Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirty Seven ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Okay, here's what we're going to do. First off, Yuki is coming in here to heal you. Second, Alexiel is going to give you some of his energy. I don't care if he has to absorb a banshee or two to get enough energy, you need some more for both you and the baby. Third, after we look for Bravo we're going to tell Granny so she can help you." He didn't care what he had to do, he wasn't going to let her suffer like this. Taking her in his arms he kissed her gently on the lips.

"Yuki can't heal bruises, Kyoya. And I won't ask Alexiel to share his energy, especially if it means he has to collect souls for it. You saw what that did to Lex. And as far as the Granny thing goes...maybe you're right," she said. She moved close to him. "But I really am tired." She moved his hands and placed them on her stomach. The baby was kicking again. "Will you rub my stomach?"

"I was talking about internal damage," he whispered. Cuddling her, he let his hand slide to her stomach as he began to rub it gently. She was trying to be strong, but he knew that the others would help her if she'd just let them. "Get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

Luna only nodded against him and let her exhaustion take over. It was only a matter of minutes before she was asleep in his arms.

Yuki looked at Alexiel. "Are you feeling any better?" Her hands brushed his face gently. "You are looking a little better. You're getting some of your color back."

"Yeah," he admitted as he looked up at her. "After I escaped the banshee lady I've been feeling a lot better. I don't know what I did, but whatever it was it seemed to help." Somehow he didn't think that being chained to a wall in a medieval dungeon was good for anyone's health. But at least it didn't make him worse. He wasn't certain what had made him sick, but at least he was starting to feel better now.

"That's good," Yuki said. Evelyn turned back to them. "You think we should check on Luna and Kyoya now? I mean...just to see if she is ok."

Evelyn looked at Alexiel for approval, she herself wanted to go check on Luna. Luna had told Evelyn to run when Evelyn could help, however, a bender is useless he or she could see. She felt a little guilty about running when Luna was doing her best to protect Evelyn and her child.

Alexiel closed his eyes and reached out to where Luna and Kyoya were. Sure, he could just walk over and see for himself, but this was good practice with his powers. Judging by the fact that they were still in the bathroom and so close together now would not be a good time to interrupt the lovers. "No. Let's let them have their alone time," he said when he opened up his eyes. "I'm sure they could use a break from us."

Yuki nodded and Evelyn sighed. Evelyn crawled up the bed and beside Alexiel. She snuggled against him and closed her eyes. Yuki smiled.

"That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!" she said.

Evelyn gave her a confused look before snuggling against Alexiel more and yawning. On, Alexiel's other side Yuki laid next to him the cuddled against him. She too, closed her eyes.

Well, it wasn't quite the evening he had hoped for, but it was good enough for him. Holding Yuki and Evelyn he closed his eyes and soon drifted off into a much needed sleep.

The next morning he awoke in a dazed state. Evelyn and Yuki still had him pinned. A small smirk graced his lips as he closed his eyes. He could feel his body getting smaller as he took on his female shape. It seemed that this form was only good for getting out of tight spots, but he'd take that over nothing any day. Another shift later he stared at the two girls, a small smile on his face.

Walking over to Luna and Kyoya's room he let his energy course through the door. Sliding key card locks might be harder to break into, but a little energy push made them easy to get into. He walked straight to the bathroom where he found them both asleep. Shaking his head he knelt beside Luna and barely pressed his hands to her stomach for fear of waking her.

Kyoya's eyes shot open as he heard someone walking into their room. He gave Alexiel a curious look until he realized what he was doing. "Thank you," he whispered.

Yuki and Evelyn woke up and looked at each other. "He's probably over at Luna's. Let's go too," Yuki said while yawning.

Evelyn started to stretch. The jumped off the bed and followed Yuki to Luna's room. The door was open so the girls walked in. They saw the others in the bathroom, so they walked over and peeked in.

"What are you doing?" Yuki whispered as she watched Alexiel and noticed Luna was still sleeping.

"I'm circulating some energy through her body. She's been pushing herself too hard, so I'm giving her some of my energy to help balance things out." His hands were starting to shake, but he wanted to give her just a little more.... After another minute he let his hands fall to his side as he sat back. "There," he muttered. "She ought to feel like a whole new person when she wakes up." He didn't realize that a hunter's body consumed so much energy! His own body didn't even need that much, though that was because he could regulate his energy better then she could. Not to mention he could draw it from...external sources if the need should be. Not that he was willing to risk that little adventure ever again.

"I owe you one, Alexiel. She'd never let you do that if she was awake," Kyoya told him.

Alexiel just nodded, needing to rest for a little bit. "I know, that's why I chose to wait to come this morning."

"Is she feeling ok? I mean, last night she seemed really upset. She didn't want me near her stomach. I hope she doesn't think I would hurt the baby," Yuki said and placed her hands on Alexiel's shoulders.

Evelyn sat in silence, but she soaked everything in. She was a professional at it.

"Actually, if you could take a look at her I'd be very grateful," Kyoya told her. "I don't know if there's any internal damage...." There was the tiniest hint of fear in his voice, which was why he was glad that Luna had turned into a deep sleeper. "She knows you wouldn't hurt the baby. She was just afraid that I'd see the bruises."

"Bruises?" Yuki got to her knees and pulled up Luna's shirt. She gasped and placed her hand over her mouth lightly. "My God. What happened to her? It looks like someone beat her with a pole." Yuki placed her hands over Luna's stomach. "I don't know how she is able to sleep. There are so many sores on the inside..." Yuki's eyes met Kyoya's. "If you don't keep an eye on this, Kyoya...she might not wake up one day. She could die from internal bleeding."

Yuki pulled her hands back. "I fixed what I could; of course the bruises will fade on their own so long as it doesn't keep happening."

"I'm afraid that it's only really beginning," he told her. Shaking his head he felt Luna begin to move beside him. "You guys better get out. If Luna wakes up to all of you here she's going to break my neck then come after you."

Alexiel nodded as he stood. Taking Yuki in one arm and Evelyn in the other he carried them back out to the hallway. "Their child is going to cause quite a bit of trouble for them both," he whispered softly.

"I think I'll pay her a weekly visit at night while she sleeps to heal her so it doesn't get out of hand." She looked down. "I've never even heard of a child being born half human and half demon. It has to be a rare thing. I mean, if it wasn't, people like us would know."

Evelyn nodded with them.

Luna stirred and sat up. She felt so refreshed. Her bones ached but only because she had slept on the floor. She looked at Kyoya and smiled him lightly.

"I guess a good night's rest was all I really needed," she said and stood. "Though I feel like I gained a million pounds. But other than that...I feel so much better."

"Yeah," Alexiel yawned as he turned on the television. He was gonna turn it to cartoons for Evelyn; but CSI was on and he hadn't been able to see any of the new episodes. Then again there was also an anime on that he wanted to see. Decisions. Decisions. "I'll probably give her a little energy boost whenever I can. That child...it needs a lot of energy to sustain it."

Kyoya smiled as she got up. "Well, I'm glad that you're feeling better. You really scared me last night." Standing up he groaned as he pulled himself off the bathroom floor. "Though tomorrow night can we sleep in a bed?"

Luna turned to him and nodded. "You shouldn't be so worried. I told you I can handle it. I've taken on worse things than being pregnant," Luna said.

She put her arms around Kyoya's neck and pulled him as close as her belly allowed. She leaned in and her lips pressed to his. Hungrily, her lips massaged his as her tongue slide in to explore his mouth. She pulled away then buried her face in his neck and should.

"But I'm flattered, that you care to worry," she added then left.

Kyoya allowed himself another grin as she pulled away. She would kill him if she knew what had happened; but it was good to see her acting more like her old self. Today they needed to check out the church again to see what they could find. This time, however, they'd go prepared for a fight. Fixing his glasses he left the bathroom only to collapse on the bed with a yawn. "I'll call for some food. We'll need our strength if we plan on going back to the church to meet with the banshee." If what Alexiel had told them was accurate, then there was more than one banshee here. He dreaded to think of what two or three of them could do if they were together.

Everyone stood outside the church. Luna had her sword out and Yuki was readying her bow. Evelyn had her snow hair pulled back.

"If Alexiel is right, then the banshee he faced yesterday was the queen. We need to clear out some of her little minions if we even hope to stand a chance against her. Otherwise she would send them all at us if we tried to attack her." Luna gripped her sword tightly. "I bet she is keeping the others somewhere, so it's imperative that we do this quickly and move to the next one."

"How hard are banshees exactly?" Yuki asked as she stared at the church.

"Let me put it like this," Alexiel said as he fixed his mask onto his face. "I threw enough energy at her yesterday to fuel a small space station and all it did was tick her off."

"Banshees are powerful," Kyoya agreed. "They're nearly as powerful as elder vampires which means that even one could be a serious problem for us. We've got to keep on our feet and watch each others backs." He stopped before smirking as he looked at Alexiel. "And try not to get kidnapped again."

"One time! You get kidnapped one time and you're branded for life," Alexiel muttered. Shaking his head he nodded to the others. "Let's say hello, shall we?" Kicking in the door he was hastily greeted with a sonic blast which sent him skidding back into the group.

Yuki laughed. "Well, your plan sucked," she said looking down at Alexiel.

"We need to attack at one time. I'm thinking the best weapon we have would be Yuki against banshees," Luna said.

Yuki's head shot up in Luna's direction. "Me?" she asked pointing to herself. "But I've never even seen a banshee!"

"You can purify the banshee. As long as you are standing on two feet and have a good shot, this shouldn't be too hard." Luna looked at the barrier that blasted Alexiel. "Listen up everyone, Yuki is the golden egg. The object is to protect her at all cost. Yuki, you shoot the shit out of the banshee."

"I can do that!" Yuki said and fired an arrow at the barrier. The barrier disintegrated. "Wow, I feel pretty awesome right now."

"Don't let it go to your head. Evelyn do you think you can draw it out?"

Evelyn nodded. She waved her hand in the air and water started to form in front of her.

"Flood it out," Luna said.

Evelyn threw her arms forward and a large wave of water rushed in the church. A loud screech filled the air and Luna readied her sword.

"Here it comes!" Luna yelled as the banshee dashed out of the church and rushed at Evelyn.

Yuki fired at shot the the banshee flew back screaming.