Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Forty Six ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya took his daughter and held her close to him. Lex seemed to be the topic of the day. He was a part of them that they couldn't get rid of. He was their past and he was their future. He just wondered what kind of future it would be.

Rocking Macy in his arms he hushed her gently until she began to settle down. "Don't worry," he said with a smile. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Alexiel sat in his room, his thumb going over the intricate engravings on Lex's mask. "Are you really evil?" He still remembered the look in Lex's eyes when he'd stabbed him through the chest. His hand inadvertently went to that scar, the only real reminder he had of Lex's terrible deceit. "Why.... Why can't I hate you?"

Luna laid back in her bed. She stared at the ceiling then looked at the wall that separated her room from Alexiel's. Maybe she had been a little cruel to him. She had known Lex a lot longer than Alexiel. She trusted Lex more than most at the time so she understood why Alexiel was having a hard time letting go. It was easier for her to let go because she always expected disappointment in people. She always felt that at some point everyone would eventually leave, whether it was from death, betrayal, or just moving on in life. She felt for Alexiel, but she also knew that he needed to grow up and leave Lex behind. It was because of Lex that Beta was dead as well as Faust and Elizabeth. How could Alexiel let someone like that live.

Luna rolled on her side to avoid looking at the wall that separated them. She wanted so much to bust the wall down and shake some sense into him. She couldn't risk him hesitating when it came to Lex. Because Lex wouldn't hesitate to kill all of them, Alexiel included. And Luna wasn't one to go out without a fight, especially when she now had a child to protect.

Setting the mask down Alexiel stood up slowly and exited his room. He walked right past Kyoya and went straight outside. He tried to stand in the same spot that he had been before, wondering if he might hear Lex again. Despite his best thoughts, he just couldn't understand what it was about Lex. Why, no matter what he did could he find no fault in his actions? He knew that what Lex had done was wrong, he was betrayed by Lex, and yet here he was trying to find some way to justify his actions. It was ludicrous, yet he was doing it.

With Macy finally asleep in his arms Kyoya took her to her room and laid the baby down. They had no need for a baby monitor since both her parents had super hearing. So once he had pulled her blanket over her he went to his and Luna's room. Laying down beside her he wrapped an arm around her and kissed the back of her neck.

Luna twisted in Kyoya's arms until she was facing him. Her hands went to cup his face and she knew the look on her face revealed how troubled she felt. Her eyes scanned his.

"Alexiel will not be able to stand with us when we stand against Lex. I'm afraid that he will freeze or worse, will run. We cannot hope to defeat a Aion without another Aion. Alexiel...will be the death of us all unless he finds a way to hate Lex," she said then buried her face in Kyoya's chest.

"I don't know if we can get him to hate Lex," Kyoya said as he nuzzled her. "I mean, if being stabbed in the chest and nearly burnt alive doesn't do it...what will?" Closing his eyes and kissed the top of her head, trying to figure out some way that they might could get Alexiel to see the truth about Lex, even though he had already exposed himself as what he truly was. "I don't understand why it is that he still holds on so strongly to him."

Luna sat up sharply as it finally clicked in her head. "Alexiel is in love with Lex..."

Yuki walked outside. She didn't know Alexiel was out there until she opened the door and saw him standing not to far away. She thought about turning around and going back in, but instead she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You are all distant again..." she whispered against his back.

Kyoya quirked and eyebrow at her. At first he thought she was joking, but then he realized the serious look on her face. "You're joking...right? I mean sure, he's got his problems...but Lex? Really?"

Alexiel turned her grasp so that he could look at her. "Sorry. I really don't mean to be," he said, moving a strand of hair from her face. "It's just...hard. Lex was my friend. I trusted him...and in a weird way I still do." He wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her neck before kissing her. "If you don't mind me asking, but how were you able to kill your friend?"

Luna looked back at Kyoya. "Yuki told me once that Alexiel is interested in both men and women. The way Alexiel talks about Lex...the way he's always defending him." Luna placed her hand on Kyoya's cheek. "I would do the same thing if it were you who had betrayed us. I would defend you even if I knew what you did ruin us all."

Yuki pulled away from Alexiel. She turned her back to him. "That's a difficult question. Kiko...tried to take someone who I cared about deeply. My priestess was the first person to ever show me love and kindness...when people turned from me, she turned to me." Yuki wrapped her arms around herself. "Kiko attacked without hesitation despite how close we were. She had changed right before my eyes from my dearest, sweet friend to a killer. I stood frozen for a long time while my priestess called out to me and did her best to defend herself but Kiko was younger and quicker. Kiko had cut her hand off...and when she screamed...that's when I realized that if I didn't do something...she would die." Yuki took a deep breath. "I picked up my bow and shot her in the heart...because of my hesitation, my priestess was severely wounded and lost a lot of blood. She nearly died because of my ties to Kiko. But even after all that happened...I still care about Kiko though I know I did the right thing when I murdered her."

Kyoya contemplated this, wondering if what she said could be true. "I still can't fathom that. Perhaps there is simply more to this then we're seeing. Perhaps he does love him, but it's simply a....brotherly love." The idea of Lex and Alexiel was something he didn't want to think about. Not because he had anything against relationships such as that, it was simply because of the power those two would wield. If Alexiel did...love Lex, as she was suggesting...would Alexiel betray them for Lex?

Alexiel wrapped his arms around her from behind, holding her close against him. "I guess I can understand that," he said into the back of her hair. "In an instant, Lex became someone that I didn't know anymore. The way he looked at me as I laid there on the ground bleeding...it's something that still wakes me up at night. I just...what if Lex does have a plan? What if he really is trying to change the world for the better? I mean, despite everything we're still alive. Doesn't that count for something?"

There was silence before he answered his own question. "No...I guess it doesn't."

Luna glared at Kyoya. "There is no brotherly love. Just love...real, to die for love." She grabbed his shouldered and moved into his lap, straddling his hip. She moved close to his face making him hot. She could hear his breathing pick up. "This kind of love. The same kind that would drive someone to betray." She knew what she was implying. She knew Kyoya couldn't deny it however. The thought of Alexiel betraying them for Lew lingered in the air all around them.

Yuki let the wind bat at her face and hair. "If he wanted to change the world...what good would come of killing the Beta team? What good would come from killing a child?" She turned to look at him. "Did you see the fear in Wyatt's eyes? And what about Evelyn's eyes? Do you think he would hesitate to kill Luna's child? It's a half breed which means it's half demon and if he wants to get rid of all the demons...then he would kill Macy and Kyoya..." Yuki pulled away from him again. "Are you willing to watch him kill the people that care about you? You need to make a choice, Alexiel. It's him or us. There is not in between."

After saying the last bit, she walked back inside while holding back her tears.

Kyoya looked away as she stared at him. After all they had been through, he didn't want to think that Alexiel would betray them. However, he hadn't imagined that Lex would betray them either. It was then that a new thought, a terrifying thought entered his head. "What if Alexiel has already betrayed us?" He turned to look back at Luna, a worried expression crossing his face. "Lex spared him when he betrayed us. He made sure that Alexiel would survive. Alexiel is the one that told us that Lex knew about the baby. If someone has been spying on us...what if it's him?"

Alexiel didn't know what to say, so he said nothing at all. "Lex...you idiot," he whispered as he stared down at the canyon's edge.

Luna froze for a moment. Her body felt cold. Kyoya could have been telling the truth. And Alexiel was so close to them all...right next to Macy's room. Luna stood and walked out of the room. She walked passed Yuki and outside. Yuki knew that look on Luna's face and she panicked. She followed Luna out. Luna grabbed Alexiel.

"Don't, Luna!!" Yuki screamed.

"Are you working with him!" Luna screamed while holding Alexiel by the shirt. "He let you live. You knew that he knew about Macy and you said yourself that someone has been following us. Is it you, Alexiel!?"

Yuki ran over to Luna and tried to pry her hands off Alexiel. Luna pushed her back and Yuki slid to the ground. She popped back up and tried again.

"Answer me!"

"Stop, Luna! This isn't the way to handle things!"

Alexiel turned around just in time to for Luna to grab him by his shirt. A look of confusion plastered his face as he was suddenly lifted into the air. Luna's words took a second to register, because he had no idea what she was talking about. When everything finally came together he looked at her and frowned. His eyes glowed with energy as he sent a weak shock wave of energy through Luna just to get her off of him. Landing in a crouching position he glared at her. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Kyoya was by Luna's side in an instant. "How dare you use your powers against her!"

"She's the one who attacked me first!" Alexiel yelled as energy began to surround him.

Yuki stood next to Alexiel. "He was defending himself! What the hell is your problem, Luna! You can't accuse him of something without proof!"

"He knows everything! Lex let him live when we all know that he could have easily killed him! lex came to him the day Macy was born! He didn't come to me, the mother or to Kyoya, the father! No, he came to Alexiel! The guy who is in love with him!" Luna's rage was building. Her ribs hurt and her hips were no better. She had her hands in a fist so she couldn't grab Alexiel again. But as she stood there, her palms began to bleed as she dug her nails into them. The blood dripped to the ground at her feet. "Don't deny it, Alexiel! I know what the hell love looks like!"

Evelyn came running outside when she heard all the yelling. She stood a few feet away from the all listening with a worried look, but prepared to splash them with water if things got out of hand.

Yuki froze. She looked at Alexiel. "You...you love him?"

Alexiel was shaking with rage as he heard Luna's accusations. Energy began to accumulate around him at a dangerous rate. "How dare you!" he yelled. "After all I have done for all of you! For Christ's sake Luna, you wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for me." The only thing that kept his energy from exploding outward was Luna's last accusation. Looking from Luna back to Yuki he just shook his head. "That's ridiculous.... You have no idea what you're talking about."

Kyoya placed a hand on Luna to keep her from lunging at Alexiel. "Now is the time to come clean, Alexiel."

"Come clean about what? About saving you guys? About risking life and limb, fighting side by side with you guys! What gives you the right to question me? What have I ever done to make you think that I would betray you?"

"You seem to know an awful lot about Lex that we don't know. And the fact that you are always defending him, always wanting him to seem like the good guy! He's not, Alexiel! He would have killed us all that day if it wasn't for Faust!" Luna reached out to grab him but Kyoya pulled her back. "Remember him!?! The guy that took you into his home!? The guy that gave you a place to live!? Gave you a family!? Remember who killed him!? That was Lex! You saw it! He killed Faust and he would have killed all of us if Faust didn't give us a chance!"

Yuki couldn't take her eyes off Alexiel. "Is it true, Alexiel? Do you love him?"

"Tell the truth, damn it! Can we trust you or not!"

Evelyn stepped forward as Luna's body began to shake. She was so scared Luna was going to pounce on Alexiel and rip his head from his shoulders. In the house, Macy started to scream. Evelyn looked back at the house. All the yelling had to have wakened her but no one moved.

There was only the faintest of sounds from Alexiel before all at once his energy seemed to erupt in a fantastic display of lights. It showered around him, sending waves of energy pulsating. It took every ounce of control he could muster for his energy not to lash out and hurt his friends. "No!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he stared at her. "What do I have to say for you to believe me? What do I have to do? " Turning his back to his friends he extended his right hand forward as he pushed all his energy outward into a long arching beam of light which decimated the canyon wall across from them. Once his energy had been depleted he kept his back to them, not wanting even look at them right now.

"You have no right," he muttered.

"We have a right to know if you will betray us," Kyoya said coldly.

"As far as I'm concerned...you've already betrayed me." With that Alexiel turned and walked past all of them, not able to look at any of them as he went to his room.

Luna pushed Kyoya away and punched a rock the size of Granny's car next to them. It busted open and shattered to a million pieces.

"It's happening all over again. I grew up with Lex...I trust him....and now, I let myself get close to Alexiel and it's a possibility that it's happening all over again..." Luna buried her face into Kyoya's chest. "I can't do this all over again..."

Evelyn looked back at the house as Macy's screams got louder. Luna's head shot up. "Oh God...Macy!" She ran back inside with Evelyn behind her.

Yuki stood completely still. Stray tears rained from her face. She didn't know what to think or who to believe. How could one person destroy all trust in a team when that person wasn't even near? She hugged herself. Could it be that Alexiel loved Lex? Could it be that he had plans to betray them? Her heart ached. She loved him so much and she felt that he was drifting further away from her. Why did Luna have to say something? Couldn't they have lived in their happy world just a little longer?