Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wings of Salvation

Chapter Eight

The blonde's heart raced as he struggled to take deep breaths. `Just breathe. It will all work out in the end. I know it will.' He sighed as he sat down on the grass, his back leaning against a large elm tree. The black haired angel quietly took a seat beside him, waiting for the other male to break the silence.

"I'm not quite sure where to start. I need to tell you something important," Kagetsuya informed.

Chihaya smiled, violet eyes sparkling as he took the blonde's hand in his. "You know you can tell me anything."

"That was a very brave thing you did. When you saved that falling infant from the window," the blonde said quietly.

The teen paled as he gasped, covering his mouth with his hands. His body shook as he moved to stand up. Kagetsuya quickly grabbed the other male's upper arm, struggling to hold it as the teen tried to escape. The blonde then used his other hand to tug hard on the black haired teen, causing him to tumble back into his lap. He then wrapped him arms around the slender waist to prevent him from leaving.

By this time tears had covered the angel's face. "Just let me go! You'll hate me like all the others. Vile, Dark, Evil creature. I'm disgusting! I was so stupid to think that anyone would like me when they found out."

Kagetsuya's heart broke as he shifted the teen so he could cry against his chest. He stroked the black haired figure's back, murmuring soft reassurances. They stayed like this for a long time, Kagetsuya waiting patiently from the other to calm down.

"Why are you doing this?" Chihaya finally asked as he rubbed his puffy eyes.

"Because I honestly don't care. I like you for who you are. So what if your wings are different? You're still you," the blonde stated.

Chihaya sniffed. "Really? No one has ever said that to me beside my father and uncle. Also Ibis."

Kagetsuya's eyes widened in surprise. "The child knows?"

The dark winged angel nodded. "He was feeling bad before about not being able to touch his feathers so I gave him one of mine. He couldn't see so I knew he wouldn't find out. He got his sight back because the virus somehow was killed so he found out. He said he didn't care though."

"And I don't either. I care about you Chihaya and your wings are not going to make me change my opinion," Kagetsuya added.

The black haired individual sighed as he rested his head on the blonde's shoulder. "Thank you," he whispered.

Kagetsuya smiled as he gave the younger figure a kiss on his forehead. He then took the corner of his sleeve, using it to clean off the angel's face. "Feeling better now?"

Chihaya nodded. As soon as the taller individual released him he wrapped his arm around Kagetsuya's neck. He then leaned forward, pressing his lips to the blonde's.

Blue eyes widened in surprise before returning the action, sighing inwardly at the soft feeling. He almost groaned in frustration when the lips pulled away suddenly. Chihaya blushed bright red, eyes lowered.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," he exclaimed, his breath uneven.

"I'm not," the blonde remarked. He grinned before leaning forward to meet the gentle mouth again. He parted his lips, silently requesting Chihaya to let him in. The black haired figure moaned softly, allowing the others tongue to slip inside.

They broke off only when their lungs demanded it, resting their foreheads against each other as they attempted to breathe.

"I suppose as much as I would like to continue this we should get inside. They'll probably come looking for us," Kagetsuya informed.

The dark winged angel nodded. "I told Ibis I would come right back." He sighed before releasing the blonde. He then stood up, stretching out his arms and legs.

Kagetsuya stood up as well, quickly using the tree to steady himself as a wave of dizziness hit him.

"What's wrong?" Chihaya inquired.

"Just felt a little dizzy," he answered.

The younger individual giggled slightly. "Did I make you all lightheaded?"
Kagetsuya chuckled at the remark. "That's probably it. I didn't really get to eat anything today as well."

The black haired individual chided him softly, "You should make sure you eat plenty. Come on I'll make you something in the kitchen. We can talk to Ibis while you eat."

The blonde smiled faintly as he nodded. He then allowed the younger individual to drag him away from the backyard.


Kagetsuya sighed as he rubbed his head, willing the headache to go away. The lunch earlier had done little to alleviate the haze that was clouding his mind. He'd stayed with Ibis and Chihaya for a bit before going to lie down.

He smiled as he remembered how maternal the black winged angel had been. When he found out the older individual wasn't feeling well he had rushed him to a back room, forcing him to take a nap. He'd had the doctor take blood just to make sure everything was alright. He'd even gone so far as to curl up with the blonde so he didn't have to be alone.

`I wish he was sleeping with me now,' Kagetsuya thought wistfully. After staying at the orphanage for several hours they had headed back to Chihaya's home. They had a simple dinner, although he couldn't seem to make himself eat much, and then watched a movie together. Chihaya had then made sure to tuck him into bed before going to his own room.
`I can't believe how quickly I got sick. I was fine yesterday.' He kicked the covers off himself, irritated by how hot they made him feel. He sat up, waiting for the faint wave of dizziness to pass before making his way to the window. He opened the window, moaning contently as the breeze lapped at his heated skin.

"I just need to get some sleep and let the medicine kick in. I'm sure it's nothing. The doctor even agreed with me, although he said he would check just to make sure. I'll be fine in the morning," he told himself as he gazed outside.

He blinked as he heard a faint sound. He turned his head, listening intently. He was just about to dismiss the noise when he heard it again. `Sounds like a whimper. Where is that coming from?'

Kagetsuya slowly rose to his feet, making his way out of the guest room. He softly walked down the hall, ears straining for any unusual sound. He frowned when he realized the noise was coming from Chihaya's room. He quickly slipped into the room, eyes softening at the sight. The black haired figure was thrashing around in his sleep, whimpering softly. The covers were rumpled down at the foot of the bed leaving Chihaya bare except fro his boxers and a tank top.

`Stop staring and wake him up!' his mind chided as he snapped out of his daze. The blonde then sat on the bed, placing his hands on the other male's arm.

"Chihaya, wake up!"

"No… please…" Chihaya murmured as he shook his head in his sleep.

Kagetsuya frowned as he shook the disturbed teen. Chihaya gasped, as he eyes burst open. He gasped as he threw his arms around Kagetsuya, hugging him tightly.

"You had died. Same with my dad and uncle. Everyone blamed me. They were calling me evil and I tried to run away but they kept chasing me. They were throwing rocks and yelling. It hurt so much," Chihaya struggled to speak as he willed the tears not to fall.

The blonde rubbed his back, reassuringly. "It's alright. It was just a dream. I'm not hurt and neither is your father or uncle. Just take some deep breaths. I'm here for you."

Chihaya sighed as he rested against the warm body. He shivered as he tried to will the dark images from his head. It helped that Kagetsuya was holding him. `I feel protected. I've only felt this way with dad and uncle. It's nice to have someone else. I just want to stay like this forever.' He pulled closer to the blonde, trying to touch him as much as possible.

Kagetsuya smiled at the actions, his heart warming. `He's just adorable. How could anyone treat him cruelly just because of his wings?'

The blonde frowned as the younger boy moved even closer. "Hold on a minute," he said. The angel slipped out of the other's arms. He then lay out on the bed, indicating for the black haired teen to join him.

Chihaya smiled as he slid flush against the strong body. "Thank you. It's silly but I just feel better when I'm really close to someone. It makes me feel safe."

The blonde kissed him on the forehead. "That's fine with me. I want to touch you."

Chihaya blushed, finally realizing how intimate the position was. `I do this with Dad. I never have to worry about him.'

The blonde laughed at Chihaya's reddened face. "You're the cutest thing in all of Eden. Do you know that?"

Chihaya shook his head, the blush deepening.

"Well you are. Luckily I got to you first," Kagetsuya exclaimed. He slipped his head down, brushing his lips against the soft ones below him.

Chihaya sighed contently as he lifted his head slightly, forcing the kiss to deepen. Tongues touched as the action became more heated. Kagetsuya slipped his hands under the smaller figure's shirt, fingers caressing soft skin. Violet eyes widened in surprise, gasping at the strange feelings that were running through his body.

Kagetsuya smiled as he moved higher up the slim body, stopping to brush against hardened nipples. Chihaya bucked, the sensation going straight to his groin. He shifted uncomfortably, rubbing his body against the one above him in hopes of relieving the pressure.

The blonde moaned, following the teen's example. He then lowered one of his hands, slipping it between them to cup the angel's hardened flesh.

Chihaya gasped, pulling away quickly from the other male. He took several deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down. "Should we… I mean… Isn't this too fast?"

Kagetsuya sighed as he ran his fingers through his damp hair. "You're probably right. I need to take a shower then." He wiped the sweat from his face. `I can't believe how hot I am. We really shouldn't have done that. Chihaya will end up getting sick to.'


The blonde gazed up at the blushing angel. "What is it, Chihaya?" he inquired.

"Do you think… we could maybe… take a bath together?" the black haired figure asked, ringing the sheet nervously.

"Would we both even fit?"

Chihaya nodded. "The tub is huge. Dad made it that way so we can open our wings to clean them as well."

Kagetsuya sighed inwardly. `I don't want to say no. I really should though. Can I even behave myself?' He gazed at the teen, knowing the answer had already been made up.

"Sure. I'll get everything ready. You just relax for five minutes or so. Then you can come in."

Chihaya blushed as he nodded.


The older man sighed as he rubbed his forehead. He compared the notes in front of him, sighing in frustration.

"What the hell am I missing? How can this child just suddenly be cured? It doesn't make any sense."

"Doctor? You really should get some sleep. You've been working since six in the morning."

The man glanced up at the nurse who had entered the room. "I know. Was there something you needed?"

"I have that blood from the Archangel's nephew. You promised Chihaya you would look at it," she stated.

The doctor nodded. "I almost forgot. I'm sure it's nothing. I told them both as much but Chihaya was insistent."

The man took the slide from the nurse, walking over to the microscope. He set the sample down, setting the instrument on the correct setting.

"Kagetsuya always wore protective gloves and a mask whenever he was around the children. It seems more likely that Chihaya would get it first. I know he would sometimes go unprotected around them," the man continued.

He leaned down, looking into the lens. "Damn it! Nurse, look just to make sure."

The women's eyes widened as she slipped over, looking at the sample as well. "Oh no. I guess we should have expected this."

"Damn, why didn't I check this earlier? He's staying with Chihaya and Archangel Michael's place. I'll give them a call right away. Can you call the research center and leave a message for the Archangels? I know they won't receive it for a day or two but Kagetsuya's uncle needs to know."

The nurse nodded as she quickly left the room.


Author's Notes: Well… ~glances at the muses~ The whole idea I had suddenly changed on me… This is what I get for reading like 75 yaoi one-shot scanslations in the span of two days. ~snickers~ Although I'm sure some will like the next chapter ^^ Finals are finally over! ~squeals and bounces~ So yeah hopefully I'll have more time to write now. Hope everyone enjoys.