Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
While the girls were off playing in the winter wonderland there was a far more different feeling back at home. Despite the sound proof walls Lex had still managed to hear the kid waking up. There was a lot of yelling, mostly about snakes and why he was naked. This yelling was promptly followed by a rather large explosion; and through all of this Lex sat calmly in the kitchen eating a sandwich that he had prepared for himself since his lunch hadn't been able to fill him up. He knew that Faust would be okay while trying to calm the kid down. He was an immortal after all, nothing could hurt him.

Just as he was finishing the last remnants of his sandwich Faust appeared before him, his hands holding onto the shoulders of the new kid, who had apparently managed to get his clothes back from Granny. Though he didn't say anything, it was obvious that the new kid was shaken up. Of course the thing that intrigued Lex the most was the blood which was dripping rather freely from Faust's head.

"Well then, he's a rather excitable one," Faust said, just as cheerfully as ever, seemingly unfazed by the large wound on his head. "Anyway, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about so he's all yours Lexie!" Faust turned to leave but stopped only to add. "Oh right! He'll be staying with us for awhile so make sure to have him feel at home. Toodles!"

And just like that Faust was gone once again leaving the two Aions alone. Lex pushed a drink toward Alexiel, nodding with a friendly wave. "Names, Lex," he said as he extended his hand forward.

Alexiel looked from the drink to Lex, finally coming to the conclusion that it was safe. "Alexiel," he murmured softly as he took Lex's hand.

"Glad to hear that you're staying with us for awhile," Lex said as he motioned for Alexiel to have a seat.

"Well it wasn't exactly by choice. I wanted to go home, but the top hat guy said that if I stayed her and did some work for him I could pay off the charge for you guys saving me and having the creepy lady tattoo me." He looked down at his arm and sighed, still unable to believe that he was actually paying for this.

"Trust me, it's not as bad as it seems," Lex replied. "I'm guessing that Faust and Granny explained what you are?"

"A living conductor of energy," Alexiel nodded. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't accidentally shot top hat in the face with energy."

"Yeah...about that, remind me to give you some of my old cards so you can channel your power through them. It helped me a lot when I was learning. I'm just surprised that you didn't know what you are. I mean, you had the tattoo I just figured...."

Alexiel stared at the tattoo on his hand and shrugged. "It's a memento from a past I'd like to forget."

"I understand that. Most of us here have pasts that we'd rather not indulge in; but give it time and I'll show you how to hide the marks," He said indicating to his own arm which bore no sign of ever being touched. "In the meantime, let's get you acquainted with your new home."

The sun was going down and it was getting colder, however, Evelyn was in her own little world playing with her snow friends. Luna stood and took one last look at the Lex snow person before pushing it over and little it crash to the ground. Evelyn turned to her.

"We better get back, Evelyn," Luna said not taking her eyes off the broken Lex.

Evelyn walked over to Luna and grabbed her hand. "You broke him."

Luna looked down at her. Evelyn didn't look sad, just disappointed. She had told Luna many times that she thought Luna and Lex would be perfect "mates" because their kids would be unstoppable despite the fact that they could be born with no powers at all.

"I made him for you," she added then yawned.

Luna picked Evelyn up and let her head rest on her shoulder. "I don't need anyone but you, Evelyn," Luna said and started heading back home.

"Okay, one more time." From the way the training room looked one would think that a major battle had just occurred in its corridors, when in all actuality it was nothing more then a little training exercise that he was putting the new kid through. Then again if one were to look at Alexiel who was all but ready to collapse they would think that he had indeed been in a fight. It didn't help that he still hadn't learned to keep his feet firmly planted. This was evident every time he tried to expel any amount of energy. Of course it didn't help that he still couldn't control how much energy he expelled, but after only a few hours of training he wasn't doing that badly.

Another energy blast ripped out of his hand sending him flying backwards into the wall. A soft groan escaped his lips as he simply slumped against it, not wanting to get back up.

"Hey, that was slightly better. At least you didn't crack the wall this time." Yeah, that was the best compliment he could muster at this point. While Alexiel was training his butt off Lex was sitting in a chair sipping on a milkshake. Where did he find the time to make all this food? Well, somewhere in between the time that Alexiel had knocked himself through a wall. "Try with the cards this time. See if that's any better for you."

Alexiel muttered a string of curses as he took out one of the cards and held it before him. He was just getting the hang of one thing when he was forced to switch to another. Fun. Closing his eyes he tried to focus on what Lex had told him. Imagine water flowing from one source to the other. Like pouring water into a glass you can't pour too much or it would overflow. He had barely started transferring energy when he felt something go wrong. A second later the card blew up in his hand sending him flying into the wall once again.

"Yeah, let's not do that again," Lex said, setting down his glass to go help Alexiel up. "You have to learn to only put what is needed into an attack, otherwise you'll waste energy and end up hurting yourself in the process."

"That's easier said than done," he groaned.

Luna walked in the training room holding a sleeping Evelyn. She looked at the boys and before letting her hand smooth Evelyn's back. Evelyn had her own room, but rarely slept in it. She usually slept where ever Luna was and Luna didn't sleep much so Evelyn was mostly in her arms or lying nearby. The best thing about having Luna sleeping anywhere was that she could sleep through anything. The world would come to an end and she wouldn't know if she was sleeping.

"I see that you have him training. It's a little rude don't you think. He's our guest," Luna said.

"He's not our guest. He's our new teammate," Lex said as Alexiel tried to dust himself off. "Alexiel, meet the brawn and beauty of our team miss Luna. The pipsqueak in her arms is Evelyn. Don't let their beauty fool you, either one of them could kick your butt without even trying."

"That's comforting," Alexiel said. Every bone, muscle, and tendon in his body hurt, but he still managed to walk over and nod to the girl that had just entered. "I'm Alexiel. From what I hear you're the one who saved me today. Thank you."

Luna nodded back to him. "Your gratitude isn't needed. I was just doing my job," she said and laid Evelyn on a couch against the far wall. She reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone. She opened it and pushed a few buttons then threw it to Lex. "She made a snow version of you. She took a picture of it to show you." The picture showed Lew's twin in snow form standing closer to Luna than Luna would allow the real Lew to stand. "She said to make sure you saw it."

Luna walked over to Alexiel. "Welcome to the team," she said. "I have some ointment that could help with the bruising," she added.

"Heh, she's quite the little artist." Lex was fawning over the picture. He took Luna's cell phone away from her and forwarded the picture to himself. He was surprised that Evelyn had actually taken the time to craft an image of him. Perhaps she missed him. He hadn't been spending enough time with his team lately. All his extra time had been spent training and helping Faust. Maybe he did need a few days off to simply relax.

"Thanks," Alexiel said, rubbing his sore shoulder. "But believe it or not I've had worse than this. Though, generally when I get this banged up it's due to someone else and not by my own doing."

"Oh trust me, you'll get a lot worse than that. I've lost my arm twice." He wiggled his fingers at Alexiel while tossing Luna back her phone, embellishing in the loss of color from the newbie's face. The sad part was that he wasn't even lying.

Luna instantly deleted the photo and closed her phone before putting it back in her pocket. "Evelyn is going to be upset that she didn't get to meet you, Alexiel." Luna said as she walked over to Evelyn. "She has taken a liking to you."

She brushed back Evelyn's hair then looked back at Alexiel. "I must warn you though," she started in her mellow tone. "Evelyn is a very curious girl especially over males. She might ask questions...if she ever talks to you." She turned to Alexiel once again. "However, you are not to in any way lead that curiosity on. She can be persuasive and sometimes demanding, but I assure you she is still a little girl." Part of Luna wanted to smile, but she sucked it down then picked up Evelyn again. "I'll be in the computer room if you need me."

Alexiel just nodded at what Luna said until she left. After which he let out a soft sigh and turned to Lex. "She's scary isn't she?" Despite the fact that she seemed nice, he couldn't help but to get the feeling that she was the kind of person who would beat you up for looking at her the wrong way.

"Oh yeah. You should see what she can do with her bare hands. It's not a pretty sight. Lucky for you she tends to be nicer to the new guys. Just don't make fun of her appearance and don't do anything to upset and Evelyn and you'll be fine." Lex pat him on the back as he moved pass to leave. "I think that's enough training for tonight. Let's go relax and pester Luna."

After laying Evelyn on the small couch in the computer room, she sat down at the computer. Her fingers moved fast as she typed. Her eyes scanned the words and the soft sounds of clicking filled the room. Luna found an escape in technology and she often visited site that sold some of the latest tech. She pulled up her credit account to see if Faust had put more money on it like he promised. After all, all the tech she bought went to the team. Of course, most of it was modified by her to suit the team better.

She looked back at Evelyn as the small girl turned in her sleep. Luna put the new CD she took from Alexiel's store in the drive and played it. Evelyn seemed to react to it because her breathing became easy. Inside herself, Luna smiled before turning back to the computer.

Lex smiled as gently ruffled Evelyn's hair. Taking off his coat he tossed it over her before going to where Luna was and looking over her shoulder .He whistled at the amount on the screen. "Not too shabby. I see that Faust has increased our pay." Not that money really mattered to him. He still had his trust fund money from his parents. The money he made with Faust was nothing more then spending cash for him. Which meant that he still had plenty of money in his account. Even he couldn't spend all the money that Faust paid them on a weekly basis.

Alexiel just stood off in the back, watching as Lex interacted with his teammates. Since he had no idea what was going on, and was still quite in shock over how his world had just changed in the matter of a few hours he was taking this brief time to recover.

"What am I doing?" he whispered beneath his breath.

"I'm thinking of upgrading our phones. The new versions of our phones came out this week and I can modify them to give the exact location of the person we want without calling them. So long as they are carrying one of the phones as well. It could be handy if we get separated or taken...though the likely hood of anyone or thing taking one of us is very slim to none." She pulled up the new phones online. "I'm thinking of getting one for Evelyn and myself anyways. Evelyn is getting more daring lately."

Luna looked back at Alexiel. "You got a phone?" She asked holding her hand out. She didn't have to ask for the phone if he had one. She was either going to take it by force or he was going to give it to her nicely.

"It's amazing how fast she can run with such short legs," Lex mused softly. "As for the cell phones, make sure to get mine to be the touch version. I want to be able to put my music on so I can listen to it on the go." Lex looked back at Alexiel when Luna asked him for his phone.

Alexiel just shrugged as he moved away from the wall. "I don't have a cell phone. I never had a need for it," he explained. In reality cell phones were just too expensive, and the few people he talked to he saw on a daily basis so it wasn't as if he had any immediate need for one.

"Well then, Luna, make sure to order him one."

"That isn't necessary," he quickly protested. "I believe I already owe Faust enough as it is without adding anything to that bill."

Lex just waved it off. "Don't worry, I'll cover the fee. You're getting a cell phone end of story."

"Actually, you'll learn, Alexiel, that there is very little you have to worry about money wise. Faust pays very well and if you ever get into a bind and need something, one of us will help. We are..." she turned back to the screen and her voice softened a bit, "like a family."

She let herself have a moment to bask in the thought of having a family before she snapped back to her normal tone. "And I will pay for your phone because I do all our tech stuff and since I'm the one modifying it, I mind as well cover the cost for parts." She did a few clicks then typed a few things and clicked again. She turned back to Alexiel. "Need anything else?"

Lex quirked an eyebrow at Luna's unusually soft tone. Even she had a soft side, though it was much like Haily's comet. It only showed every seventy-five years which meant that he had to enjoy it while it lasted....and it was gone. Placing a hand on her shoulder he squeezed gently before looking back at Alexiel who seemed more or less in disbelief of her words. "As I said, we all have our pasts that we'd rather forget. All that matters is what we're doing here and now. I know that Faust sort of strong armed you into this, that's just what happens when he gets excited. The point is I want to make sure that you really want to do this."

"I didn't think that I had a choice," Alexiel replied rather bluntly. All this talk about family and what not, he'd believe it when he saw it.

"Well you do. I'm giving it to you, because everyone who is here does this because they want to, not because they have to. I'm not going to sugar coat it. You have an amazing power within you that's just awakened. We can help you to master it, or you can go back to your life how it was before. Regardless of what you decide we won't hold it against you. If you do choose us, however, I can guarantee this. You will face death, pain, and sorrow like you've never imagined before; but you'll also feel more alive in those instances then you've ever felt. The pay is good, the people are good, and you get to blow stuff up. The choice is yours."

So he actually did have a choice. Well then that was certainly interesting, though he would've preferred to be given this decision when everyone wasn't starring at him. What did he want to do? Go back to the music store and forget this never happened...or live with people whose mental stability he was seriously starting to question. Looking down at his marked hand he just sighed. "Regardless of what you say, I really don't have a choice. After seeing all this, seeing what I can do...do you really think I could go back to a life like I had before? Trust me, it wasn't exactly glamorous."

"So...you'll be staying with us then?"

Alexiel thought for a moment before finally conceding. "Yeah, I guess I will."

Lex walked over to him and slapped him on the back before tossing an arm around his head. "Well then, welcome to the family. Luna, I think this calls for some c-a-k-e." He looked back at Evelyn to make sure she hadn't heard him. The girl could sleep through anything but you mention sweets and she would hear you a mile away.

"Fuck," Luna said under her breath as Evelyn stirred.

A small yawn escaped her pink lips and she sat up rubbing her eyes. "I want cake," she mumbled.

Luna looked over at Lex. "Do you have any idea how hard it will be to get her to sleep after cake?"

Evelyn looked up at Alexiel and stood. A smile formed on her lips and took a step towards him. Slowly she circled him and Lex and examined his body. Finally, when she had seen enough, she walked back to Luna and crawled in her lap. With another yawn she looked up at Luna with the cutest eyes she could muster.

"I'm not getting you cake. Lex will," Luna said looking down at the girl then back at Lex. "You're a dumb ass."