Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed blood and an angel's soul ❯ The journey begin's ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hundreds of years after Jesus had come and gone, a little girl named Lynn was born. She had the same features as her mother (who was also sent to earth earlier without her knowledge). She looked as she did when she was an angel… Except there was a big difference. Her father was a royal fire demon. And the body her mother had come in was half enchantress, and half of two ancient races.
Two years after she was born to earth… her brother came and was known as Julius. His father was also a demon. His was a water demon. Five year's after that…Her little sister came and was known as Nicole. Her father was a Demon as well. He was an earth demon. Now none of them were “Fallen Angel's”. There kind just became known as “Demon”. It was kind of like slang for what the true name for there kind really was. All of the sibling's with mixed blood's body's would retain all of there power's… and much, much, more. Not all of it would be good.
It was a stormy night as Lynn slept in her Grandparents home. She was now 15 yrs old and going to be 16 in a couple of months. Her siblings had long since separated from her. (They had also, both, recently vanished.) Only her spirit knew of there past… Her conscience had, not a clue. Her mind didn't even know what she was. She even thought that she might be at least half human. Oh how wrong she truly was… And she was about to find out just how wrong.
All that Lynn knew was what there father's had been. Wanting to wait until they were more mature… there mother had died before she could tell them who and what they really were. Lynn's father had left when she was only 5 months old… So they didn't know where he was. Plus her grandparent's, trying to fit in with humans, never spoke of magic or there world. She loved them all the same though. They were all she had in this land.
She woke up with a start at exactly midnight… Just as lightning flashed above her room. She couldn't remember what it had been about, but tears flew down her face as she tried. Then she realized something… Her Locket (of which she never removed) was glowing in a comforting blue light. She stared at it and went into a flashback…
She was a 3 year old little girl in her bed. She'd just woken up from the exact same nightmare (of course it would grow more frequent as she got older). She was screaming. Her mother came RUNNING in and scooped her up. Then she cooed the now crying Lynn whispering. ”It's o.k. It's o.k.” Over and over until Lynn calmed down to a soft whimper.
Finally she asked. ”What is it Lynn. Tell me all about it.” “I don't remember mommy. I just know that it was so sad and scary.” -The 3 year old Lynn simpered.-“Mommy? I don't know why… but all I remember someone saying words in another language… but I somehow understood them in my heart and soul. I don't remember what they said. They were really… REALLY nice though, and somehow I knew that they were a friend. Who were they mommy?”
It was all a blur from there… It was as if, her memory had been locked away. That had happened a lot in her childhood. As soon as she would get to a memory that might tell her what she really was… she would automatically forget what happened next. It was infuriating. However she did remember that her memory's only did this up to the day that her mother died. Then she remembered it… Her mother's word's when she was little…
“If anything ever happens to me, you will remember everything that you don't when the time is right…” She wasn't in a regular house, and could somehow sense thing's all around. She wasn't even sure she was in the same world as a dragon flew overhead. Her mother was holding a 4 year old, sleeping, Juliouse in her arms. She could sense someone watching… Someone she somehow knew was friend not foe. A now 6 year old Lynn had replied. ”But mom, I remember everything. What else will I remember?” Her mother just gently tapped her finger on Lynn's nose and sadly said. “You won't always remember. If I were to die, then your memories of magical experiences would all go away until you need them… or are ready to deal with them. Which-ever comes first. When… I mean IF that day comes… Your magical memories will come back one by one…”
As the memory faded, Lynn fell asleep once again… and she held those memories to her heart. Now Lynn knew what he heart always had… she knew that she didn't belong here.
It was 2 months later now (10 day after her 16th birthday). She was once again asleep in her bed when her door opened. She immediately woke up and began to open her eyes. When she opened her eye's… her dog (Foxy) was frozen in place! Her head snapped up, as she saw this, and at the door stood a man in a black outfit and mask!!! Before she could scream or cry out… He widened his deep greenish brown eyes and pointed at her, paralyzing her with its depths!!!
She couldn't move or speak as he silently closed the door without touching it… and quickly closed the gap between them. She was trapped! He smirked and as he removed his pant's hit and her, and climbed on her, while in a barely audible wiper he said. ”No-one can protect you now, weakling... “
Three months later, standing outside, she mumbled. “How dare they call me a liar… and my own grandmother too...?” Lynn could still here her grandmother's words echoing in her head. “Bitch!!!” “Liar!!!” “Whore!!! “ “Slut!!!” But the names weren't nearly as bad as those phrase's. “It's all your fault!” “YOU MUST have let him in!!!” “You invited him!” “It didn't really happen! You're just crazy!!”
`So I just hallucinated that I had one of those early on miscarriages?!! FINE if they don't want me then I'll just LEAVE!!!' Lynn thought furiously to herself as she began to step out into the full moon light.
Her long flowing hair was no more. She had cut it into an extremely short haircut saying. “Long hair is a symbol of pride and honor. I've been defiled, so I no longer deserve long hair.” The only thing that was left was two thin, long, braid's coming from behind her ears and going down to the back of her knees. She wore a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. She also wore all of her magical jewelry (of which she never removed). They were a turquoise locked, a heart shaped, promise locket, a Star Amethyst with an aqua marine heart attached, an aqua marine (heart shaped) ring, and an anklet. She had a pink backpack on and a water bottle. She was going to get as far away from here as she could.
She walked into the field behind her house. Her heart was frozen inside as it began to snow. She walked on and on into the now blizzard until she passed out and fell over a cliff… and landing in a river. Finally, not caring if she lived or died, she let herself go under and pass out.
When Lynn began to awaken, she was freezing and her head was pounding. She heard voices talking all around her. They spoke in the language of her dream… and she understood them.
“Will she make it? She's been out for 2 days.” Asked a man's voice. A young woman responded. “She'll be fine… although I'd like to know were she came from. She has pneumonia and hypothermia… and her clothing…” Lynn tried to move, but had to cry out as pain wrenched her entire body!
She immediately felt a hand on her head and heard a woman whisper. ”Her fever's gone…?” Turning to Lynn “Stay still, you have injured yourself badly and it would seem a concussion is all that's left…But you need to rest all the same though.” That was the last thing she heard before she past out.
Later… Lynn awoke to the man from before exclaiming. ”WHAT!!! Don't let her hear you say that!” In a loud whisper. “Oh if what you speak of is true then she probably doesn't know our language! And YOU heard me! She can't be human!!! She's healing far to quickly and efficiently!!!” Came, the woman's voice.
Lynn gasped at these words (opening her eyes) and upon hearing her gasp the woman said. ”Oh SHIT!!!... You understood that didn't you?!” The man looked surprised, but smirked. As Lynn nodded and whispered. “I ah aloo nie dodeyo? (I'm not alone anymore?)”
Next she somehow managed to stand, but fell right away and was caught by the man. She immediately stiffened and looked fear stricken into his eyes, as he put her on the bed… but stepped away seeing the look on her face. “Did someone…” He began with a sudden understanding in his eyes.