Fake Fan Fiction ❯ In Trusting Eyes ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Summary: Ryo meets Arianne for the first time, without Rick and Elena being there.


After the legal offical left them to their own business, Dee and Ryo decided to go out to the backyard and sit with Evelen, her daughter Caroline and Elena's daugther. "I don't know if I can see her," Ryo whispered tiredly, while they made their way towards the massive yard.

" You won't have to deal with this for long. We will find her a place where she can be happy and then you can stop and take some time to yourself. There are ways where you don't have to do this. We'll handle it."

"You are the sweetest," Ryo replied, a slight gleam in his dark eyes. Dee worried for him, deeply.

Once they reached the massive yard, Ryo's eyes met those of a woman in her mid thirties, with long red hair. He recognized her. She was Evelen's daughter Caroline, and had also been a friend of Elena's. Nevan and Lila hated her. Yet here she was in Nevan's backyard, sitting in a field with a little girl in her lap. "Hi Ryo," Caroline said upon seeing them. She smiled, making Dee notice that she was very beautiful.

"Caroline," he said brightly, but he could barely look at the friend of old. His eyes was fixed on the extremely young child, now crawling across the grass, looking at the flowers. Arianne had changed much, since Elena and Rick had brought her over. She had very pretty, clear eyes; definitely coming from her mother. Her short hair was the same color as his uncle's, and hung down her head in childish curls. She held her head down shyly. She was dressed casually, like a young child should be; with a huge cartoon character smiling on the front of her jacket.

Quickly, the girl ran to where Evelen sat in a chair, and hugged her legs. "Gamma Evie!" she yelled loudly, in a child's mispronounced speech. Dee could swear he saw Ryo's open heart melt right in front of him. He knew, deep in his heart that he could do nothing to stop Ryo from loving this kid. Tough as nails on the outside, Ryo was nothing more than a loving man inside.

"Now, now Ari," Evelen whispered, patting the girl on top of her head. "Your cousin Ryo, is here to be your friend. He wants to help you. " Then she turned to Ryo seriously. "Arianne knows that her parents are gone, despite what Nevan thinks of his teasing."

Ryo scowled at the idea of teasing a girl, who was only a couple months short of three years old, and then dropped to his knees. Dee stood, admiring the way that Ryo dropped to the child's level quickly. "Hi Ari," he said, smiling brightly. "Don't you remember me?"

She nodded but kept quiet. "Gamma Evie," she mumbled, stuttering like a child usually would. "Is mean too?"

"Nuh uh," Evelen said smiling gently, pushing the girl towards Ryo. "This is your cousin Ari, and he is a very good man."

Then, Ari's face seemed to change into something much to serious for a baby her age. Ryo turned to see his uncle standing over them. "Don't you all think it might be time to leave?" he asked coldly.

"You're mean!" Ari shreiked angrily, running to the nearest source for a hug - which happened to be Ryo. Dee watched again as Ryo got that look on his face - like his heart was melting. Dee could see it clearly, that Ryo was falling head over heels for the kid. He sighed deeply.

As Ari buried her face into his chest, Ryo stared down Nevan boldly. "This is almost over," he loudly state, his eyes showing horrifying strength and anger. "Your younger sister is dead and all you care about is getting rid of her daughter? I've heard what you did to her. At least respect Elena's daughter. NEVAN I WANT YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ARI! YOU HERE ME? TEASE HER AGAIN AND SHE'LL BE THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES."

Dee watched as the red color left Ryo's face. He shifted away from the little girl's reach and stood up - then he hit his uncle.

Once the man was able to breath properly, Dee came up to him. Ryo leaned back into the arms that surrounded him. "That felt good," Ryo muttered cooly. "I've wanted to do that since I was a little kid."

"That was wonderful," Dee whispered, inches away from Ryo's ear. "You're so strong, it's amazing sometimes." The other man was knocked back, but was trying to regain composure. Dee knew he was lucky. If Ryo wasn't the type to hold back he's be out cold.

Ryo nodded, but didn't talk. "Dee can we head over to a hotel or something?" he finally said in a hushed voice. He held the his hands together, amazed at himself for punching Nevan. "I - I just can't think. I'm making myself worse then I have to be."

"No problem," he whispered again, walking Ryo down to the gate surrounding his uncle's home. Then he uttered a few words of encouragment, before trotting back over to Evie and Caroline. They both looked a little shocked over Ryo's outburst. Dee knew that they knew the same man he did.

"Can one of you keep her with you tonight?" he asked quietly, staring. "I mean , he's starting to grow back into himself... he should be all right."

"Certainly," Caroline said with a smile on her face. Dee had seen her out of the corner of his eye, cheering Ryo's attack. She shook his hand quickly. "I suppose Mom and I will be seeing you around."

Dee rushed down the hill, to where Ryo sat underneath a large tree. Dee offered him a hand, which he accepted. . "Will you be all right?" he asked, his voice subdued.

"I hope," Ryo mumbled. "I know now that if I don't take in Arianne, then she's going to end up in an orphanage, or in someone like Nevan's custody. She's my responsibility Dee - and already in those couple of moments I think I grew to love her. I wouldn't have hit Nevan, if she didn't make me feel something. Just thinking about her being hurt by him... makes me... makes me..."

"You can't love a kid that fast, Ryo," Dee muttered quietly, but Ryo did not hear. He just didn't want Ryo throwing away his life for a little girl he hardly knew. "Let's get a ride to that hotel we passed on the way here, okay?"

- -

An hour later they were in a small hotel room. It was nice, nothing stupendous, but it was comfortable and Dee found some type of relief in there. Slowly, he pulled Ryo into his arms the moment they got into the room. Ryo sighed at contact with Dee's body.

"I know you're hurting really badly," Dee whispered, breathing close to Ryo's ear. "I know - so you don't have to hide anything. Tonight you don't have to worry about the little girl, just how you're feeling."

"You mean that?" Ryo asked, his eyes bright at the idea of feeling selfless for awhile. He had barely let himself have a moment to grieve over the fact that his last remaining family was gone, ripped away at the hands of an accident. "I figured I wouldn't have that chance until the funeral. I heard Evie say it was next week."

"Of course you get what you need," Dee muttered. "You've got me on your side."

"Thanks," Ryo looked up, smiling a little. He felt so strong now. He had his moments to be a completely worried, selfish wreck, but now was feeling better.

"Come on, let me help you," Dee said sleepily. "I mean it Ryo. Once I do, maybe you can just - say what you want to say right now. Y' know that I'll listen."

"You mean that?" Ryo said, his chest still aching from all of the strain going on. It seemed that his heartbeat would never slow down. He wanted to talk, he wanted to scream, and he wanted someone to really listen. He could not resume being strong right away, not until he got out this lump in his chest. Could his usually loudmouthed lover really be the one to listen to him?

"One hundred percent," Dee smirked a sadness setting in his grim eyes. "I can listen you know."

Ryo looked at Dee, focused on his deep green eyes, while he decided whether or not he could talk. He did not know if any of it could come out in coherent sentences. "Some people you just don't expect to die," he murmured, sitting down on the stiff bed. "I mean, there are lively people who just live their lives to the fullest - and you don't expect that they could really die. It's like kids thinking they're immortal - well Rick and Elena were really big kids."

Ryo stopped, and then Deelooed over. "I just can't really believe it, " Ryo finished.

"Takes a long time..." Dee said quietly, gently pushing Ryo's head down onto his shoulder. "How can people like us really comprehend the *big* plan, you know?"

"I know," Ryo said, turning his head to look Dee directly in the eye. Dee could now see that he was crying. "I mean - I say that with Rick and Elena dying, then the last of my family is gone - but that isn't true! Dee you're my family, the kids are my family. If people like Rick and Elena could die, then who's to say that you couldn't leave me too? I know I can be the weak fool sometimes Dee... to think things like that."

Dee could not help but smile a little bit, seeing in Ryo's eyes how much care the man harbored for people - including him. He slowly wrapped his arms around Ryo's thin form, and spoke slowly. "Ryo, things could happen. I won't tell you that they won't because that would make me a total idiot. But you've got to have hope that there is still some goodness - that won't seperate you from anyone else."

"I know it's being foolish, to feel so awful, when the right answer will come to me," Ryo laughed. "I can do it, Dee, despite what any of them say."

"Now that kind of destiny I believe in, " Dee mentioned moving closer. "I believe that things happen because of something in this world, nothing more. Nobody intended to steal everything from you. It will be all right."

"Dee sometimes I think I'd go insane without you," Ryo said softly, holding onto Dee with both arms - clinging to him. "You are mine forever, no matter what."

"Definitely," Dee said grinning. "If you think you can get rid of me, MacLean. I'm yours forever and you can't take me back. I'll be carrying you throug this, knowing you'd do the same for me, okay? We're the indestructable team."

"Don't use the word indestructable," Ryo mumbled and Dee nodded. He would be respectful of Ryo's state for now.

"Come on Ryo," he whispered quietly. "Let's get ready for bed. I'm sure today was exhausting for you..."

Just then had Dee noticed the exhaustion in Ryo's features. His eyes hung, and his expression was absolutely bleak. He breathed deeply and yawned. "I am... exhausted..." Ryo said softly.

"So tomorrow?" Dee asked.

"We do things right. Misunderstandings and confusion were okay, the first couple of days - but now I'm going to be a normal man. I'll feel what I want to feel... Thanks Dee."


Review Thanks: Nice constructive criticism folks! Helpful... :)

G iris - Once again you've been helpful. I just believed that Ryo is set in his life by now. He's got the kids, he's got Dee, he's got work - and he needs no life changes. I felt maybe Ryo's character would be like myself in fear of life changes. Okay, you got me, I over exhaggerated in chapter four an awful lot! I do that. I actually ended up incorperating stronger!Ryo into this chapter. Thanks for the constructive critisim. Did I do my meeting scene good? Hehee...

The Bard's Apprentic - Hey again. I think Ryo was just so shocked then. Eighteen - and losing your parents this way. His feelings for Elena and Rick are probably different, but good critique.

Kitty in the Box - Did the scene live up to your high expectations? The drama is peaking, yes.

Devil666sc - Arghh... hahaha I almost thought your review was a f lame. You know I am considering that. I just don't know who could legally pose a case against it.

Isuki - Thank you!!!

EDIT: I hope you all don't mind that I added a corected version, fixing up a couple little things that were pointed out.