Elfen Lied Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Elfen Lied Inuyasha ❯ Stolen! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The downpour of rain fell even harder, large puddles forming within the darkened streets. Inuyasha ran hard but Nyuu’s scent was quickly fading within the torrent. Lightning lit the sky, the ground slightly shaking with the thunder that followed. Inuyasha was completely soaked from the storm. His Hanoi sagged with the water, streams of aqua flowing from his long hair. His ears were pitched high, listening for any kind of noise.

Soon the scent died and Inuyasha slid to a stop. His ears tweaking he studied his surroundings. It quickly made clear sense to him. This was the exact route that they had taker earlier that day to bring Nyuu home. He smiled, Of course. The only place she could go would have to be the beach. He leapt foward, charging toward the ocean.

The surf raged wildly as the storm’s winds lashed the waters. Nyuu was crouched within the rolling waves as she dug in the watery sands. She was covered in mud and was shivering terribly from the cold. Large waves rammed into her small form, knocking her to the side. Determined she kept on digging, tears still streaming from her eyes. Suddenly her face lit up as she found what she had been searching so hard for. She held it close as she smiled.

Not far from wear Nyuu was searching, two men had just reached the beach from town’s streets. They were covered in black armor and each wore a protective army helmet. Positioned readily, they carried large guns expecting combat.

"But, Bandit. Shouldn’t we be patroling are own station?" One soldier argued.

"Hey, who’s the team captain here?!" The other demanded sharply. "Besides, the last time the subject was spotted was after she was knocked from the cliff into the ocean, right?"

"Yeah, so."

"So," Bandit continued annoyed. "We have a better chance at finding her here."

"Fine then, Bandit."

Bandit stopped. "It’s captain." He growled shoving the barrel of his rifle at the soldier.

"Y-yes sir." The soldier hastily replied. Then looking up he noticed a form within the ocean’s churning waters. "Uh, sir." He said pointing.

"What now?" Bandit asked turning to face the form.


Bandit followed the soldier’s view. There he saw a young woman lieing within the surf, her long wet red hair hanging over her face and down her back. He quickly took note of her features, but most of all he took note of her horns.


The rain had finally began to die down a bit but not much. Inuyasha slowed as he came to the beach. He listened intently for any sign for Nyuu as his eyes searched the downpour of rain. Finally, he found her kneeling on the sand, her eyes closed as she softly smiled.

"There you are." He said going to her. Her eyes opened suddenly to see him kneel beside her. All of his attention focused on her as she shivered.

"Your freezing, aren’t you?" He said gently touching her arm. Slowly her grabbed her, trying to help her up. "C’mon, we’ll get you home."

"Nyuu!" She yelled.

Suddenly a painful blow to his head knocked Inuyasha to the ground. Nyuu starred down at Inuyasha as he clenched his teeth, his head throbbing. Franticly, she let out a series of alarmed "nyuu‘s" as she held onto his arm. A black gun barrel aimed at Nyuu’s face not five inches away. She looked up to see two soldiers standing above her, one with a large smiled upon his face.

"You’ve sure caused a hell lot of trouble haven’t you." Bandit said still smiling.

"Nyuu?" Nyuu said nervously.

"Who-who hit me?" Inuyasha growled trying to get up. Bandit switched his aim to the half demon.

"Stay down or your brains will be all over this beach." Bandit commanded. His eyes widened as he notcied Inuyasha’s doglike ears. Could it be?

Inuyasha laid still, though he glared at the soldier venmously. He knew that the man must be threatening him with a gun. Kagome had explained the technology of guns to him many times. Inuyasha knew it wouldn’t take long for him to heal from a gunshot but he also knew a properly placed bullet could kill him.

"What are you doing?" He demanded still on the ground. "What do you want?"

Bandit laughed. "That’s none of your business." He started before adding. "Unless you a Diclonius yourself." He said eyeing his ears again.

"A Diclonius? What the hell is a-?"

"Forget it!" Bandit yelled. "I got no time for you." He roughly jammed the gun at Nyuu. "All we need is her."

Without hesitating Inuyasha knocked the gun to the side. Grabbing Nyuu he yanked her to her feet, throwing her behind him.

"Nyuu! Go! Now! Run!" He yelled blocking her. She stood still, shocked and confused. He felt her still behind him. "Go!" He cried.

Bandit raised his gun, taking aim. Inuyasha knew that Bandit had to know what he was doing, and he was right. Bandit was professionaly trained as a bounty hunter and his marksmanship was outstanding. I can’t let him hurt Nyuu. Not after what I did. Inuyasha thought. Bandit smirked

Inuyasha leapt at him, claws gleaming. A gunshot rang across the beach. Inuyasha fell to the ground, his body limp. A pool of blood formed about him as he laid, his eyes open, blood flowing from his mouth. He laid still.

"Nyuu!" Nyuu yelled trying to get to him.

Bandit blocked her. "Forget him!" Roughly grabbing her arm. "He can’t protect you now."

Nyuu tried to fight out of his grip but couldn’t. "Soldier! Cease her!" Bandit yelled. The other man gripped her arm.

Tears streamed from her eyes as Nyuu screamed, the soldiers dragging her away from Inuyasha’s lifeless body.