Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Avenger and the Soldier ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was a dark night in the countryside lit by the misty light of the full moon as Kitsui sat upon the grassy meadows ever gazing at the moon all alone. He was half asleep still following the thoughts of revenge he wanted against his father who killed his mother when he was just 10 years of age. The day of working in town had tired him out and he was just sitting with a basket of apples beside him with some eaten and some still whole. He had felt very lonely, but many people he met he pushed away from or stayed away completely, he thought no one could ever understand him or his cause. His white hair blew as did the wind's soft breeze and he felt cold slightly with the chill. His ears twitched as he could hear someone coming, but he was too tired to move or do something about it. He just kept his eyes half way closed thinking it was nothing.
She could smell some one was in the wood with her. But in her fatigue she couldn't distinguish anything but that. Blood had dried on her wounds keeping them safe from infection. She looked around, trying to find a makeshift den for the night. Her head pounded as she walked, and she fell to the ground with a muffled whimper. "Nice Ayumu" she thought. "Such a great warrior, fallen after battle..."
Kitsui smelt the sight of blood and it slowly woke him up. He sniffed around then went to follow the trailing scent. As he grew closer him his eyes opened all the way as he saw a young girl lying there injured. "Let me help you miss..." He said in a soft voice." He then raised two fingers leveled to his chest as if he was about to perform an incantation. "Be healed by the breeze of the sakura winds..." He chanted as the wind began to pick up slightly and many cherry blossom petals surrounded Ayumu and began healing her wounds. As soon as the wind died down and the blossoms were gone he helped Ayumu back on her feet yawning tiredly. "A traveler eh? You must've gotten into a pretty rough scrap to be banged up like that." Kitsui said as he scratched his head looking at her with his empty yellow eyes. "Oh, before anything else, I am Kitsui Aiken." He introduced himself after a brief nod. His white tail with a blood soaked red tip swayed around as he began to grow curious of the young traveler. "It's pretty late, I'm sure you can use some shelter, never know who might attack." Kitsui told her as he walked past her and signaled for her to follow. As he walked down the forest path's he came to an area secluded by trees and rocks then he waved his two fingers in several different motions having streaks of blue light releasing from his fingertips as he was performing another incantation.
Suddenly out of the blue a nice forest shack appeared being uncloaked from its hiding place. Kitsui walked in and left the door open for her to follow in. As he sat at his table he grabbed an apple from a basket and a peeling knife and began cutting away the apples peelings and started eating it. Kitsui on the other hand was very good at different sorts of magic that he trained himself to learn, as well as his powers he had for fighting. But his eyes seemed so empty and only the iris could be seen in his eyes. Such a dark melodic symphony his eyes would show; of something tragic long ago.
 Ayumu let him help, purely because she didn't want to die. If she had just lie there, and not let him, she would be picked off by something much bigger then her. He ear twitched angrily when he asked if she was a traveler. "Soldier...” she corrected lowly. She stood and followed him. The offer of a warm place to stay appealed to her much more then a night in the woods appalled her. "Ayumu..." she replied when he told her his title. She had a full name, but wasn't allowed to use it until she earned it in her commander's eyes.
Kitsui stoked the fireplace after using a flame from his hand to light the wood in it. "A soldier you say? Some war to be fought or something?" He joked with a coyly laugh. "Ayumu is your name...Hmm, so by the way you sounded and the condition you were in you must be a great warrior or something?" Kitsui asked as he sat down by the fireplace after grabbing an apple from a basket on the table. "I am somewhat of a warrior myself...Royalty and all that behind me..." He continued as he took a bite from his apple then looked back at her.
His yellow eyes seemed to grow from sad to a calmer look that moment. "I was born of nobility, but the king...my father killed my mother, and since I have been trying to hunt him down to avenge my mother's death. But I won't be getting to sentimental about it, since there is a nice young lady present." He chuckled after sounding so serious for a moment.
After eating the rest of his apple he looked at Ayumu then went to the door. "Feel free to rest in my bed till I get dinner." He said as he closed the door behind him as he left. After an hour passed he returned with a few pounds of meat, rice, and stuff he could use to make a curry dish and he got to work and started cooking their dinner. "I'm surprised you can't give me your full name, but then again maybe you can't just yet." Kitsui said as his pot a few spices in a large pot stirring it with a red liquid while tossing in the meat additives that were finely cooked. When the food was ready he took two plates and put the rice on it and added the curry and meat dices over it then sat to the table. "I don't get many visitors around the woods, so you'd be the first in quite a while." He spoke as he scooped up some of his rice with the curry and meat in it and slid it in to his mouth neatly. Though Kitsui looked pretty average and uniquely dressed he acted every bit of royalty with his manners but as well had a humorous side to him.
Ayumu listened to him talk as she looked at her hands; her tail was wrapped around her arm now. She wondered when he would realize she was a wolf.” I can't tell you my full name.....because it has yet to be given...” She said lowly. She let out a little mumble as he continued to address her. When he left she sat by the fire, looking at the flames. Her eyes danced with them, and one jumped onto her hand. She smiled looking at her little fire.
Kitsui came and sat beside Ayumu near the fireplace and he took hold of her hand as his long white tail rested on her lap. "Judging by your scent and appearance I'd say you're a wolf...But from what I remember we foxes were you're enemies so why isn't it that you haven't attacked me? Is it curiosity? Or maybe a gentle heart you have?" He asked as he looked into her eyes slowly letting go of her hand. "I just wish there was some way to put down those boundaries between us foxes and you wolves. But I guess that's just how life goes as well as the food chain." Kitsui shrugged making a slight chuckle. "So you haven't been given the rest of your name yet? Well when that day comes, maybe I'll address you by your full name." He said as his tail slowly wrapped around hers and he pulled her into a gentle embrace.
"A war to be fought for different purposes, I can see it in your eyes that there's still fighting that must be done..." He said softly as he ran his fingers through her hair softly then gently kissed her on the cheek. His ears began to twitch as he heard a banging on the door he then jumped up as he smelt something burning then saw that the cottage was being set on fire by someone outside. "Those bastards...hold on Ayumu." He said as he picked her up then jumped smashing out of the roof. He landed from high in the air to see humans with guns and torches. "Humans again..." He muttered. Looking infuriated that they tried to burn them alive.
Ayumu was happy, for maybe the first time in years. She let him embrace her, listening to the soft rhythm of his heart. Her tail swished, and she smiled.
When she smelt the fire her eyes flashed with anger dangerously. Even as he held her on the roof, she changed from only looking half human half wolf, to full on wolf. She wiggled from his arms and jumped onto a tree. She slid down, awkwardly and ran along side the humans, silently. As one fell as they ran she took him, pulling him into a hole, debating what she should do.
Kitsui looked at Ayumu seeing she grabbed one of the unsuspecting humans then sighed. "I don't want to spill any human blood again, so will you people leave me in peace?" Kitsui asked the four remaining humans. "You demon, we don't like your kind, we'll destroy you, you foul beast!" One of the men with pitchforks yelled at Kitsui. "So be it...Though I can only use this once for the day...You shall witness my wrath..." Kitsui said as his yellow pupil less eyes began to glow then the diamond shape pupils began to reveal themselves. "True Shadow Hold..." He whispered as the sight of his eyes froze the humans in place as they tried to rush him on as if they were paralyzed completely just by him looking at them. "Perish..." Kitsui said as he raised his hand up with an open fist and the nerves in his face began to show and then he slammed his hand closed.
With that one movement the humans caught in his sight exploded into blood and became dust in a matter of seconds as nothing remained of them but the bone dust that blew through the air. "Aaaaghhh!" Kitsui yelled as he covered his eyes as his eyes were bleeding badly and he collapsed yelling in pain. "Damnit....Why!" He screamed as his removed his hand that was soaked in blood and the blood that came from his eyes flowed like tears. "Haaa....Haaa...Anymore than four targets would've been worse. Ayumu it's safe to come out." Kitsui said as he got back up having both of his eyes closed with blood dripping down to the ground. He fell over in the grass and lied there waiting for Ayumu to return as he lied there not being able to see he would be even more vulnerable if anyone or anything attacked him now.
Ayumu came from the hole, blood soaked her maw. She searched for Kitsui, and found him. She licked the blood from him, cleaning him the best she could without making his skin raw. When she finished she let out a slight howl, bowed and ran off. She ran until she reached a town, and changed into her full out human form. She borrowed, blankets and such, and then ran back to him. She covered him with a blanket then lay next to him as a wolf, her head in his stomach, protecting him.
Kitsui smiled softly as he felt Ayumu's head resting on his stomach then said softly, "For a wolf, you're quite gorgeous..." He chuckled, feeling that she was in her full wolf form even though he couldn't open his eyes and see it. He slept softly that night and as morning came the pain in his eyes were gone and he woke up and picked up a sleeping Ayumu into his arms trying to see where they'd take shelter in now that his home was burned down. Kitsui slowly began to turn into a human to cloak himself to the humans and casted a spell to make Ayumu return to her human form so it wouldn't seem suspicious to the townsfolk eyes. He carried her to an inn then paid for a room and all and carried Ayumu to a bedroom and laid her down on a soft bed and then sat at a desk by the window seeing the light coming through it.
Kitsui as a human was slender and attractive still having white hair with red pinstripes, his clothing was still the same and all his features were changed to match a human to the fullest. Now his eyes were a soft crystal blue color instead of its haunting yellow and he waited for Ayumu to awake. He then climbed on to the bed beside her and pulled his arms around her gently resting her head to his chest in another gentle embrace. "I never thought I'd find myself attracted to such a wolf like you..." He whispered in her ear softly then kissed her softly on the forehead.
Ayumu had troubled dreams as her years as a pup as she slept. She was tired from her first fight, then from protecting him. She didn't show the stress that had enveloped her dreams. When she woke she was startled, not realizing where she was. She jumped up and paced, unused to her full human form. She pulled her white hair from her face and paced like a caged wolf. She paced, trying to figure it out. Then she saw him, and remembered she had encountered a fox. She dropped in a chair, still tired, and watched him carefully. Her eyes never left his face.
Kitsui returned to his fox form seeing she was a bit startled by his human form, he then stood by the window looking out of it. "You seemed very stressed Ayumu. I know how you feel, I'll share your burden and help you carry your weight...Isn't that what wolves tend to do, stick together in a pack." He said with such a soft smile but was chuckling at the same time. He then walked out of the room for a moment leaving her for a second then returned about a minute later.
"We won't have to worry about the humans, I've casted a sense-obstructing spell that will make us invisible to their eyes and their scent." He said as he came over to her. "We should go do whatever it was you were trying to do before I found you. I can't use my eyes just yet it's only been 12 hours since I used them...But I am just as well in physical combat." Kitsui said as he brought a black wooden box over to her and then opened it revealing a dark crafted sword that had spiky edges and had a curved blade. This strange weapon could resonate an ominous aura to those who could sense it but it seemed to have no effect on Kitsui.
"This weapon...It's called Betrayal...The weapon my father used to kill my mother..." Kitsui said as he picked up the sword and let the light reflect of the ebony blade. "You should eat up I'll be outside if you need me, and no need to worry about humans as long as you are of 350 yards near me you will remain invisible to them." He said as he strapped his sword to his waist belt then left the room heading outside.
Ayumu remained in her chair, slumped over and breathing heavily. She thought over everything he had said, and couldn't help the words she spoke before he had left. "I've never been in a pack...."
She wasn't really lying. The only time she had been in a REAL pack was when she was only months old, and she had barely learned to use all her abilities. But soon after she learned how to switch from form to form, they were killed, and she and one of her litter mates survived were sent to separate armies. All she had to do to reclaim her last title was win a fight against her little mate.....her half brother....her enemy. Ayumu spent her years tracking him down, fighting what ever fights she was enlisted to fight.....just so she could grow stronger. Just so she could reclaim her title and become and alpha. "Pack...." She sighed, and changed into full wolf form and slid under a desk, curling in a ball as she attempted to contemplate what to do next.