Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mist ❯ Isaac ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Isaac ran through the misty forest as pixies chased/attacked him. "C'mon you little flies hit me," he yelled at them. He then ran faster as he dodged their attacks. "Ha, is that the best you flies can do," he yelled. He then jumped into a tree and ran east.
Soon he was in the village of Kaki, Kaki is a village of Cat People (or Neko), and allies of the Elves. "Finally, I'm safe," Isaac said. He then walked down to the village leaders offiece. Isaac then walked over to the reseptionest and asked if he could see him. She looked at him as she shot back in her chair. "Uh... just a moment," she said as she ran towards his offiece. This was sortly followed by shouting, then she came back out. "Sir, Lord Yum Yum, will see you now," she said.
"So boy, I'm Lord Yum Yum, who are you," he said. "My names Isaac, and I'm an elf," Isaac said cheerfully. "I see, well Isaac, is it true that the elves were destroyed," said Yum Yum sorrowfully. Isaac looked down as he answered, "yes sir, it's true." Yum Yum shook his head at his words. "Lord Yum Yum, would you like the information that I retreved about the enimie," asked Isaac.
Soon out of Yum Yum's offeice, Isaac went to the nearest blacksmith in search of a job. "Well boy, you say you want a job, but you seem like you wouldn't take it seriously," said a man. "Does that mean I don't get the job," said Isaac. "That's a good question, since you don't show any promise to me," said the man. Isaac didn't respond. "Hey kid cheer up, don't be like that," "it's hard not to, when my day keeps on getting worse by the second." The man scrached his beard at Isaac's words. Isaac looked around, then at him saying, "look, your wasting mine and your time stading here, ether give me the job or don't." "I like that attittude, your hired. Now you can start by stacking those logs."
"Cu, was it smart to hire that boy," asked his wife. "Anny, the boys alone and he shows promise," said Cu. "But what if the F.S.P. finds out he's here," Anny yelled out at him. "Shush, do you want them to hear you," said Cu as he looked around. "Besides, Lord Yum Yum said he had a plan," "alright Cu, but he still has a way to go."
"Isaac, Isaac it's time to get up," Anny said as she knocked on his bedroom door. "I'm up, let me get dressed," Isaac said as he picked up a pair of pants.
(I'm ending it here for now.)
Haku-chan : Gaara Plushie, what do you think of Isaac?
G.P. : He's okey.
Haku-chan : Do you think he's safe from the F.S.P. (Fairies Sprites Pixies)?
G.P. : In your stories, no.
Haku-chan : I'm just evil that way. ^-^