Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lex sighed and ruffled Evelyn's hair. "How is it that you're able to sleep through an oni attack yet you somehow manage to hear even the slightest reference to sweets?" It was beyond him, but this girl's supernatural ability had to be sensing sweets. "I'll give you some cake on the condition that you got bed right afterward." A small smirk appeared on his lips as he added. "If you go to bed Alexiel will tuck you in." Oh yes, he was gonna get hit for that.

Alexiel quirked an eyebrow and started to say something in protest when all of a sudden Lex shot up and started running. "Luna, cake time is over take Evelyn to bed. Alexiel go find Granny and tell her to go to the infirmary." Without bothering to explain himself he hurried to the front of the building. Throwing open the door he was greeted with a rather gruesome sight. A large dog was lying on the front steps, its body mangled and bleeding.

Without hesitating he knelt down and picked the dog up. "Crap, crap, crap!" He kept chanting that word over and over as he ran through the building and up to the infirmary. Alexiel was there with Granny, both of which gasped when they saw the bloody animal in his arms.

"Oh no Kyoya!"

Alexiel stood back, wondering why everyone was so upset about the dog. Yes, it was tragic that the animal was hurt but they seemed overly excited about it.

"C'mon man. You gotta transform back so we can look at you. We can't see much through the fur," Lex said as he rushed to get bandages and morphine. Just like the dog began to twist and contort until it took the shape of a human male. The wounds that the dog had on it showed up more clearly on him, and Alexiel finally understood why they were freaking out as they were.

While Granny took to mending his wounds, Lex held onto Kyoya's hand to keep him conscious. "What happened? Where's Cecilia and Brandon?"

"G-gone," Kyoya muttered, his teeth gnashing in pain. "Betrayed...."

Lex cursed beneath his breath at this. This was the second time in the past three months that something like this had happened. Already Kyoya was fading out again, and this time Lex let him fall into a merciful sleep. He would heal faster than any of them, but the wounds were still pretty bad. Motioning for Alexiel to follow him they went out to the hallway where Lex began to curse more freely. "Well, this was certainly a good time for you to come," he muttered looking over at Alexiel.

"What's going on?" He had barely heard the words that the wolf man had said, but he didn't like them one bit.

"The creatures that Faust released, if they work for him they don't go back to hell. Well, some took him up on that offer but most were content to kill, rape, and plunder. Something's been going on in the underworld, because some of our members have turned to betraying us in the field. With Cecilia and Brandon gone that means we've lost six of them so far. We've still got plenty more to replace them with, but it's making tensions really thick around here. I mean, would you really want to go into battle with someone you don't trust?"

"Why would they betray you guys? I mean, not going to hell sounds like a pretty good deal to me." It didn't make any sense to him. What would they gain by betraying Faust?

"Yeah, but evidently someone is offering them a better deal." The ominous tone in Lex's words seemed to echo throughout the hall, making Alexiel wonder if perhaps he had chosen wrong.

Evelyn shot a glance at Luna as the boys left the room. Luna scooped up Evelyn and ran down the hall to her room. She placed Evelyn in the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

"Please, don't go," Evelyn begged. "Take me too."

Luna brushed back the girl’s hair and shook her head. "I'm sorry but you're still too young. And..." she sucked back her emotional voice to not worry Evelyn, "I can hear that someone is hurt."

Luna turned on some music for Evelyn then shut the door behind her before starting to run again down the halls. She stopped when she saw Alexiel and Lex standing outside the infirmary. The look on Lex's face seemed to tell her everything.

And she knew who was behind that door.

"Kyoya..." she whispered and pushed past the boys. She opened the door to see the bloody Kyoya on the table and Granny working on him.

Quickly she closed the door and backed away from it. Another betrayal. More deaths. And this time, Kyoya was hurt. She put her head down.

"Please, excuse me," she said in a dark voice to the boys before running back up the halls.

She ran to her room and slammed the door than locked it. Evelyne shot up from the bed just as Luna melted to the floor. Evelyne ran to her and hugged her tightly as Luna did her best to push back tears.

"Kyoya...he's the only one that survived..." she explained to Evelyn. Evelyn started to cry slightly and Luna wrapped her arms around her. "Shhh, little one. Everything is going to be just fine."

Luna finally gained control over herself to console Evelyn. She needed to be strong for Evelyn as well as the team. She didn't have time to cry even though it was Kyoya on the table bleeding and suffering.

"I can't believe we lost two more." Faust sighed, shaking his head as he stared at the two young Aions. "It seems that fate shall prove to be a cruel mistress after all."

"It's not right!" Lex's hands were shaking as he turned to Faust. "Why can't we just reach a truce with them to stop this fighting? More and more people are getting killed, and for what? I though the demons were suppose to try to take over the world, but they haven't yet. Isn't there any chance that things might be different this time? I mean, you told me that the portal has never been opened this long before. Maybe it's time for a different strategy."

"And what other strategy would you propose? The only way to stop this is to close the portal. That portal is currently guarded by ancient demons which could destroy this world if they wished. Going in there would be suicide which is why we have to whittle down their numbers until we can defeat them. It's the only way."

"Maybe it's not." Lex took a few deep breaths to calm himself before staring Faust in the eyes. "You could stop them. You have the power."

"You know why I cannot use that power." Faust sighed and placed a hand on Lex. "I know it's hard to understand, but please trust me. This is the best way. It might not be the easiest, but in the end I know that it will work."

"I'm just tired of the fighting. I'm tired of seeing my friends come back torn to shreds," he muttered.

"I know, but you have to remember that people look to you in times such as this Lex. You should go and be with the rest of your team. They need you."

Lex just nodded as he and Alexiel turned down the hallway. Faust shook his head and closed his eyes. "These are dark times indeed," he muttered to himself.

"At least the kids are strong."

He looked back at Elizabeth and smiled. "That they are, but I'm worried about Lex."

"He's a good kid, Faust. He's just worried about his friends. The only reason he worries you so is because he's just like you."

Faust smirked at this and wrapped an arm around his wife. "The world only needs one Faust," he whispered before kissing her.

Luna stood outside the infirmary door. Evelyn had finally fallen asleep the night before in her arms. Luna had been standing outside the infirmary door since the sun began to rise. She had debated over and over again if she should go in or not. Finally, after hours of doing nothing but staring at the door, she placed her hand on the knob and turned it. Slowly, she pushed the door open and stepped in.

Kyoya was sleeping just like the rest of the house, she assumed. She blocked out all the sounds of the morning so she could focus on the door before hand so she wasn't really sure if someone was up or not. It didn't matter though, she didn't really care.

She walked over to Kyoya who was bandaged and covered with a blanket; no doubt he was stripped of all clothing. Her eyes scanned his face; very few scratches were left after a night of him healing himself. She reached over to touch his face but pulled back at the last moment and backed away.

Kyoya was the first to ever live after a betrayal. He was the only one to come back alive. Luna was grateful. Of all the people she shared a house with, Kyoya seemed to be the one she was most fond of besides Evelyn. She was drawn to him, mostly because he was the only demon that didn't seem to have a cold side. He was gentle with everyone and loyal to no end. And in battle, he was the only person that never needed her, not once.

Of course, no one knew how she felt; no one ever knew how she felt about anything. It was always such a big secret. Not even Evelyn knew. But Luna couldn't afford to get close to anyone else. Evelyn was enough. Evelyn needed her. Kyoya didn't. And Luna needed to be needed.

Luna turned around and walked out the door quietly then walked back to her bedroom to check on Evelyn.

"You don't have to be so quiet." Though his eyes were closed he allowed the briefest of smiles to grace his face. His body was stiff and sore, but at least he was alive. That was all that really mattered. He could move, but it hurt him when he did so. It wasn't a pain as if his limbs had been torn to shreds; it was more the pain of one who over exerted themselves when they worked out. He was simply stiff and sore. Of course she had already left, but that didn't stop of speaking nonetheless. Human females were such strange creatures after all.

"It seems that we are destined for hard times. Cecilia and Brandon were strong, their strength will be missed." Opening up his eyes he slowly sat up and yawned. Even though it hurt, he was tired of simply laying still. He began to peel off the bandages, revealing light scratches where gaping wounds had once been. If it hadn't been for his healing factor he would've been dead by now. It was a fact that was not missed by him. Since Luna had left him he decided to put on the clothes that Lex had left for him before wandering the halls. He wasn't looking forward to the interrogation that would follow last night's events, but it was necessary for them to understand what was gone.

"Hey wolfie."

He smirked as he turned to Lex who was contently munching on an apple.

"It seems that I owe you my thanks for last night. You helped save my life."

Lex just shook his head and tossed a bottle of water to Kyoya who caught it despite the pain. "You saved yourself. I just made sure that you didn't bleed all over the welcome mat." Lex stopped eating long enough to meet Kyoya's gaze. "I'm glad you made it back."

"So am I."

Luna walked in her room to find Evelyn sitting on the bed, dressed, and waiting for Luna. Evelyn smiled. Luna walked over to her and fixed the ruffles on her dress before Evelyn wrapped her arms around Luna's neck. Luna knew it was because Evelyn wanted to comfort Luna. Evelyn was smart enough to see that Luna was being affected by everything around them just like it was affecting everyone else.

Luna picked up Evelyn as she played with Luna's hair. "I want to see, Kyoya," Evelyn said resting her head on Luna's shoulder.

Luna placed her hand on Evelyn's back and nodded. "I suppose you have to see for yourself that he is ok."

Luna walked out her room and to the infirmary door. She knocked before entering despite the fact that she could hear both Lex and Kyoya talking. She didn't want to walk him with Evelyn in her arms while Kyoya was changing.

"You can come in," Kyoya said, smiling when he saw Luna and Evelyn. "I'm glad to see that both of you are okay. I was afraid that something bad might've occurred in my absence."

"Nothing bad happened, but there were a few interesting developments." Lex exchanged a glance with Kyoya that told him they would discuss the matter later. Now was neither the time nor place to be discussing things such as that.

"Well then, if you do not mind I'm rather on the famished side. Healing takes a lot out of a person, and right now a steak sounds awfully delicious." Already you see that he was envisioning the tantalizing piece of meat. Rather it was due to being a monster or that one of his preferred forms was a wolf, he enjoyed a good piece of meat more than anything else.

"I'm afraid that breakfast is going to have to wait. Faust wants to talk with us about what happened last night." Kyoya's face became crestfallen after hearing the news, but Lex quickly made it up to him. "Afterward, however, I'll make us all my infamous pancakes for breakfast; and Kyoya's will be with a side of steak."

Kyoya's ears perked at this and he couldn't help but to smile. "Well then, we shouldn't keep Mr. Faust waiting."

Luna sat on the couch with Evelyn still in her arms in Faust's office. She felt tense. Everything would be different now that Kyoya was home. She always felt tense when he was home. She yawned slightly. She hadn't slept for three days which meant that tonight, she would sleep. Since she didn't need much sleep, she spent most of her nights on the internet or on the roof after Evelyn had fallen asleep. With Kyoya home, it meant she would have to stay in her room. He could hear everything she did in the house while everyone slept. Like her, he didn't sleep much so he was often in the library reading and there were a few times Luna had run into him at night.

Kyoya often wanted Luna to join him at night, usually for a walk or just for company, but Luna could never bring herself to do it. She barely spoke to him and being alone with him was awkward. She wouldn't have anything to see and he would want to talk. Staying in her room seemed like the safe option. He wouldn't bother her while she was in her room because usually Evelyn was in there with her sleeping.

However, the thought of having time alone with Kyoya sounded wonderful. Were she a different girl, maybe like Cecilia was, she could have easily spent many nights with Kyoya without the tense feeling in her stomach.