Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ The Headmaster's Office ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
Ryo looked at the dark-haired boy in disbelief. He could tell the other boy was just as surprised as he was, but he still stood there smiling. Ryo wanted to throttle him right then and there. But with the look on the Head Master's face, he figured the older man would do it for him.
“Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me,” the Master said to the other faculty members as he rose from the table. “Boys, my office, now!” he said sternly, pushing them all ahead of him through the door. It wasn't until the door was shut behind them, closing off the light, that Ryo realized he might receiving a paddling before he'd even managed to make it through one full day. So much for making his family proud.
He sulked down the hallway, ignoring the puppy-dog apologetic looks the green-eyed boy sent his way. He was too angry to deal with him. And more angry with himself than anyone else. If he only hadn't fallen asleep or if he had just gone straight to the Dining Hall without taking the other boys' stupid advice, then maybe he wouldn't be in this mess.
The fair-haired boy looked up to see the Head Master open the door to his office with an ominous creeeek. Keeping his head down, Ryo sank into a one of the high-backed seats, waiting for the inevitable. His whole body spoke of the tension coursing through him: his legs were drawn together, his hands folded neatly in his lap, with his head bent down gazing at them. Laytner and Aaron simply fell into the remaining chairs, slumping with obvious discourtesy.
Ryo heard the door click shut with finality. Like a nail in a coffin, Ryo thought dramatically. His imaginative mind was already envisioning the corruption of his entire school career on the basis of this one moment.
A red mark on his record in the first day. It had to be some kind of record.
“You boys will stay at attention!” the Master yelled at Laytner and Aaron. When the dark-haired boy didn't comply, Ryo saw the older man suddenly strike the boy's hands with a long ruler he hadn't even seen him carrying. The blond saw the other boy wince, but he never made a sound. Ryo decided that if he had to face corporal punishment, at least he would try to be equally as brave as the others. With that thought in mind, he raised his eyes to meet the Head Master's and face his judgment.
“So, who wants to tell me what happened?” the man asked, holding the ruler between his hands.
No one spoke. It wasn't that Ryo was trying to be deliberately defiant; he just didn't know how to explain himself.
“Mr. Laytner, you always seem so eager to speak up, why don't you tell us?” he pressed.
The boy shifted uneasily then said in a glowering tone, “We were just running late, that's all.”
“Really? And coming in through the back faculty door?”
Ryo heard a barely audible snort from Laytner and when a sharp intake of breath as his knuckles were wrapped once more.
“Care to elaborate?” the Master asked.
The silence that followed was unbearable and Ryo found himself saying, “I asked them to help me, so I suppose it's my fa-“
“Don't listen to him!” Laytner cut in, turning towards Ryo to send him a warning look. “We made him late and then forced him to come with us,” he said.
“Is this true, Mr. Maclain?” the man asked, his eyes boring into the poor young man.
Before he could answer Laytner pressed on, “Don't ask the new kid, he'll probably try and be all noble by making up some BS that it's all his fault- it was my idea, ok?”
“And the faculty door?”
“A mistake,” he replied simply.
The Head Master waved his hand in a dismissive motion. “Very well, if you insist on being the one to blame, I'm more than happy to oblige you.”
“Besides” he added, “I'm sure it's not far from the truth.”
Laytner didn't retort.
“Mr. Laytner, since you feel so generous today, you'll get five licks, Mr. Chanter, you'll receive two, and Mr. Maclain, you will watch so that you know what to expect if you allow yourself to fall in with such a bad crowd again.” He paused and looked at the pale blonde, “Don't expect to get out of any punishment after this moment, do you understand?”
Ryo nodded vigorously.
“Well, Mr. Laytner, we're waiting,” the older man said as he turned back to the unruly brunette, his green eyes burning. But the boy complied. Ryo watched as the other boy leaned over the Master's desk, placing his hands flat on the vanished wood.
Without further words, the man picked up a large wooden paddle, drilled with several holes, and stood behind the prostrate boy.
The wood slammed into the dark-haired boy's behind. The man didn't hold back, and Ryo winced every time the board made contact with the other boy's body. Although Ryo knew the pain had to be considerable, somehow the boy kept from crying out- but with each hit he could hear the air forced out of his lungs by the force of the blow.
Laytner then sat down rather stiffly and it was Aaron's turn. He didn't hide his pain quite as well, and Ryo was riddled with guilt over their beating when it was over.
“Have a good night boys,” the Head Master said as they left.
The three young men walked slowly back to the dormitories. Ryo wanted to thank them, but he didn't know how. He felt his words would be so inadequate. So he just followed them in silence.
“Well, that wasn't so bad…I think old man Martin's loosing his touch!” the dark-haired boy as he tried not to wince as they walked.
Aaron snickered, saying, “he's probably trying not to over exert himself so he won't loose anymore hair! That bald head of his is getting so shiny I swear I can see my own reflection!”
Laughing, the boys trudged down the all, Aaron with his arm around the other boy's waist, and Laytner with his arm swung over his shoulder; each helping the other along. The two stopped at one of the dormitory doors and Ryo watched as Aaron opened the door with his keys and stepped inside. The other boy hung back for a moment.
Ryo took the opportunity to said, “Hey, um, thanks…” He watched as those deep green eyes looked back to him and the boy's face split into a smile.
With a laugh the dark-haired boy asked, “What's your name new kid?”
Ryo blinked. “Maclain… Randy Maclain.”
The fair-haired young man felt that gaze capture him and he couldn't look away. Again, he felt his cheeks begin to grow pink.
“Well, Randy, I'm Dee and I'll give you a tip about this place,” he said, stepping closer to him. “Nobody gets anything for free… I'll collect my payment later,” he said with a wink. The innuendo was slight, but it still sent Ryo's skin into a shade of bright red.
Just before Dee shut the door he said to a dumb-founded Ryo, “You're cute when you blush, you know that?”
For a few moments the blonde boy just stood there in the hallway wondering what had happened. Then he made his way back to his own room, but found it was not very easy getting to sleep that night.