Fake Fan Fiction ❯ One Year Anniversary ❯ PART 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The first rays of light begin hitting my closed eyes and I start to awaken. The sun's rays are too bright and I close my eyes again, burying my head under a large pillow. A little while later, I try to open my eyes again and let them adjust to the sunrise. For a moment I don't recognize where I am. I half expected to be in my big bed at home hearing Bikky's snoring echo throughout the place, but no..this is different. I'm in on large bed, but its closer to the floor then mine, there are large paintings lying against the walls, and clothes and magazines strewn about the floor. Then I realize I am not in my pajamas, but rather completely naked, my lower half enveloped in the satin checkered sheet.
I put my hand to my head and wince as I find myself sore. Then I feel that I am not alone as I feel the bed jump slightly and see another man next to me fast asleep just as stark naked as I am. Through his slumber though, he is mouth is molded into a smile.
Then the beautiful memory comes flowing back to me.
“Ryo...you know we have been together a really long time now.”
“Yes Dee...almost 4 years now...3 as partners on the force, and 1 as lovers.”
He is nervous and pacing around lighting an array of candles. I almost start laughing because this is unlike Dee. In fact he had been this way all night. It was our first anniversary as a couple and he wanted to recreate the night I told him I loved him. We went to the same restaurant, went for a walk on the Brooklyn Bridge, and I told him I loved him more than anything as I had that very first night and asked if I could kissed him. And we did...under that same streetlamp...the recreation complete...but all for one part.
“Dee are you alright?” I ask. I was surprised because knowing Dee for so long, I expected after we kissed under the streetlamp, we'd end up going back to my apartment and making love as passionately we had that very first night. But instead Dee smiled, took my hand and led me back here to his apartment. He had gone about lighting candles while I sat on the couch with a glass of wine he poured for me; he insisted I not help him with whatever he was doing.
“Yeah, yeah I'm cool.” Dee uttered realizing he had lit the rest of the candles. I smiled, normally I am the nervous edgy one, but I am calm and collected and well, ready to make love. This man had done so much for me, brought out so much in me that I never knew I had, and was just an overall wonderful man. I loved him with my entire soul and at that moment as I stared him, basking in the candlelight, his green eyes sparkling, his dark hair hanging beautifully around his face, my heart was racing. I wanted nothing more then to take him in my arms and make passionate love to him.
“Well, why don't you come and sit by me?” I ask seductively as I pat the couch cushion lightly. “You know I don't bite.”
Dee looked at me and licked his lips quickly. He was really on edge.
“Sure...sure Ryo.” He said as he quickly walked over and sat down on the couch next to me. He grabs his wine glass, takes a good swig, then folds his hands in his lap and stares down at the floor. He reminds me of a teenage boy at home alone with his girlfriend for the very first time. So again I take the initiative. I put my wine glass down, positioned myself on the couch and began massaging his broad shoulders. I'm shocked at how tight they are.
“Ryo...wow...that feels good.” He purrs.
“Mmm....you are so tense tonight Dee.” I say. “What's bothering you?”
“N-nothing at all Ryo...nothing at all.” He stammers.
“Really.” I work at a knot. “It doesn't feel like it. I would think on our anniversary you would be more eager.”
“Eager?” He says with a gulp.
“Well...you do remember what happened 1 year ago tonight. We went to that restaurant, had a good dinner, we went for a walk on the Brooklyn Bridge, I looked into your beautiful green eyes and told you I loved you, and then we kissed....and then....”
I smile. So I was going to have to recreate the moment was I?
“And then...we kissed all the way back to my place.” I say as I moved closer to him. “And just after we got into the door, you began unbuttoning my shirt and I began unbuttoning yours.”
I started reenacting everything slowly by first kissing his lips softly and then moving down to his neck, my fingers toying with the buttons on his shirt.
“And then after telling you how you seemed different...you threw me onto my bed and with one quick swoop divested me of my slacks and boxers.”
I start nibbling lightly at his neck. I can hear his breath quicken and little moans escaping his lips.
“Oh...oh yeah...I remember.” Dee said shakily.
I smile, but on the inside I am a little nervous. This isn't at all like Dee, something was up. He was barely responding to me and normally if I made any sexual moves towards him, he would attack me like a cheetah on a zebra. But right now he was stiff as a board and hardly touching me.
“And so why don't you refresh my memory Dee?” I ask as I sit up, straddle his lap, and start undoing the buttons on my shirt.
“Oh shit...oh shit.” Dee is murmuring and squirming as I slowly continue to undress myself. He's acting like a guy at his first strip club getting a lap dance which annoys me a little, but I don't let it show. I was about to pull my unbuttoned shirt out of my pants when Dee grabbed my hands.
“Wait..Ryo...stop please, I can't!!!”
I look at him...stunned.
“What?” I ask.
“I can't ravish you yet!” Dee yelled pleadingly. “PLEASE STOP BEING SO DAMN SEXY!!”
Okay this is definitely a change. This isn't like Dee at all. The Dee I know would have me naked and pinned on the ground driving into me with wild abandon...oh crap..that doesn't help my already aching erection...if I was being like this. But this is completely different, so different its starting to piss me off.
“Alright Dee.” I say crossing my arms as I get off his lap. “What's up, what's wrong?”
Dee looks up at me and smiles nervously.
“Nothing...” He whispered.
“Try again.” I say.
“What?” He asks looking up at me with wide eyes.
“Dee, if there is anything I have learned from these past four years of being with you it's that you have the sex drive of a wild cat. But for some reason, tonight of all nights for that matter, you are acting like a nervous teenager. You are not even letting me touch you. So..spill it!”
Dee licked his lips and clasped his hands together once more and hung his head.
“I will...just not yet.” He said.
“Dee, if you are not in the mood you don't have to hide. Look, it's been a tough week, we've had a boatload of cases to work on and the Chief and Rose have been on our backs. I'll understand if you just wanna call it a night and go to bed, but don't lie to me.”
Dee sighed.
“I'm not lying to you Ryo...I want to make love to you tonight.” He said. “Just...not yet.”
I sigh. This is getting aggravating, so much to the point I am already to call it a night myself and go home.
“Why not?”
Again no answer from Dee. He just hangs his head and it looks like he is shaking. But I am too annoyed and tired at this point.
“Forget I asked.” I say with a sigh. “Thanks for the nice night Dee...I'll call you tomorrow.” I gather my jacket and start re-buttoning my shirt as I head for the door not even bothering to give him a goodnight kiss or say happy anniversary. I reached the door and put my hand on the knob.