Fake Fan Fiction ❯ A Love Letter ❯ One-Shot
Disclaimer: I of course do not own Fake, if I did this would be in the manga :D. This is a wee bit lemony fresh... but only like pinesol and you really have to be looking for it. Also I may no leave this up read it well you can and please I'm begging you, for the love of cocktail weenies REVIEW THIS J thanks!
My Dearest Dee,
You never cease to amaze me with you perseverance. I have thwarted you at every turn. I submit to your heated kisses while I push you away. I beckon you forward then chase you off. Yet you have endured. You have chased after me with a breathtaking intensity, but handle me with a light, gentle touch. You push every one of my boundaries, tare down my every wall, yet never too far, never too much. You are my not-so-quiet strength. My solid foundation, my rock and anchor in the chaos of a world gone mad. My strong, handsome Dee, my kind, tender partner. You try so hard to hide within you fortress of street tempered strength, but I can see the wounded boy within. Search no longer my darling, I will keep your secret like spun glass. Hold it tenderly in my hands and protect it within my soul. I see your wounds, even if you will not admit to them. I hope my love can be the same soothing balm to your soul as your love has been to mine.
Your beautiful emerald eyes sear into my soul and mind. They watch me always with silent intensity. My own timidy yet hinders my love, my soul ever reaching to twine with yours, my body longing for the hard planes and surfaces of yours, but they are chained with a sick unbridled shame and pride. How I want you, long for you, yet I cannot bend my pride to my will, cannot erase my shame to take what I so deeply desire. So I wait in my silent room, in my high tower of virtue. Wait for my beautiful prince, my partner, my love, to free me from these self imposed bonds, push away my boundaries, push away my fears. Wait for you to loose my sword from it bind of disuse. Together we will save this failing world. My sword, your shield, my shield your sword. Equals and partners, heroes in the tapestries of our own lives. Savor of ourselves.
My precious Dee, I pray your patients and beg your endurance. Wait for me, seek me, do not let my heart slip through you graceful fingers to shatter on the hard rocks of reality. It is your name etched on my heart, your name branded with fire on my soul.
I watch you with out sound or hint of my passions. Watch you day after day, the gulf of desks between us. Watch your brow crease with concentration, watch nibble fingers spark flame of flint on steel. Watch your easy grace of fluid muscle under prefect smooth skin. I watch you as you hold your gun with such masculine power, your long fingers wrapping around the grip, holding it firmly as you fire with impressive accuracy. The recoil of the discharge absorbed by your strong body. As I lay in the empty cavern of my bed, the darkness around me holds the pictures of my mind. I see your hands wrapped around that gun, holding it with perfect confidence, coaxing convulsive shots from its barrel and I pretend my hands are yours as I firmly hold my own weapon. It's your eyes that gaze at me from the dark, you who are the target for my shot. I remember those heated kisses, those unexpected moments of intensity and passion, each second burned in my mind with the heat of your passion. I replay those moments, a treasured slide show. The hard barrel of my gun in my hands, your hands, I think on those moments, think on you and of your competent hands, intense loving eyes. Thinking of you, my target, as I strive for that moment of perfection. I imitate your hands on your gun with my hands, on my gun, finding the trigger, my gun jumps in my hands as I fire. A perfect shot, a perfect moment. Guided by my partner, guided by my love. Next time, I promise myself, next time it really will be his hands instead of mine. The next kiss, the next moment, I will seize with all the love in my heart.
Love Always