Elfen Lied Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Elfen Lied Inuyasha ❯ Carrying On ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"OK!" Kagome said. "Open your eyes!" She said sliding her hands from over Mayu’s eyes.

Mayu found herself seated at the kitchen table, the room brightly lit and decorated with Happy Birthday decorations, and a large chocolate cake covered with candles placed before her. Inuyasha and Nyuu were seated around her, Kagome going back over to Inuyasha with a camera.

"Happy Birthday!" Kagome and Inuyasha cried in unison.

"Nyuu!" Nyuu followed.

"Wow!" Mayu managed, gazing about her. "How’d you guys know?" She asked, bewildered.

"That lady from the pastry stand mentioned it." Kagome said. "She’s the one who made the cake for you."

Mayu smiled. That woman had always been so generous to Mayu. She’d have to remember to thank her.

"Well?" Inuyasha asked. "Are you going to blow out your candles or what?"

Mayu hesitated, before finally deciding. I wish I could live here, forever. She thought, blowing out the candles.

Kagome quickly dished up cake, Nyuu and Inuyasha handing Mayu some wrapped gifts.

"This one’s from Kagome." Inuyasha said, handing her a large colorful bag. Inside, Mayu found a large pile of fresh new clothes and even some shoes.

"I also got you a new school uniform and even some supplies." Kagome said passing out the plates of cake. "They’re in on your bed."

"Thanks!" Mayu said, placing the clothes beside her. I can’t wait! She thought. It’s been forever since I’ve had a decent pair of clothes.

"This one’s from me." Inuyasha said, handing her something wrapped in fine silk. "Well, actually from my era. I went over last night and fetched this for you."

Mayu almost gasped as she pulled out a finely made, new Kimono. It’s coloring was of bright blue and green and was magnificent to look at. It’s material felt soft, and sleek for comfort. She pulled it against her, gazing at it’s beauty.

"It’s," She breathed. "It’s beautiful."

Inuyasha leaned back. "Well, I’d thought you might like it." Putting on his ‘I could care less’ act.

Mayu smiled wide. She had grown used to Inuyasha’s personality. Sadly for Inuyasha, it was actually quite obvious how he really felt.

"Nyuu!" Nyuu cried, getting up from the table.

Mayu glanced up just in time to see Nyuu before she ran into her arms, embracing her.

"Nyuu?" Kagome asked. "What is she doing?"

"Isn’t it obvious," Inuyasha shrugged. "She probably felt like she needed to give Mayu something too."

Kagome nodded.

Mayu didn’t move. Tears welling up in her eyes. She returned Nyuu’s embrace, crying.

"Mayu." Kagome asked. "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing." Mayu shook her head as Nyuu stepped back. "It’s just...this has been such a good birthday. I guess it’s kinda awkward. After all that’s happened."

Kagome nodded, understanding.

"How about I go run you a nice, hot bath." She said, standing straight. "I bet you’d like that."

Mayu nodded. "Thank you."

Mayu laid quite within her sheets, Nyuu fast asleep. She seems to always be at such ease. Mayu thought. It’s no wonder though. With Inuyasha and Kagome it’s hard to feel unprotected. So, why do I? Why is it that I lie here awake, thinking. What more do I have to worry about? An image of Wanta flashed across her mind. Ever since she had come to bed all she had ever thought of was how the little pup was doing, how he was. Mayu sighed. It’s fine now. He’s home again and I’ve found a new home. We’re both happy. Aren’t we? No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help but wonder if Wanta was truly content. She closed her eyes and allowed her thoughts to fade, dozing.

Suddenly, a familiar yip broke through her dark abyss, filling her consciousness. She shifted herself, trying to get comfortable. Great. Now I can even hear him. But the yip came again.

Mayu sat up, her eyes focusing through the darkness, her ears alert. The bark came again. Slipping from her covers, Mayu went into the hall and to the front door. She paused, her palm on it’s handle. What if she was mistaken? What if her mind was really playing tricks on her? Then, she heard it again, Wanta’s little yip. No mistaking it.

She opened the door and stepped out into the night. The moon was only about a quarter full, it’s remaining rays lighting the night. For a moment, Mayu just stood their, shivering slightly in the cold. Then, with bare feet, she stepped out onto the walk, going out onto the lawn. The night was still, quiet. She waited a moment before finally sighing. She should have known better than to trust herself at a time like this.

Defeated, Mayu turned to leave, disappointed. Then, she heard it again. That little yip she loved so well. She had just barely turned around when she saw the small dog come running at her, from the walk. His little tail wagged fiercely as Mayu knelt to the ground, allowing him to leap into her arms. Mayu buried her face into his fur, filling her senses with his scent. Tears streamed from her eyes as she held him.

"Oh, Wanta!" She cried. "I missed you!" She held the pup lovingly, forgetting about all her past pains and difficulties. All that seemed to matter anymore was her and her pup there at their new home.

"So?" The brown haired man asked. "What did the tests say?"

"They came out negative." The doctor replied. "We took a test of her blood and the girl wasn’t affected by any type of virus from the vectors. She’s fine."

"Are you sure?" The bald headed man demanded.

"Positive." The doctor replied.

"You still should have contacted us." The dark haired man explained. "We could have asked her some questions and maybe have gotten some answers."

The doctor sighed. "The girl was exhausted and she had received quite the blow to the head. It was better that she left the hospital and got some rest."

"Still, she was found at the last location that Subject 13 was spotted." The dark haired man argued. "We could have gathered some clues as to where she might have gone."

"I doubt it." The doctor said. "She hardly could recall much of anything. Luckily, she had a boy come get her and take her home." He added, recalling Inuyasha.

The dark haired man clenched his fists. Things had become more complicated now that Subject 9 had been destroyed. It meant that Lucy was even more dangerous than anyone had dared imagine. So much that he and his bald headed partner would be resigned of their investigations. Still, he had hoped to get even just an inkling of Lucy’s whereabouts but had failed miserably.

He scowled. "Damn boy." He growled, remembering Inuyasha’s cover up when he had been interrogated at the hospital.

"Was there anyone else?" The shaven head man asked. "A girl maybe?"

"A girl?" Inuyasha asked, raising his head.

"Yes, a girl with long red hair." The brown haired explained. "Probably a few years younger than you."

They must mean Nyuu. Inuyasha thought. He hesitated. This alarmed the men.

"Was there anyone else?" Demanded the shaven headed man.

Inuyasha’s gaze met his. "There was another soldier." He answered. He noticed the men were not completely satisfied with his answer. "But, yes." He began, thinking fast. "There was a girl, but she was blonde and ran off after the soldiers threatened me."

If not for his lies, The man thought angrily. We may not even be in this mess. A hand laid on his shoulder. He jerked his head to face his partner.

"C’mon, Joe." The bald headed man said. "Let’s go. There’s nothing more we can do."

The dark haired man sighed. He’s right. Then nodding to the doctor, they left.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome called. "Inuyasha! Where are you!" She yelled, frustrated.

He laid lazily, within the crook of the tree outside her room, dozing. She stomped over to the window, her eyes scorching. It would be the first day that she’d have the chance to finally go back to school within the last three now and here he was, snoring the morning away. She stopped, fists clenched, trembling.

"Inuyasha!" She hissed. "Sit boy!"

Inuyasha drowsily turned over at the sound of her voice before suddenly being yanked to the ground below. Kagome leaned out over the window, peering down at him. Inuyasha laid on the ground for a moment, unmoving. His face boiled hot as he shot a leering glare up at Kagome.

"What in the hell was that for!" He demanded.

"C’mon, Inuyasha!" Kagome called. "We’re going to be late for school!"

"Do we have to go today?" He groaned, climbing to his feet.

"We should have gone a long time ago!" Kagome yelled from the window, protesting. "But with getting Mayu settled and ready for school, I’ve really not had the time. You know that. Not to mention." She added. "Someone just so happened to bust my alarm clock and I had to buy a new one!"

"Yeah, I know." He grumbled, walking toward the front of the house.

Inuyasha nearly jumped out of his skin as Wanta immediately began barking loudly. The small yellow dog yipped insistently from where he was tied to a tree. Wanta still hadn’t gotten over Inuyasha’s strange scent yet.

Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed, focusing on the dog. "Your really wearing your welcome thin there, pal." He growled, continuing toward the house despite Wanta’s barks.

It didn’t surprise Inuyasha that he had returned to Mayu a few nights ago. After all, he had done it before.

Inuyasha stepped into the house just in time to have Mayu rush by smiling, her pack slung across her shoulder, as she darted out the door.

"See ya, Inuyasha!" She called, running up the walk, her bright, new green and white, just like Kagome’s, school uniform bouncing with her movements.

"Be careful!" He yelled, as she disappeared around the corner of the drive.

"Don’t worry about her, Inuyasha." Kagome said. "She seems to be really happy now that she’s going to school again."

"Yeah." He said, his eyes still where he had last seen her. He was quiet for a moment as Kagome scuffled about, gathering books and preparing for school. Then he said, "I still can’t believe it had been so easy. Her mother signing the papers and everything."

"I know." She said, going to him, finally ready to go. "But, we still have to be careful. There are still legal laws that we must acknowledge." She warned. "If you ever to lay a finger on Mayu, her mother could take her right back into her custody."

Inuyasha froze, understanding Kagome’s implication. "You don’t honestly think that I’d-" He tried to argue.

"I’m just telling you, Inuyasha." Kagome interrupted. "There are laws." She stepped to the door. "Now c’mon. We’re going to be late."

Inuyasha fell in behind her.

"Wait." She paused, Inuyasha running into her. "Your hat." She said, slipping from it’s hook and over his ears.

"I thought you couldn’t wear a hat to school." Inuyasha pointed out, recalling one of Kagome’s complaints.

"No." She agreed. "But we’ll have to until I think of something else. We’ll tell them your new here and you didn’t know. Most of the teachers should buy it." Then she added. "And leave your sword too."

Inuyasha glanced down at his Tetsegia. Never had he intentionally abandoned it more than just a few feet away, let alone leave it behind. He hesitated. Then, trusting Kagome, he slid it from his waist and hung it on the hook.

"Fine, then." He said. "Let’s go."

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I finally got about 23 reviews on ELI(Elfen Lied Inuyasha) now. I love reviews! It's more than I really hoped for actually since it's not been on here for very long. Believe it or not, this is really the very first fanfic I've ever made and I'm kinda learning as I go. I'm sorry to say thought that I probably won't be updating for at least the next 5 days. I'm really busy and I have a lot of stress building up. Next week I'll be going in to set an appointment to go into surgery so I should have some extra time while I recuperate. It's nothing serious, I just got a lump in my leg that needs to get taken out. Also, I'm trying to squeeze in some time to work on a rewrite of one of my most favorite fanfics
KAGOME AND THE SILVER HANYOU PIRATE by Sailor X. I've been trying to contact her to see if that would be alright but she hasn't replied to any of my e-mails or messages. I've basically been giving it a lot of thought and it just appealed to me to think that maybe I could rewrite in my own style. Of course all the credit of the plot and activities within the story would go to her, and the charachters to Inuyasha's creators while I'd only recieve credit on the actual rewrite style. Still, sounds good to me. I just love writing. Also, to all you imaginative people out there! If you have any great ideas for an awesome fanfic and want some assistance or maybe someone to help you write it, contact
me and I'll help whenever I can. Just e-mail me at venesasteinlicht@earthlink.net . I'm always checking my e-mail. Well, until next time! Toodles!