El Hazard Fan Fiction ❯ MrWhat's "El-Hazard" drabbles ❯ Scraping By ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
TITLE: Scraping By
BLURB: It hurts to even think about it.
TYPE: Humor; 200 words ("double drabble")
AUTHOR: Eric Adcock <adcockea@echoalpha.com>
DATE: March 2002
ARCHIVE: http://echoalpha.com/fanfic/

This takes place some time after the end of the first OVA series.

Based On A True Story, from my college days. (I wasn't there. I only heard about it later.)

El-Hazard (c) AIC / Pioneer LDC / Geneon.


Makoto and Ifurita were eating lunch with Nanami at the Shinonome Diner.

As Nanami ate with a fork, she accidentally scraped it against her plate. Makoto winced.

"Oh. Sorry," Nanami said.

Makoto shuddered. "S'okay," he replied.

Ifurita looked at them in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Nanami looked back at her sharply. "Makoto doesn't like that... sound. Didn't you know that? I thought you two knew everything about each other."

Ifurita mused. "I have seen Makoto react that way before, in our shared memories. But I did not understand."

Makoto smiled shakily. "Ifurita, many people... find certain sounds... unpleasant. Like metal scraping against metal. Or fingernails on slate. Or... the tines of a fork on a plate..."

Ifurita picked up her fork. "Do you mean, like this?" And she slowly pushed it across the full length of her plate-- with the strength of a demon god.

Every human within five hundred meters of the restaurant threw their hands to their ears and screamed for mercy.

Gasping, trembling, with tears streaming down his face, Makoto reached out and grasped Ifurita’s shoulders.

"Ifurita. I love you dearly. But please. For the love of God. Never. Ever. EVER. Do. That. Again."

Ifurita blinked. "Oh. Sorry."
