Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Forty Three ( Chapter 43 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"But don't you have a responsibility here too?" Alexiel kept his eyes on the road, only stealing the occasional glance at her when he could. "It just...it hasn't been the same without you here, Yuki. I'm sure that everyone would be thrilled if you decided to stay for a little longer."

"I'm not really needed here, Alexiel. You know that. Everyone gets along just fine when I'm gone. You just said that everything has been fine." Yuki watched the window refusing to look at Alexiel. "My priestess was really sick...I couldn't heal her, and she died. So I was left to finish what she started. I'll look for someone to train just like she did for me. My home town looks to a priestess to heal their hurt and send demons back to the hell they came from. They need me."

"What if...I mean...." Alexiel didn't know what to say. He was afraid that even if he said anything she wouldn't change her mind about staying. Then if she did.... In Japan she was safe. Lex didn't know about her. He couldn't reach her there. What was more important to him? Yuki or her safety? Taking a deep breath he slowed down and pulled the car to the side of the road. "What if I need you, Yuki?"

Yuki's heart jumped. Slowly, she turned her head to see his face. Was he just telling her what she wanted to hear or did he really mean it? Maybe she had heard him wrong. Maybe she only heard him say that in her head. "What?" she asked after a long pause to think and process.

Alexiel kept his eyes straight ahead. Now that she was looking at him he couldn't find the strength to look at her or he would lose the nerve to say what he wanted to. "I've missed you, Yuki.... I just...I want you back."

Yuki stiffened. Her heart was pounding her chest so hard that it hurt. "Are you joking?" she asked. "It took you two months of me not being around to realize that you want me?" Honestly, she was hurt. She didn't believe in that 'better late then never' crap. If you care about someone, then you would do anything to keep them near. Alexiel made it clear that he had other things to worry about before she left. There was no room in his heart for her, yet she disappears for two months and suddenly she's important to him? She felt like crying. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes. "Why didn't you call? Why didn't you write? Why didn't you beg me to stay or go after me? Why didn't you care then!?" She had screamed the last part. Everything hurt so much more than she wanted it to.

"I did," he whispered, knowing that he deserved nothing. "That night after you went to sleep I stood in your room and begged you not to go. It was all I could do, Yuki. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want you to leave, but I know that at least in Japan you're safer then you are here...."

He knew he was going to sound like a fool, but what was the point in hiding it now? "I'm scared, Yuki. I'm terrified of what Lex is going to do. Just like Luna is afraid of Lex finding out that she's pregnant, I'm terrified that he'll find out about you. If anything ever happened to you.... I just...I don't know what I'd do."

Yuki turned to looked out the window again and didn't bother to wipe her tears. "You might be scared, Alexiel, but I'm not. I know that there is a chance that we could die doing what we do, but it's a price we have to pay. I didn't sign up for this just to run away. I was planning on coming back before you faced Lex. I promised Luna I would." The knot in her chest was getting so tight it was hard to breathe. "Me getting killed by Lex shouldn't have stopped you from saying what you felt. And I'm disappointed and heartbroken that you couldn't say it to my face. You said it while I slept then didn't bother to come after me or call me or anything!"

She turned to him and grabbed his face sharply so he would look at her. "I waited! I waited by the phone and I waited for the next day to come for a letter from you! I called the airlines countless times to ask if you were by chance taking a plane to see me! And I cried, Alexiel! I cried every night and every day! I cried and cried and waited for you and you didn't care! You let me go! You broke my heart and stomped on it and left me to pick up the pieces alone."

She turned away from him again. "And yet I still waited for you...I still prayed that you would find your way back to me...because I love you and that's something I couldn't control."

She wiped her eyes but more tears came. "I said I would love you if you let me, Alexiel...but you practically ran from me..."

He was quiet for several moments after this, just trying to think of what he could say that would make things better. Unfortunately he knew there was nothing that he could say that would actually make things better. He'd been foolish, and now he was paying for his foolishness. "Many times I tried to call, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to just hear your voice; but I knew that if I did I wouldn't be just satisfied with hearing your voice."

"I'm an idiot...I know...."
Looking over at her he couldn't stop his heart from breaking. His hand gently caressed her face as he tried to wipe the tears away from her eyes, but more continued to come. "I'm sorry.... I didn't tell you this before you left, but I should have. I love you, Yuki...and I was a fool for never telling you that.

Yuki was crying hard now. Her body shook and she didn't care about being silent anymore. She had to let go. She hugged herself and tried to gain control, but everything hurt too much. She had never felt such pain. Her breathing was ragged and her voice was rough.

She looked over at him and shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me this before I left?"

She reached over to him and threw her body against him. Her lips found his and she pressed her body hard against his.

Alexiel didn't have a response for that. Luckily he didn't have to give one. Wrapping his arms around Yuki, he pulled her as close as the seats would allow. It felt so good just to be able to hold her again. Their lips pressed together, and for a second he forgot everything else until they pulled away. "I've really missed you," he whispered again and he pressed his forehead to her's.

Yuki placed her hands on his face. "If you ever...ever break my heart again...I won't come back, Alexiel. I won't come back," she whispered. She let him hold her for a moment longer before slowly moving back to her seat and sitting back. "I want to go home now."

Alexiel just nodded slowly. Without another word he pulled the car back onto the road and began the long journey back to Granny's house. "Umm, something you should know though," he said as they pulled up to Granny's. "Because everyone thought that I'd mess this up and you'd go back to Japan...they sort of turned your room into a half-breed containment center...also known as the baby's room."

"I know, Luna told me," Yuki said looking at him. "But I can manage...you'll have to make room for me."

Evelyn was at the car before Yuki had even gotten out. Evelyn opened the door and pulled Yuki out with a hug. Yuki smiled. Luna came out moments later and Yuki's eyes got big.

"You are huge," she said and placed her hands on Luna's stomach. "And really messed up on the inside. Feels like a lot of tears and rips."

Luna winced at Yuki's touch. "I'll let the comment slide if you heal me. The little demon has been torturing me while you were gone."

Yuki nodded and healed her without question and Luna sighed gratefully. "Any day now, huh?"

Luna nodded. "Are you here to stay?"

Yuki looked back at Alexiel then at Luna and smiled. "Yeah. I'm staying."

"Yuki, I'm glad you got back safely." Kyoya gave her a hug before looking over at Alexiel who just nodded. "It's been...well it just hasn't been the same without you hear. Mainly it's been a lot more...quiet."

"Hey, cut her some slack. She just got back," Alexiel instructed as he moved to her side.

"Yes, she's back and she has a lot to do." Granny pushed them all aside as she began to examine Yuki. "It seems that they took good care of you over there. That's good. Now come with me you've got a lot to learn before Luna gives birth.... And child, it's good to have you back."

As Yuki was drug off Luna looked at Alexiel. "You made her cry. Her eyes are all red and puffy. She's been crying alot." She turned to walk back inside. "But she seems happy so I suppose that's good."

Evelyn smiled up and Alexiel then patted his hand and ran after Luna. For the past few months, she's been next to Luna with her hands on her stomach. Evelyn seemed to be the only one that could make the baby settle down. Luna had bought Evelyn a keyboard since Granny had no piano. Evelyn had been sitting next to Luna playing it for the baby who seemed to be smitten with Evelyn's touch and music.

"Well then, this is certainly proving to be an interesting day," Kyoya said when it was just Alexiel and him let standing outside.

"Yeah, that it is," the young Aion replied as he stared off into the sky.

"You know you almost lost her, don't you?"


"Good. Don't let it happen again."

Luna laid back on her bed. Evelyn was watching cartoons in the living room so Luna could get some "rest." Luna placed her hands on her stomach as the baby pushed on her ribs. Yuki came in moments later and sat beside her.


"More than you know."

"I'm going to do my best to make sure you and the baby are safe and unharmed."

"I could die from this, Yuki. I'm a human carrying a demon child. That's not normal. And even though I am a hunter, I'm not superman."

Yuki nodded. "I won't let it get that far. I won't let you get close enough to death."

Luna sat up. "If it comes down to my life or the baby's don't ask Kyoya to choose. I want you to save the baby's. Even if I have a higher chance to live, I want the baby to be the one to pull through. And if Kyoya asks why you saved the baby and not me, tell him I made the choice."

Yuki just stared at Luna. "Don't talk like that, Luna. It's scary."

Luna laid back down. They sat in silence for a bit then Yuki got up and left.

Alexiel was in the kitchen holding a packet of seals which he was having to pre-charge with energy. He was at number one-hundred and eighty-two when he began to waver. Granny had been having him do this for quite some time. By pre-charging the seals he'd be able to transfer already stored up energy to Luna during the pregnancy. It would help everyone involved, but it was a rather tedious task at best.

"I already put your bags in my room," Alexiel said as Yuki came out of Luna's room. "Granny didn't say a word, but I'm going to be careful eating what she fixes for me for the next couple of days."

Yuki laughed. "She's just having trouble with letting me go. It's hard for her. She helped raise me. She's like a mother to me." Yuki moved next to him and picked up one of the seals. "These could come in handy." She put it back down and looked at Alexiel again. "How's Kyoya doing? Luna's holding up, but I think she is putting up a front more than anything. She's terrified."

"I don't know," he admitted. "For the past few months we've all sort of been in our own little worlds. The only time we ever really interacted was at dinner or on missions. Most of my days were spent training and most of his days were spent with her. He's worried, that much is obvious; but I think he's just terrified that he's going to have to choose between them if things go bad."

Yuki looked down. "Luna's already made that choice for him. She said not to ask him if it should come to that." Yuki looked up again and smiled. "Come..." she grabbed his hands and pulled him to their room. "Let's catch up and...get physical." She shut the door behind them.

Luna sat up again. She had been taking walks everyday for about a month because Granny said it would help with the delivery. The muscles would loosen better for her. She stood and walked outside in the summer heat. She took her usually route around the area and let the light breeze dance on her skin.

Alexiel smirked as he was pulled into their room. Yes, he had definitely missed her. "You are a horny little thing aren't you?"

Kyoya was soaring above the ground in the form of a hawk. There was nothing better for clearing the head then soaring high in the air. When he spotted his lover walking out all alone he couldn't resist diving low and falling to the ground in his human form. "What was Yuki's diagnosis?" he asked as he walked up beside her and took her hand in his.

Luna squeezed his hand. "Nothing really. She just said that she would do her best and that's all I can really ask for." She stopped walking and moved her hand to Kyoya's cheek. Her lips met his and she opened her mouth slightly to nibble on his lips with her own. She pulled back. "Kyoya I want you to know that..."

Before she had a chance to say anything, her water broke. She looked up at Kyoya. "Well this isn't good. It's early."

Kyoya's eyes widened as her water broke. Now. It was happening now. Not good. Not good. Not good. "Umm, okay, let's get you back to Granny's. Easy now...."

Granny banged on Alexiel's door as a moan echoed from the other side. "Put it back in your pants. Luna's water broke. We've got a job to do."

Yuki hopped out of the bed and was dressing quickly. "It's early! It's like nearly two weeks early!" she said while struggling to dress. "I'm not ready!" She stopped and looked at Alexiel. "Oh my God! Luna is probably freaking!"

Granny and Kyoya helped Luna on the infirmary bed after dressing her in something more comfortable. Luna wasn't feeling many contractions so she was fine.

"What a surprise. We haven't picked out a name yet..." She grabbed a book and started to scan names. Evelyn walked in and grabbed Luna's hand. She looked worried. "You have to be brave for me, k?" Luna said stroking Evelyn's hair. Evelyn nodded. "You'll have to wait outside with Alexiel and Kyoya when Granny tells you to leave ok?" Again she nodded.