Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ Penguin Calls ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Nine-Penguin Calls


Dee woke abruptly, flailing desperately for Ryo. His heart hammered a panicked tattoo in his chest when he encountered only the empty side of the bed. “Ryo!”

The bedroom door slammed open and Bikky stood there, panting and wild-eyed. They stared at each other for a moment before Dee calmed enough to remember where he was. He was at Ryo’s apartment, sent there by one of the nurses. Ryo was in the hospital, wounded but recovering.

He remembered now. He had sprawled on the bed while Bikky was in the shower, worn out physically and emotionally. He must have fallen asleep. “Shit.”

“Dee?” He could hear the genuine concern in Bikky’s voice.

Dee glanced up at Bikky’s worried face. What the hell was he thinking? God, he thought he had it hard. Bikky had lost one set of parents already. What would he do if he lost the man who had raised him? Dee didn’t like to think of it.

“Sorry, kid. I fell asleep and had a nightmare. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

He watched the tension flow out of Bikky’s shoulders. “Oh.” Life came back into his eyes and he glared at Dee in frustrated anger. “You scared the crap out of me, you bastard.”

“I said I was sorry.” Dee glared back; even knowing neither of them was really angry. It was just their way of easing tensions. “Get over it, Monkey brat.”

Bikky scowled at him through damp locks of blonde hair. “Why the hell are you here anyway? This is Ryo’s apartment. Go home, you perv!”

“We came to get your clothes, ape-boy. We’re staying at my place until Ryo’s out of the hospital. My place is closer.”

“Like I want to stay at your perv pad. God only knows some of the weird shit you’ve got there. You are one sick bastard.”

“Shut the hell up and pack your shit before I pack it for you. You won’t like where I might decide to put it.”


“Monkey brat.”

Bikky reverted to his childhood and stuck out his tongue at Dee before vanishing back into his bedroom to pack.

Dee sighed and put his head down in his hands. He had never realized just how important Ryo was to him until he came so close to losing him forever. The nightmares proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Twice now, he had woken in a cold sweat, shaking at the terror of losing Ryo. God, he never wanted that. Never.

He listened to Bikky packing and cursing softly. It was pretty clear Bikky felt the same way. The sudden chirp of his cell phone scared a year off his life. Shaking, he pulled it out of his pocket. “Laytner.”

“Dee, are you alright?”

“Penguin?” Dee was more than a little surprised at the voice from the other end. Though Mother Maria Lane had his cell phone number she seldom called him for anything that wasn’t important.

“One of your friends came down to give me the news about Ryo. How is he? Will he be all right? Are you okay? What happened?”

“Whoa, whoa, slow down.” Dee was a little startled to think that someone had thought of informing Mother. “Who told you?”

“The young man who works with you. I don’t recall his name. The one who got partnered with JJ.”

“Drake?” Dee blinked in surprise.

“That’s the one. He dropped in yesterday evening and told me Ryo had been shot. How is he?”

Shaking his head, Dee forced himself to focus on the conversation. “Uh, he’s recovering. It was a closer thing than I liked, though. He took a bullet through the lung. It nearly killed him. If the paramedics had been one second later in getting there…” Dee shook his head grimly. “He’s been awake and the doctor’s say he should make a full recovery. But I’ve got to tell you, Mother, that scared the crap out of me.”

“I don’t wonder that it did. I knew from the first time you brought him here that you loved him. It was in every move you made. Every glance, every smile told me how much you cared about him.”

“Mother.” Dee was a little surprised to feel tears stinging his eyes.

“Don’t you go crying on me.” She warned sternly, but there was affection in her voice. “How is his son holding up? Didn’t you tell me his real father was shot and killed when Ryo took him in?”

Dee stared at the phone and felt his stomach lurch. God, he had forgotten! How had Bikky managed to keep his cool as long as he had, Dee had no idea. The monkey brat was more than due for a breakdown of epic proportions. “To tell the truth, he’s doing better than me. I don’t know how he’s managing. In his place, I’d have gone nuts.”

Mother clucked her tongue softly. “You realize part of it is because he knows how close to the edge you were. He’s probably in need of a good cry, but he won’t break down in front of you.”

“He’s tougher than I gave him credit for.”

“Smarter too.” Mother said quietly. “He was keeping it together for both of your sake’s. Tell you what, Dee, why don’t you stop over here for a little while? Let me talk to him. He might feel more comfortable unburdening himself on me.”

“You have enough to worry about.”

“I worry about all of you. Those two have done wonders for you and I don’t want to see that change. You’re still my beloved son, Dee, and they’re as much a part of your family as I am.” Mother’s voice took on a tone he knew well; one that would brook no argument. “Come over here for a while. You need it as much as he does.”

Dee couldn’t stop a small chuckle from escaping. “Maybe you’re right.”


Dee laughed aloud. It felt good. “You win, Penguin.”

“Don’t call me that.” But there was a smile in Mother’s voice.

Dee chuckled and promised to stop at the orphanage when they were done packing. With that promise, Mother hung up, safe in the knowledge that Dee would not break his word. She had taught him better than that.

“You done yet, brat?” He called into the other room.

Bikky appeared with a scowl and a duffel bag slung over one shoulder. “Yeah.”

When they got down to the car, Dee opened the trunk so Bikky could pitch in his duffel bag. He considered going straight home but knew Mother would have his hide if he did. Bikky only realized they weren’t going to Dee’s place when Dee had nearly reached the new building that now housed the orphanage. “Hey, where’re you going?”

“I need to see the Penguin for a few minutes.”

“You know she hates when you call her that, right?”

“Yep.” Dee pulled the car into a vacant space in front of the orphanage. “C’mon, brat.”

Dee smiled at the building as he and Bikky climbed the stairs. With the city breathing down their neck and half of the NYPD barking at their heels, S Corp had provided a pretty damned nice new building for the orphanage. It was adjacent to a small church, the priest of which was delighted to have the orphanage nearby. He and Mother had gotten along famously from the start. Dee smirked. Recently, the deed for the building had been given to the city on the injunction that the orphanage remained open.

He’d heard as much from Drake, who was working several cases that seemed to have S Corp as a major player. Drake had chuckled and leaned back with a grin. “Funny, isn’t it?” He’d said. “Amazing the things that happen when a little bit of dirt threatens to creep out from under the rug they swept it under. Last I heard, some of the higher-up’s in S Corp were finding out that it was getting a little hot under the microscope. They’re being very good little boys and girls lately.”

Dee chuckled at the memory as he ushered Bikky though the door.

“Dee! Bikky!” A swarm of children descended on them from all sides. Several of the boys attached themselves to Bikky, demanding to know when he was going to play basketball with them again. Corrine, the ten-year-old tomboy, attached herself to the teenager’s neck and began to chatter at high speed about basketball. Dee shook his head as he scooped up Jamie and gave the frail boy a bear hug. He hoped Bikky understood what she was saying with her breathless explanation, because he wasn’t getting more than one word in ten.

“That’s enough, you scamps. Father Paul is expecting the lot of you to help him clean out the old bell tower. Remember, he said you could keep any treasures you found up there. Sister Rose promised fresh-baked cookies for the helpers.” Mother Maria Lane descended the staircase briskly, despite the cane she had been forced to carry since she was hurt in the bombing of the old building.

The combination of ‘treasures’ and ‘cookies’ did the trick and the children departed en masse, promising to return and show Bikky and Dee their treasures. Dee grinned and waved after them as Mother swept in to enclose both of them in one of her famous hugs. Dee surrendered to her warm embrace, watching Bikky out of the corner of his eye. The teenager was struggling to hold back tears.

Chalk another one up for the Penguin. Dee pulled back from the hug and smiled down at her. “Hey, Penguin.”

“Hello yourself, my wayward son. Please do refrain from calling me that in front of the children. I won’t be held responsible for what will happen if you don’t.” Her voice was sugarcoated steel and Dee ducked an imaginary blow.

“Yes, Mother.” He said meekly.

“Why don’t you make yourself useful and make some coffee while I catch up with Bikky, here?”

Dee grumbled, but only for show. He headed for the kitchen as Mother slipped an arm around Bikky and led him toward her study.

He took his time making the coffee. He filled a pair of mugs and carried them down the hall. Something warned him not to go barging in so he set the mugs on a side table and peered into the study. Mother sat beside Bikky on the couch, holding the teenager close as he wept out his fear and pent-up sorrow. Dee caught her eye through the barely open door and nodded. He left the coffee and took himself off for a little while. He’d cry on Mother’s shoulder later. Right now, Bikky needed her more.

A/N sorry for the very short chapter. More is coming soon, but we had to do a little set-up. This is going somewhere-we promise. (Hey, Subu-chan, let me talk too!!! Every one pwease pwease review. We really do want to know what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Thank you for that lapse into baby-talk, Akita, even if you do have a point. Let us know what you think so far. That way I won't have to put up with the Yaoi-crazed fangirl without her meds.