Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Fox Race ❯ How Do I Feel? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
OK, I don't want to beg but 'gets on knees' please please please review! I'll love you forever. 'stands and brushes off knees' ok sorry you had to see that but please review.
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_____Ch. 3 What do I feel?
Stepping in the closed space of the elevator listening quietly for it to signal the 4th floor. As they entered the room, idle chitchat stopped, Drake and Ted stepped forward to say 'hello', and JJ tackled Dee to the ground. Dee yelled and tried to wrestle out of the 'death grip' administer by JJ. Ryo just sat at his desk, hit with a sudden jolt of jealous.
"Detectives," everyone turned and acknowledged Commissioner Rose when he began to speak. "We have a major case in our hands. Dee and Ryo will be the head of it with Drake and JJ in suit, otherwise, backup. Triple homicide, narcotics also involved. Four kilos cocaine, 2 kilos marijuana. We suspect it to be a deal that didn't go take place. They weren't meant to ever stand after this, that's for sure. At lest six shots in each, bags ransacked, that's when we found our drugs. There might have been more but we are not sure..." The meeting continued for another twenty minute as Rose rambled over minor details those of that they had at the moment.
They all exited, ready to go home, the clock chimed 3 am when they entered the 4th floor office. Stifling a yawn, Drake grabbed his jacket and raised his hands in the air, ready for a mock bow, "TGIF, thank God it's Friday and I have second shift, see everyone tomorrow." After lifting his hand in a wave he disappeared behind the blurred glass door.
"I think I should go too. Bye MacLean." His voice softened into a loving tone as he turned toward Dee, "Bye Dee, can't wait till I see you tomorrow." He was off in a brisk walk and by the time Dee could even hear it was to late.
"Oh God, just kill him and save me the trouble."
Rolling his eyes Ryo left the office with Dee close behind. "I should get you home. It's getting pretty late." He said finishing the last part with a yawn as he lowered his hand.
"You should get to bed really soon. Why don't I drive you home?" Yawning again he answered with a weak nodded when they exited the elevator.
Dee smiled looking over at the sleeping man, laying back slightly. He swiftly walked to the other side of the parked car and began to slowly shake the angel like man. He quickly open his eyes trying to jump to his feet but fell back after slamming his head on the car, admitting a loud thud and, also, sending a painful shock through the man's body. "Uhhhh... Holy... That hurt." The man slowly said as he grabbed his injured head with both hands slowly rocking back and forth.
"I bet, come on lets get you upstairs." Taking one of his hands Dee lead him to his apartment grabbing the keys from the other man's hand and opening the door. Once inside the blonde haired man plopped down on the oversized couch, still holding his head. "Let me get you some ice."
All Ryo heard was the loud noise of ice and rotating gears. 'Damn that was stupid. Hope he had a good laugh; I feel like a moron.'
"Here you go... That wake you up?"
"Ha, ha. Just go ahead and laugh at me. I made a fool of myself." He turned away to pout but out of the corner of his eyes he couldn't help but melt at Dee's loving smile. Slowly, a smile forced its way on as he let his shoulders drop.
Tensing at the feeling of hand Ryo's smile curved a bit more as he knew who it was. "You tense, relax. You know, I didn't laugh at you." The younger man walked around to the other side, ending up face to face with the man he desired. "Looks like your gonna get a goose egg."
Shaking his head bangs fell into his face as he spoke, "The guys are not going to let me live this down."
With a simple gesture he pushed the loose hair behind Ryo's ears while he leaned forward to kiss the large bump. Pulling away slightly but he was still close enough for the light haired man to feel his breath. "Your hair blocks it. You can't notice it unless you really look. Plus now that I kissed it, it's all better." Just a mere inch apart both minds raced with the same thought; 'I will not let this end.'
They moved closer, letting the space vanish. Their lips met in a sweet kiss, and Ryo was unsure of what he was doing. Dee wanted to deepen the kiss, teases the other mans lips with his tongue. With no signs of entry the ebony haired man slowly began sucking on the man's bottom lip. Felling the vibrations from a moan he took his chance and began exploring the dark, sweet cavern. Melting into the kiss Ryo let there tongues dance.
The annoying sound of a single beep rang through Ryo's ears. When his mind began working he remember the answering machine. Breaking apart breathless they leaned their foreheads together. Regaining his breath he stood, with much protest from Dee. Pressing the button a voice roared over the small speaker.
"Hey Ryo, it's Bikky. I left about one and I'm fine. There's left over pizza. I bagged it and put it in the fridge. Got to go, night."
"Kid did listen, huh?"
"Yea... hey lets go to sleep. If you want... um... my beds big enough so you don't have to sleep on the couch. I can get you some clothes too." He shyly walked off to the bedroom with Dee close behind.
Watching as the other man shed himself of his shirt he followed in suit. "Thanks Ryo. I don't need anything though." Shedding himself of his pants he sat as he watched Ryo eye him widely. "I sleep in my boxers." Ryo nodded pulling on a pair of black fleece bottoms over tight, red boxer briefs.
"Oh. Ok." Shoeing the man off the bed he throw the decorative pillows to the ground. Folding back the comforter he slides in as Dee did the same. He began doubting the decision as he turned being face to face with the other man.
Woken abruptly from a dream as the morning sun blinded him, groaning he rolled over to see the clock; 10 am. Suddenly aware of the fact that the spot next to him was empty, "What the?" Standing up and stretching his muscles, he headed toward the kitchen were a smiling man reading the newspaper greeted him.
"Morning sleepily head. I have some fresh waffles over there. Might want to warm them up in the microwave, butters in the fridge and syrups on the corners, there's silverware next to the plate and also OJ or milk in the fridge, glass by the plate.
"Um, thanks. What time you get up to get this ready?"
"I've been up since eight."
Looking in the fridge he pulled out gallon of 1% milk. "Anything beside 1%?"
Sighing, flipping the page, he answered, "Bikky doesn't like it either. There's a half gallon near the back."
"Thanks." He said, pouring himself a glass. Grabbing his plate he walked into the kitchen sitting and beginning to eat. "This is really good Ryo? What box it come in?"
"Thank." He replied flatly.
With a mouth full of food he looked over questioningly. "What was that tone for?"
"Moron, I made them from scratch."
"Oh, I sorry, they're really good." He stated with that mind blowing smile to make up for his absence of mind, otherwise known as, a brain fart.
"Thanks." Folding the newspaper, placed it on the table, and stood. "When your done just put your dishes in the sink. I'll clean them up but right now I'm going to take a shower. Feel free to make yourself at home." With that he was gone behind the door.
Taking a causal seat on the toilet Ryo placed his head in his hands, 'Why did I take such offence to his comment? Last night was a good night. He is a really good kisser... he is so beautiful too.' Looking down noticing the bulge in his pj's he sighed. 'I'm not gay. He just makes me so. Who am I kidding? I know the truth, I like Dee,' pointing towards the mass in his pants, 'Example A.' Rubbing his face while stripping himself and sighed, 'I like Dee, I really do... Damn, I need a shave.'
Once the water flowed all you could hear through the silence was a loud sigh. The slim built man stumped his shoulder slowly placing the dish in the sink. Looking around the room another sigh echoed all the way through the dark room. 'His house is so... clean. How could I ever think he'd like me? We are just so different. He is clean and I'm a complete mess.' He looked down at sink then the neat and clean place for wet dishes, and then to the dishwasher. Starting the water he quickly found the sponge and began to wash.
Letting the cool water drip down his body Ryo stood with head hung low, unwilled and unable to move. A sudden knock on the door sounded but the man never moved, only looked out of the corner of his eyes through the clear shower curtain.
A mass of black hair peeked through the widely opened door. "Ryo?" Looking around the man saw who he was looking for, in the process seeing everything else. "Oh... sorry, I didn't know you were still in here."
Snapping his head, eyes connecting through the thin layer of clear plastic the wet man shouted. "Dee! GET OUT!" In a flash a 'thud' was heard when a bar of soap connected with the back of Dee's head.
"Hey? What was that for? I was leaving. Damn that hurt." With that the door slammed shut as the man sat on the couch mumbling words to low and inappropriate to understand while holding his soap-dented head.
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Now you have a little insight on the case. I had to get the whole 'how do I feel' thing in there. Still slow but next chapter there is a twist. Review to find out.