Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Blooming Roses ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blooming Roses
Chapter 7
Dear Readers,it took so long, I'm in my last year of highschool you know and this time of the year gets busy for all of us! Anyway, I've decided on the length of this fic and how to end it, now I'm planning my SECOND Fake fan- fiction, which probably won't be out until I move... So, for all you little fans out there who want a preview here it is. First, the story involves genetics and mutations, which, yes, I do realize the utter possibilities that go up against the fact that any of this could actually happen, but, to state this clearly, this is a fictional story, none of it's real, I do not even own Fake so don't read it if you don't like it.

Turning the World Upside- Down: A Preview
Ryo crawled his way into the office much like a snail would while running a race. He wasn't himself, no, not at all like himself. His clothing was wrinkled and placed upon his body like it were an afterthought, his hair was not combed through and sprung up at odd angles. His eyes were dull like unpolished stones and had dark baggy circles under them as evidence of his lack of sleep. Where was Dee, you ask? Dee had been sent out on a solo undercover mission to take down a new type of drug dealing ring before it had a chance to take the stuff to the streets. A new kind of genetic enhancing drug, supposidely with dangerous side- effects had been deemed illegal. The case Dee was on was to be the first big bust of the stuff that was to happen. Of course, he and Ryo wouldn't be able to communicate until this was all over with. However, this was taking too long, it was getting to be close to the three week mark and the others in the station were beginning to feel Ryo's worries. That's probably why the poor, stuck- at- his- desk- worrying- over- his- love- and partner- in- life- Ryo jumped with JJ's words. "The Chief wants to see you in his office, says it's something important." JJ explained, simply, before heading back to his and Drake's office.
stood up and walked slowly, but, surely towards the Chief's office. He knocked of course and when told to come in, Ryo did as told. "Chief, what was it you wanted me for?" Ryo asked.

"The undercover job Dee went on.... Well... It didn't go quite as we had planned. Dee was found out." The Chief explained.

"WHAT?!!!! HOW COULD YOU LET THI-" Ryo was interupted by the Chief's hand covering his mouth.

"Shhh... I just got him to sleep." The Chief whispered, slightly.

Ryo was about to state his forgiveness when a soft whimpering sound wove it's way to his ears, before the hard to mistake wails of a younge babe was heard, though, there was something... Wrong with this sound. As the Chief picked up a basket off of the floor, Ryo started to feel that this didn't quite fit... He was lifted from the basket, just an infant who wouldn't stop his crying. "Ryo, Dee did make it back with minimal harm," The Chief explained, while trying to quiet the upset child. "Have you heard what happens if that new drug is mixed with the DNA in any form before being injected?"

"Yes." Ryo stated, now noticing that it was the child that was odd, out of the picture of reality seemingly.

The Chief handed the infant over to Ryo. "It happened to Dee, I'm sorry." The Chief stated.

There, in Ryo's arms was a bright,green, teary eyed, black haired baby with tiny, black, furred, cat ears and tail. The nails looked like claws. Unmistakable was the features of this child... "You mean he's...." Ryo started.

"Yes, that's Dee you're holding currently." The Chief indicated with a nod of his head.
..... End of Preview.....
Just call that the extra treat for waiting on me to hurry up and update for so long....
Chapter 7
Lai's passion filled kisses played across Bikky's body like butterflies dancing upon the wind warm feathery touches of caressing fingers stroked his sides as they kissed as they had before. But, there was something.... Different about this one. It wasn't like the others. Bikky wanted more, much more. He panted as his mouth was explored and tongue surpressed, as Lai moaned when Bikky took the lead and did the same, grinding their hips together.... Bikky couldn't help the swelling heat inbetween his legs, he couldn't push it down. He wanted Lai so badly. When they broke apart for a few seconds, Lai was just looking at him as Bikky did the same with Lai. "I want to see you...." Bikky couldn't help but state.

"You are seeing me, aren't you?" Lai asked.

"No, I want to see, all of you, koi." Bikky moaned.

"Oh, you want to see this..." Lai replied, slowly unbuttoning the top of his shirt.

Bikky couldn't help it, he could feel himself becoming impatient as his koi slowly worked his way down the shirt. Bikky couldn't help it, he wanted to just touch Lai, feel heated skin beneath his touch... His Lai, his... He felt the kiss along his neck, the nipping of teeth as they played with his earlobe. While Lai's hands worked on getting pants off. When Lai was finished getting undressed though, he stood up fully showing his body off. It had slightly visible lines that showed the muscles underneath the skin. Bikky admired his love as he laid there quietly. Lai moved like a panther until he was above Bikky's chest. Slowly, oh so slowly Lai unbuttoned Bikky's shirt. Bikky felt warm kisses touch his skin where the offending garment had been removed. Then, the sucking on his nipples first one then the other. He moaned as Lai teased his body in more than one way. Bikky felt himself stripped of the shirt and felt the pants being unbuttoned. He couldn't help the heat that rose in his groin when he looked and seen Lai unbuttoning it with his teeth. Bikky cried out upon feeling hot breath on that spot already growing painfully swollen with need. Soon, Bikky's pants and undergarments were gone. He lay there moaning and clutching the sheets. He could see his love's pleasure already weeping with the need to be released. "Are you sure you want to go through with this, Bik?" Lai asked with a husky voice.

"Yes.... My love, my koi...." Bikky replied.

"Turn over, it should make this easier...." Lai stated.

Tell the truth, he had heard it would, indeed make this deed easier on Bikky. After slicking up his fingers with some lotion he found quickly on a table. Lai inserted one into the opening that was just begging for entrance. To keep Bikky relaxed Lai nibbled and sucked on his love's collarbone, it worked luckily as Lai slowly brought in a second digit. Careful not to hurt his love, Lai began to scissor his fingers to stretch the virgin opening as much as possible. Then, when finished with that, he pushed a third through. Lai began to scissor those three while growing more and more pleased by the sounds of whimpers and moans of lust from his blonde haired boyfriend. When he was ready to enter, Lai started to nip gently on the back of Bikky's exposed neck. Then, slowly sheathed himself into the tight warmth of his love. "Laaaaiii...." Bikky moaned as he was entered.

Lai panted as he slowly drew most of the way before slamming back into his love. "Nnnnngh..." Bikky moaned under him as he began to create a careful beat between the two of them.

Bikky started to rock back into the motion of Lai's hips. Soon, they had sped up and were banging in, out, in, out, in..... Bikky was seeing white flashes before his eyes as the heat rose in his stomach. Bikky felt his climax come as a tightening of his stomach and the sudden quivering of his hard member as it spouted forth seed upon the couch. Lai wasn't far behind as Bikky could feel himself getting filled with Lai's own cum. It took a few seconds before Lai removed himself from Bikky. When he realized that they had been hovering just slightly above the couch, not far but, close enough. "You should go wash up Bikky, I'll go ahead and clean this up so Ryo won't fuss over his couch." Lai replied.

Bikky nodded as he walked off to the bathroom, carrying his and Lai's cloths to be laundered afterwards as well... After washing, tossing the cloths into the laundry and brushing out his hair and putting it back, Bikky came out with a towel about his waist. He found the couch to have been cleaned to the point that no one would be able to tell of the happenings of earlier unless it were to be stripped of it's cloth and show the inner stuffing. Lai went in after the clothing was done being washed and put into the dryer and then, the two got dressed. No words were necessary to show what they had shared together. They shared their hearts, their passion, their needs. Everything was theirs, no longer was it about worrying over what the other wanted, they just... Knew.

After getting redressed, the two sat together on the couch. "That.... Was.... Amazing," Bikky replied, quietly. "You were making us... Float, weren't you?"

"I think it was because of what I was feeling while we were... Locked together with such passion." Lai replied, simply.

"Yeah... Like floating on the clouds." Bikky stated, happily sighing.

"What do you say we head out for some dinner?" Lai asked.

"Did you have someplace in mind?" Bikky asked.

"Um... Not really... How about some Chinese?" Lai stated.

"I know!" Bikky got up in a hurry.

"Where are we going?" Lai responded.

"It's one of my favorite places... They make real pizza in old brick ovens, like the old days. They have really friendly service and already know me because I eat there a lot."

"Oh." Lai stated.

His coat floated to him. "Lazy." Bikky commented.

"Didn't want to leave you to walk out alone, beautiful." Lai simply replied back.

The two headed out of the door...
End Chapter: Next Chapter might be the last, I don't know yet...