Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ First Impressions ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
“Don't let any of these boys fluster you,” said a voice behind Ryo. He turned to see the Head Master who had begun walking down the now empty hallway. The slender blonde turned and quickly followed, but he couldn't seem to shake the feeling of his heart sinking toward his feet. Trying to focus his mind he pushed his attention toward his real reasons for being here, to get a good education so he could go on to get a well-paying job to support his aunt and uncle who had been so kind to him. Straightening his posture, Ryo firmed his resolve.
“Here you are, Mr. Maclain,” the older man said, opening one of the dorm rooms. Ryo stepped inside and gazed about the bare room. It wasn't completely uninviting: the sunlight coming through the high narrow windows cast a soft gold glow about the dusty room, but there wasn't much else to speak of.
“I thought I would have a roommate,” Ryo said, voicing his thoughts aloud as he set down his small suitcase. It was his only baggage.
“So did we, but the room recently opened so, so you're in luck,” he replied smiling.
Ryo did his best to smile in return, but he didn't particularly feel like. The naturally shy boy had been looking forward to having a roommate. He thought that, if nothing else, he would have someone to eat meals with and to introduce him around. Now he would have to face everything alone. And after the brief encounter with the Laytner boy, he wasn't sure he was looking forward to meeting the other students.
The Head Master wished him well and reminded him to join the other students in the Dining Hall for supper. He would not be expected to attend classes until the next day. Ryo thanked him and watched him leave, shutting the door behind him.
Lying down on the starched sheets of the bed, Ryo's mind drifted back to the boy who'd so casually dismissed him. Why did it bother him so much? As sensitive as Ryo was, he didn't consider himself that thin-skinned. Normally he probably would've been angered by such an encounter. But this had been different. Maybe it was because… because he'd somehow felt a connection with the other boy at that instant their eyes locked and he'd been brought up so abruptly by the callous words.
Closing his eyes, Ryo sighed to himself and stretched out on the bed. He was too tired to think about all this right now. Now he would get some rest before dinner. Just a brief nap…
Ryo jumped up with a start. How long had he been asleep? Looking around, he noticed the room had fallen into darkness. Shit! He cursed to himself and brushed off the now-rumpled school uniform before darting out the door and down the echoing hallways.
Of all the ways to start at his new school, Ryo could think of nothing worse than being tardy to his first appearance. He was about to find out differently.
Every few seconds Ryo glanced at his watch and looked around to make sure there was no one around to he him running through the quiet halls. If he could get there in the next couple minutes, it would be already. Just around another corner-
“HMPH!” Ryo's breath was knock out of him as he landed with a hard THUD on the wood floor. The shaken boy lifted himself up, trying to regain his breath. He didn't remember seeing anything on the floor, what had he tripped over? Looking around he heard a muffled laugh and looked up to see a pair of emerald eyes sparkling from above him. One of the boys the blonde had seen with him earlier stood behind him with a smirk.
“Where are you going in such a hurry new boy?” said the dark-haired boy, kneeling down next to him. “Already a lap dog for the Head Master?”
The blonde's brow furrowed, the anger in him now won over and he clutched at his chest. “Damn…. You!” he sputtered, coughing as the air filled his lungs once more.
“Come on, get up, you're fine!” Laytner said, tugging on Ryo's arm. The slender blonde ripped his arm away from the boy's grip.
“I- I don't need your help!” he said with some heat, but he continued to cough between breaths. He looked up at the other boys with narrow eyes.
“Look,” the brunette said with a sigh, “I didn't been to really hurt you, calm down.”
Ryo's gaze didn't waver. His anger didn't abate so easily. “Like you care,” he said, finally standing up.
The dark-haired boy laid a hand on Ryo's shoulder, “Hey, we're not bad guys- are we Aaron?” The other boy, with short, red-blond hair nodded in agreement.
“Just leave me alone,” Ryo replied, stalking back down the hall.
“Hey, man, wait!” the other boy called, stepping up next to him. “You don't want to be late, right? Well, we can show you a way in so they won't know you're late- Whaddya say?”
Ryo was just about to repeat himself, when Laytner casually draped him arm over the honey blonde's shoulders and Ryo sighed in resignation. He knew he probably shouldn't trust him, but again Ryo felt that sudden connection to this green-eyed boy and he nodded in affirmative.
“This way!” Aaron said, waving them down a stairway that Ryo hoped was going to get them to the Dining Hall without being noticed. He doubted they could make it on time.
“Ok, just through here,” Ryo heard Laytner say as he opened a large, ornate wooden door at the end of a dark hallway.
The blonde saw a rich, bright light fall through the door and, in his eagerness, he pushed passed Aaron up next to the dark-haired boy, asking, “Well, did we make it on time?”
It wasn't until he looked through the open door that he saw that they were actually facing the entire Dining Hall- from behind the faculty's own table.
“Oops, “said the green-eyed boy, “Wrong door!”
**Reviews welcome!