Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Never Had a Boyfriend ❯ Dee Gets Mad; Ryo Kicks Butt ( Chapter 2 )
Legal Disclaimer - I still do not own FAKE. The characters are all property of Sanami Matoh (the lucky little bitch) so please don't sue me. You'll only get like, $3.87 plus this little Kuroneko-sama pin I found under my couch.
Author's Note - I was so happy with the positive feedback on this, that I decided to update because . . . well, I do have better things to be doing, but . . . why kill a racehorse when he's still runnin'?
~Never had a Boyfriend
Act: 2.0
After about two weeks of attending George Washington Public High School, Dee was feeling that maybe it really wouldn't be so bad; good food in the cafeteria, nice people, and the teachers . . . well, let's not get started on them. It turns out that his teachers were all nuts. Take his science teacher, Mr. Erdman, for example. Just last week they performed an experiment that had to do with a toad, two Chiclets, and a match. It smelt really bad and it was extremely gross, but it was totally awesome at the same time. The fire department showed up (that was the awesome part) and they all had laughed at the fact of Mr. Erdman trying to explain their experiment, which was all about chemical and physical changes in living organisms; there were big words used.
And then there was his music teacher, Mrs. Purdy. Dee never knew that they still taught music in high school. But it was so much fun because she had them parading around the school making noise (that she called music; the other teachers called a disturbance) with cups, plungers, barrels, and even textbooks. And she also had them do Karaoke on Fridays and they sometimes would play games that had to do with learning how to read sheet music.
Through all these hands-on, in-your-face, really fun activities, Dee found that there was something he just hated to death. His name was Berkley Rose and he was a Junior (around 16 or so) with a bad attitude. Dee never would have guessed that from his name. Rose was a flower, and Berkley sounded like a type of seasoning, and therefore, he sounded like a complete momma's boy. But he wasn't. Berkley was the biggest player Dee had ever seen (and that hurt his pride because no one was better than Dee Latener) in his entire existence.
Everyday, Berks had a new love interest (Ted called it the `Pick of the Day', or sometimes even the `Pick of the Period.') May it be male or female, it didn't really matter. He was a social butterfly; knowing everyone and everything everyone else was doing, who they were going out with, and their sexuality. Berkley hit on anyone he could, and he had been known to actually ask a couple of straight people out who weren't so straight, just adding to the number of bisexual people attending the school.
But, Berkley did have his hopes set on one person. True, he did run around with a lot of other people, but he definitely wanted Ryo McLane for himself. Dee would catch Berkley, on his never-ending quest to gain Ryo's feelings for him, many times a day. He tried everything; pinning Ryo to his locker every morning, catching him before lunch, and even following Ryo after school. The man was a freaking stalker and it pissed Dee off to no end.
It seemed to piss two other people off as well. Their names were Drake Johnson and Ted Hughes. Ted was a punk-rocker and the biggest prank master the school had ever seen. He was the guy who had spray painted the ugly beasts on Mr. Smith's office door, and never got caught. He was the one who actually set off fireworks in the teachers' lounge and never got caught. He was the one who wrote all that nasty stuff in the bathroom, and did get caught, but wormed his way out of it by blackmailing a teacher into quitting. In Dee's eyes, Ted was an eviler form of himself.
Drake, on the other hand, was quiet and subdued, but helped sometimes with Ted's pranks because he had nothing better to do. Drake was a super genius; Dee had heard he had an IQ of like, 200 or something (and that was, three times Dee's own IQ) like that. Supposedly, Drake was one of the masterminds behind KaZaa and was also supposedly (but everyone definitely knew it was him because no one else could do it) the one who stopped the Y2K bug from ever happening when the year 2000 came around. Dee was happy to have him for a friend instead of an enemy, because Drake was someone you didn't want to mess with when he was pissed off.
Dee had seen this, just the other day when he had seen Berkley hitting on Ryo in the hallway by his locker. Poor Ryo was trying not to be physical (because everyone knew that once you released his inner demon, he was a scary guy) and shrug Berkley off, but the man didn't take the hint and grabbed his arms. All Ted and Drake had to hear was; "Stop it! You're hurting me!" from Ryo when they both went into insane rabid monkey, kick-ass, it's time to go to H-E-double hockey sticks mode.
They ran straight for ol' Berks and just gave him an evil glare ("Oh, if looks could kill . . ." Ted muttered.) as a warning before they totally let loose and started beating the living shit outta him. Berkley ran away before Ted could gorge out his eyes with his mechanical pencil (that he called Bob) and Drake could whip out some type of bomb to teach him a lesson.
Dee could tell that both Ted and Drake had a sort of protection over Ryo that was more than friendship. It was like they were taking care of their little wimpy brother (or sister) or like a momma lion would have over her cubs. Basically, "You come anywhere near him with a bad intention and we'll freaking kick your bum ass so bad that your whole family will bleed."
Chuckling to himself about that quote (that Ted had said the other day to Berkley), Dee opened his locker and shoved his coat inside. As he was taking off his scarf, Dee felt someone slap their hand on his back. That action alone made him almost fly right into his open locker.
"Whoops, sorry. I didn't realize I hit you so hard," Ted said with a sheepish grin.
That day, Ted was wearing all black and red as usual. He had on a pair of baggy black cargo pants with links and chains on them with a shirt that said: "Keep starring, I might do a trick." He had on a billion multi-colored sex bracelets on his arms and a couple of Celtic crosses around his neck that seemed to be strung on something like barbed wire.
"It's okay, I'm just not awake yet," Dee replied, hanging his scarf up.
"Not awake? Don't ya take the tram? That's enough to wake me up," he commented, walking to his locker not far from Dee's.
"Yeah, I was just thinking is all," Dee admitted, slamming his locker door.
"Aren't there laws against that?" Ted asked; almost getting decked by Dee.
"Intense, intense. Did you two cats wake up on the wrong side of the litter box today?" a voice asked, making both boys turn to see Drake leaning against his own locker down the hall.
Drake was dressed casual, but in a sort of dorky way. He had on a white shirt with a collar (that was tucked in) and a pair of jeans held up with a leather belt. A red messenger bag rested at his hip as he worked on his combination to his locker.
"No, I just didn't get my Meow Meow mix this morning," Ted replied dryly, removing his coat and throwing it inside his locker.
"Ohayo minna-san," came another voice from around the corner. (Good morning, everyone.)
Everyone turned to see Ryo and a girl standing there smiling. They had obviously been to their lockers already because neither of them had on their coats or any other warm gear. Ryo was wearing (yet another) tight pair of blue jeans with a long-sleeved black shirt and a red plaid jacket tied around his waist. The girl was wearing a short skirt (Drake turned away before he could get a nosebleed) that climbed all the way up to her . . . well, it was very very short and way higher up than her knee. And she also had on a white shirt (that you could see basically EVERYTHING through) that had slits up the sides that were tied together with blue satin ribbons.
"So, who is this hot catch?" Dee asked, before he could stop himself from sounding perverted.
And just after a nano-second passed, the girl's foot met with his lower abdomen. She then pushed him against the wall near Ted's locker, nearly damaging a VERY important prize in his pants.
"The name's Diana, nice ta meet ya," she said with a scary smile.
"P-Pleasure . . ." Dee replied with a grimace; Diana let him go.
"Dangerous, ain't she?" Ted asked, helping him up.
"Yeah . . ." Dee muttered, "You know her?"
"Uh . . . yeah. Dude, she goes to this school you know," Ted said.
"She does?" Dee asked, watching as Diana went over to talk to Drake.
"Well, she's been in California on an exchange student program for the past month. But I guess she's back now," Ted replied.
"She looks like someone I know . . ." Dee murmured, more to himself than to Ted.
"Oh, so you can tell, huh?" Ted asked.
"Tell what?" Dee asked, sounding clueless.
"Dude, she's Berkley's cousin," Ted informed him.
Dee was in shock all through homeroom. Ted and Drake saw this as well and decided to just keep quiet about it for a while. He fidgeted and twitched for all of fifteen minutes before the bell rang, signifying his freedom.
The group of popular people left first and Dee and the others followed. As he was walking down the hallway, he noticed that there was a commotion up ahead. Most of the students went around it while ignoring some of the people who stopped to watch. Dee hurried up to see what was going on; Ted and Drake not far behind.
They parted their way through the crowd where they eventually had a front row seat. Immediately, flames shot up around all three of them and some people backed off, suddenly afraid for their lives. Being pinned to his locker by the big bad wolf was poor, innocent looking Ryo.
"Aww, c'mon Ryo. Don't play shy," Berkley said, sounding seductive, "Just come and have dinner with me is all. After that we can catch a movie or something."
"I already told you, No. Let go of me," Ryo replied.
"I don't think so," Berkley said, moving in closer until they were face-to-face.
Dee saw red and grabbed a nearby kid's notebook before he could even protest. Just as Berkley was about to kiss Ryo, Dee shoved the book in-between them so that it served as a barrier. Berkley looked over at him with a look of loathing; he let Ryo go and stood to face Dee.
"You gotta problem?" He asked.
"Yeah, you're my problem," Dee replied, watching as Ryo sunk down to the floor.
"You wanna have another problem?" Berkley asked, grabbing Dee by the collar of his shirt and picking him up clear off the ground only to slam him into the nearest locker.
Dee winced as his head made contact with the metal of the locker door.
"What? Are you gonna cry? I'll give you something to cry about!" Berkley said, forming his hand into a fist and pulling it back.
Before Berkley's fist even came near him, Dee kicked Berkley in the balls; he was immediately let go.
"Teachers!" Someone screamed, and everyone ran in different directions as some type of unplanned diversion.
"I'll get you for this Latener . . . count on it!" Berkley threatened, running away with his hands between his legs.
"And I'll be waiting!" Dee called after him.
When Dee turned around, he realized that Ryo, Ted, and Drake had left all ready. But he didn't have time to worry; he ran off before a teacher could catch him as a straggler and question him.
Dee was smoldering all the way through his first two periods. During his English class ("Please do exercises 1-34 and then copy down all the rules in Chapter 7," Mr. Gandor droned like an old vacuum cleaner.) Ted had slipped him a note from underneath his foot. Dee dropped his pencil and leaned over to grab both items from the floor. He opened up his textbook and flipped to a page before un-crumpling the piece of paper (that looked suspiciously like last nights' math homework) and reading what Ted had written:
Dee. What bit u in da ass 2day?
Dee turned his head to make sure the teacher wasn't looking his way and replied:
Dropping the note to the floor, Dee pushed it over towards Ted's desk with his foot. Then he busied himself in looking busy so the teacher wouldn't think he was slacking off or anything. Dee looked up at Drake, who was in the next row, two seats in front of him. Drake gave him a questioning glance and he returned with a shake of his head, deeming it non-important. Ted slipped him the note again, feigning a cough to cover up the grinding noise it made along the floor.
U r mad cuz Diana kicked ur @$$ am I right?
Dee growled and crumpled up the note. Dropping it into his backpack on the floor, Dee found the right page in his textbook and started on his assignment. He finished two exercises when he began doodling little pictures onto his notebook paper. They were mostly of little chibi Berkley being tortured. Dee chuckled evilly to himself; it was so scary that Ted flinched.
Berkley was going to die.
The next period came and it was time to go to art. Dee went to his station and pulled out all of the posters for his table before sitting down to start on his own. He was right in the middle of drawing a three headed dragon molded into the shape of an "L" when a voice startled Dee out of his concentration; "Hello."
Dee looked up and saw Ryo walking towards him. He watched as Ryo sat down next to him and pulled out a pencil from his bag.
"Hi," Dee replied, before going back to his project.
"Are you okay?" Ryo asked, noticing the shortness of the reply he was given.
"Yeah," Dee said, trying to will his anger away for the moment.
"Um . . . okay," was Ryo's rejected sounding reply.
Dee suddenly felt guilty that he had been so short with his friend, and was going to apologize to him when someone else sat down across from them.
"Hiya," they chirped happily; Dee looked up and gaped.
It was that . . . that girl. Diana waved and smiled at him, appearing quite cute and adorable no matter how Dee looked at her. Well, Dee knew for a fact that she wasn't (and as he thought this he rubbed his stomach tenderly) and he was going to be rather cautious around her from that moment out.
"Hi Diana," Ryo replied.
"Yo," Dee chipped in, trying not to sound rude.
"You must be new," Diana commented aloud.
"And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dee snapped.
"Nothing. It's just that no guy ever openly hits on me because they know that I'm a lesbian," Diana replied.
There was a silence.
"You're a what?" Dee asked, sounding completely dumbfounded.
"I was just kidding!" she cried.
Diana burst out laughing and even Ryo was tying to keep his own amusement level down. Dee waited patiently for them to stop and when they did, he said; "Are you done?"
They nodded.
"For the record, Diana," Dee said, standing up, "I wasn't hitting on you."
And with that, Dee left the table and then he left the room all together without even asking the teacher. Diana looked confused.
"What'd I do?" she asked, looking at Ryo.
"I'll go talk to him," Ryo said, ignoring her question.
She watched as Ryo grabbed a hall pass and left.
"Hmmm . . ." She thought, standing to get some paper, "I don't know why, but I think they are just so cute together!"
Diana started to giggle out loud, causing several people to run for hiding places. Even though the sound of her laughter sounded innocent enough, Diana Spacey was plotting something dangerous.
Ryo walked down the empty hallway, the only sound was his footsteps echoing off the walls. As he passed classes, he heard bits and pieces of lectures and reprimands from teachers.
Coming up near a bathroom, Ryo ducked in there to check and see if maybe Dee was sulking in there. Upon walking into the blue tiled bathroom, Ryo noticed that one stall was closed and he squatted down to see who it was. They were Dee's shoes all right; Ryo knew them because Dee had taken them off one time in the morning to dry because he had fallen in a snow drift in the front of the school and they were full of ice.
Ryo walked up to the door and knocked. There was no reply, so he knocked again.
"Come on Dee," Ryo said and started to push on the door. "I know you're in there! Just come out!"
When Dee did not emerge or show any sign that he had heard him, Ryo was contemplating on whether or not he should crawl under the door and drag Dee out by his ear.
"Dee, tell me what's wrong! Come out or I'll come in!" Ryo threatened.
With that said, the door swung open (nearly sending Ryo flying across the room in the process) and Dee came out looking pissed off.
"Well, I'm out! Are you happy now?" Dee asked, annoyed.
"No. What's your problem?" Ryo asked, sounding way more annoyed than Dee.
"Nothing! I already told you!" Dee exclaimed, throwing his arms up for emphasis.
"Then why are you freaking hiding in the bathroom?" Ryo asked.
"I wasn't hiding! I was keeping myself out of the way of people," Dee replied smartly.
"That's the definition of hiding, doofus. Now tell me what's bothering you," Ryo said.
Dee crossed his arms and looked away stubbornly.
"As I said before: Nothing," Dee replied.
"Can't you just tell me?" Ryo asked; Dee glanced up at him and saw the look of sadness in his eyes.
Immediately, Dee's anger faded a little. It was almost torture to see those beautiful eyes of his look so sad and it was even more to hear the sound of desperation in his voice. He wanted to tell Ryo, but . . . how are you supposed to tell your best friend that you have a crush on him?
It had been getting harder and harder for Dee to hide his feelings. During a study hall he had laid his hand on Ryo's thigh (though wanting to go further) and made up some lame excuse that he was trying to scratch his knee from underneath the table. Another time, Ryo was mumbling something about leaving his gloves at home and Dee had actually taken Ryo's hands into his own, rubbing them to keep them warm. He wished that Ryo would actually see that it was something a bit MORE than friendship.
"Please?" Ryo said, snapping Dee back into reality.
"I want you to . . ." Dee began, but stopped himself before he could say something he might regret.
"You want me to what?" Ryo asked.
"I want you to fight, next time Berkley does that to you," Dee said, saying one part that was on his mind.
"Is that what was bothering you?" Ryo asked.
Dee nodded. Technically, it wasn't a lie. That was part of what was bothering him.
"Then, I'll try. Okay?" Ryo replied.
"You better," Dee said.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Ryo asked.
"I mean, you're too . . ." Dee looked him over, "nice. You look like you have no guard at all."
"So, are you saying I have `Come and kick my ass' written all over my face?" Ryo asked, a little bit peeved.
"Yeah, that and something along the lines of `It's okay to rape me'." Dee said.
"WHAT did you say?!" Ryo shouted, his face turning different shades of scarlet.
"You don't even try to defend yourself!" Dee replied, just as loud.
"Well excuse me for not liking violence!" Ryo huffed, crossing his arms and looking away.
"That's not the point and you know it!" Dee said, feeling angrier by the second.
Ryo stood there and simmered quietly. He had nothing to say to that.
"Why do you let him take advantage of you?" Dee asked.
Again, Ryo did not respond. Dee grabbed his wrists and pinned him against the nearest wall between a sink and the trashcan. He didn't resist, but looked calmly up at Dee and said: "Let me go."
"Or what?" Dee asked; he turned his head away from Dee's gaze. "You're not resisting at all. You aren't telling me that you don't like this. Basically, you're giving me the go-ahead to do whatever I want to you."
"I said let me go," Ryo repeated in the same quiet voice.
"What? I can't hear you? What are you saying? Hmm? You want me to take advantage of you? Is that what you want?" Dee asked; lessening his grip on Ryo's arms. "See, Berkley doesn't know what you want. You never resist him or tell him with your body, not your voice, that you don't want him to touch you."
"But I have . . ." Ryo replied, lowering his head. "I have and I keep on trying. He just won't take a hint."
"How? How do you tell him that you don't want what he has to offer?" Dee asked.
The next thing Dee knew, Ryo had kneed him in the groin and twisted his arms in such a way that he was released. Then, Ryo flipped him over his shoulder onto the hard tiled floor and pinned him down with his knee on Dee's throat.
"Like that and he still won't give up," Ryo said, relaxing from his crouched position and taking a seat on Dee's stomach.
"I . . . I see . . ." Dee wheezed; Ryo got off of him and helped him up.
"What do you think?" Ryo asked.
"I think that you're playing hard-to-get," Dee admitted, leaning on Ryo so he didn't fall over from the pain in his abdomen.
"What do I have to do? Kill the man?" he asked.
"That's one way," Dee replied with a grin; Ryo moved so that Dee was no longer resting on his arm, making him lean against the wall instead. "Man, how'd you learn to kick ass like that? Whoo . . . pain . . ."
"I'm part Japanese, remember? I've taken Karate and Kendo since I was born," Ryo informed him.
"Big on self-defense, but why don't you ever use it?" Dee asked, confused.
"You're only supposed to use it in extreme situations," Ryo replied.
"The how's come you did it to me and not to Berkley?" Dee asked.
"I was just showing you what I'm capable of," Ryo said with a smile.
"Is that like, some type of threat or something?" Dee asked, standing to his full height.
"Um . . . er . . . no . . ." Ryo replied, as Dee neared him with a playful grin.
"Are you sure?" he asked, getting closer to Ryo.
"Um . . . yeah, I'm pretty . . . pretty sure," Ryo stuttered, backing up into a wall.
"Hmmm . . . okay then," Dee said, leaning over until they were face-to-face.
He looked into Ryo's deep, dark eyes and saw so many emotions; confusion, fright, and was that . . . hope? Dee leaned forward until their noses almost were touching, then he closed the distance between them until their lips just barely brushed against each other . . . but then, the sound of the bell ringing startled both of them, making Dee pull away.
Dee cursed the timing and searched for some words that might explain what he was about to do. When he found none, Dee looked to Ryo for some type of response. The other boy's head was lowered, but Dee could see that a blush went all the way to his ears.
"We'd better . . ." Ryo mumbled, and started to leave.
"Er . . . yeah . . . we should," Dee agreed.
And after that, all day Dee tried to make eye contact with Ryo. When their eyes met, Ryo blushed or looked embarrassed before turning is gaze away from Dee. But Dee knew that Ryo wasn't mad at him or upset that he did that to him. Oh, no. Ryo had actually liked what they almost did.
"And you'd better watch out Ryo," Dee thought to himself, "I'm gonna getcha!"
After Talk with - The Random Queen:
Okay, so I didn't get everything that I wanted in there. I got most of it though and I'm pretty pleased with myself.
I really tried not to make Berkley the bad-ass in this fic but . . . I need some type of villain to get in the way between our two gorgeous male characters. Someone had mentioned JJ. Yes, I do plan on bringing JJ into the fic, eventually. And he will be annoying as ever.
As for Diana, -sigh- in this chapter she was more like a filler character. But (yes there is a but) she will have a role later on in the fic. She's plotting . . .
I was trying to bring in the characters and scenes like Sanami Matoh did. You know: Bikky, 1st kiss, Carol, 2nd and 3rd kiss, JJ, more kissing, Berkley, kissing some more, and then Diana. But, it just wouldn't work like that so I'm flipping everything around. I'm okay with it; it's not like I should be copying the Goddess's work (cuz I'm not worthy enough) and I have a totally different plot for this.
What to expect in the next couple chapters:
I'm planning on using Koneko Shoujo Sarah's idea with Dee inviting Ryo to his house for a sleepover. In that chapter, you'll find out more about Dee and Ryo's pasts. Mostly Ryo though and only a little bit of Dee because I'm still working on his background. There will be kissing though. Oh yes . . . kissy! -makes Dee and Ryo dolls do stuff-
Parting words and The Bribe:
Okay, this is where I say goodbye. You were all good so -passes out really yummy cookies- and If you review, I just made some really awesome chocolate chip muffins. They are SO good. Review before I eat them all! Flames will be laughed at and used to burn Martha Stewart Voodoo dolls.
~The Random Queen
Thanks and see you soon!