Eureka Seven Fan Fiction ❯ The Letter ❯ Understand ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

3 yrs later.
Renton saw the Gekko landed at a near by mountain. He reffed toward the ship, Holland was outside.
“Holland!!” Renton yelled as he landed. Holland looked up. Renton ran up to him, Then stopped in shock. The man Renton once saw who was young and somewhat calm, was now old looking and fatigued. ( he's 32)
“Well, Well, I can't believe you'd show your face here…” Holland said. Renton could here the tiredness in his voice.
“I know I've been gone a long, but, it took me a while to understand why she-“ Holland cut him off.
“Understand what!? That you meant the world to her!” he yelled. He started coughing. Talho came out of the ship.
“Holland!!” she yelled.
Holland was now coughing up blood. Talho went up to him.
“Its okay now… “ she said calmly as she gave him some pills.
Talho looked totally different.(like in the second half of the season.) her hair was shorter, and straight, but she looked old, even for a 32 yr. old!
Talho turn her attention to Renton.
“So you came back?” she said
“I looking for-“ He was cut off again.
“Renton… there's you need to see.” She said sadly.
Talho brought Renton to Eureka's room.
“There's a note for you on her bed. Please read it
Renton opened the letter.
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