Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ The Monsters ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(monsters may be added as the story goes)

† My name is...Thanatos||. † . † . † . † . † .

† Race:
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: ----
† Age: ----
† Eye Color: Gold
† Hair Color: ----
† Height: 6'3''
† Weight: 200 lbs
† Supernatural power(s):
Those who encounter Thanatos rarely live to speak of it. He is as ancient as time itself, and those brave enough to talk about him do so in hushed whispers. No one knows exactly what powers he possesses, but all know that he is a force to be reckoned with.

† Natural Ability(abilities):

»1 . . . Healing Factor- All demon's possess a healing factor far greater than most humans. What could be fatal to a human would be healed in a matter of minutes for a demon.
»2 . . . Inhuman strength- A demon's might is controlled only by how angry he becomes.
»3 . . . Flight- Records mention that he often descends from the heavens before casting the world to hell.
»4 . . . Shape shifting- Being an ancient demon, he has long since mastered the ability to change his appearance.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: He is one of the fallen from Heaven. Once a powerful angel he is now one of the most terrifying demons. He is one of the original seven cast down, and as such he is one of the elder demons who spawned the next generation.

† Criminal Record: While no actual criminal record exists for him, his crimes against humanity have been recorded through the eons. His murders total in the millions, and entire civilizations have been wiped out because of him.

† Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Evil incarnate.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: -----

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared
Being Worshipped

† Dislikes:
Some Demons
Anything that is weaker than him

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† My name is... Cecilia . † . † . † . † . † .

Race: vampire
† Gender: Female
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: White
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 118 lbs
Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . . "Inhuman Strength" - Like that of a Hunter, a Vampire has strength that no human can possibly fathom.
»2 . . . "Inhuman Speed" - As a Vampire, Cecilia can move faster than most can see. She will be in one spot one moment, and in a matter of seconds she is in another spot miles away.

Natural Ability(abilities):

»1 . . . Healing- Should Cecilia drink blood, her healing will double and could possible regenerate a lost limb.
»2 . . . Immortal- As a demon, Cecilia cannot die by natural causes.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »

Summary: Cecilia joined Faust after he found her wandering the streets feeding off of humans. Her blood lust was never filled and she took no enjoyment in kill those weaker than her. Faust promised her the opportunity to have a real challenge by helping him kill off her own kind. She agreed to his terms and conditions so long as he let her kill any demon that was not on Faust's team.

Cecilia betrayed Faust with Brandon after being promised the chance to double her power. She didn't hesitate to lunge at the opportunity to to exceed her own limitations. Because of her betrayal, she can never go back to Faust, not that she ever would.

Criminal Record: None that was ever recorded.

Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
Please describe your personality: Despite Cecilia's blood lust, she is very flirtatious and will stop at nothing to have her way. She doesn't have much patience and would rather get to the point then wait for something to happen. She is not very good at being a leader; however she doesn't like being told what to do and where to go. She would turn against you if someone offered her the right price. And she will use her looks to get her what she wants.

Please describe your sexual orientation: Bi.

Please describe your least-favorable personality: Cecilia likes a challenged If you can't keep her interested, you are not worth her time.

Loud music
Toying with people

Being in a bad mood
People ordering her about
Things that don't go her way

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† My name is...Brandon|| Ezekiel || Patterson. † . † . † . † . † .

† Race:
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: February 16th
† Age: 32
† Eye Color: Hazel
† Hair Color: White
† Height: 5'11''
† Weight: 170 lbs
† Supernatural power(s):
»1. . . . Healing Factor- As a hunter, he heals at an accelerated rate compared to most humans.
»2. . . . Inhuman strength and agility- While most hunters rely on their strength to defeat foes he relies on his speed and agility. He is not weak by any means, but he'd prefer to dance around foes and cut off their limbs then finish them with one blow.

† Natural Ability(abilities):
»1. . . .Medical Knowledge- Perhaps it is due to the time he has spent taking apart his victims, but he has an almost medical knowledge of the human body. Where to stab...and where not to stab.....

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: Not much is known about Brandon. Is file states that his parents were found murdered and he was taken in as a ward of the state. It wouldn't be until much later that talk began to surface that he was the one who murdered his parents. He was always a troubled kid, though most tend to see only his good side. However, when his darker personality began to surface people started to go missing. Due to his being a Hunter, he is a natural killing machine.

When Faust discovered him he offered him a chance for sanity, as well as a chance to work off some of his frustration. While he worked for Faust he was the picture of kindness, only showing his sadistic side when he entered into battle, however now this was known to be nothing more than a facade. All the while he had grown disillusioned with humanity, and wishing to become stronger he decided to start working for what he believed to be the 'winning team'.

† Criminal Record: Numerous accounts of assault. Including one conviction where he spent four months in jail.

† Health Record: Mental Instability

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Brandon has split personalities. On one side you have a person who is a goofball and loves to do nothing more then watch TV and play video games. However, his more dominant personality is that of a dark psychopath who delights in watching his victims squirm while he kills them slowly.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Bi

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared

† Dislikes:
Those who get in his way
Being told what to do

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† My name is...Belial. † . † . † . † . † .

† Race:
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: ----
† Age: ----
† Eye Color: Gold
† Hair Color: White
† Height: 6'8''
† Weight: 240 lbs
† Natural Ability(abilities):
»1 Healing Factor- All demon's possess a healing factor far greater then most humans. What could be fatal to a human would be healed in a matter of minutes for a demon.
»2 Inhuman strength- A demon's might is controlled only by how angry he becomes.
»3 Flight- Records mention that he often descends from the heavens before casting the world to hell.
»4 Shapeshifting- Being an ancient demon, he has long since mastered the ability to change his appearance.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: He is one of the fallen from Heaven. Once a powerful angel he is now one of the most terrifying demons. He is one of the original seven cast down, and as such he is one of the elder demons who spawned the next generation.

† Criminal Record: While no actual criminal record exists for him, his crimes against humanity have been recorded through the eons. His murders total in the millions, and entire civilizations have been wiped out because of him.

† Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Evil incarnate.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: None

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared
Being Worshipped

† Dislikes:
Some Demons
Anything that is weaker than him

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† ; My name is...Baal. † . † . † . † . † .

† Race:
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: ----
† Age: ----
† Eye Color: Gold
† Hair Color: White
† Height: 6'8''
† Weight: 240 lbs
† Natural Ability(abilities):
»1 Healing Factor- All demon's possess a healing factor far greater then most humans. What could be fatal to a human would be healed in a matter of minutes for a demon.
»2 Inhuman strength- A demon's might is controlled only by how angry he becomes.
»3 Flight- Records mention that he often descends from the heavens before casting the world to hell.
»4 Shapeshifting- Being an ancient demon, he has long since mastered the ability to change his appearance.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: He is one of the fallen from Heaven. Once a powerful angel he is now one of the most terrifying demons. He is one of the original seven cast down, and as such he is one of the elder demons who spawned the next generation.

† Criminal Record: While no actual criminal record exists for him, his crimes against humanity have been recorded through the eons. His murders total in the millions, and entire civilizations have been wiped out because of him.

† Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Evil incarnate.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: None

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared
Being Worshipped

† Dislikes:
Some Demons
Anything that is weaker than him
------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

† My name is...Hades. † . † . † . † . † .

† Race: Oni
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: ----
† Age: ----
† Eye Color: Gold
† Hair Color: White
† Height: 6'8''
† Weight: 240 lbs
† Natural Ability(abilities):
»1 Healing Factor- All demon's possess a healing factor far greater then most humans. What could be fatal to a human would be healed in a matter of minutes for a demon.
»2 Inhuman strength- A demon's might is controlled only by how angry he becomes.
»3 Flight- Records mention that he often descends from the heavens before casting the world to hell.
»4 Shapeshifting- Being an ancient demon, he has long since mastered the ability to change his appearance.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: He is one of the fallen from Heaven. Once a powerful angel he is now one of the most terrifying demons. He is one of the original seven cast down, and as such he is one of the elder demons who spawned the next generation.

† Criminal Record: While no actual criminal record exists for him, his crimes against humanity have been recorded through the eons. His murders total in the millions, and entire civilizations have been wiped out because of him.

† Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Evil incarnate.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: None

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared
Being Worshipped

† Dislikes:
Some Demons
Anything that is weaker than him

-------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

† My name is... Abbadon. † . † . † . † . † .

† Race: Oni
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: ----
† Age: ----
† Eye Color: Gold
† Hair Color: White
† Height: 6'8''
† Weight: 240 lbs
† Natural Ability(abilities):
»1 Healing Factor- All demon's possess a healing factor far greater then most humans. What could be fatal to a human would be healed in a matter of minutes for a demon.
»2 Inhuman strength- A demon's might is controlled only by how angry he becomes.
»3 Flight- Records mention that he often descends from the heavens before casting the world to hell.
»4 Shapeshifting- Being an ancient demon, he has long since mastered the ability to change his appearance.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: He is one of the fallen from Heaven. Once a powerful angel he is now one of the most terrifying demons. He is one of the original seven cast down, and as such he is one of the elder demons who spawned the next generation.

† Criminal Record: While no actual criminal record exists for him, his crimes against humanity have been recorded through the eons. His murders total in the millions, and entire civilizations have been wiped out because of him.

† Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Evil incarnate.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: None

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared
Being Worshipped

† Dislikes:
Some Demons
Anything that is weaker than him

--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

† My name is....Persperone † . † . † . † . † .

† Race: Oni
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: ----
† Age: ----
† Eye Color: Gold
† Hair Color: White
† Height: 6'8''
† Weight: 240 lbs
† Natural Ability(abilities):
»1 Healing Factor- All demon's possess a healing factor far greater then most humans. What could be fatal to a human would be healed in a matter of minutes for a demon.
»2 Inhuman strength- A demon's might is controlled only by how angry he becomes.
»3 Flight- Records mention that he often descends from the heavens before casting the world to hell.
»4 Shapeshifting- Being an ancient demon, he has long since mastered the ability to change his appearance.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: He is one of the fallen from Heaven. Once a powerful angel he is now one of the most terrifying demons. He is one of the original seven cast down, and as such he is one of the elder demons who spawned the next generation.

† Criminal Record: While no actual criminal record exists for him, his crimes against humanity have been recorded through the eons. His murders total in the millions, and entire civilizations have been wiped out because of him.

† Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Evil incarnate.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: None

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared
Being Worshipped

† Dislikes:
Some Demons
Anything that is weaker than him

-------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

† My name is....Lucifer † . † . † . † . † .

† Race: Oni
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: ----
† Age: ----
† Eye Color: Gold
† Hair Color: White
† Height: 6'8''
† Weight: 240 lbs
† Natural Ability(abilities):
»1 Healing Factor- All demon's possess a healing factor far greater then most humans. What could be fatal to a human would be healed in a matter of minutes for a demon.
»2 Inhuman strength- A demon's might is controlled only by how angry he becomes.
»3 Flight- Records mention that he often descends from the heavens before casting the world to hell.
»4 Shapeshifting- Being an ancient demon, he has long since mastered the ability to change his appearance.

» . S t o r y . o f . m y . l i f e . »
† Summary: He is one of the fallen from Heaven. Once a powerful angel he is now one of the most terrifying demons. He is one of the original seven cast down, and as such he is one of the elder demons who spawned the next generation.

† Criminal Record: While no actual criminal record exists for him, his crimes against humanity have been recorded through the eons. His murders total in the millions, and entire civilizations have been wiped out because of him.

† Health Record: None

» . S w i n g . o f . m y . m o o d . »
† Please describe your personality: Evil incarnate.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: None

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Humans, weaklings, they're all the same.

† Likes:
Being Feared
Being Worshipped

† Dislikes:
Some Demons
Anything that is weaker than him