Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty Three ( Chapter 53 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"It's...logical," Alexiel said after a moment. "I've seen Lex's power. I know how he fights, and I know what he is and isn't willing to do. Any notions you have of what he might or might not be able to do would probably be wrong. In short, I've spent enough time with him to know what we have to do in order to defeat him."

Yuki nodded and stood. She walked to the window and pushed it open. The soft wind hit her and she took a deep breath. The air didn't smell the same anymore. Not like it did two years ago. Yuki looked down at the city. Nothing felt the same either. Not herself and not her relationship with Alexiel. Had they grown apart? Had Lex really stole him from her? It's not like she didn't expect him to be different, it's just that she hoped a part of him would still be the same. She had no idea what he had been through or what he had seen or done, but she never stopped loving him. Even when he looked her in the eyes and ran his hand through her. He was still everything she existed for.

"I suppose that makes sense," she said.

"Don't get consumed by the city," Alexiel whispered as he looked over at her. "It has a way of...messing with your mind." Laying back on the bed he stared up at the ceiling, wondering what he was to do. He remembered the look in Yuki's eyes when she first saw him. She still loved him, but he was afraid to even touch her. Two years was such a long time...how had he changed in that time? Did his actions harden him so that he couldn't even enjoy her touch? Was that the price he truly paid just so they could defeat Lex?

Yuki moved away from the window and laid back on the bed. She kept her distance to give him space. She rolled on her side with her back to him. At least he was next to her. At least he was safe now and was somewhat still hers. She closed her eyes. She could sleep knowing that he was only a few feet away. She didn't have much choice really. He wasn't hers anymore. She had to accept that.

"Goodnight, Alexiel. I'll be here when you wake," she reminded him.

Alexiel laid there for what seemed like an eternity. He simply stared up at the ceiling while listening to the sounds of the city. He waited until Yuki's breathing grew slower before he rolled over and wrapped an arm around her. His lips curved slightly as he snuggled into her hair. No matter what happened...this was right....

Yuki woke to the feeling of Alexiel's warm arms. She turned in his embrace to look him in the eyes. Her hand went to his face. He had changed so much from the last time she had seen him. It was hard to tell herself that he was Alexiel and not some impostor. She bit her lower lip.

"I...Can I kiss you?" she asked. She felt that she had to ask. He had been taken advantage of for so long that she felt if she didn't ask, it would be like she was taking more from him than giving.

Luna sat up in bed. Kyoya still wasn't around. She stood and listened hard to see if she could find in somewhere. She heard scuffling above her and her head looked up. Someone was on the roof. Most likely it was Kyoya. She went to the window and moved out onto the ledge. With a few jumps and a few feet of climbing she stood above Kyoya looking down at him. She got to her knees and pushed his hair back. She could hear demons screaming at Kyoya, calling him names and hissing at the sight of Luna.

"Why are you out here all alone?"

Alexiel stopped when he felt her move beneath him. His eyes seemed to scrutinize her ever motion before finally softening. "As you wish," he whispered.

Kyoya looked up at her as she knelt before him. He fixed his glasses before pushing himself on his elbows. "I'm just contemplating the effects of our actions." He caressed her face before reaching up and kissing her, nibbling on her lower lip. "Wondering if we'll make it back to see our daughter."

Yuki leaned in. She suddenly hesitated and pulled back. It seemed like he wasn't enjoying this as much as she wanted him to. She felt she was making him uncomfortable. And though it may be the last time they ever get to be in each others' arms before tomorrow came and possibly took away their lives, she felt like she would have to be content with the fact that he wasn't the Alexiel she had loved. He had changed too much. And pushing her lips against his for her own happiness wouldn't change the fact that he no longer cared for her like he use to. She rolled back over with looking at him.

"Never mind," she whispered.

Luna laid next to Kyoya. "One of us...no matter which one it is...has to make it back. She has to have one of us. She's a half breed which means that life will be so much harder than it has to be. She's going to need someone to love her and be there for her." Luna moved over him. "Kyoya, I love you. And if I don't make it back, you tell her that I died for her."

Alexiel laid there and watched as the conflicting emotions raged inside her. She was torn by what she desired and what she saw. She was concerned yet in love. She wanted to be with him and yet she didn't want to hurt him. An unusual paradox, and yet here he was trying to rationalize it as if he was just a bystander in this game. He kept himself distant, and what would that accomplish for him? For two years he'd been alone, and now that he wasn't he was forcing himself to be. It was...frustrating.

"Then...may...I kiss you?"

Kyoya rolled over and wrapped an arm around her. "You won't die tomorrow," he said in a tone which bordered on absolute certainty. "I won't let you. Macy needs a mother, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that you get back to her."

Yuki stiffened. His arms were still around her. She turned to face him once again. She was so confused. He didn't help any. His eyes didn't show any love...in fact, they said nothing. He was so hard to read. And yet he asked to kiss her. How was she suppose to understand him if he was so shut off? Slowly, she made her head nod. She wanted his kiss. Maybe if would tell his eyes did. Maybe it would tell her that he was still made about her just as she was him.

Luna sat up and took her shirt off. The demons below started to whistle and hiss louder. Were she with anyone else, she would have never tempted to do this, but she wasn't afraid of the demons attacking her or of watching her. Nothing would matter after tomorrow. Her hands moved to his chest and tugged at his shirt.

"Make love to me, Kyoya."

It was more of a demand than a plea. She wanted his skin on hers before the sun rose for the morning. She wanted to have his touch linger in my mind while they battled Lex. And she wanted all the demons below to see that a demon and hunter could love just as passionately as they could hate.

Alexiel let his hand caress her face, as if it was the last time he was ever going to get to touch her. That thought flashed in his mind, and he actually felt a tear began to well up in his eyes. Where was that coming from? He didn't cry.... He never cried.... So why now? If tonight was truly his last night with her, then why did he care. "I don't," he whispered to himself before he moved forward and pressed his lips gently against her's. It was soft as first, almost as if he was scared of what would happen. After a second, however, his kiss deepened as he moved in closer. He didn't care about the consequences anymore. He simply wanted her.

Kyoya pulled her on top of him and placed his hands on her hips. A teasing smile graced his lips as he sat up to kiss her. Tomorrow didn't matter. As long as they were together tonight, he could forget about tomorrow and simply get lost in the moment. A funny thought crossed his mind as he stared at her. "Theirs no to make reply. Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do and die," he said softly, quoting a line from The Charge of the Light Brigade. It was a morbid poem, but it fit their situation rather adequately. "If all we have is tonight, let it never end."

Yuki moved her hands to Alexiel's back and pressed her body against him. Even though the moment didn't make sense, even though so much has changed...nothing felt more right. And as his lips moved from hers to her neck, she knew that she only wanted to live in that moment forever. Everything else faded into the black.

Luna said nothing back. Instead, she slowly undressed herself and him and while they made love, her eyes never left his. Just as he had said he wanted, the night seemed to never end. He was gentle and sweet and everything she wanted. His body pressed so close to hers and she was sure that if only for a moment, she had become part of him and he a part of her. It was long into the moment when stray, silent tears rolled down her cheeks while she laid beneath him.

It was nearly noon before Alexiel felt his presence. He'd given everyone shielding in order to keep them hidden from Lex's probative aura. He had to play the obedient slave just a little longer. Just long enough to part Lex from his scythe. If he still held the scythe when they attacked then there was simply no chance for them.

Before he had time to think anymore Lex's aura crashed over him, nearly causing him to fall to his knees. "Ah, you were waiting for me." Lex's wings folded back into his body as he walked over to Alexiel. He used the back of his hand to caress Alexiel's cheek. "Did you miss me?"

Alexiel was quiet, afraid to speak.

Lex's smile turned into a frown as he back handed Alexiel into the wall. Before the young Aion could do anything he was being choked by Lex's hand. "Did you miss me?"

Alexiel held up a hand to keep everyone from moving. He could sense the faintest spike from them as they tensed. They couldn't move now. "Of course, I missed you master."

"Good," Lex whispered. Grabbing Alexiel by the jaw he pulled him forward and kissed him. Using so much force that bruised formed on his mouth and jaw as tears welled up in his eyes. Tossing Alexiel back down he turned and looked around. "Where's Evanna?"

"She's out," Alexiel whispered, wiping the blood from his lips while keeping his eyes trained on Lex's scythe.

"What do you mean she's out?" Lex turned back to Alexiel and pressed the blunt end of the scythe against his throat.

"There was a...disturbance. I'm not certain what happened."

Lex rolled his eyes before smacking Alexiel with the scythe, causing him the hiss in pain. "Well, you're not much help are you?"

Kyoya tried hard to muffle a growl as this scene unfolded. This is what Alexiel put up with the last two years? This is what Lex had become? He knew that it was taking everything they had not to move to help their friend. Already he could feel himself changing. He wanted to tear Lex apart, to make him pay for his crimes.

"I'm sorry," Alexiel replied, trying hard to seem unfazed by Lex's actions.

"Yes...you are," Lex muttered as he started back to his room. Alexiel looked back at everyone before following him in there.

"Is there anything I can do for you? To please you?"

Lex muttered something sourly as he let his scythe float back to it's stand. Once it was far enough away from Alexiel started to move in between Lex and his scythe. "Go get me some wine."


Lex turned back to Alexiel. What did you just say to me?"

"I said...no!" Alexiel managed to catch Lex off guard with an energy blast which sent him flying through the wall. He could hear the demon's outside wondering what was going on, which meant that he didn't have much time. As Lex was recovering Alexiel ran to the wall and put energy into one of the several seals he had hidden throughout the building. As soon as his energy coursed through it the building seemed to pulsate with energy. "There's no one getting out, and there's no one getting in," Alexiel said as he turned to Lex.

"Good. It makes it easier to kill you!" An energy blast ripped through Alexiel, cutting his torso as he fell back into the wall. Before Alexiel could summon his energy his collar began to glow, causing what energy he had summoned to course back through his body. He began to writhe in pain as Lex stood above him laughing. "You fool! Did you really think a pet could ever fight against its master?" He then proceeded to kick Alexiel's face.

That was all Kyoya could take. A growl erupted from his throat as he lunged at Lex from his hiding place. Lex didn't understand what was going on until Kyoya was tearing through his chest. Slamming Lex against the wall he kept the stunned Aion pinned down while the others revealed themselves.


"Damn right!" Kyoya growled.

Yuki was at Alexiel's side at once her hands went to his chest and she started to heal him. Luna moved quickly and nailed Lex in the jaw. Evelyn summoned a water wipe and snapped at one of his wings. The sound was swift as it sliced through the wing and cut it from his body. Luna gripped her sword tightly and in one silently move, she cut the other wing off. She snapped her head to Lex and smiled.

"Now you'll have to fight on the ground like the rest of us," she said with a growl.

Evelyn snapped her head to Yuki. "Start charging."

Yuki nodded and sat down. She began to pray and small balls of light formed itself around her head. Swirls of energy danced around her as she prayed harder with her eyes closed and her hands tightly together.