Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ Facing Facts ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Whew, Update.

Okay, disclaimers and such… already said, no need to reiterate. Since it can become confusing here is a bit of help. When I write Dee, I am talking about Dee Laytner, when it is Just D I am talking about Count D. The Mandarin Chinese song is from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I do not own that either. And Dee helps out the only way he knows how…

With Sugar on Top3

"Just follow us, I know a great place." Leon was saying to Dee. His eyes roamed D one last time before Dee and Ryo got into their new Escalade. It was a gift from the last PD because they had to be transferred. Who would have known that Leo's mob friends would come after them? But California was fine, and they were close to Chinatown, having friends there already made a lot of difference. D stood patiently by Leon's car his hands clasped demurely in front of him. Leon opened the door and this time instead of stepping away, he stepped closer. There it was, that scent. Leon had to force himself not to nuzzle that milk white neck. He breathed in cooling air and shuffled to his side of the car.

D sat in the car, a puzzled frown on his face. "Detective," D said some time after they had been on the road. "I can not help but wonder at your absentmindedness lately, it is worse than usual. And just before we got into the car…well… Were you sniffing me?"

"Serves you right for wearing perfume," Leon grumbled, his face turning red. An oncoming car's headlights showed his blush to D.

"Excuse me but, I don't wear any such thing." D said and brought a slim hand up to smooth his impeccable hair.

Leon pulled into the parking lot of the coffee house he had been headed to. Instead of getting out of the car he turned to face D. "You're kidding me right?"

D's eyes widened as Leon leaned over and placed his nose near his ear. D inhaled sharply and wondered why it was so difficult to breath. Why the car was suddenly so warm. "Leon!" D opened the door and practically jumped out. Leon was disappointed that the smell had vanished and confused at his reaction to D. Leon exited his car as Ryo and Dee pulled up and parked. Leon marched over to D. "That can't be natural." He said with a frown as he leaned closer to D. "You smell too damn good for that to be natural…And how come I never smelled it before?"

D wondered why Leon was getting so angry. "Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about." D stepped away and smiled at Dee and Ryo.

Ryo glared at Dee before he stalked towards the door of the coffee house. Inside was a dark interior with a myriad of round tables. Each table was covered with a darkly colored velvet cloth and a candle. The group on the stage was getting ready for a break as the lead singer ended her last notes, her eyes scanned the crowd. Leon frowned; usually he would have found her hot. She had long curly hair, and deep brown skin. He could not make out her eyes, but he knew she was pretty. A squeal brought him from his reverie as she dashed from the stage and headed towards them. "D!" she threw her arms around his slight shoulders and Leon noted that she was maybe an inch or two taller than D.

"Andy, I thought that was you." D said and embraced the girl. Leon had never seen D embrace anyone other than his animals, and Chris. He turned his frown on the young woman.

"You've come to see us perform?" She asked. She looked at Leon and smiled. He noted that her eyes were a deep brown and smiled. She was indeed pretty. How did she know D? "I have to go take a break now, or Nes. Will try to strangle me, Promise you'll stay after the show…and the Fishbowl is coming around." She impulsively kissed D's cheek before scampering away in much the same was as a child would.

Dee looked over at Ryo who sat away from him at the table they had been shown to. The table had a good view of the Stage. "Why did you sit way over there?" Dee asked Ryo who smiled tightly and glared at Dee.

Ryo looked across at the small Chinese man who sat beside Dee and said, "I thought you wanted to sit next to him."

D looked up startled, "excuse me."

"Oh come on," Dee exclaimed. "You can not be serious, first Diana, then J.J. now this. Honestly Ryo, I should be mad at you for thinking it. I said he was pretty, not that I wanted to get with him."

"And as always you have no tact. Please excuse him D." Ryo said as he noticed D's heightened color

"Since you're over there," Leon said to Dee. "Do me a favor and tell me if he is wearing perfume."

D Stood from the table before Dee could sniff him. "I am not wearing perfume, I never have and I never will. I do not know what smell you are talking about, I smell the same as I always have. I am being called to the stage, please excuse me." D walked gracefully away. Leon could not help but appreciate the view of that small backside as it made its way to Andy.

"You didn't have to get close to him, but you could smell it right, kind of floral, and sweet." Leon said a thoughtful frown on his face. Ryo looked at him oddly before he got up and sat in D's vacant seat next to Dee.

"Hi, everyone, we are back." Andy said into the microphone. "I know that we are supposed to be doing request from the fishbowl, it is still coming around and we will do as many as we have time for, but I now have a request, dedication of my own and I hope you bear with me." Andy pulled D onto the stage and sat him o her stool. "When I needed help, you were there for me, thank you. I remember you said to me that the only Asian songs I knew were in Japanese, but your native tongue is Mandarin Chinese. And so for you, I have learned a song in Mandarin Chinese. Daphnus, Nes, Angel," Andy nodded and several members of the band began to play a hauntingly beautiful melody.

Andy began to sing, and Leon saw no one on the stage, but D. He looked so enraptured at the words. Leon knew it was a love song and yet he did not understand a word of what she said. When she was done the crowd stood to their feet with applause. Andy embraced D, before he was helped from the stage. D returned to the table and paused as he saw Ryo in his seat. With a sigh he sat beside Leon. "How do you know her and her band?"

"The entire group is called X'Ta-C, they are not exactly from here, and I did a favor for them once, a perfectly legal favor." D said as he recognized Leon's suspicious look. D quieted down as a short blond girl walked over to their table and handed them note cards and pens. "Chimeara how nice to see you again."

"Hello D," She smiled at D and addressed the table. "Just write down a song request and put it in the fishbowl, if it is a song we know, we will perform it, if you would like to add a dedication, it will be read."

"You won't be singing will you," D said with mock horror on his face.

"Shut up D." Chimeara smiled. "Just for that, I should sing a song and dedicate it to you. Then everyone in the audience will never forgive you for abusing their ears." He laughed and sauntered away leaving her fishbowl behind to be collected later. What was this? Leon wondered. D? Teasing? Leon had never thought to see this side of D. He liked it.

The coffee, tea and dessert arrived and Ryo looked at Dee as the waitress left. "I'm sorry," he said. "I just…When you said it…I had to agree and…"

"Don't worry about it means you care." Dee smiled and leaned over, he kissed Ryo. Ryo and Dee separated as a clatter f a spoon being dropped could be heard. Leon had dropped his spoon halfway to his mouth; he sat staring open-mouthed at Ryo and Dee. D politely looked away.

"What?" Dee asked, "I'm sure you two have your fair amount of PDA's, when you gotta, you gotta, you know." Dee said.

"No!" Leon said. "He's not a she, despite the beautiful face. I like she…I mean girls…no." Leon became flustered as still D said nothing. Leon had said he was beautiful. D was unprepared for his reaction to that simple statement. His mouth became dry, he gulped his tea, despite the heat, hoping for the jasmine to calm him. "When you said you were partners I thought you meant on the force, you know, detectives."

"We are, as well as a couple, it does not affect our work," Ryo said. "Sorry if we thought you two, I mean the looks between you, and I thought you were kissing in the car when we pulled up."

"No, I was not kissing him, I was sniffing him." Leon paused h e he realized that sounded almost as bad as kissing.

"Oh yeah, about that." Dee said. "I did not smell anything, so my guess is, it's his own personal smell, and if you could pick it up, there is definitely some attraction there. You need to work that out before it causes too much pain. I chased him for about seven complete manga's (Author's note: Ha-ha-ha-ha-)." Dee nodded towards Ryo, who blushed and looked away. "Strait, or not, when you love someone, you love `em not much can be done about it." Dee said, hoping to help the situation, he could see was clearly getting out of hand with the detective and the pet shop owner. Chimeara came back and collected her fishbowl, only Dee and Ryo had placed note cards in. She smiled and walked away.

"Are you…" D said to Leon and paused. "Never mind," he said, for the first time in his long life, he was unsure of himself and confused. For the rest of the evening, D and Leon said very little as they sat and watched the interplay onstage and off. Ryo and Dee had made up, and were sitting close together, every now and then Leon noted Dee placing small kisses on Ryo's ear. He looked over and saw how small and delicious D's ears looked. "Is something wrong?" D asked as Leon continued to stare at him.

"Never noticed you wore earrings before," Leon said.

"A gift from my grandfather, he sent them to me from Paris. Surely American males have been known to have pierced ears." D said. Leon shrugged. D did not know what to make of the situation. Ryo and Dee's antics were not missed by him and he could not help but remember the feel of Leon's arms around him and the taste of his kiss. True he had been trying to shock him, but… D sighed.

"Look you two," Dee said. "You both have a lot to talk about. I can not bear to see you both so confused, it's almost funny, but sad. Just talk, and maybe more, then the next time a happy camper hits on him, you will have the right to get angry. Oh yeah, I saw that. Which is why we thought, you two were an item. And the smelling thing … D, you can't put the blame solely on Leon, because if you are sending out that particular smell, you are attracted to him too." Dee stood as the band made preparations to leave. "Ryo and I are going home, see you two kids around sometime, hopefully in a better state of affairs. Face the facts kids, you so in love it's obvious."

"Still tactless," Ryo grumbled and pulled Dee away from the table.

The silence settled like a blanket over them. "I'll take you home." Leon said to D. Both their faces were red even though Ryo and Dee had walked away.

"Sorry, but I have to go now. Can I come by the shop tomorrow and visit?" D looked up to see Andy standing by their table.

"Yes of course." He said and forced a smile. D stood and walked to the door Leon trailing. They said nothing as Leon drove to the pet Shop. Both lost in their own thoughts.