Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mist ❯ The Way Things Are ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Isaac and Dew came back to their world. "Dew the Daughter of the Mist we must go and be wed," said Isaac."Yes, let us go," she anwsered. "But we must get Mist and Ki," said Isaac. So they did, and were about to be on their way when an army came to take them away. "Isaac Uno and Dew Atani, you're under arrest," said one. "I, the Chosen, ask that our enimies were gone," asked Isaac as he went to the ground. "And I, the Mist of Twighlight, ask that they perish in peace," said Dew as she did the same. "Together, we ask this, and so let yours and mine wishes defeat our enimies and bring peace to this land," they said as a flash of light ingulfed them. A few seaconds later their enimies were dead. "Come, we can't stay here," said Isaac as he walked past the scene.
An hour later they were in a hotel room wherein they were talking. "Isaac, do you think the F.S.P. is finest," asked Ki. "I really doubt it Ki," said Isaac. "They might be done with us but then again they might not, ether way we cannot affored to let our guard down," said Dew. 'Dew looks alot like mom, but she's not a Neko,' thought Mist as she continued to listen in on what was being said.. "Hey Mist, you okey, you keep on staring at me," asked Dew as she looked over at her. "Huh, oh I'm fine thank you, I'm sorry for staring," said Mist as she twiddled with her fingers. "It's okey, but you seem a little distracted," "well... it's nothing, sorry for troubling you." ""So anyway, Dew you're going to Fa, Ki you're going to Ri, Mist, you and I are going to Xi. And when we're done, we all will meet back here in 2 months," said Isaac.
The next day they all left in the direations of the village they were to spy on.
(Mist and Isaac)
Mist and Isaac walked down the streets with everything but their eyes covered. People stared at them as they passed. As they stared Isaac whispered to Mist, "Mist, whatever you do don't look at them. If you do, they'll get subspisioce," Mist then looked down. "Hey what do you say if I carry you," said Isaac as he looked down at her. "Sure, thanks Isaac," said Mist. "Hey kid, what do you think you're doing," said a Pixie. "What do you think, we've been a long way so I'm going to carry her," said Isaac calmly. "How dare you talk to a Pixie that way," he yelled. "Please don't yell, she just fell asleep," Isaac asked as he looked over his shoulder. "I could careless about her, but how dare you walk into our village and act like you own it," he yelled even louder. "Listen, I'm sorry that you were offended by me, but please lower your voice," asked Isaac again. "Ai, why are you giving this man a hard time,? As you see all he did was pick her up and carry her. Also like he said, she is asleep, so don't yell," said a Pixie who somewhat resembled Ai. "But father he acts like he owns the place, the way he's walking around," said Ai. "Ai, this man seems to be in a hurry, he apoligised, so what more do you wish for," said his father. "You, boy, be on your way, I will handle my son," he said. Not wanting to push him, Isaac did as intructed by the father. He soon came upon a inn, where he got two bedrooms for him and Mist.
"Where am I... Isaac," said Mist. At hearing his name he walked in there. "Oh Mist, you're awake," he said. "Isaac, where are we," she said. "We're in a inn, I thought I'd get one since you were asleep and we've been a ways," Isaac exclaimed. "Oh that's nice of you," Mist said as she smiled. "Mist, I'm cooking breakfast, so you can take a bath, and change, if you like," he said. Isaac then ran off to the kittion. 'Isaac's a really nice man, but sometimes he seems sad when he looks at me,' she said as she grabed some clothes.
Isaac heard the water in the shower turn on, so he went to the sink and proceeded to turn it on and off, only to hear Mist scream. "Isaac, you're so dead when I get out of here," Mist yelled out at him. He laughed as he turned off the sink and proceeded to watch the food.
An hour later Mist came out and started to chase Isaac around. "Geese Mist, I was only joking," he said. "You're dead when I catch you," Mist hissed out at him. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Mist. you're dressed, anwser the door," said Isaac as he ran to his room. She then proceeded to anwser the door when she heard, "do you really think that the Chosen and his friend are here George?" Mist then ran to Isaac's door and said in horror, "Isaac, the F.S.P. is at the door!" Isaac then opened the door as he said,"Mist go to your room and hid, also don't say a word." He then went to the door and she went to her room. "Hello, can I help you," Isaac said. "Yes, we're looking for Isaac Uno and Mist Risa, have you seen ether one of them," said one. 'It's as I feared, they're after the girls too,' thought Isaac as he said, "never heard of them." "Oh really, then you wouldn't mind if we came in," said the other. "Actually, I do." "And why's that," said one. "My daughter dislikes people that she doesn't know," he said. "Oh really, so where is she then," asked one. "She's in her room," Isaac replied. "Alright fine," he said. As soon as they were gone he shut the door and went to see Mist.
3 days after what happended to Mist and Isaac, Ki was found out. "Now tell us where he is," said the general. "No, I won't tell you anything," she said. "Are you sure, cause we have ways of finding things out," said the general. "I don't care, as long as he's safe. He didn't ask to be the Chosen," she said as she started to cry. "..." was all she got from him before he said, "I'll let you go if you help me to get away from the F.S.P. ." "What... But if you leave they'll have you killed," "so will you do it?" "Sure," she said as he let her down.
5 minutes later, him and Ki were being attacked. "So much for a clean get away," said Ki as she ran faster.
That same day in Fa, Dew walked down the road to find two Fairies blocking her path. "Get out of my way or else," she said as she put a hand near her sword. "Whoa, check out that woman Semin," said one. "Lia, let's do as she says," he said as he looked into her eyes. "Come on Semin, she's just a woman," said Lia. "Just a woman! Men have fallen at the mere thought of me, and yet you say I'm nothing," Dew lashed out at him. "Wait, aren'y you Bloody Dew," Semin said. "Yes, I'm her," she said as she smirked. "Lia run," Semin said as he ran for his life. "You should follow your friends advise," said Dew. "No way, Semin's a coward," said Lia. The next thing he knew he was out cold.
A month later they all met up. "Ki, Dew, nice to see you again," said Isaac. "Yes it is," said Mist. "It's nice to see the both of you too," said Ki. "Oh by the way this is River," she said as she pointed out the man next to her. "Hi," he said. "Ki isn't that General River, Prince of the Fairies," said Dew. "Yes ma'am, I am and thanks to Ki I finally got away," said River. "What you wanted to leave," Dew said in much shock. "Yes ma'am I did," he said. "Why," she said hesintantly. "Cause of what is happening," he said. "I see, then there planning to attack us," said Dew. "Yes ma'am, they are," he said. "Dew, we have no choice," said Isaac. "I, the Chosen, that the those of the Fairies, Pixies, and Sprites were destroyed," said Isaac. "And I, the Mist of Twighlght, for the innocent of them to be spared," said Dew. A flash of light came over them and soon it was gone. "What just happened," said River. "That was the Seal of the Mist," said Dew. "What, a seal," he said. "Yes, it is the promise of our spot in the new world," said Mist. "But acording to the ledgend you will be our enimie," said Dew. "So much for undercover work," said River as he gave them a demonic look. At that they killed him. "We should leave," said Dew.