Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty ( Chapter 50 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lex smirked. So, the meeting was going to happen. How delightful. This would be the first time in a millennium that a human had ever set eyes on the fallen. The original seven angels which fell to heaven were going to be holding a meeting, and he was to speak with them on equal terms. It should be a moment which would be forever recorded in history...if there was anyone left to write it. "Excellent," he said with something half resembling a smile and half resembling a sadistic laugh.

Getting up from his chair he set his drink aside and walked over to Alexiel. "You will be staying here," he said as he dug his nails into the younger Aion's shoulders. Looking over at Evanna a devilish grin spread to his lips. "And she will be your master while I'm gone." He knew that Evanna was suppose to be his escort to the meeting, but she would prove more useful here watching his estate.

"As you wish," Alexiel replied solemnly. This would be the first time in the two years that Lex had left Alexiel's side. With the meeting progressing he wouldn't be able to watch him either. The time had finally come.

Evanna was crushed be she dropped her upsetting face to bow once again. "As you wish, Master. I shall treat him just as you would." She wouldn't mind kicking the shit out of Alexiel. And the bonus was that it made her master very happy.

She looked at Alexiel with an evil grin. The fact that she couldn't go with Lex pissed her off to no end but it was a relief to know that she could take that anger out on Alexiel, the very man who took her beloved master from her. She longed to be the one standing in his position, bleeding bruised at the touch of Lex.

"Very good." Lex dressed quickly before grabbing his scythe. It would serve as an adequate reminder to the fallen as to why they allow him the rights that he has. Grabbing Alexiel by the mouth he pulled him in hard for one last kiss, bruising his jaw and lip in the process. "Be good," he whispered, glancing over to Evanna, knowing that he would come back to a broken and battered slave. Without another word he seemed to disappear, a trait he had obviously inherited from Faust. Thus, Alexiel and Evanna were left alone; and for the first time she had control over him. "Well then, this shall prove to be interesting," he said. Though he tried to smirk, he came off as nothing more than a listless smile.

Evanna backhanded Alexiel watching his head jerk around. "Put some clothes on. No one wants to see that," she said harshly. "I'm going to make you beg for death when I'm done with you, then Master will no longer want something so weak as you." Again, she smacked him. "I said get dressed!" she screamed.

Alexiel felt the pain of her blows but he didn't say anything. Now was not the time to cause suspicion. The meeting would begin tomorrow and that is when he'd make his move. Any use of his powers now would only incite Lex's wrath, and with the collar on he couldn't use his powers without Lex knowing. He got dressed and turned to Evanna, not even bothering to wipe the blood from his face as he looked at her. "You know, if I were you I'd really be nicer to me," he whispered.

Evanna just laughed and struck him once again.

Luna pulled out her hand held computer. Still...there was no signal from Alexiel. She was getting worried. After two years of his absence, she feared the worst. Had Lex found him out and killed him? Had Alexiel gotten lost in everything and actually forgot about her and the others? Yuki sat next to Luna in the conference room. Luna looked up at her.

"I'm worried too," Yuki said.

"I'm being selfish...I forgot you didn't just lose a friend....."

"I didn't lose anything. And neither did you. He will contact us. He's just waiting for the right moment."

Luna looked away from Yuki and back at her computer screen. "How do you know?"

"Because," Yuki said smiling, "my heart isn't broken yet." Luna looked over at her. "Before Alexiel left, he still loved me and he was still alive, I knew that if anything happened to him, my heart would break...and it's not broken. So have faith, Luna."

Luna smirked. "You are so weird sometimes."

"The wind is changing," Granny whispered softly as she walked in on them."Something is happening. There's a great convergence of evil. Undoubtedly Lex is among them. Perhaps Alexiel is too...."

"The word in the demon hierarchy is that the fallen are gathering and Lex is now able to join their ranks. If he's pulling that kind of power...." Kyoya shook his head as he thought about that. If Lex possessed enough power to stand toe to toe with one of the original fallen, then what chance did they have against him. "Regardless, we need to be ready to move at a moment's notice. If a meeting is going on, now would be the best time for us to strike."

Alexiel stared at Evanna, his hands balling into fists. "You do realize that Lex will never love you like he does me," he whispered as blood dripped from his lips. "He'll never touch you the way that he touches me." As he said this he slowly backtracked to Lex's bed. Lex loved to see Alexiel in pain, which mean that he had certain...toys to do such that. How one could see a knife as a sex toy was beyond him, but he palmed the small object and kept it hidden behind him.

Luna stood. "Lex will die. And if it means that some or all of us have to sacrifice our lives for it then so be it. You all see what the world is like with Lex commanding his own army. We can't allow it to continue." Luna looked at her computer. "Alexiel's suffering will not be in vain. We didn't sacrifice his safety to get this far and have doubts."

Evelyn looked at Luna. "This time...I won't be afraid. This time, I will kill anyone and anything that stands in our way."

Yuki nodded. "This is our destiny. And I'm ready to see Alexiel again."

Evanna glared daggers at Alexiel. Even though she was an elf, she had a heart and though she wouldn't say it out loud, Alexiel had bruised it. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes. "You ungrateful bastard! You think that he won't love me!? He will! You will see!" she screamed and grabbed a black rod. She threw her arm back and swung the rod at Alexiel's face.

Alexiel allowed the blow to hit him. There was a sickening crack as part of his jaw broke beneath the blow, but that didn't stop him from moving. Grabbing the rod he pulled it close to him, causing her to move forward as well. Twirling her around he managed to grab her from behind and slide the blade to her throat. "No, I don't think he will." Every word he spoke was filled with blood and pain; and though he hated to admit it...killing her wasn't something he wished to do. It was always harder to kill someone that you knew, even if you didn't like them.

In one fluid motion he slit her throat with the knife before quickly twisting her around and stabbing her in the chest. He let her body fall to the ground before rubbing his jaw. Just touching it hurt, but then again everything about him hurt. They didn't have a healer like Yuki, which meant everyone wound he received had to heal naturally. Every broken bone and cut, most of which were inflicted by Lex, healed without him giving them time which meant that his body was now a road map of abuse and wounds.

Kneeling down he pulled the knife out of Evanna's throat and moved over to Lex's bed. Laying down he took several deep breaths of air, spitting blood out of his mouth nearly every second. When he got his strength back he lifted up his shirt and stared down at all his scars. Counting up he moved his finger along his ribs until he found the scar he was looking for. It was a small X from where something had been placed.

When they'd first conceived this idea of going to Lex, he had to have a panic button or an alarm to let them know when to come. The only question was how does one keep something hidden when they're often required to not wear clothes? The answer was simple, though on one particularly liked it...you keep it inside you. There was pain as he pressed the knife into his skin and drug it across his flesh until he had a big enough cut that he could place his fingers into. Spreading the flesh back, he nearly passed out as he put two fingers into his wound and felt around for the small device which Luna had made for him. When he finally got it out he was about ready to pass out.

Pressing the button, he saw the light begin to flash and he smiled. The day of reckoning was upon them.

Luna's eyes fell on the screen. Hope drifted into her heart. Her body felt heavy as she screen flashed red. She looked at the others. No one said anything, but after a moment to reflect, nothing needed to be said. They scattered, grabbing weapons, armor, and anything else they would need. Luna grabbed her small computer and looked at Macy who was about to cry.

"No go!" Macy cried.

Luna grabbed her and held her close. "Mommy and Daddy will come back, Macy. We will come home to you."

Luna was doing all she could not to cry. Her grip loosened so Kyoya could say his goodbyes to Macy. By then Macy was screaming and clinging to both her mother and father. Granny had to pry her hands from them as they made their way out the door and into the morning light. The journey to town wouldn't take long. They all got into the care that Luna had hid in the a pile of large rocks with carefulness. Kyoya drove while Luna tracked the signal of Alexiel.

"Hang on, Alexiel. We are coming," Luna whispered not looking back at the place she called home.

Kyoya kept his eyes trained on the road. He was expecting it to be a hazardous drive to wherever Alexiel was. With demons roaming the earth they could be attacked at any second. He kept his ears open, hoping, praying that they wouldn't encounter anything. As it was, that was simply a fool's hope. As soon as they reached the opening of the city he saw his demon brethren spread out like an immortal army waiting to tear them to shreds.

"Get ready," Kyoya said as he slowed down the car. Just as he was ready for them to make their move the demon's began to part ways. At first he had no idea what was going on till he saw the blue glowing aura that was beckoning them. Looking at Luna he just nodded as they began to drive through the army of demons. Even Kyoya, who was a demon himself couldn't help but feel like a snack to these creatures.

As they neared Lex's fortress the reason they were allowed entrance became obvious. A masked figure stood there at the doors, with demons all around him.

"But sir, these are the ones that master warned us about," one of the demon's hissed.

"Yes, and it is by his order that they are here," Alexiel told him.

"But sir-"

Before the demon could say another word energy hit it. Suddenly in a bright flash of light Alexiel was holding the creature's soul for all to see. "This is what happens when you disobey the master!" He absorbed the demon's soul to make an example for all those that would dare go against his word. Though he tried to hide it, he nearly doubled over in pain at the sudden addition of another soul.

Kyoya looked at the others before getting out of the car. Alexiel didn't move until they drew closer. "Come," he said in a soft tone as he turned for them to follow him. Though he hid it well, Kyoya noticed how much weight he was applying to that cane. He smelled of blood, sweat, and cum, which gave Kyoya all the information he needed to know about what happened to Alexiel these past few years.

Once inside Alexiel led them to Lex's room, which was probably the most secure place in the entire world at this point. He didn't get very far however before he all but fell against the wall. When he tried to move again there was a blood trail where his body had been. "It's good to see you again," he whispered, his voice now strained and labored, revealing that he'd been putting on a facade of strength for the demons. Taking off his mask he revealed his shattered face. "You look...well."

Luna grabbed Alexiel and moved to hold him close. "You are safe now," she whispered as Yuki hurried over.

Yuki held back tears as she placed her hands over his chest. He jumped at her touch which was a first. "What have they done to you?" she asked as her hands began to work. She made herself smiled. "I've gotten better at healing." Her hand moved to his face and caressed the broken jaw. Her eyes flashed a bright white and she sucked back the pain as she healed his bone back to normal. She pulled back when she finished and looked away to cough up blood. "Healing bones takes a little more of myself than normal..." she whispered as Evelyn crouched next to her and handed her a handkerchief. "But it's worth the cost."