Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wings of Salvation

Chapter Two

As the days went by Michael continued to visit the orphanage, spending considerable time with young Chihaya. He couldn't believe how sweet and charming the child was. He constantly struggled to please the Archangel with everything he did, even though the blonde told him that he didn't need too.

The blue-eyed angel smiled as he watched the boy gather up various toys, sticking them into the wooden box by the door. `They aren't even his. He's just cleaning up to help out. This just shows how much he cares about everyone; despite the fact that they don't seem to return the feelings.'

"You don't have to do that you know. I'm sure Shawna will clean it up later," Michael commented.

"I know, but she's done so much for me alright. I like helping her when I can," the black haired child explained.

"You're an amazing child, do you know that Chihaya? Anyone would be lucky to have you as a son," the blonde pointed out.

Chihaya shrugged at the statement, clearing unconvinced by the words. "I've been here since I was an infant. I'm seven years old now and still no one is willing to adopt such a dark and different angel. I don't see how I can be considered amazing."

"Oh but that's where you're wrong. Even though the others don't seem to care you are always polite and nice to everyone. You want to make sure they're happy. Every day I learn more and more about you I continue to be thankful to have met you. You deserve to have a family that loves you," Michael admitted. He sighed as he glanced around the room before sitting down on the couch. The Archangel patted beside him indicating that Chihaya should follow. The black haired boy placed one more toy away before climbing up beside the older man.

"Now I know I'm not the ideal father… and you wouldn't have a mother, but if you're willing… you can come home with me," the blonde stated.

"…. Really? Honestly? No fooling?" the boy gasped in shock.

"I would love for you to be my son," Michael announced. He was then suddenly knocked over by a ball of energetic seven year old. The child clung to him, tears springing to his violet eyes.

"I'm really getting adopted," he sniffled.

The blonde nodded, gently pulling his index finger under the boy's eyes to wipe the shimmering tears away. Chihaya shyly smiled, burrowing deeper into the young man's lap.

"If you would like I could fill out the paper work right now and introduce you to you're new home tonight. Or we could wait until tomorrow if you want to spend one more night here to say good-bye to everyone," the blonde informed.

"I want to go now if that's ok," Chihaya answered as he slowly released Michael.

"Of course, we'll have to set up a room for you tonight. Hopefully we can get it all ready before bed," Michael stated, he quickly scanned the room. "Do you have something to pack your things in?"

Chihaya nodded rapidly. "Yes Miss Shawa always keeps bags in the closet outside so that when a child is adopted they can pack." The boy bolted out of the room only to return a moment later, a duffle bag in hand.

"I have to tell her. Miss Shawna! Miss Shawna!" the boy yelled as he raced out of the room again. Michael grinned at the child's enthusiasm, following behind him. Chihaya ran down the hall, skidding to a halt when he discovered the woman in question cleaning up in the kitchen.

"What on earth has you so excited, Chihaya?" she inquired.

"I'm getting adopted!" he squealed, hugging her tightly.

A scurry of voices erupted as several other children chimed in, bombarding the black haired boy with questions.

"Now, now quiet children," Shawna chided as she noticed Michael standing in the corner, "Are you really?"

The Archangel nodded, smiling as Chihaya leapt into his arms. "I'm sure there is some paperwork I have to fill out. If possible I would like to take him today."

"This is wonderful. Of course you can take him anytime you like. I'll show you to my office where the forms are. Chihaya why don't you go and pack your things," Shawna suggested.

"Ok, Miss Shawna!" the boy exclaimed as he dropped down from the young man's grasp. He quickly left the room, a group of children trailing behind him. The brunette was all smiles as he led the Archangel towards the small room to the left of the kitchen. She cocked her head, indicating the chair that Michael should occupy.

As he sat she walked to the filing cabinet, pulling out a small stack of forms. She then set them on the desk facing him and handed the blonde a pen. Shawna then took a seat on the opposite side of him.

"I'm so glad that Chihaya finally found someone to take him. He's such a special child but no one seemed to give him the time of day because of his differences. Which is quite sad when you consider the prejudices that he'll always have to face all through his life," she remarked.

"Do you have any idea what caused his black wings?" Michael asked, as he began to fill in the blanks.

"When he was first left here at the orphanage his mother claimed she wouldn't be `mother to a freak' and fled. I wasn't really sure what she meant until Chihaya first opened his wings. I took him to a doctor after that and as near as we could tell it's just a genetic mutation. Maybe his mother took drugs or drank while he was in her womb but the doctor couldn't prove that. Either way you look at it Chihaya has been with me ever since," Shawna answered.

Michael sighed, saddened by how cruel people were to their own flesh and blood. `To just toss your child way because he's different is wrong. She seemed to be more the freak of nature than he is.'

"It should surprise me how heartless some people are but it really doesn't. I know there are others out there that don't care about anything but themselves," the blonde commented.

"It turned out better for Chihaya in the end however. He'll be much happier with you then he would ever be with a mother who didn't care," Shawna pointed out.

"Well I hope he will be. It's not like he'll have a mother when he's with me and I work so he'll have to be left at the daycare there. It might seem the same as being here," Michael explained.

"That's where you're wrong. As long as there is love and affection it doesn't matter if he has one parent or two. In fact despite the negative view of homosexuality if two men want to adopt a child and they're caring then I let them. It shouldn't matter as long as the child's best interests are considered," the woman informed, "Even if he has to go to daycare while you work; every night he'll get to go home to a welcome house and a father who cares for him. That's all that really matters in the end."


"… So of course I had to tell him no. I would never do something like that. Raphael, are you even listening to me?" the woman trailed off when she realized her husband's mind was miles away. She sighed as she flipped her long hair back.

"What did you say?" the man asked, his gaze fixed on the flowers in front of him.

Both were standing in the garden, taking a break from the daily trials of their work. Although it was hard being an Archangel, both were very dedicated to the job. However lately Raphael seemed to be distracted; his thoughts everywhere but the task at hand.

"Whatever is the matter? For the past few days you've been like this. You can't focus on anything," Gabrielle announced.

"I guess I'm worried about Michael. He's been so secretive lately. He comes in late to work and leaves hours early. I asked him about it but he just said that he's been contemplating something significant with his life and he can't talk about it until he's sure he's chosen the right thing. And when I ask him what he's talking about he just doesn't answer," Raphael exclaimed, "It's very frustrating. He never keeps secrets from me."

The female Archangel smiled as she gave the man a reassuring hug. "I'm sure he'll tell you when the time is right. I would just wait it out. His actions can't last much longer."

"I suppose you're right. What am I talking about? You're always right," he said with a laugh.

Both turned when a sudden rustle came from a cluster of bushes to their left. Leaves and branches parted as a small black haired boy entered the garden. His childish grin was infectious, causing the two to smile back at the cute individual. The violet-eyed boy blinked as he glanced up at them.

"Hello," the child announced sweetly.

"Well hello to you too. And what might your name be?" Raphael inquired, surprised to find a child in the garden. `He must have slipped away from the daycare and wound up here.'

"My name is Chihaya," he commented.

"Well it's a pleasure Chihaya. My name is Raphael and this is my wife, Gabrielle," the longhaired man stated.

"I know. You're Archangels," Chihaya said, proud of his knowledge of the two.

"That's right. You're a very smart angel," Gabrielle commented.

"Chihaya! Where on Eden did you get off to?" The curly haired Archangel came up behind all three, pausing when he noticed the two adults. The boy giggled, lifting his arms up so Michael could gather him up.

"He's a cute kid, Michael. Is he a nephew of yours?" Raphael asked.

"Not exactly. He's the reason I've been so secretive lately as I'm sure you're aware of. I adopted him two days ago," the curly haired blonde informed.

"He's my daddy now!" Chihaya added, as he hung onto the young man's neck. Both Archangels gazed at the two in shock, startled by the new revelation.

"What…? When did you…? I don't even know where to start here," Raphael admitted.

Michael laughed at the flabbergasted expression the object of his secret affections held. He knew both would be surprised when they discovered what he had done. In fact he had purposefully kept it in the dark just in case they tried to talk him out of the action.

"I guess I was just tired of being alone. I figured a child in the house would be the perfect solution to that problem. They're a joy to have you know?" the blue-eyed Archangel remarked, as he brushed a strand of raven black hair from the boy's face.

"Wouldn't a pet have worked just as well for that?" Gabrielle inquired.

"Do they not want me here?" the boy whispered, dipping his head against the nape of the blonde's neck.

"Of course we do. They're just trying to figure out what made me decide to adopt, that's all," Michael said, reassuring the child.

"He's right, Chihaya. We didn't mean anything by it," Raphael vowed, a smile gracing his lips at the tender scene his friend made with the boy.

"Chihaya, why don't you go and get your bag? I'll wait right here for you," the new father suggested, setting the boy carefully to his feet. The violet-eyed child nodded before slipping back into the bushes he had come from.

"What brought this on, Michael?" his friend questioned as soon as the boy was out of earshot.

The Archangel shrugged, his curly locks tumbling across his shoulders. "It's just as I told you before."

Raphael glanced at his wife, knowing well enough that the other man wasn't telling the whole truth.

"Gabrielle, do you think you could give us a moment alone?" he inquired. The woman gave him a look but nodded in agreement. She then left the two by themselves in the garden.

"Will you tell me now? Being lonely can't be it all. You know you can always come to me when you feel that way," he asked softly.

"I know my friend. It's not the same though. With Chihaya I have someone at home with me; someone who is around to care for and interact with. You have your wife. I didn't have anyone until now…besides Chihaya is special. If I didn't take him no one would have," Michael stated.

"What do you mean by that?"

Both were interrupted as the boy returned to them, a backpack strapped around him. He gazed up at the two; waiting patiently for the blondes to finish their conversation.

"Chihaya will you show Raphael your wings? I promise he won't say anything about them," the curly haired angel swore.

The boy looked displeased with the request but didn't want to refuse his new father anything. The Archangel watched quietly, unsure what to expect, and gasped at what he saw.

"Black wings? How is that possible?"

"I've been told it's a genetic birth defect. You can just imagine how much trouble he's had because of them though," Michael pointed out as the boy quickly brought his wings back in, his gaze on the ground.

The longhaired Archangel nodded in understanding. He knew how cruel people were and knew others would hurt or insult the small boy for having wings that were seen as dark or evil. `I never realized that such a thing would ever exist. To have to watch as week after week children around you were adopted and never would be because of your appearance must have been agony for him.'

"Well Chihaya you're very lucky to have been found my Michael. He'll take very good care of you," Raphael informed, ruffling the black mop of hair.

The curly haired Archangel lifted the boy into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Yes I will and eventually you'll find someone that will understand you as well as I do and you'll be happy with them. I'm sure you will," he vowed.