Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Moment of Weakness ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N- This fic is a gift for Catti-dono and all the others who requested a bit of DeexRyo fluffiness when they reviewed. This for all of their kind words and encouragement in the writing of ‘Misery.’ It’s just a bit of what-if that was originally written before the fourth book was published over here. There’s not really a plot, just some Dee and Ryo fluff. Beware of warm fuzzies.
Ooh- forgot the disclaimers here. Don't report us please. We'll remedy that now. Sorry. All characters are the property of Sanami Matoh-sama. We make no claims otherwise.

“Yo?” Bikky answered the phone on the second ring.

“Bikky? It’s Dee-”

“Ryo’s not here.”

“He’s at my place. He’s in no condition to get home tonight.”

“What did you do to Ryo, you perverted bas-”

“Shut the hell up and listen for a minute, twerp. There was a robbery gone bad earlier today. It ended in a bloody shoot-out-”

“Shit! Is Ryo okay?”

Dee’s voice softened. “Yeah. A bullet grazed him in the leg. He’ll be okay, but the doc’s got him doped up on painkillers and sedatives. He’s a little out of it, so I’m gonna let him sleep it off over here.”

“Yeah, a friend of his got caught in the crossfire. She’s in intensive care, but Ryo had no choice but to use deadly force. He shot and killed one of the perps. He’s pretty rattled.”

“Think he’ll be okay?”

“I think so. You can come by in the morning to check on him. I’ll drive you both back home. He’s on leave for the next few days.”

“Deal. Thanks, man. And you better not do anything to him while he’s out of it.”

“What kind of monster do you think I am, you little brat?”

“I’m not even going to answer that.”

Dee hung up the phone and turned to see Ryo, seated in the window-seat with his injured leg propped up, trying to reach the cup of coffee Dee had left on the table beside him. He wasn’t having a great deal of luck.

“I think you should forgo the caffeine, Ryo,” Dee admonished gently, sitting on the edge of the window seat and moving the offending cup further out of reach. “You need to rest.”

“M’not tired.” Ryo protested. Dee caught his hand and pushed him back down onto the pillows.

“Maybe not, but you’re sedated. You need to stay prone for a while.” Dee offered him a roguish grin. “Normally, I like you in this position, but doctor’s orders are for you to rest.”

“I can’t rest.” Ryo hitched himself up fretfully. “Oh, god! I think m’gonna be sick. I killed him.”

Dee fished for a wastebasket with his free hand in case it was needed, but it seemed the nausea was more reaction than real. “He shot your friend, what was her name-Brenda. You didn’t have a choice.”

Ryo’s voice was soft and more slurred. “S’not that. ‘E had a bead on you. Was gonna shoot you in the back. M’heart skipped a beat when I thought he was gonna kill you. I was so ‘fraid.” Ryo’s voice broke on a sound that was half-sob; half-hiccup. “Thought I was gonna lose you.”

Dee rested a gentle hand on his forehead. “You’re not gonna lose me, man. I’m here to stay.”

Ryo’s eyes were bright with a strange look. With a sudden burst of speed, he grabbed Dee’s collar and tumbled him down onto the window-seat. His lips sought Dee’s in a kiss that was desperately needy even as his hands fumbled to push the shirt from Dee’s shoulders.

As much as he wished to take advantage of the moment, Dee knew it was only the drugs combined with the heightened emotions of the moment. Ryo would regret it later. He was regretting it now as he captured Ryo’s hands and gathered him close. Ryo’s lips slid along his throat as he struggled to continue undressing Dee. Dee cradled him close until he ceased fighting him. Ryo’s shoulders trembled and he buried his face in Dee’s throat with a choked cry. His shoulders shook violently with suppressed sobs, and hot tears dampened Dee’s shoulder. Dee murmured softly, reassuring his partner that he would not leave him.

It was nearly an hour later before Ryo’s tense shoulders relaxed and his breathing evened out into the gentle rhythm that preceded sleep. Dee stroked his hair and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Go to sleep now,” he soothed. “I’ll stay right here with you. I won’t go anywhere.”

Ryo relaxed just that tiny fraction more into real sleep. Dee settled himself more comfortably, careful not to disturb him. He cradled Ryo against his side like a sleeping child; Ryo’s head resting on his shoulder and tucked under his chin. His arm was wrapped firmly around Ryo’s shoulders and Ryo’s legs were pressed tight against his.

Dee tucked his free hand under his head and stared at the arch of the window overhead. This was both sweet torture and blissful torment. Ryo’s sleeping weight was having a not-unexpected effect on his body and Dee gritted his teeth against the feel of Ryo’s breath warm on his neck. If he had less self-control-

Dee sighed and forced himself to relax. Ravishing Ryo in his sleep was not the way he wanted things to go, although the idea did have a certain appeal. It was a long time before he could relax enough to doze lightly, ever alert to changes in Ryo’s condition. It was close to dawn when a soft cry from Ryo woke him. Ryo’s skin was damp with sweat and his eyes darted frantically beneath closed lids.

Dee held him close, wishing he could chase away the nightmares that plagued Ryo’s troubled sleep. He felt Ryo’s muscles tense and then relax as he woke from the dreams and realized where he was. His breathing was uneven as he rested his head on Dee’s shoulder. “Dee?” He asked softly.


“Thank you.”

Dee smiled. “De nada.”

“It’s not nothing. I must have been pretty out of it.”

“Don’t you remember?”

“Not too much. It’s all sort of hazy.”

Dee’s smile was rueful. It figured that the one time Ryo was willing, he couldn’t remember. “I’m not surprised.” He said only. “The doc had you doped up but good.”

Ryo’s sigh tickled across his skin. “What happened?”

“Your friend’s in ICU. She took a bullet in the lung and another in the shoulder. They’ll call as soon as her condition changes.”

Ryo shivered and swallowed hard.“I’ve known Brenda since we were kids.”

“It’s okay. She’ll be okay.”

A small smile curved Ryo’s lips. “Just like Mother?”

Dee chuckled softly. “You bet.”

“Thanks, Dee.”

Dee grinned and rested his chin on the top of Ryo’s head. The reminder of what had happened then led to a pleasant memory of Ryo willingly accepting his desperate advances. He chuckled again as he recalled just how similar those circumstances had been. If he hadn’t stopped himself then, he had no doubt that Ryo would have let him take it to the next level. Ryo wasn’t sure about his own sexuality, but Dee knew well enough. He had the memory of Ryo’s body beneath him. Sure he might not have been, but his body had been clear enough in it’s willingness.

And the lowering in his defenses from the drugs last night had offered another glimpse into his partner’s heart. Ryo had been heartbreakingly honest in his fear of losing Dee forever. The desperate way he had clung to Dee had more than proven that.



 220;Thank you.”

“You already thanked me, man.”

“No. Thank you for everything. You could have taken me up on it.”

Dee tensed. “Huh?”

“I was out of it, but I remember. I would have...” Ryo’s cheek grew warm against his shoulder.

Dee sighed and threaded his fingers into Ryo’s soft hair. “You were out of it, yes. And I don’t want you that way. When it happens, it’s going to be because we both want it to. And you weren’t in your right mind enough to know whether you want to go that far or not.”

Ryo lifted his head, cheeks still flushed. Black eyes locked with green. Dee’s breathing was uneven. If he kissed him now, he would lose whatever chance he had of proving his word to Ryo.

To break the tension, Dee made a production of looking at his watch. “Well, it’s getting close to dawn. Bikky’ll be here soon to check on you. I’d better change those bandages before he gets here.”

It was not the most graceful of outs, but Ryo, face still flushed with high color, nodded. Dee rose and went in search of the bandages the nurse had given him last night. He found them in his gym bag on top of what was left of Ryo’s bloodstained pants. The former occupants of the gym bag, Dee’s gym shorts, were tied around Ryo’s narrower waist. They had come in rather handy for getting his injured partner home last night. A nurse had helped the embarrassed Ryo dress after Dee had fetched the bag from the truck of the car. The slacks he had been wearing were deemed a total loss.

Dee smiled to himself and brought the bandages back to where Ryo had propped himself up on a pillow. Ryo grimaced as Dee began to unwrap his thigh. The bullet had gone through the fleshy outer part of his thigh. Messy, but not life-threatening or even more than mildly dehabilitating. Dee cleaned the stitched wound and began to carefully re-wrap Ryo’s leg.

As he worked, he spoke quietly, never raising his eyes from his hands. “Y’know, when I saw you go down with that bullet in your leg, I was scared to death, man. I thought ‘this is it, for sure.’ No more free passes. Game over.”

Ryo caught his hands. “Now you know how I felt when that punk had a line on you.”

Dee rose and sat on the edge of the window seat. Unable to stop himself, he leaned over. To his surprise, Ryo’s lips met his in an open-mouthed kiss that was as full of relief as passion. Ryo’s arms came up around his neck and for once Dee was glad to let his partner take the lead. Dee sank down onto the pillow beside him and began to trail his lips down Ryo’s jaw and down the line of his throat. Ryo shivered against him. His pulse thrummed against Dee’s lips like the wings of a hummingbird. The fingers of his right hand wound tight in Dee’s hair and hard evidence of what Dee’s touch was doing to him was pressed against Dee’s thigh.

Dee pulled back, breathing hard. “As much as I hate to say this, we should stop this now, or when Bikky gets here he’s going to get more of an education that he wants.”

Ryo’s passion-glazed eyes cleared and he began to laugh. “G-good idea. He’s known for walking in at the worst possible moments.”

Dee chuckled, leaning his forehead against Ryo’s shoulder. “Yeah, he is at that.”

Outside the door, Bikky smiled. I don’t think I’ll tell them. It’s more fun that way. Just as long as Carol never finds out about this. She’ll never let me live it down. He leaned against the doorframe, deliberately giving them time to settle down. He had long ago given up on keeping the two of them apart, no matter his own views on gay relationships. Those two were so much in love with each other that it was sickening.

That didn’t mean that he had to make it easy on them. Bikky grinned roguishly at the closed door. It was far more fun to keep them guessing.