Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Promises Made... Promises Broken ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi everyone! I finally finished my B.A., which means from now on I will have regular updates of all my fics! So Ch 29 should come out in 2 weeks (Reciprocity will be updated next week).
No lemons in this one, but lots of drama and you can be sure I'll have some good smut for you in the future!
Chapter 28: Promises Made… Promises Broken
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
Surely the entire room could hear Ryo's heartbeat echoing from his chest. Dee and he had just entered the large room where the hearing would be held and the greaser squeezed his lover's hand affectionately to reassure him and steady his nerves. The proceedings were closed to the general student body, but Ryo had asked special permission to have Dee there with him and the administration had reluctantly granted it.
The two of them sat down in the front row of chairs, beside Ryo's Aunt and Uncle who gave their nephew strong, comforting hugs to try and calm the obviously nervous boy. As they all waited for the hearing to begin Dee looked worriedly over at his lover, whose thin hand was trembling inside his own. More than anything, he wished he could simply lean over and kiss him, but even this small gesture would be wildly inappropriate and Dee felt the bitter sting of injustice in his mouth. How could the love between two people ever be seen as a bad thing?
But soon his thoughts were interrupted as the Dean of the school stepped into the room and walked up to the front table, where the other heads of the school's administration awaited him. The panel looked somber and sullen and Ryo swallowed and tried to take a deep breath to slow his racing heart. He would be called first, before Martin, who now strode in looking confident and unperturbed. Dee stared daggers at the man. If only he could just solve all this with a good fistfight- he'd beat the teacher to a bloody pulp in seconds given the opportunity. The infuriating man sat on the opposite side of the large room, but the greaser could feel his gaze and the ensuing smirk that crossed his disgusting face. Ryo stared ahead, ignoring him the best he could.
After a few minutes, the Dean called the blonde before them and Dee was forced to relinquish his hold on the boy. Trying to stay calm and in control, Ryo walked toward the table and stood before them, hands folded in front of him and spine straight. Although he could not see him, he could feel Dee's gaze on his back, supporting him as he faced the administration with determined eyes.
Neither Dee nor Ryo could remember a more trying hour. Most of the questions made toward Ryo were straight forward and to the point, but even the simple task of describing Martin's advances towards him made Ryo squirm with discomfort and embarrassment. It galled Dee beyond belief to have to sit back and just let everything happen and he ground his teeth in frustration. To his surprise, he felt a warm hand close over his and saw Ryo's Aunt Elena smiling at him warmly. It helped to take the edge off his nerves to know that she would show him such sympathy, but it couldn't abate his rising anger.
Many of the members of the administration asked questions Dee felt were irrelevant or inappropriate. One woman brought up the fact that Ryo had been called to the Headmaster's office on his first at the Academy and Ryo shuffled uncomfortably before confirming this accusation and noted that he'd had a clean record ever since. Dee bit his lip, deeply regretting his actions that day and that Ryo should be the one to pay so harshly for his own foolishness.
However, the worst and most offensive part of the proceedings was when one of the school board directors, a particularly callous-looking man who had up until that point remained stoically silent, narrowed his eyes on the shy blonde boy and asked, “These are serious allegations you are making son. Are you sure you didn't solicit any of these so-called `advances'?”
“N-no, sir,” Ryo replied meekly, while Dee clenched his fists at his sides.
The man paused for a moment, then cocked his head in a decidedly demeaning manner as he looked down his nose at the blonde. “Have you ever had sexual relations with other young men, Randy?”
The entire room suddenly went as silent as a tomb and Ryo gaped in silence, unable to speak in the face of his absolute horror at the question.
To his surprise, the Dean interrupted the heavy silence, “May I ask the relevance of the question, Mr. Sawyer?”
The heavy-lidded Sawyer glanced at the Dean with obvious irritation. “John, if the boy has a history of /deviant/ behavior, then I believe it is very relevant to the proceedings.”
Dee was about to jump up in his chair and let the whole panel know just what he thought of these `proceedings' and Sawyer's butt-ugly face, but he felt Elena squeeze his wrist, silently warning him and reining him in. However, Dee made a mental note to accidentally leave thumbtacks lying on the man's chair (or some equally uncomfortable punishment) the next time he passed by his office. He'd show him who was a `deviant', God damn it!
But Sawyer's line of questioning was not appreciated by Dean Winsor. The older gentleman had been in his position at the school for over 20 years and had taught at the Academy before that, which had given him quite a bit of experience regarding his students. He knew, better than most, the inevitabilities that arose when so many young, virile boys were all cloistered into the same small dorms together. Some formed close friendships, many of which crossed into the realm of sexual affairs. It didn't mean that they went on to continue in that vein the rest of their lives and it certainly did not mean that Ryo was more likely to have warranted Martin's advances toward him. More than that, however, was the fact that the Dean had been growing increasingly wary of Martin in the past several years and he didn't want the verdict of the hearing warped by unfounded accusations against Ryo.
“Mr. Sawyer, whatever Mr. Maclain's past transgressions have or have /not/ been is not what we are here to decide. Randy is not on trial here. Our duty is to examine what happened between him and Mr. Martin, that is all.”
“But, John-“
“That is all!” the Dean bellowed, making his point clear. “You can debate the matter with me in private if you wish, but I will not have my word gainsaid during this hearing. Is that understood?”
“Yes,” Sawyer replied, though he was obviously very unhappy about it.
“Good, and I would appreciate if you would remember that we are holding a hearing, not a social. You will address me as `Dean Winsor'.”
“Yes, I apologize… Dean Winsor.”
“Now, let us move on…”
If he could have, Dee would have stood up and cheered. As it was he sat in his chair with an irrepressible grin plastered onto his face. Who would have though the crotchety old Dean would stand up for Ryo like that? Dee shook his head in wonder before turning his mind back to the hearing, which continued to drag on for another hour.
* * *
“I can't believe that thing lasted for so long and they never even got to Martin!” Dee wailed, flopping down on one of the stiff dorm beds, which squeaked loudly in protest.
Ryo shrugged, too tired and mentally worn-down to even discuss the matter.
“They'll question him tomorrow,” Ryo offered in a monotone voice.
The blonde yanked off his tie and threw it on his desk. Dee watched him as he sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed the fatigue from his eyes.
“You ok?”
Ryo's nod was faint-hearted and Dee immediately sat up and walked over to him.
“I wish there was more I could do for you Ryo.”
Reaching for him, Ryo took hold of one of Dee's hands and leaned his forehead against it as the boy stood next to him.
“It's ok. I'll be alright…”
His melancholy voice trailed off, then he asked, “will you hold me, Dee?
Without bothering to reply, the greaser swung around and settled himself behind Ryo on the bed, his legs framing the blonde's as he wrapped his arms firmly about his waist.
“I love you, Ryo”
“I know Dee. I love you too.”
The dark-haired boy buried his face in the crook of the boy's shoulder before moving to nuzzle the sensitive skin where the wispy strands of his blonde hair met the back of his neck.
Dee muttered a vulgar curse at the interruption and Ryo couldn't help but give a small giggle at his profanity as the boy stood to get the door.
“This had better be good!” the greaser yelled as he opened the door.
“H-hi, Dee.”
“Oh, it's you. What do you want?”
Noting Dee's clipped tone, Ryo looked up to see who was in the doorway. From the irritation in his voice, he had expected to see Berkely, but instead he saw a very nervous-looking JJ before him.
“I was hoping to talk to you both. I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry I can't be of more help and-“
“Save it!” Dee said curtly, shutting the door in his face.
“Dee! What did you do that for?” Ryo cried, rushing to open the door. “He was just trying to be nice!”
“Like hell!” the boy retorted, blocking Ryo's path.
A voice came from the other side of the door, “Dee, please! Let me explain!”
“Unless you're talking at the hearing, then I don't want to hear it!”
“Dee, what on earth are you talking about?” Ryo protested, shoving at him to try and get to the door, with little success.
“I… I'm sorry,” came JJ's disheartened tone, then the soft sound of footsteps walking away.
“D'you mind telling me what that was all about?” Ryo demanded, crossing his arms over his chest and staring up at his lover.
Dee gave an exasperated sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. “Forget it! You have enough to worry about.”
But it was Ryo's turn to stand stubbornly in his way as the other boy tried to retreat to the bed.
“Tell me.”
Pausing, Dee gauged the blonde's seriousness and decided he wouldn't be able to get away without some kind of explanation.
“Fine. JJ has some information that might be able to help you in the hearing, but he's too chicken-shit to use it! Satisfied?”
“What kind of information?” Ryo asked, curious now.
Dee wondered just how much he should tell him. “I don't know the specifics,” he lied, “but I know it would help and he's not coming forward- and that's enough for me to be justifiably pissed at him!”
Letting him by, Ryo watched as the dark-haired boy opened a window and lit up a cigarette. It had been sometime since the greaser had smoked in their room; Ryo had made it very clear he detested the habit. If Dee was stressed enough to smoke over his encounter with JJ, then there was definitely more to it than he was letting on.
“I wish you'd just come out with it and tell me,” Ryo said sadly.
Dee glanced over at him and his brow furrowed. “It's his business, Ryo. If he chooses not to talk about it, there's nothing I can do. He'll tell you when he finally gets the balls to.”
All Dee's evasive talk only left Ryo more uneasy and he sat back down on the bed with a heavy heart. “You shouldn't be so hard on him,” he finally said, “I didn't want to come forward either. He probably has his reasons.” But even as he spoke, Ryo began to wonder what JJ knew and how it might be able to help him. He really wasn't sure how the hearing was going and he knew, despite the Dean's intervention, that most of the administration would be wondering about his sexual proclivities, even if they didn't come right out and ask about them. In all likelihood, they would end up siding with Martin. He was a teacher after all; he had the credentials, the authority and the prestige. Ryo burrowed his face in his hands.
“Don't worry, Ryo. We'll win this thing,” Dee said, suddenly kneeling down before him. “I promise.”
“I hope so, Dee,” he whispered, wrapping his arms about his shoulders. “I hope so…”
* * *
Drake knocked a second time on JJ's door, listening anxiously for an answer. He'd been worried about the silver-haired boy all day. Usually JJ was so animated, with so much energy he practically bounced off the walls. Today, however, he'd been lethargic, barely eating at lunch and moping around like a lost puppy. Drake couldn't get those big, sad eyes out of his mind. He figured the boy would be a bit upset about Dee moving into Ryo's room and leaving him alone, but he could sense that there was something deeper bothering him.
A few months ago, Drake might not have cared, but JJ had been coming to stop by and stay with Ted and him more and more often while Dee had been away at the orphanage. Drake had to admit that he wasn't thrilled with this in the beginning, but he'd come to tolerate- even enjoy- JJ's cheerful company and it brought down his own mood to see the boy so upset recently.
Leaning next to the door, Drake listened for movement. He'd seen JJ go into his room earlier, but now there wasn't any light coming from under the door. Could he just be sitting there in the dark?
“JJ, open up already!”
“I'm tired, just leave me alone!”
“I'm not kidding, JJ. Open this door!” Drake said sternly.
He heard a shuffling sound and, finally, the boy cracked the door open.
“Hey, Drake,” he murmured.
“What are you doing sitting in there by yourself?”
“I was sleeping.”
“It's only seven o'clock.”
“I said I was tired, didn't I?”
Without another word Drake pushed the door open and moved into the room, flipping on the lights.
“Didn't I just say I was sleeping! Get out!”
But Drake only planted his feet and put his hands on his hips. “Nope. Tell me what's going on.”
Although JJ was annoyed, he could see from the look in Drake's eyes that he wasn't going anywhere without an explanation. Shutting the door, JJ leaned his back against it and crossed his arms defensively.
“What do you mean, `what's going on'?” JJ challenged.
Drake stepped closer to him and JJ shifted his weight uneasily from foot to foot in a nervous habit. He'd known Drake for as long as he'd known Dee, but he'd never really spent much time alone with him before. For some reason, he felt uneasy being here with him like this now.
“You know what I'm talking about,” Drake replied, the boy's eyes burrowing into him, “What's got you so upset today? You're like some little lost lamb or something.”
JJ scowled at this description. “It's nothing in particular. Dee was just mean to me, but what's new?” he retorted bitterly.
Though he tried to hide it, Drake caught the pained gleam behind his eyes. For the thousandth time in the past few weeks, he wondered why Dee couldn't treat JJ like more of a human being. But even more disturbing was why JJ continued to chase after what he would never have; Drake hated seeing him hurt over and over again. Was he that much of a glutton for punishment?
“Now tell me the real reason.”
JJ huffed and tried to move passed him, but Drake slammed his hands against the door on either side of his shoulders, effectively trapping him. He was taken off guard by the sudden movement and Drake's forceful persistence unnerved him.
“Drake, please,” JJ pleaded, his tone completely changed from just a moment before. His façade was slowly cracking under Drake's scrutiny. “I really don't want to talk about this…”
As he watched JJ's eyes grow softer, a haunted, forlorn look suddenly appeared within their depths, and Drake's brow furrowed in concern and compassion. Without realizing what he was doing, one of his hands came up to cup the boy's cheek.
JJ gazed up at him, surprised and touched by the boy's unexpected tenderness and his resolve broke down.
“Tell me…” Drake coaxed with a warm whisper.
“Dee… said he doesn't ever want to talk to me again.”
“Because he wants me to help Ryo… and I can't.”
Drake studied him. “I don't understand.”
Looking away from the other boy's steady gaze, JJ whispered in a quivering voice, “I just can't… it's not my fault… I tried!”
“What JJ? What did you try?” Drake asked softly, brushing away a stray tear that slipped from one of those beautiful doe-eyes.
“I was going to testify against Martin,” he confessed.
The boy before him nodded, nearly hitting Drake's chin with the top of his head now that Drake was leaning in so close to him.
“Yes… I, that is, Martin he… ”
Drake's eyes went wide as he finally pieced everything together.
“Oh, God. He went after you too?”
JJ nodded, looking so distraught Drake immediately pulled him into his arms, squeezing him tightly against his body as the smaller boy gave free reign to his misery and sobbed into his chest. For several moments they stood there locked in mutual embrace; Drake ran his fingers gently through JJ's pale hair and hushed him with soothing words. Neither of them had anticipated the comfort they found within each other's arms, but it was pleasantly reassuring for them both.
“We've got to let someone know about this, JJ,” Drake said firmly, finally breaking the silence.
“I tried!” JJ protested, “I called my parents to tell them everything before I went to the Dean, but…”
Drake gave him a moment to collect himself, moving one hand down to stroke the slim boy's back.
“My parents… they forbade me to tell anyone else!”
“What! Why?”
Sniffling in a decidedly endearing manner, JJ explained, “They said that they didn't want the family name dragged through the mud and if I insisted on airing the family's dirty laundry they'd disown me.”
As he spoke, the boy's voice shifted from bitterness to a quiet, soft sadness that nearly broke Drake's heart. But his sympathy was mixed with anger over the cruel behavior of JJ's parents. How on earth could they react that way? Their son had been abused and all they cared about was keeping the prestige of the family intact.
A strong feeling of guilt wriggled it's way along Drake's conscious as he remembered all the times he'd joked with Ted about JJ's family and his wealth. The boy was always babbling on about the endless string of exotic family vacations to destinations Drake knew he'd never have a chance to visit himself. Ted and he had viewed him mostly as a pampered and spoiled little brat that only chased after Dee because he was the one thing JJ couldn't simply buy-off. Now Drake realized how wrong he had been to make presumptions about the boy's family life.
Drake's own family barely made enough to send him to the Academy and he'd often been resentful of the way other students had looked down upon him. But, Hell, at least his family cared about him!
“I'm so sorry,” he whispered.
“And now Dee's mad at me and won't even listen to what I have to say!” JJ cried miserably.
Drake didn't have any great words of advice to offer, so he simply continued to hold him and slowly JJ's weeping subsided. Pulling back to look down into the boy's eyes, Drake pushed aside his ruffled bangs and brushed away the last of his stray tears.
“Nobody cares about me!” JJ wailed, his voice falling back into its characteristic whine. The taller boy watched as the boy's lips shaped into an adorable little pout and Drake knew that, despite his words, JJ was beginning to feel better.
“That's not true, JJ,” Drake replied softly, smiling down at him, “I care.”
JJ gazed up at him then, as if seeing him for the first time and then, as if pulled by a force neither of them could understand or account for, their lips met. At first the kiss was soft, tentative, but soon it evolved into something deeper, their mouths moving over one another with hunger and passion. Then…
“Drake! Are you in there?” came a loud voice from the opposite side of the door, shattering the mood and breaking the two boys apart.
“I'll be right there, Ted! Geez!” Drake called before turning back to the boy standing with a familiar pout on his lips. “Sorry about that, I forgot I told Ted I'd help him study for the Geometry exam tomorrow.”
The silver-haired boy shrugged. Although JJ wasn't sure exactly what had just transpired between them, he was more than eager to find out and he was a little disappointed that Drake didn't appear to feel the same way.
“Whatever,” he replied, attempting a casual tone that didn't match the sulking look on his face.
Drake titled his chin up with one hand until JJ reluctantly met his eyes.
“I'll be back, ok?”
JJ nodded, though without much enthusiasm.
“ I Promise,” Drake said in a hushed voice that sent a shiver along JJ's spine.
But Drake did not return that evening. Ted kept him up quite late as he tried to cram an entire semester's worth of math into one long night and JJ fell asleep with the heavy weight of rejection on his heart.
First Dee and now Drake.
Was he so unlovable?
***It's all coming to a head now! *Hehehe*
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Rin ^_-