Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction ❯ the legend of the liox ❯ the legend of the liox ( One-Shot )
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you've heard the legend of the the liox right
well if not then ill tell you.Long long ago
hidden in the moutains of asia there lived the
liox a beatiful creature part fox part cat it had
a long tail and beatuful eyes the people
treashered this animal because it protect there
land this liox was the last of its kind but was
still kind it knew once it died it would be the
end of its speaices
so it wont to go down with
its speacies as a kind speacies.one day the wolf
the cousin of the liox came to talk to the liox
the wolf ask the liox to help kill all the the
moutain lions of coures the wolf had know idea
that the liox was part cat but when the liox told
the wolf the wolf was furies he coundt beleave
that he was akchully relaed to thoses fillthy
Then the wolf left the lioxes cave and went
back to his pac he then anonce that for reveng
against the liox he would kill the vielleg people
that the liox love so much.Two nights after the
wolf made his plans he acked the villeg while the
liox was a sleepbut just in case the liox woke up
the wolf had his stronest wolvesstand gaurd out
side the lioxes cave but what woke up the liox
was a little girl running up the moutain
screaming help us liox at that mounment the liox
woke up and ran out of its cave and jumped front
of the girl the liox then looked at the villeg
that it love watch it burn in flames at that
moument the moutain lions just entered the valley
and saw'll the desroshon of what the wolves did
but they were to late.They saw'll the liox up on
the moutain protecting the girl so they headed
torwds the villeg to stop the wolves.As the liox
stod ready to fight the wovles it heard screamsof
terrier and pain tears stared to poured from the
lioxes eyes as it tried so hard not to cry the
girl then said dont cry you protected us so many
times before this happened will always love you
liox its time we die good bye liox.Just then a
wolf jumped high in the air an bit the girl and
through her over the mountain the liox was
horrified at what the wolf did at that moument
the liox could not take it anymore a silver beam
hit the liox and its eyes turend red its tail
stared danceing in the night and the liox
growlled and angry growl at the wolves the wolved
stepped back in terrer they didnt know what to
think of this sight,the liox then began to
cry,tears ran down the lioxes face,but the tears
werent normally they werea cid tears when they
hit the ground they burned it,the liox then
jumped in the air and a gust of power hit all the
wolves and baneshed them from asia and a another
burst of engery shieled all of the people from
the flames and the liox went into the sky and
became the moon.and to day the liox watches over
the inacent people of earth of the night.So thats
the legend of the liox.
well if not then ill tell you.Long long ago
hidden in the moutains of asia there lived the
liox a beatiful creature part fox part cat it had
a long tail and beatuful eyes the people
treashered this animal because it protect there
land this liox was the last of its kind but was
still kind it knew once it died it would be the
end of its speaices
so it wont to go down with
its speacies as a kind speacies.one day the wolf
the cousin of the liox came to talk to the liox
the wolf ask the liox to help kill all the the
moutain lions of coures the wolf had know idea
that the liox was part cat but when the liox told
the wolf the wolf was furies he coundt beleave
that he was akchully relaed to thoses fillthy
Then the wolf left the lioxes cave and went
back to his pac he then anonce that for reveng
against the liox he would kill the vielleg people
that the liox love so much.Two nights after the
wolf made his plans he acked the villeg while the
liox was a sleepbut just in case the liox woke up
the wolf had his stronest wolvesstand gaurd out
side the lioxes cave but what woke up the liox
was a little girl running up the moutain
screaming help us liox at that mounment the liox
woke up and ran out of its cave and jumped front
of the girl the liox then looked at the villeg
that it love watch it burn in flames at that
moument the moutain lions just entered the valley
and saw'll the desroshon of what the wolves did
but they were to late.They saw'll the liox up on
the moutain protecting the girl so they headed
torwds the villeg to stop the wolves.As the liox
stod ready to fight the wovles it heard screamsof
terrier and pain tears stared to poured from the
lioxes eyes as it tried so hard not to cry the
girl then said dont cry you protected us so many
times before this happened will always love you
liox its time we die good bye liox.Just then a
wolf jumped high in the air an bit the girl and
through her over the mountain the liox was
horrified at what the wolf did at that moument
the liox could not take it anymore a silver beam
hit the liox and its eyes turend red its tail
stared danceing in the night and the liox
growlled and angry growl at the wolves the wolved
stepped back in terrer they didnt know what to
think of this sight,the liox then began to
cry,tears ran down the lioxes face,but the tears
werent normally they werea cid tears when they
hit the ground they burned it,the liox then
jumped in the air and a gust of power hit all the
wolves and baneshed them from asia and a another
burst of engery shieled all of the people from
the flames and the liox went into the sky and
became the moon.and to day the liox watches over
the inacent people of earth of the night.So thats
the legend of the liox.