Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN- I didn't mean for this to be a multi chapter thing, but people seem to want me to continue with it. So, here I have the second chapter. This will probably be very angsty, considering the events in the first chapter. So just be prepared for it.

Chapter 2

Dee had heard the gunshot. He hadn't got far away from Ryo, and he was contemplating on going back. That was, until he heard the loud sound of a gun. Hoping Ryo didn't do what he think he just did, Dee ran back to where Ryo and him had just had their break-up fight. He gasped at the sight before him

"Oh God no! He didn't. Please tell me he missed."

Dee pleaded to whatever God was listening to him, as he ran full force to Ryo. He stopped when he reached Ryo. His heart sank immediately.

"Oh, Ryo! Please. No! Ryo."

Dee picked him up, and held him in his arms. Ryo's blood ran over his clothing, and his hands.


He wept bitterly. He wasn't sure how long it was before he called an ambulance. They arrived, and retrieved the body. They questioned Dee on what happened, and Dee answered them, and they let him go. Dee told them flat out that Ryo had shot himself. Dee couldn't believe what had happened. After the paramedics had taken Ryo's body, Dee just sat there. Alone in the park, for the longest time. The sun had started to rise. Giving birth to a new day.

`A day without Ryo.'

Dee thought as he watched the sun start to create little sparks of life in the pond. Dee could see fish, and frogs swimming about in the pond. Geese were starting to make their way into the spots on the waters, waiting for the elderly people to come about and feed them. This place was so full of life. He had to get away from here.

"I'll go back home. I can gather myself there."

Dee got up, and blindly walked the streets for a while. He was still not believing what had happened.

`This is some stupid dream. I'll wake up, and Ryo will be right beside me. And then, we can make slow passionate love for hours.'

Dee finally reached the apartment. He walked into his apartment, and called out to Ryo.

"I'm home baby."

There was no reply.

"Ryo sweetie?"

Dee walked into the bedroom, and that's when the reality of it hit him. He fell to the ground and broke down.

"JJ, get your ass in here now!"

Berkeley yelled from his office.


"Where in the hell is that sleaze ball Dee, and that sweet man Ryo at? I know they are late, but they were suppose to be here three hours ago! I called their house and no answer. I'm worried about the both of them, so I want you to take this case they have been working on, and I will go see why they aren't here yet."

JJ nodded as he grabbed the file from Berkeley. JJ was also a little frightened. Dee was never this late. Ever. And Ryo would have at least called in if they weren't coming in at all.

`Damn it! I hope they're ok.'

JJ thought to himself as he walked back to his office.

"Dee? Ryo?"

Berkeley walked into the apartment. Ryo had given Berkeley a key for their apartment, in case of any emergencies. Most of the guys at the precinct gave keys to the commissioner or the chief. Berkeley walked a little further into the apartment. That's when he saw a body slumped against the door to the bedroom.

"Oh shit!"

Berkeley ran over to the body, and he noticed it was Dee. He was relieved when he found him unhurt and still breathing. He also noticed the blood all over his clothing and his hands.

"Dee! Wake up! Where is Ryo, and why are you covered in blood?"

Dee awoke groggily. He looked at the commissioners worried face. He sighed.

"Oh. Thank God. I knew it was a dream. I probably got too drunk last night, and ended up here. Ryo is probably worried sick about me. Is he at the precinct? I'll have to tell him I'm for making him late. Now I'll have to love him even harder after that horrible dream."

Dee raised a hand to his hair and noticed the blood.


Dee got up, and looked at himself, then looked at the commissioner who was still looking worried.

"Oh god no."

Dee began to cry all over again.

"Pull yourself together! What happened and where's Ryo?"

Dee reached into his pocket, and pulled a piece of paper out. It was the address to the place Ryo's body was to be taken too.



Dee said between sobs.

"He killed…Himself after we…broke up."

Dee grabbed onto Rose as if he were a lifeline. He sobbed wildly into Roses' coat.

"Ryo commited suicide? When? Where?"

"Last night…at the park. Oh God! I said that…and he cried…and he said…"

Dee finally stopped after another twenty minutes of crying. Berkeley han't left him alone the whole time. After Dee calmed down Berkeley called into the station to tell JJ the news.

"Holy fuck! Are you serious?"

JJ said in disbelief, as Drake stopped what he was doing to look up at his partner.

"When and where?"

This caught Ted's attention, who was walking by at the time. He stopped and looked at Drake, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Where's Dee?"

He asked into the phone. He let out the breath he was holding when Berkeley told him he was ok, but very depressed.

"Yeah. I bet he would be. Man. To have to see that. And he was such a good person. I can't believe what you're telling me."

A few other detectives stopped at the door to JJ and Drakes office. They had noticed something was going on, and wanted to be a part of it.

"Do you want me to pack his things, or should Dee do it?"

At this, everyone gasped. They knew it had to be bad news about Ryo.

"OK. I make sure to find a few spare boxes from downstairs, and I'll have Drake go do it then. Thank you sir. And tell Dee I'm really sorry. I understand. Yes sir. Goodbye."

And with that, JJ hung up the phone and turned to the group of people.

"Guys, what I am about to tell you, you won't believe, but…"

He took in a deep breath.

"Ryo killed himself last night. Dee found him dead, and Berkeley said from the looks of it, held Ryo in his arms as he died. Dee's tore up pretty bad. So, Drake, will you go and clean out Ryo's desk, and make sure the office is locked until further notice."

Drake nodded his head. Everyone was saying little prayers to whatever God they believed in.

AN- So? How was that for a second chapter? There will be more. I have a plot in my head already, and a VERY new pairing. I have never seen this pairing before either in any FAKE fanfiction. You'll have to wait and find out who it is though. But if you think you know, don't say anything. OK?