Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty Eight ( Chapter 58 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Granny's eyes widened before they narrowed and glared at Alexiel. "Oh you are...are you?" There was something in her tone which made Alexiel's blood run cold.

"Umm...I think, I might want to...you know...go use the restroom real quick," he said as he got up and attempted to run from Granny.

Kyoya was there beside him, a firm grip place on Alexiel's shoulder as he held him there. "Time to face the music," he whispered.

"But I don't wanna," Alexiel moaned.

Evelyn smiled as she watched everyone. Everything seemed happy and back to normal. With that in mind, she slipped away and left the Heaven. She walked through the path they made to Luna's grave. She got to her knees and sat there beside the grave while she tried to find the courage to finally talk to the grave stone.

Yuki hugged Macy close. "There is so much to do, Macy!"

"So...you plan on marrying Yuki, do you?"

"Y-yes, ma'am," Alexiel replied softly.

"And you love her?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Granny was quiet as she looked him over. "Fine, then you can marry her," she said, earning a big sigh from Alexiel. "But...."

The air around them suddenly got cold as she glared at him. "If you so much as make her cry, you know that female form of yours? I'll make sure that you'll never be able to get out of it. Then I'll ship you off to Japan where you can serve as a shrine maiden or a geisha. Do you understand?"

Alexiel just nodded slowly as all the color drained from his face.

"Good." And with that Granny proceeded to retreat back to where she came them, a small chuckle echoing as she left.

"S-s-she was joking right?"

Kyoya chuckled and shrugged. "I'd suggest you not tempt her so you don't have to find out."

Yuki put Macy down on her feet and she jumped into Alexiel's arms. "I'm so happy!" Before he could say anything, Yuki tugged him to her room. "Come on...we have to celebrate!"

Macy watched them go to Yuki's room and shut the door. Macy walked up to the door and started to beat on it. "I celbate!" she yelled. "I come too!"

Kyoya quickly hurried and picked up Macy, swinging her around as he laughed. "Sorry sweetie, but they're going to celebrate the way that grownups celebrate," he said with a laugh. "Would you like to go play with your dolls instead?"

Alexiel laid down on the bed and pulled Yuki on top of him. He smiled as he ran his hands through her hair and kissed her. "Mrs. Vanguard," he said softly. "That doesn't sound too shabby."

Macy was disappointed. She looked at Kyoya. "No fair! I want celbate!"

Yuki smiled. She really was so very happy. "Yuki Vanguard..." She shrugged. "It doesn't matter what my name is. I'm getting married!" She tugged at Alexiel's until it started to rip. She didn't care that she was tearing his shirt, she just wanted it off.

"I'm sure there will be plenty of celebrating later on," Kyoya assured her as they entered her room and he set her down so she could play. "And I'm sure you'll be able to celebrate with them then." Kyoya smiled as he picked up a tearing sound. Thank the Lord that Macy's hearing wasn’t as sensitive as his was or she'd have plenty of questions to ask. Questions that he couldn't even begin to deal with.

Alexiel laughed as she ripped his shirt. "Now that's no fair," he smirked as he reached for Yuki's skirt and tore it off.

Yuki moved down his body and began to undo his pants. Things just weren't going fast enough. After undoing his pants, she slipped out of her shirt and moved down to touch his lips with hers. She teased him at first. Each time he leaned in for a kiss, she pulled back. Her tongue flickered on his lips before finally allowing him to kiss her. Already, she was worked up.

Evelyn came back in the house and her eyes glanced at Yuki's closed door. "Shocker," she said sarcastically. She walked to Macy's room and peeked. Kyoya was playing with her dolls just like her. He even had a squeaky doll voice to pretend with. Evelyn smiled then walked in. "Now that's adorable." She sat next to them on the floor and Macy handed her a doll politely. Evelyn thanked her. And Macy smiled then went back to playing. She was pretending her doll was a super hero and Kyoya's doll was the bad guy. Of course her doll one. "She's so much like Luna. I can't get over it."

Kyoya shot her a glance as she walked in. "Now where have-" he stopped to clear his throat as his vocal chords readjusted so that he could talk normally again. "Now where have you been?" He had a good idea, judging by the dirt on her shoes. She'd been to visit Luna. He was curious how that visit had gone, but he didn't want to say anything in front of Macy which could start her crying. For that reason he resumed playing dolls with his daughter, a smile plastered on his face as their respective dolls 'fought'.

When their battle was over he pulled Macy over to him and sat her in his lap. Looking over at Evelyn he nodded slowly. "That she is...."

Evelyn smiled to herself. "I finally talked to the stone...you know...at the place..." She was trying not to leave anything that would give Macy a clue as to where she had been. Macy's tears were painful to see. "I have never been able to before because...well...it didn't seem fair that I had to talk to a rock instead of the real thing." Macy pushed at Evelyn's doll and Evelyn attacked Macy's doll. With a shocked look on her face, Macy made a "super power sound" and "blasted" Evelyn's doll back. Evelyn pretended it was dead. "I still feel cheated. Every time I find someone to love and take care of me...something happens to them." She looked up at Kyoya as she did her best not to cry in front of Macy. "It's not fair that I can't love someone, Kyoya. It's not fair that I'm always so alone." She looked back at Macy and pushed the blond strands from her face. Macy smiled at her. "Even with all of you around me...nothing compares to her. No one will ever love me like her. No one will ever look after me like her. And if I can't have her," she looked back at Kyoya, "then I don't want anyone else."

Kyoya took her hand and squeezed it gently while Macy killed his doll. "One day you may change your mind," he told her. "But until then, whether you like it or not you're still stuck with us." He stuck out his tongue playfully at her before patting Macy on the head. "Just like Macy is stuck with us to!"

Macy looked up at them. "I no stuck! I Macy!"

Evelyn laughed. "I think it's going to be hard not to get close to Macy, however." Evelyn kissed Macy's head and looked at Kyoya again after Macy began to play once more. "Did you ever love anyone before Luna? I mean...you've lived for so long so a lifetime to you is centuries. Do you have any other children?"

It was odd for Evelyn to be asking these things, but she didn't really know much about Kyoya. She knew he loved Luna and he was dedicated to the team. He was a good father and a loyal friend, but she really knew nothing else about him...or anyone for that matter. She really didn't have a reason to in the past. She had Luna and that was the only person she really cared for. Now that Luna was gone, it was time Evelyn started to get to know the people she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

Kyoya paused for a moment before sighing. Leaning against Macy's bed he figured he might as well get comfortable for this. "You know, I find it funny.... Luna never asked me about my past. She just took me as I was. The first person to really ask me about my past was Alexiel, and even then that's just cause he likes history." There was a small smile on his lips as he looked up at Evelyn.

"I've lived several lifetimes. I've loved and been loved countless times, and in countless forms." He seemed to remember a few of them and chuckled lightly. "And yes, I believe I have a few children." He stopped to laugh for a second as tears came to his eyes. "And let me tell you, child birth is a lot easier when you're a shifter."

Evelyn was shocked. "Are you saying that you have given birth before?" She looked at Macy. "Do you have any half breeds like Macy?" She couldn't believe Macy had sibling around somewhere. And she couldn't really picture Kyoya loving anyone other than Luna. "It's weird to hear you speak of Luna like she was just a phase in your long life...Macy most likely will live forever...and it's obvious that you do not stick around with your children...do you plan on leaving her at some point?"

"Why yes, I have," Kyoya said, slightly pleased by her reaction. "What? You didn't think that I'd always remained in a male form when I fell in love? That would be...boring." When she questioned his future he thought for a moment before shrugging. "It's not that she was a phase, it's more like she was a new chapter. When you live as long as I have, your past lives are more like watching a movie from another's perspective rather than an actual memory."

"Macy is not my first half-breed, but she is the first one to survive."
He looked at Evelyn with somewhat glassy eyes before looking away. "Humans and demons were never made to mate, much less to fall in love and procreate. My other children are full blooded demons. After a short time they're more then capable of taking care of themselves; and while I have no plans on leaving Macy anytime soon I'm certain that in time she will want to spread her wings and venture out on her own. That is basic nature for all creatures."

Evelyn stood. She didn't like his answers. Not even in the least, however, it wasn't her plan to say so. She was sure Luna didn't ask about his past for this very reason. Most likely, Luna was afraid she was just a phase as well and when she died she would only be a faint memory. Yet, knowing all that, Luna risked her life to have his child. Died twice to protect that child, then left Evelyn all alone to give a future to them all. How unfair was that? Was Kyoya even capable of settling with one person and promising to love that person for the eternity he was doomed to spend living? And if Luna were to live forever, would he have stayed with her? He had been with demons, loved them, reproduced with them...but yet he was no longer with anyone of them despite the fact that they were most likely still alive.

Evelyn walked out of the room and headed to her room. Because of everything she had just learned from Kyoya, she had lost so much respect from him. She felt her heart sink. Maybe she was better off doing what Luna had done, not asking question and staying in the dark to live in the moment that existed only in the present. She walked in her room and shut the door then sat on her bed. She would never be able to love a demon because of that. She would never be able to bring herself to look at Kyoya and not feel so insignificant. It pissed her off that Luna would even bother to love a demon knowing that he so casually loved others and moved on without a blink of regret. Everything these days seemed so unfair to her. Her whole life just sucked in her eyes.

Kyoya waited for Evelyn to leave before his smile faded. "Sometimes a lie, is far better then letting one know the truth." Macy was starting to grow tired so he got her dressed for bed and put her to sleep. "Sweet dreams, sweet heart," he said as he kissed the top of her head and turned off her light. From there he ventured out on the darkened path. Even without his keen ability to see in the dark he would know this path by heart. He had walked it so many times before that he could find it simply by touch.

"Hi," he whispered as he stared at Luna's grave. Laying flowers down that he'd picked up along the way he just knelt there, enjoying the silence between them.

Evelyn picked up one of her books. She opened to the page she left off. She hadn't picked the book up since they had left to go after Lex, so it was well overdue for her to finish it. When she opened it up to the bookmark, a folded piece of paper fell out. Evelyn reach on the floor and picked it up then unfolded it. She hadn't even read the first line before her eyes began to water. It was in Luna's handwriting.


If you are reading this, then I assume I am no longer with the living. I had planned on collecting this letter back if I survived, so I know that if you found this...well...I know that it's for the best. You are the only one I decided to write because I know you are the only one who will feel abandoned. I'm positive that you will survive our fight because everyone knows I would die protecting you. Who knows, maybe that's how I went out. Anyway, I need to get some things clear with you, Evelyn. You and I...we have always been the same. We have always been afraid to love and have always been afraid of change, but it's time that you realize that our life, a human life, is just too short to be afraid of anything. In many ways, Kyoya has taught me that. Being with an immortal will teach you many things you never wanted to learn. I want you to know that even though I am no longer with you, I am always close to you. I hope you will be able to forgive me and not blame me for leaving you in such a short time. But, Evelyn, you are so smart. So much smarter than I ever wanted you to be. You always knew things before I had a chance to explain and you always understood things before I have a chance to comprehend which is why I want to ask you to continue learning. I want you smarter so you can one day continue my work. I want you to be able to lead the Witchers when you get older. After all, there is always someone, somewhere in trouble and we are the closest things to heroes. I know you will be brave and I know you will be strong, but I need you to enjoy what life you have left. This job can shorten everything in your life and I want you to smile, Evelyn. Again, forgive me. And though I have never truly said it, I love you, Evelyn. I love you more than anyone else ever will. Please, listen to the others. They are all you have now.


Evelyn watched her tears fall on the piece of paper, smudging the print. Luna was still looking after her...even when Evelyn had lost all hope.