El Hazard Fan Fiction ❯ MrWhat's "El-Hazard" drabbles ❯ Highest Bidder ( Chapter 45 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
TITLE: Highest Bidder
BLURB: You get what you pay for.
BASED ON: El-Hazard TV
TYPE: Humor; 200 words ("double drabble")
AUTHOR: Eric Adcock <adcockea@echoalpha.com>
DATE: April 2003
ARCHIVE: http://echoalpha.com/fanfic/

This was inspired by a silly topic on an El-Hazard message board.

El-Hazard (c) AIC / Pioneer LDC / Geneon.


Afura had asked Shayla to come to the wind shrine. Shayla sat at a table as Afura served some tea.

Afura spoke after Shayla sipped at her tea. "Thanks for coming, Shayla. I just wanted to tell you-- I sold you on eBay."

Shayla choked on her tea, threw her cup down, and stood back up. "WHAT!?"

Afura sighed. "Don't worry. You brought a good price. In fact, you brought more than *I* expected."

Shayla's headband flared wildly. "WHAT!?" she yelled again.

Afura sighed again. "Don't *worry*. I'll box you up and ship you off as soon as the knock-out pills in your tea kick in."

"WHAT!?" Shayla yelled once more, and promptly fell unconscious.


Jinnai pried open a huge crate with a crowbar, as TV-Ifurita flew circles around him.

"Whadja get!?" Ifurita asked. "Whadja get!?"

"Never you mind!" Jinnai said. He pulled the lid off and set it aside. He reached into the crate, fumbled through the styrofoam peanuts, and pulled a still-comatose Shayla up from the crate.

Ifurita grinned. "Kewl! You got a Miss Fire Lady!"

Aw nuts, Jinnai thought. That's the last time I bid in an online auction that doesn't have a picture of the merchandise.
