chihaya asked.

Kagetsuya kissed the area above Messiah's unseeing eyes and answered, "Drugs."

Chihaya did not understand. "Messiah used drugs?"

"No. A man held him captive and gave it to him," Kagetsuya explained.

"Poor Messiah," Chihaya's eyes burned with tears. He hugged the limp angel and then continued to bathe him as if he could wash away the memories of Messiah's ordeal from his body.

Both angels offered Messiah comfort with their loving kisses. None of them knew if Messiah could feel them or hear their soothing words.

Chihaya and Kagetsuya's clothes were soaked. Chihaya shed his and held Messiah's heavier body while Kagetsuya discarded his own. Kagetsuya took Messiah back into his embrace and carried him out of the shower. Chihaya dried them off with towels before Kagetsuya set Messiah down on the bed. Chihaya pulled the blankets over him and kissed his lips.

Kagetsuya dressed and said, "I'll go and start dinner. Stay with him, Chihaya."

Chihaya nodded. The lump of emotion in his throat would not let him speak. Kagetsuya had saved Messiah. His heart was full of love for him. He knew how difficult it had been for Kagetsuya to forget his hate for Messiah and bring him home.

Chihaya crawled over to Messiah and cuddled up to him.

"Don't worry, Messiah. Kagetsuya and I will take care of you."


Kagetsuya checked on Messiah after he and Chihaya had eaten dinner. Messiah was still within his drug-hazed world. He stared blindly at the ceiling. Kagetsuya tucked a loose strand behind of Messiah's ear. A lone tear escaped his eye. Kagetsuya kissed the tear away.

"It is all right, Messiah. He cannot harm you anymore."

Chihaya stood in the doorway and watched Kagetsuya's gentleness with Messiah.

"You will get better -stronger," Kagetsuya told him. "Everything will be all right."

Messiah's lips parted. Kagetsuya saw the brief movement and called Chihaya over. "I think that I can get him to eat."

"I'll get some food." Chihaya hurried off and soon returned with a bowl of broth. Kagetsuya had made it just in case Messiah had wakened from his drug-induced trance. Chihaya set the tray on the bedside table and sat on the other side of the bed. Kagetsuya spooned some broth into Messiah's mouth and massaged his throat to help him swallow.

"That's very good, Messiah," Chihaya encouraged him, his violet eyes full of cheerful determination.

Kagetsuya managed to get most of the broth into Messiah's mouth.

"We'll let him rest, Chihaya." Kagetsuya smoothed the covers around his patient and ushered Chihaya from the room. He set the tray on the kitchen counter, and placed the bowl and spoon in the sink.

The little dark angel pressed his cheek to his companion's back and wrapped his arms around his waist. "He is in pain Kagetsuya."

"I know," he patted Chihaya's hand. "We have done all that we can for him. The drug has paralyzed him. I do not think that he himself understands what has happened to him."

"Why did Messiah allow himself to be captured by that evil man?" Kagetsuya had told Chihaya over dinner how and where he had found Messiah. Chihaya had been shocked that such depravity existed. Despite the intimate relationship that they shared, Chihaya was still innocent in the ways of the world.

"Only Messiah can answer that. I too am puzzled." Kagetsuya turned in Chihaya's arms and dipped his head to kiss the tip of his partner's nose. "Your worry for him mirrors my own."

Chihaya's eyes widened.

"Yes, Chihaya, I know that I have never professed much liking for him," Kagetsuya said, "but despite his origins, he is still a living being. It would be cold of me not to care."

Chihaya's eyes shined with love for him. "Kagetsuya, Messiah had no one, and now he has you -now he has us."

"Chihaya -"

The sound of something breaking interrupted him. Chihaya and Kagetsuya hurried to the bedroom. A lamp lay smashed on the floor. Messiah was not in bed. The covers were draped over the side of the bed and half of the bedside table. The sheets must have snagged on it and upset the lamp's balance.

Kagetsuya found Messiah huddled in a corner, trembling.

Kagetsuya knelt down beside him. "Messiah, it is me, Kagetsuya."

Messiah ran his amber gaze over him, and then focused on Chihaya. "I am not well," he said.

"We know, Messiah."

"I-I need to-" he covered his mouth and gagged.

Kagetsuya scooped him up and carried him to the bathroom.

He retched into the toilet. When he was finished, he slumped over the porcelain bowl, his forehead pressed against its cool surface. His body shuddering with sobs.

"I'll clean up the room," Chihaya said and left them alone. He had the feeling that Messiah did not want to be seen like this.

"I won't stay here," Messiah said. "I know that I have caused you enough trouble already."

"You are in no condition to leave."

"I am feeling stronger by the minute."

Kagetsuya sat on the tiled floor and stretched out his legs. He understood why Messiah chose to lie. He was ashamed of being sick and having to rely on his enemies for help.

"This is not the time for you to be alone, Messiah. Let us help you."

"How did you find me?"

The abrupt change in subject caught Kagetsuya off guard. "I followed two men into an old building."

Messiah absorbed this information before he asked, "What did you see?"

Kagetsuya would not tell him. He remembered the dealer's words.

The best thing about this stuff is that once they take it, they won't remember what happened when their lights went out.

If Messiah truly did not know what had happened to him, then Kagetsuya would not make his pain any worse.


Messiah looked away. Kagetsuya was not sure if he believed him or not.

"I thank you," the amber-eyed angel said.

"It is not necessary."

Messiah weakly stood up and muttered, "Then I will thank the little one before I leave."

He headed for the door. His face went pale and he collapsed. Kagetsuya caught him before he could hit the floor.

A fresh sheen of tears filled his eyes. "It has been decided. You are too ill to leave." Kagetsuya carried him to the freshly straightened bed.

Chihaya was sweeping up the lamp fragments. He curiously glanced at Messiah.

"We'll take good care of you," Chihaya told him.

Messiah just looked at him. The angel had not known much kindness in his brief existence, not even from his creator. His father would have opposed such weakness had he been alive. Still, Messiah heard himself mutter a thank you to the dark haired, violet-eyed young angel that resembled a mortal boy. If Messiah focused his inner eye, he could see the two beings' true image. He could see the bright warm auras that surrounded them. He could see their long flowing manes and their beautiful downy wings. They were remarkable. Messiah wished that his father could see them.

Ah, father

Hot tears cascaded down his cheeks as loneliness assailed him.

Chihaya left his broom and went to him. The dark winged angel hugged him in his surprisingly tight embrace. The little creature's boisterous affection startled him.

"Kagetsuya?" he furrowed his brow in silent inquiry.

Kagetsuya smiled and collected the lamp fragments into a dustpan. "It is just his way of showing his love. Do not be frightened. Chihaya has a lot of love to give."

"Love?" the emotion was foreign to Messiah. His father had never quite explained it to him. In the days after his father's death, Messiah had learned about physical love. Sex, it was called, and he had learned it from a number of willing people who had taken him into their homes. They had thought him a drifter. Many of them had confessed how exciting it was to make love with him. Perhaps little Chihaya longed for the experience as well. However, when Messiah looked into those bright violet eyes, he did not see lust or passion. He saw some indefinable essence, something that made the pain in his body tolerable.

"Chihaya is very special, Messiah. He feels with all of his heart," Kagetsuya explained. "If he could take the pain and suffering of others on to himself, I'm sure that he would."

Messiah touched the silken black hair that was Chihaya's. Such a strange being, he thought.

There had been a time when he was so filled with rage that he would have killed him, but after his father's passing -when the shock of his death had subsided, Messiah had felt numb with his grief. He had wandered from his father's lab on to the streets of the city. That was when his first interaction with humans other than his father had begun. Few had been good experiences, but for the most part, the rest were terrible.

"Are you thirsty?" Kagetsuya asked him, pulling him out of his reverie.

His throat felt dry. "Yes."

"I'll get you some water."

"Uh, Kagetsuya," Messiah stopped him before he left the room. He sent the tall light angel a pleading look.

Kagetsuya grinned and told Chihaya, "Not so tight, Chihaya. Messiah must have room to breathe."

The little angel's hold loosened and Kagetsuya left. It was not exactly what Messiah had in mind, but it did ease him. He did not know if he could understand such a cheerful being.

He continued to touch the angel's thick hair. The strands were so dark and shiny that they had a purple sheen to them. His wings would probably have the same radiance.

"You were going to leave us," Chihaya said softly.


"Why? Did we upset you in some way?"

"No," Messiah answered. "Enemies should not remain under the same roof."

Chihaya looked up at him. "We're not enemies anymore. We are friends. Why would you want to leave your friends?"

Kagetsuya, a friend? It was unimaginable, but there Kagetsuya was, entering the room with a glass and pitcher of ice-cold water on a tray.

Chihaya released him and sat beside him cross-legged. Messiah accepted the glass of water with trembling hands and drank. One glass would not do, his mouth was still parched.

"You are drinking too fast," Kagetsuya said. "I don't think that you should."

"But I am thirsty."

"Heed my words, Messiah," Kagetsuya pressed. "We don't know how long you have gone without sufficient food and water. I gave you some food earlier, but I doubt that you were able to digest much of the broth."

"You fed me?" he was truly stunned. "You, Kagetsuya?"

"Yes," Chihaya nodded, "and he bathed you and comforted you-"

"Chihaya!" Kagetsuya's face was flushed.

Messiah's gaze darted form one to the other. Chihaya was telling the truth. "I thank you again, Kagetsuya."

"Chihaya did the same as I did," Kagetsuya shrugged. "He seems to have forgotten that."

"Thank you, Chihaya."

Chihaya beamed. He was so agreeable, but Kagetsuya…Kagetsuya was a mystery. He knew that the angel had lied to him. Wherever he had found him, Kagetsuya thought that it had been a terrible place even for his own enemy. Messiah wanted to know what he had seen.

"Kagetsuya, we must talk."

"Not tonight. You need to rest."

"No. We will talk now," he insisted.

Kagetsuya frowned.

"Does Chihaya know?" Messiah asked him. "Maybe I should ask him instead."

"Ask me what?" Chihaya was puzzled.

Kagetsuya and Messiah stared at each other in silence. There was a battle of wills between them and Chihaya was innocently caught in the middle.

"Chihaya knows," Kagetsuya finally answered, and then told him everything.


"You pitied me."

Chihaya was near to tears. Kagetsuya blamed himself for being so foolish. He should have told Chihaya to give them some privacy, but Messiah had pushed him.

"Would you rather that I had left you there?" Kagetsuya crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Kagetsuya, please," Chihaya balled up his fists. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad, Chihaya, and this conversation is over," he directed his words at Messiah.

Kagetsuya gestured for Chihaya to leave the room. To his surprise, the dark angel hesitated. Chihaya looked expectantly at Messiah, and when the dark haired creature did not respond to him, he dejectedly climbed down from the bed and exited the room.

"Forget what happened," Kagetsuya told Messiah.

Messiah remained silent. The damage was done.

Kagetsuya sighed and left. He went to the linen closet and pulled out some sheets, pillows, and blankets. He and Chihaya would bed down in the living room, away from Messiah's ominous grief.

Chihaya was sitting on the couch in deep thought. Kagetsuya spread out the blankets and put the pillows and sheets in place.

To Chihaya, he said, "Don't worry yourself. He will come to understand everything in due time."

"You shouldn't have told him."

Kagetsuya started to undress. Chihaya did the same.

Tenderness filled him for his little companion. Chihaya -taking on the weight of the world and the problems of others. His forehead was wrinkled with concern. Kagetsuya fought the urge to smooth away the lines with his fingers. He had to let Chihaya come to him for comfort. He got beneath the covers and patiently waited. Chihaya timidly huddled himself against him, stealing his warmth.

"I'm cold," he complained.

Kagetsuya smiled and put an arm around him. "Is that better?"

Chihaya yawned.

Kagetsuya kissed him on his temple. His sweet Chihaya.

"Kagetsuya…" he whispered sleepily and sought out the tall angel's lips.

Kagetsuya deepened the kiss, but expected nothing further. It was clear that Chihaya was tired, and Kagetsuya did not want to overtax him.

But Chihaya was too obstinate to know his own limits. He kissed along Kagetsuya's jaw, down his slender throat, then across his collarbone. Chihaya claimed his mouth again, his kisses slow and loving.

Kagetsuya pulled him on top of him. Chihaya nibbled on Kagetsuya's lips, and then suddenly went limp.


The little angel had fallen asleep.


Kagetsuya awakened early. He gently extracted Chihaya from on top of him and kissed his cheek. Chihaya muttered his name in his sleep and curled up on his side. Kagetsuya smiled and pulled on his clothing. He headed for the bedroom to check on Messiah, and froze in the doorway.

Messiah was gone.


He searched for him. He had to, because the mere thought of Messiah wandering the streets made him uneasy.

You pitied me.

The words reverberated in Kagetsuya's head.

Kagetsuya found himself a few blocks away from the abandoned building where he had found Messiah. Again, he was drawn to the structure. The entrance had been boarded up and covered with police tape. Someone had recently removed the hindrances.

Kagetsuya entered. The room was almost barren. The police had taken most of its contents, and the drug dealer's comatose body. Someone around the area must have wandered in and found the dealer. Considering what the dealer's business was, the place was ripe with drug paraphernalia and the hoodlum would face criminal charges for his illegal enterprise. Messiah would have some justice.

The beaded curtain was now on the floor, and Kagetsuya could see directly into the backroom.

A lone figure stood there, dressed in a long sleeved white shirt and tan colored pants. They were familiar garments. They belonged to Kagetsuya, and the dark strands of hair interspersed with green that was atop the stranger's head was distinctly Messiah's.

Kagetsuya was relieved that he had come to no harm.


The man made angel did not move a muscle. Kagetsuya was facing his back.

"Why did you leave?"

"You told me forget," Messiah said, "but I couldn't."

"You mean…you remember everything?"

"No, not everything. I remember bits and pieces. I remember waking up and seeing him over me with his needle. Always the needle before I go back to sleep…" he trailed off, and hung his head.

Kagetsuya studied the room. The mattress was still there. Messiah's own clothing and shoes -which Kagetsuya had not noticed before -were crammed inside of a plastic milk crate. Old newspapers littered the floor. The room still had the smell of urine. A rat darted out of a small hole in the wall and scurried across the room.

Kagetsuya had not seen the severity of the room because he had been too horrified with what had been done to Messiah. He truly realized what this place was and what it meant to Messiah. It would forever be imprinted in his memory. Kagetsuya had been so careless with his suggestion to Messiah. The angel could never forget what happened to him. It had all been too vivid and harsh.

"I thought that he was like all the others," Messiah said.

"The others?"

"The ones who offered me food and shelter."

Kagetsuya knew what he was talking about. Some people had tried to offer the same comforts to Chihaya -for a price. That was one of the reasons why Kagetsuya constantly talked to his naïve little partner about the dangers of the city. Messiah had learned this lesson the hard way.

"He seemed harmless," Messiah continued. "He said that his name was Ace. He said that we would make good friends."

Deception. Many mortals were adept at it, including Ace.

"I liked him, Kagetsuya," Messiah confessed. "He knew things, lots of things, things that father never taught me. I wanted to learn from him he promised to teach me, but first I had to eat. He left me here. He told me to wait. When he returned, he had brought back some food. I was hungry. I had not eaten in days. I had told myself that I did not need anyone's help -that I did not need to beg."

Kagetsuya heard a tremor in the angel's voice. "Messiah, you don't have to do this."
"I was hungry," he went on as if he had not heard him. "I ate and I ate. I wondered why Ace didn't eat with me. He said that he had already eaten. I felt tired. I wanted to sleep. I could barely keep my eyes open."

Ace had drugged his food.

"I don't remember much after that. Once, I had had enough strength to fight the sleep and to fight Ace, but Ace was smart. He stabbed me with one of his needles in my side."

Kagetsuya closed his eyes. He thanked heaven that Chihaya was not there to hear Messiah's tale.

"I don't remember anything else." He turned and faced Kagetsuya. "Why was I so stupid?"

"You weren't stupid Messiah."

They stood in silence for a moment. The rat returned to its hole in the wall.

"What would you have done if I had come to you instead?" Messiah asked.

I would have refused, Kagetsuya thought in shame.

"Come with me," he told him. "Chihaya is beside himself with worry."

"But you are not."

"You presume too much, Messiah," he had raised his voice.

Messiah shook his head, as if to clear it of all thought. "Why do you care?"

"I don't know, but I cannot leave you here, do you understand?"

Messiah was speechless. His lips parted on a sigh. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

Kagetsuya approached him and ushered him from the room. They were half way down the block when Messiah told him, "I don't understand you, Kagetsuya."

"You will in time."


Okay, there you have it. Tell me what you think. Should I continue? Do I even want to continue? You be the judge. ^_^