Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Other Side of Me ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kitsui gasped as he saw Jai covered in blood but she hugged him as if she was alright. Kitsui took her in his arms and laid her down and pressed both of his hands over her injury and began healing her till the bleeding stopped and the wound vanished. Kitsui moved away from her and his heart throbbed a third time and he felt himself being driven by a darkness of his Youkai state and he grabbed his own arm as it was reaching for Jai's throat. "Must fight it...!" Kitsui yelled as his arm was slowly shifting back into the form of his Youkai state. "I won't give in to him again ever!!!" Kitsui yelled as he struck his arm in a pressure point to knock his arm motionless and numbed up and it slowly returned to normal. "Fighting the darkness of another side of you..." The voice of the black flame said to Kitsui. "The darkness of another side..." Kitsui thought to himself as he looked up at the sky. Suddenly the black flame appeared before all of them and revealed itself being a more battle-hardened and aged Kitsui. "You have proven yourself Kitsui, I doubted you at first, but you truly are worthy of the Shinigami State." Shinigami Kitsui said. "Kitsui...protect these people as well as your heart for if you shall fall into darkness again, you must find the light of fire..." Shinigami Kitsui said as he started to burn away and seeped into Kitsui's shadow. Kitsui ran over to Mer then healed him and gave him some of his energy then returned to everyone.
Jai sat up and looked over at them, "Kitsui...." Her voice trailed off. Something was leaking from her pupils and into her irises. The red faded away to a blue and her hair dark blue, her tail stayed black though. Her eyes glowed with malice. She got to her feet. She smirked at them.
Kitsui's nerves jumped as he sensed a maliciousness flowing through the air and it was coming from Jai. "Jai...Is that you?" Kitsui asked as he walked up to her seeing her transformed. He approached her cautiously then waited for her reaction. His hands were tightening into fists and started trembling as her aura made him nervous but all the same it had an intoxicating scent that also made him nervous. He then gulped slowly and came up to Jai and looked her into the eyes. "What's this form? I've never seen you like this Jai." Kitsui said as he raised his hand out to touch her face but he stopped getting a bad vibe about it.
My name is Kai." The strange girl said, "Your the kitsune that's been plaguing my other side's mind are you not?" She frowned at him. The air shimmered next to her and a large white wolf appeared with a red X over the side of his face, "We're finished here Kai." The voice was a mixture of Mer's and a wolf's growl. Kai let her gaze flicker over to Mer and back to Kitsui, "I'm going after Tatsue.” Mer nodded his large wolf's head, “I'll get rid of them then.”
Kitsui stood his ground seeing the large white wolf approach him then quickly he formed two dark guns from his hands and fired rounds into the wolf's head shooting concentrated soul draining shells to weaken it then he made the guns disappear and struck it forming a massive great sword and batted it up into the air. He then made the massive sword vanish and he ended his assault with a flying strike of his hand using the same move Youkai Kitsui used to defeat Tatsue and blew the large wolf into nothing but particles of spirit matter after the sky formed a massive dark sphere explosion and he landed running straight for Kai. "Give Jai back!" He screamed as he brought his fist in to punch her but it stopped right before touching her face knowing he couldn't strike her if Jai was still inside her.
Kai stared at him stunned, 'How is it possible that he could have so much power....?' She stared at the spot that Mer had been obliterated and clenched her hands into fists, "He's dead...." Her voice was hollow. She glanced over at Kitsui, "I guess this means that I'm your servent now...." Even though none had known this Kai, people didn't know that she was Jai, had been sold to a pack of wolf demons. Later on, when she turned into Jai she was abandoned and picked up by her 'father' who wanted her to marry Tatsue. Jai doesn't remember anything about the wolf pack, but Kai did and she still held ties to her old master's son, Mer.
Kitsui lowered his face as Kai submitted to him and then he pulled her into his arms and held her close. "Don't say stupid things like that...I don't own anyone...I know your still Jai on the inside but no matter what form you take you're still the one I love." He said as he brushed through her hair then kissed her softly. He then held her head to his chest and looked at the snow falling from the grey skies. "That was your brother I killed....Then I guess you are free to live normally." Kitsui told her as he softly let go of her, his tail appeared out of a black flame and wrapped around hers though he was still in his human form and False Shinigami state.
"Fool... it's already happened." Kai said, not at all moved by his words or actions. A bell appeared on her ankle; a ribbon coming from it momentarily attached itself to his wrist then faded. "We're tied." She said with a smirk and her form faded back to Jai's. Jai blinked, "..... my head hurts...." She said clearly not remembering anything. But, a jingle sounded from her ankle, still symbolizing her tie.
Kitsui smiled and helped Jai up. "You alright, you threw me for a loop there with that form. Hmm, that Kai was a strange one I tell ya." Kitsui said as he laughed nervously scratching his head. He then looked at the bell that was around Jai and he blushed seeing what Kai meant now. "A pet...I couldn't think of her as something like that." He thought to himself as he scratched his face with one finger looking nervous. Kitsui waved his hand over Jai's hand and suddenly a silver ring with a sakura colored gemstone appeared on her ring finger. "Before anything else happens and we're tied apart, Jai...I would like you to be mines...Do you accept?" He asked as he knelt down on one knee then held her hand.
Jai's eyes widened in surprise. "K-Kitsui....?" She stuttered, blushing. She could think of a million hateful things to say, because the thought of marriage scared her. And, a million romantic things to say, because she loved Kitsui. Rather then embarrass herself with either she just said, "Yes." And dropped to her knees beside him and kissed him.
Kitsui returned Jai's kissed then picked her up into his arms smiling lovingly. "I've awaited this day just as long as finally getting revenge against my father...Thank you Jai." He told her then let her down and smiled. He then formed a ring matching hers on his ring finger except his gemstone was emerald colored. "I love you Jai, from the bottom of my heart." He told her as he clasped both of his hands together with hers.
Ayumu took in the scent of the season. She whimpered loudly then she thought she had. Mating season had just begun, and here she sat, alone, with no other wolves around. Kitsui had Jai, and she was alone.
Something crunched in the bushes behind her and someone cursed quietly. A few seconds later a man stumbled out of the brush and fell at Ayumu's feet. He had a few scratches that were bleeding, and he looked up at her. "Umm... Hi sorry, I'm lost. Would you mind telling me where I am..?" The boy couldn't help but let his eyes wander over Ayumu. He got up.
Ayumu could smell the blood on the boy. She stood. "Kitsui....Jai...." She called. She looked in the direction of the boy, wiping blood from where she could smell it. "One of them could tell you where you are...all you'd get from me is 'somewhere cold'."
Yori smirked and shrugged, "It's all right... as long as I'm with someone as beautiful as you." He grinned at her. "Your a wolf demon aren't' you? I am."
Ayumu looked at the boy and smiled slightly, and blushed. "Yeah...." She replied, brushing her hair from her face. It kept falling back down. "Uhm. Are you hurt anywhere else?"
Kitsui watched all that was going on and decided to jump on top of one of the small shrine buildings and laid back yawning. "I'm happy for ya Ayumu, Yori take good care of her." Kitsui said with another loud yawn having read his mind to find out his name after not really paying much attention to their conversation. "If ya need me just holler." Kitsui laughed then dozed off on the roof of the shrine.
Jai rolled her eyes and joined Kitsui. She smiled over at Ayumu.
Yori shook his head, "Naw, I'm fine... Thanks anyway." He got up, "So how did you get here?"
Ayumu looked away, her blood boiling. She was still jealous, even after a year. But in the back of her mind she wondered what happened to the wolf that had saved her. She changed into her wolf form, her coat still midnight black, and trotted away.