Fake Fan Fiction ❯ My Ryo, My Dee ❯ Training ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Just something my friend and I started one day. It started out us auguring with it worked and I rewrote it out as a bet. I won hehehe I own Ryo! YAY!!!


Sam: He's mine

Katelyn: No mine

Sam: Katelyn Ryo is mine. That's how the bet worked.

Katelyn: But but but... Wahhhhh

Sam: You get Dee thought

Katelyn: YAY!

Sam: *grabs Ryo and walks off*

Ryo: Don't I get a say in this?

Sam: No you're my lover boy. You listen to me.

Katelyn: Ha ha ha. I own Dee... now what to do? *Evil thought prance through head*

2 months later

Sam: Katelyn! *Pulling Ryo along on leash. Red flamed leash.*

Katelyn: Sam! *Dragging a fighting Dee on leash . Black stunned leash.*

Ryo: Dee!

Dee: Ryo!

Both Sam and Katelyn: BAD BOY. Down.

Both Dee and Ryo: *whimper*

Sam: I finally got him trained. It took a long time and a lot of work but he is now trained. *Walks over and pets Ryo who purrs in delight*

Katelyn: I know I'm still working on Dee. *Dee pulls out cigarette and lights* No bad boy! BAD BOY! *Smacks on nose. Dee sneezes*

Dee: My nicotine. *Whimper*

Ryo: He he he. Dee's a bad boy. He he he

Sam: What I wanted to say is you think we should set up a play date for the two?

Katelyn: *cocks eyebrows* Play date?

Sam: Yea. A *Hand movements and winks* "Play date"

Dee: Fine with me.

Ryo: Wait! Don't I have some say in this?

Sam: No you don't. Now sit boy.

Ryo: *Bows head and sits on ground defeated* Yes sensei.

Sam: Good boy.

Ryo: YAY! I'm a good boy. *Smiles widely*

Sam: Training them is so hard

Katelyn: Yea I know, they just don't want to listen.

Sam: Good boy. You want a treat? Do ya?

Ryo: Ya! Uh huh.

Sam: Now what should I give him?

Katelyn: Peanut butter! Sushi!

Ryo: Ewwwwwww... wine... give me WINE. Wine and Pocky

Katelyn: Wine? Ryo liked getting drunk?

Dee: I want beer!

Sam: It helps him behave and he asked

Dee: *Still chanting* I want Beer

Sam: Ryo do as you please *Leash is off and Ryo runs away* *Sits in corner drinking wine from bottle and munching on chocolate Pocky. Three boxes already next to him*

Ryo: Mmmmmmm Pocky. Pocky and wine!

Dee: Ryo! I want!!

Sam: My Ryo. He is my pet. No one else's.

Dee: *Cries* Ryo? Help?

*Hooks back on leash.* *Glares evilly at Dee*

Dee: Wahhhhh!!

Ryo: Dee! *Opens arms and tries to run to Dee*

Sam: stop right now!

Ryo: Dee! *He didn't stop

Sam: that's it. *grabs whip and smacks him on butt. Hearing a loud gasp and cry*

Ryo: *whimper* Dee! *Sits on floor like good boy toy*

Katelyn: Well we really must be going. We do have to meet for there "Play date"

Sam: Yes let's us. Now come boy. *Drags crying Ryo away*

Ryo: Dee! Wahhhhh. I want Dee.

Sam: you'll see him soon enough

Katelyn: Come now my man lover. We shall live. *Pulls Dee who fights to stay.*

Dee: I want my Ryo!

Katelyn: You'll she him soon enough and you'll have much fun on your play date.

The end... for now.