Eureka Seven Fan Fiction ❯ Where The Heart Is ❯ Where The Heart Is ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I own this fic. I do NOT own the characters depicted within the fic, nor do I own the series they're from [Eureka Seven], or anything else in relation to it.

This takes place during the time of the series when Renton is aboard the Beams' ship. For those of you who have only been following the series through Adult Swim, I'm not sure if you know who the Beams' are yet, and I know you haven't quite gotten to this part in the series. Don't worry, it really doesn't ruin any key parts of the series. [still, though, SPOILER WARNING:]

[spoiler, kinda]
Just to sorta sum up where this takes place at, Renton runs away from the Gekko and through some crazy mishap winds up on board with Charles and Ray Beams and after a couple episodes they offer to be the parents he never had. There.

To those of you who've read the only digimon fic I have out ["The Balcony"], I'll go ahead and tell you that some of the sexual themes sorta carried over into this one. Not nearly to the same extent, but I would understand if you decided to accuse me of not coming up with new ideas. I'd probably agree.

Also, if you feel the need to email me your comments, critiques, flames, etc., or even if you have a request [I may or may not do it, you understand] you can email me at If nothing else, I'll most likely at least respond.

Please enjoy, and be sure to check out the few other fics I have. Thanks.

[quick note, I realize some things aren't quite right in this story, such as how astute Renton's narration becomes later and the fact that I don't think LFOs have any sort of auto-pilot. feel free to tell me if you notice anything else along those lines and I'll keep it in mind for future reference]


My first week or so with the Beams was different. It was a whole new experience for me. No, I'm not complaining or anything. Actually, it was very... pleasant. Like I was meant to be there or something. I guess that sounds weird, but that’s how it felt. I felt so relaxed around Charles and Ray, so warm. It almost felt like... family.

I didn't really know how to react when they told me to start calling them Mom and Dad. I'm still not sure what to think of it. I guess it was kinda sudden and unexpected. Besides, I've never called anyone Mom or Dad before. But maybe that’s why I sort of like the idea...


I was in my room on the Beams' ship. It was kinda late and Ray and... well... Mom and Dad had already gone off to bed. We had been flying for the past couple days without making port and I wasn't sure where we were going. It didn't really matter much at the time, anyway. I was thinking about something else.


It seemed like forever since I'd last seen her. I still didn't know exactly what had happened, but it felt like it was my entire fault. I felt horrible. Thinking about it, I think I deserved more than I got for than from Holland. But still, I didn’t mean any harm. I wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt her. Not Eureka. No, I... I loved her. And I couldn't stop thinking about her. About how she talked to me, smiled at me, her voice when she spoke to me. And even the smaller things like how she walked, how she breathed, the look she gave me when what I said didn't make sense. And how she smelled.

I sat in my bed, holding a photo of Eureka and sighed. The picture of her combined with all my memories of her almost gave the feeling like she was right there with me. Oh, I could feel it. The warmth of her sitting right beside me, leaning against me. She breathed my name and rested her head in the crook of my neck.

Suddenly it was getting warm in my room. I took off my jacket and overshorts and folded them at the foot of my bed. As I looked back to the photo of Eureka I once again dove back into that fantasy, that dream. Eureka was with me. She was holding me. She sat in my lap and I fell backward. She rested her arms on either side of me and ran a finger along my cheek. Then she kissed me.

It was the greatest kiss of my life. I couldn't remember if it was my first one or not at the time, but it was the best. I felt her hand gently run down my chest as her tongue slipped into my mouth. I could feel her finger tips through my thin undershirt. They traveled lower and lower, past my navel and then to the opening in my shorts. I had already become hard. I gasped as I felt her warm, slightly sweaty hands gently clasp about my length and begin to pump. Slow at first, but steadily gaining in speed.

The heat was overwhelming. Our kissing grew more enthusiastic and her pumping got faster and harder. I was so close. I was going to-



I sat bolt upright, my mind suddenly freezing, my stomach doing a back flip and my heart skipping about four beats in a row. I looked to the now open door to see Charles. Dad. He simply stood there, hands in his pockets with a look of only mild surprise at my current state. There I was laying back in my bed, back arched off the mattress, one arm supporting me, the other grasping my still pulsing erection poking out through my shorts, but suddenly my orgasm wasn't the first thing on my mind. Instead the only thing I could think was "He's gonna hate me now."

After what must have been at least a dozen horrible seconds of silence he said something. "Hey, when you get a chance, meet me in the hangar. I need your help with something." And just before the door closed I saw him smile.

For a few moments I simply lay there. I felt the sweat drip down my face as my breath came back to me and I attempted to assess what had just happened. It wasn’t long before I quickly jumped to my feet and raced through the door after him. "Wait!" I called after him. I didn't want to leave that situation at that.

"Wait a minute!" I called again just before rounding a corner and bumping headlong into his wide chest and falling back to the floor.

"Renton! Are you alright?!" He sounded concerned. Genuinely concerned. Maybe he did still care about me. He reached a hand out to help me up and I hesitantly took it. As he brushed off my shoulders he chuckled "Well I didn't mean to rush you, son." I blushed slightly when he called me "son" but I didn't dwell on it.

Without giving him a chance to continue I forced myself to speak. "I- I'm sorry!" It actually came out as more of a yelp than I meant it to, but I was really nervous and even more ashamed.

He looked down at me in mild confusion, but then he adopted a more comforting smile. "What for? Renton, don't worry about that. All boys your age go through the same sort of thing. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

I didn't really know how to respond so I simply voiced my thoughts. "But I shouldn’t have done that, not here on your ship, in the room you and your wife gave me. You were being so nice and helpful and I- I just..."

I felt tears begin to well up behind my eyes and my embarrassment only grew. I didn’t want him to see me cry on top of everything else. I was surprised, however, when he knelt down, put his hands on my shoulders and spoke softly. "Renton, calm down. It was nothing. This is your home now. This is your home, that’s your room, and we're your parents. We understand whatever you’re going through and we support you. I'll admit that I was rather surprised, but don’t worry about it. It's over and I don't think any less of you. I still love you, my son."

Those were the best words I could have possibly heard that that moment. I sniffed a bit, still fighting back the tears, then wrapped my arms around him and gave him the tightest hug I could muster. I smiled a bit when I felt him hug me back.

The moment only lasted a few seconds but for me it felt like ages, and I was happy. When he finally released me and stood up, he smiled down at me and winked. "Well, since your out here, why don't I show you what I need help with." I took a moment to wipe the tears out of my eyes then smiled.


We got to the hangar and walked over to his LFO. I decided that I really liked it. It was different from any other LFO I had seen- well, besides Ray's- and it was beautiful. The design was elegant yet strong and it cut a pretty cool figure.

As we approached it, though, I glimpsed something different in the cockpit. "Hey, what's in there?" He didn't answer or stop me when I climbed up it to take a closer look. I smiled broadly when I noticed what it was. In the cockpit, behind the seat, was another, slightly smaller seat. In the head cushion the initials "RB" were stitched in red. "Wow!" was all I could come up with at the time.

"I thought you might like that, Renton." he called to me as he climbed up to join me. "Ray and I've been working on that for the past couple days. It took us a lot less time than we thought, actually." I had been wondering why they hadn't been letting me into the hangar.

"Well, what are you waitin' for? Hop in!" As I looked at him, all I could do was smile. I could barely contain my happiness. "Alright!" I exclaimed, louder than I intended. As he climbed into his seat I leapt into mine without bothering with the safety belt or caring that I was still in only my undershirt and shorts.

I heard the hum of the engines grow and felt the powerful machine slowly come to life. As the docking bay door began to open and we approached it... Dad sent a message over the intercom telling Mom we were going for a short flight. She didn't even remind us to be careful, simply laughed and told us to have a good time. I liked my mom's laugh.

And then we were off.

It was like I was seeing the night sky for the first time. Somehow I had never noticed just how beautiful it was, like a thick black canvas with millions of tiny pinpricks in it to let in just a hint of heaven's glow. Or at least that's how my dad described it. As we rode the trapar I laughed. I was having fun with my dad. We were spending time together, we were bonding. He was there. My dad.

After a while, we slowed down a bit until we were at cruising speed, just flying alongside the ship. My head was leaned against the window, a huge smile plastered on my face as I gazed at the sky and the pale green trapar waves as they kicked up in our wake. Then he swiveled around in his chair after fiddling with the controls and looked at me. I looked back. He was smiling, so I smiled back.

"You enjoying yourself, son?" his voice was cheerful.

"Yeah, dad! This is great!"

"Well, I'd sorta hate to ruin the moment, but I thought that maybe while we're out here we could have a little Father-Son talk. Man to man, eh?" He was still smiling.

I wasn't sure exactly what he was getting at, but my heart began racing instantly. This was a new thing for me. I nodded slightly. "Sure.

"Alright then." He leaned back a bit and scratched his head, a slight look of embarrassment on his face. "Well, I was originally gonna wait a bit before talking to you about this, and probably get Ray to help me out, but under the circumstances I think now's as good a time as any." He then looked at me with a look of stern seriousness in his eyes. "Renton, how much do you know about sex?"

If I hadn't gone earlier I would have wet my pants right then. I'm pretty sure I made up for that with the blood that immediately ran to my face. I didn't say anything for a while. I just stared at him, wishing I could stare somewhere else, but my eyes wouldn't move. I gulped silently and opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again when I realized it wasn't anything intelligent.

Of course, this didn't help him either. He began scratching the back of his head again, apparently his nervous habit, and chuckled nervously before speaking again. "I... know it's an awkward topic, but as your father it's one I feel I should discuss with you. That little 'incident' earlier confirms that. Now, I don't know how much knowledge you have in that department, but I want you to know that I'll be with you from now on, and if you ever want to talk to me about something, anything, no matter how embarrassing it might be, I'm here. I'll talk to you. I'll help you." His voice was reassuring, and his eyes were.. concerned.

I hugged him. It was all I could think of at the time. I smiled when he returned the gesture without hesitation. That only lasted for a few short seconds before we both let go and leaned back into our own chairs. He chuckled and ruffled my hair then spoke again.

"So, exactly how much DO you know, eh?" he nudged my leg with his foot and winked slyly. I blushed a bit and looked at my feet. "I've... never been with a girl before." I managed to squeak out.

He was still smiling. "That sounds about right, a boy your age. Still, though, moving right along, aren't we? I was a bit older than you before I started masturbating. 'Course, I was something of a late bloomer." He chuckled, and I nervously joined him. I was glad to be talking to my father, but this conversation was a little different than I would have anticipated.

"Speaking of..." he continued. "After I sorta... interrupted things, did you, you know... finish up?"

My face burned while I fidgeted with the hem of my shorts and for some reason my heart was racing. This was different. "No." I replied, weakly.

"Well, that's no good." he sighed. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your fun. I understand how that feels, believe me." And he leaned forward and got eye level to me then spoke almost in a whisper "If you wanna go ahead and finish up, right now, that's fine with me." He then patted me on the knee and turned back around in his chair. "I won't watch or anything."

And for a while he just sat there, same as me, just staring at the back of his head. A few moments passed by and he didn't turn around or say anything else, but just stayed really quiet. Then I finally spoke. "Are you serious?"

He looked back at me, still smiling. "Of course. I can't ask you to hold back . I wouldn't feel right. I owe it to you."

"But... I can't just..."

"Why, are you embarrassed? Is it because I'm here? I could turn on some music if that'd help." He flipped on the radio to some downtempo electronica station, but the fact that it was a song I liked didn't matter to me. He turned back to me and smiled. "Just pretend I'm not here." he said.

For a few moments, I panicked. My mind was suddenly conflicted. This was ridiculous, right? I mean, who just comes out and tells someone they can go ahead and jack off right next to them, as if it was nothing? But at the same time... I kind of wanted to. I couldn't really understand at the time, but the idea was somehow... arousing, in its own way. With... with my dad right there... But still.

So, without thinking about it, I blurted out the first thing that I could.

"Help me."

After a few moments, he finally turned and looked at me, surprised. "Help you?"

I didn't say anything for a while. I was trying to decide if I had really said what I thought I said. I never took my eyes away from his, but I managed to breathe the word "Yeah."

There was a long pause during which he just looked at me, as if staring me down, trying to decide if I was serious. Then he smiled and turned back around. "If you're sure." he said.

Then, without a word, he leaned over and placed a hand on my crotch. My heart nearly leaped right out of my mouth as I yelped, but I didn't move. In fact, my whole body became stiff as a board.

"Relax." he told me, soothingly, as he began to softly massage my slowly growing bulge. I couldn't help it. I kept trying to tell myself that this was wrong, but my subconscious, or something, didn't want me to stop. I was exhilarated and I didn't want that feeling to end.

As my erection grew, the tip began to peak out of the opening in my boxers. By this time I was having trouble controlling my breathing. Once it reached its full length he wrapped his fingers around it and squeezed. I yelped at this. It didn't hurt or anything, though. It actually felt really good. He was still smiling. "Looks to be about seven inches." he said, flexing each finger individually. "Not a bad size for your age. Not at all." And with that, he continued his work.

As he slowly began to pump his hand, my hands joined him, softly covering his own larger fingers as they gently squeezed my skin and massaged my penis.

After a while, he stopped. I didn't want him to stop. I looked at him curiously, still breathing heavily. "Why don't you take those clothes off." he said. "It's getting pretty hot in here."

I barely took two seconds to consider this before complying. I just wanted him to keep going. I hadn't even noticed that I had begun to sweat until I began removing my shirt. I threw it, along with my shorts, to the floor in front of my and then he continued. He pumped faster than before, harder. The strokes were longer and he pressed his thumb against the head. His other hand began to fondle my balls. I began moaning as he rubbed them. "Well, you may be a little big for your age, but you’re as hairless as a newborn." His voice was slightly different. He was enjoying this. Somehow, I was glad.

He continued in this way for a little while longer, then stopped again. I was really close this time. A groan was the only way I could think of to voice my disappointment. He quickly hushed me with a finger to my lips, then inserted that finger. I didn't know what to do until he told me to suck. As he slowly began to lightly massage my erection once again, I felt obligated to comply. He pushed the whole digit into my mouth and I slathered it as good as I could, running my tongue all around it until he inserted a second finger. I continued even when he inserted a third finger. It took a little effort not to gag, but after a while he finally pulled them back out. I looked at him curiously as he reached that hand below where his other hand was working. I understood once he pressed the first digit against my rear hole.

I fidgeted, instinctively trying to avoid the would-be intruder. Again, he urged me to relax, gently pushing me back into my seat. As he continued his work on my penis, the same hand once again reached down below me and begged passage. Reluctantly, I granted it, and winced as my dad's index finger was pressed into me. It was strange at first but quickly became amazing as he began pressing against something. It was like he found the button in my body that... makes me feel good... or something. An analogy didn't come to mind at the time.

I nearly came right then, but did my best to hold it in. This was the best I'd ever felt and I didn't want that ending too soon. After withstanding for a while, he then inserted the next feeling. It stretched my ring a bit, but once he began pressing against that spot again, I didn't even notice. Again, this continued until he slowly began forcing that third finger into me. At first it felt like it wouldn't go, but I shifted my weight a bit and it soon managed to slip in. It hurt. I voiced that, but I didn't really care. I wanted it.

His strokes got faster and faster as his fingers pressed against that magical spot, until finally I reached it. That moment that made me forget every trouble and think only of the amazing feeling surging through my body and erupting from within.

I came hard. For a long time. I wasn't aware of my surroundings, or even my dad with me. My eyes were clenched shut as I rode the waves of my orgasm all the way through.

When I opened my eyes I found myself gazing directly into the eyes of my father. As he looked into mine, his smile grew. As I fought to regain my breath, my thoughts slow vocal skills slowly returned. "Thanks." I managed to breathe.

"My pleasure." he stated.

I had almost forgot about the fingers within me until he pulled them back out. I let out a short yelp as they all popped out at once and I suddenly felt a little empty. I looked down to see his hand cupped over my slowly wilting erection. When he turned it over I saw that he had caught all of my sperm in his palm. "Wh -What are we going to do with that?" I asked, a little shakily.

His smile grew into a toothy grin and he chuckled. "Well, you shouldn't let it go to waste. Besides, I don't have a toilet in here." Then he held the hand up to me.

For a few moments, I did nothing, then I smiled a bit. My penis began growing hard again.

I took his hand with both of mine and dipped my tongue into his palm, tasting myself. My first impulse was to be disgusted, but after a moment, I decided that it was actually kind of sweet. Another taste. Yes, definitely sweet. A little salty, too. I began slowly lapping it up and before long I was slurping it down, thinking only of how delicious my sperm was and deciding that I should try drinking it more often.

Once his hand was empty and I had licked all the remnants from his fingers I looked back at him with a huge smile on my face. I had no idea what had come over me, but I was enjoying myself.

He gave me an understanding wink, then leaned back in his chair. "You know, some might say that I just did you a favor. And in my defense, I couldn't help but be aroused. So, if you would..." he breathed out a sigh as he lowered the zipper of his trousers and pulled down his shorts, revealing an erection like I had never seen before. " so kind as to return the favor... I would be most appreciative."

Again, I was lost in the moment. I couldn't help myself. Pushing such bizarre concepts as rationality and morals aside I nearly leapt at the organ.

It was huge. It must have been almost a foot long and at least a couple times as thick as me, but honestly I wasn't in a reasoning state of mind at the time. Instead I simply wrapped both hands around it and began pumping and licking all over it. I have no idea how good I was - it was my first time to try anything like that - but I was giving it my best. I honestly wanted to give my dad my best. In my eyes, he was the best thing to ever happen to me. He deserved everything I could give him.

As I continued pumping with my hands, my mouth ventured to the engorged head, licking up the copious amounts of pre he had begun to secrete on my way there. I heard him moan as I wrapped my lips around it. I had no idea how to do this right, but I was determined to try. Slowly, I began to lower my mouth onto his massive organ. The first few inches weren't bad, but once I had taken about four inches in, he was at the back of my throat. I decided to just work with that for the time being, pumping my hands over the rest. I gradually began to move my mouth up and down over the bit of his penis I could fit in. Slowly, I began trying to take more. I nearly gagged a couple times, but after a while I learned to ignore it. I managed to take in five, then six. My seven I was getting a little excited and wanted to see just how much I could swallow. His moans grew louder as I swallowed eight, then nine inches. I could feel the thick organ running down my throat and slightly stretching my esophagus. Around then I was slightly concerned for my wellbeing and was about to back off, but then his hands pressed against the back of my head and forced me to take another inch in, then another, and another.

Finally, my nose was nestled in his thick pubic hair and I felt the entire length of his member lodge into my throat. I could hear his breathing, short and quick, almost coming in gasps. After a short while, the pressure on his hands lessened and allowed me to lift my head. I brought my lips all the way up to his head, then slowly brought them back down, again managing to fight my gag reflex and taking the whole thing. I would later find out that this was a really rare gift I had. At the time, I didn't really think much about it.

Again, I began to pull off, not all the way this time, just coming up until about half of it remained, then taking it again. This continued for a while, my hands massaging his sack and prodding experimentally at his ring. It didn't take long for him to reach his climax. Of course, lost in the moment as I was, I didn't really know what was happening at the time when he shoved my head down all the way and thrust upward. I did when I felt the long stream of liquid spew down my throat and esophagus. My jaw felt like it was about to pop as his shaft thickened and he pumped more and more cum into my body.

It lasted nearly half a minute, him holding my head into his lap as his thick balls deposited their seed almost directly into my stomach. Finally, as it began to let up, he released me and I brought my lips back of to his head. I managed to catch a few final, small spurts in my mouth and rolled them about my tongue. It was a different taste from my own, not as sweet, a bit saltier, and much thicker. I kinda liked it.

I looked up at him and he was just sitting, leaned back in his chair, panting rapidly. I slowly began to rise. I placed a hand against his chest and spoke softly to him. "Daddy?"

He looked down at me, flashed that smile I had grown so used to, then leaned in and kissed me.

Strangely enough, that moment trumped all the others combined. IT seemed to last for days as his tongue ventured between my lips and flitted between my teeth. Mine joined his and we pressed our bodies against each other.

Of course, it eventually ended, but we continued holding each other. I broke the silence first. "I love you, daddy." I was on the verge of tears.

"I love you too, Renton."

We looked at each other and I nodded my head. To be honest, I wasn't completely sure what I was consenting to, but I wanted it regardless.

I leaned back and sat in my seat as I watched him remove his clothes. He didn't bother taking his time to be sexy about it or anything, but I didn't care. If anything, I wanted him to go faster. Once he was done, I leaped back into his lap, wrapped my arms about his neck and kissed him. He wrapped one arm around me and began pumping his still-hard erection. Once I noticed this, I snaked one hand down to help. It wasn't long before a copious amount of pre had begun dribbling down the length and we slathered it all over his massive organ, smearing it along with the cum that was already drenching the length.

Then, with a final peck on my lips, my shifted his body in his chair and lifted me closer to him. He raised my pelvis up and rested my ring at his head. I knew what was coming, and I felt prepared for it. He smiled a very sweet smile when he pushed, and I did my best to hold back as scream as his head entered me.

He stopped. He didn't move for a long time. I looked up at him and he looked back at me, worry in his eyes. After a few moments, I smiled at him and nodded, oblivious to the tears streaming down my cheeks.

He weakly returned the smile and continued. He began forcing my hips down and I moaned loudly as I felt the huge organ pushing further and further, deeper and deeper inside of me. While painful, it was a magnificent feeling, such deep penetration. Then I realized I only had about half of the length inside of me.

He had stopped and looked intent on pulling back out. I wouldn't have it. I wasn't finished. I could do better. Fighting against his hands I pushed. I pushed my pelvis down harder and harder, taking in more and more, feeling the head work into my lower intestines. I heard him gasp as I gave one final shove and then my bottom was rested firmly in his lap. The size of the organ lodged inside of me and stretching me was not ignored, but all I could think to do was repeat "I love you, daddy." over and over again as I wrapped my arms around his built waste and cried into his chest.

He soon embraced me back, resting one hand atop my head and using the other to massage my lower back. I could feel it indirectly squeezing the length inside of me and it made me shiver slightly. "I know." he told me.

Then he placed both hands at my hips and slowly began lifting. The feeling was amazing, the friction of every inch of his length against my insides. My body was on fire and all my muscles were tingling. As he lifted, I raised myself, and once nothing but the head remained, I dropped my wait again, taking him in once more, eased down by his guiding hands. Once I reached the bottom, I let out another groan, wordlessly praising the fullness I felt inside. I rose again and dropped, faster this time. Every inch of my brain was concentrated on the nerves surrounding my dad's massive penis. I gave my pelvis an experimental squeeze and we both moaned loudly at the feeling.

We continued in this way, gradually getting faster and faster. Soon, he we pumping inside of me faster than my mind could keep up with and I quickly reached my limit. I came harder than before, releasing it all over both our chests and bellies. But still he continued. It quickly regained my erection and just as quickly reached yet another climax, thickening the coat on our bodies.

Then, finally, as my body tightened around his member, he reached his peak. He wrapped his arms tightly around my slender body and rested his head in the crook of my neck, teeth clenched and eyes closed tightly. He thrust his full length inside me as hard as he could and I felt his body spasm as he suddenly grew wider.

I could feel the first gush unleash itself inside of me. And the second. And the third. It felt like each was more copious than the last as they began to flood my insides. There seemed to be no end to the flow and I could swear it was pushed all the way into my stomach.

As this continued, I hugged him tightly, and pressed my cheek against his. As he continued pumping his seed into me, I began to feel full.

Soon it was over, though, and he lifted his head up and looked at me. I looked back at him and we smiled at each other.

He leaned his head down and gave me a brief kiss on my forehead and winked to me. "Let's go home, son."