Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Only Hope ❯ Presents ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ryo took a seat in the middle of the room. The little girl in the pink dress from before climbed into his lap and latched onto his neck.
“Aw is this one of my presents?” He asked her as he hugged back. “I love it!”
“HEY THAT WAS GONNA BE MY PRESENT!” Dee yelled joking.
“God perv, must everything that comes out of your mouth be disgusting.” Bikky grimaced.
Mother laughed.
“It seems Marisa has taken a liking to you Ryo.” She said. “Be careful of his leg dear.” She warned.
“Oh she's fine!” Ryo said. “She's a little thing.”
The girl named Marisa kneeled up and whispered into his ear.
“Of course you can help me open my presents.” He said sweetly.
“Well not all of them.” Dee said with a sly small giving a hint of a sexual innuendo.
Bikky made a gagging noise.
“Alright present one!” Dee yelled and picked up a little blue wrapped box from the table.
Ryo took the box and first removed off the card.
“Oh this one is from Marty!” He said laughing at the humorous card.
“Welcome to 30 and another year closer to the first mid-life crisis!” Ryo said enthusiastically.
Everyone laughed as he and Marisa tore open the wrapping paper.
“Oh nice!” He said holding up the box. It was a small, square, tear off calendar called “365 Worst Excuses Made by Captured Criminals”. He opened the box and gazed at the calendar flipping through some days and laughing. Then he passed it off to his colleagues.
“Nah…these excuses are peanuts compared to the ones our suspects have made!” Drake said leafing through the calendar.
“OKAY PRESENT NUMERO DOS!” Dee yelled handing over another box.
Ryo repeated the same pattern, opening the card and him and Marisa opening the present together.
“A Chia Pet.” He said nonchalantly looking at the box.
“Chia Puppy to be exact!” JJ said, obviously the gift being from him. “They are very cute to have on a desk and they live for awhile!”
Dee resisted the urge to smack him over the head.
“You dork!” He yelled. “Of all the lame ass presents…”
“Dee…children around!” Ryo yelled pointing to Marisa. “It's a lovely present JJ, thank you.”
“One that'll use my gun on.” Dee whispered.
“Alright, gift three.” Dee said with a grumble.
“Oh no, this one is from Drake AND Ted.” Ryo said reading the card. “To use anytime you need Dee to stop acting like Dee. Should I tell the kids to close their eyes and put their hands over their ears?”
The two detectives in question smirked.
“Don't worry Ryo, its clean!”
Ryo opened the present with Marisa with a serious look in his eyes. He peeked inside the box and immediately burst out laughing.
“OH GOD!” He said laughing loudly.
“What is it Ryo?” Dee peeked over and jumped. “GAH MY EYES MY EYES! JESUS YOU TWO ARE SICK.” He stumbled away from Ryo.
“Dee, watch your mouth!” Mother warned.
Ryo stopped himself from laughing long enough to hold up a large silver framed picture of the Chief in one of his angrier moments. On the bottom of the frame was the message, “Dee Repellent.”
Everyone in the room was nearly in tears from the hilarity of it all.
“DRAKE USED HIS CAMERA PHONE AND GOT A SHOT OF THE CHIEF WHEN HE WAS YELLING AT DEE LAST TIME!” Ted yelled through his laughter. “We snuck the camera in through the door.”
“And thanks to modern technology, Ted was able to take out Dee and put all the finishing touches!” Drake added.
“Yeah the chief was really pissed at you Dee!” Drake said.
Dee's eyebrow was twitching.
“Another gift to add to the target practice!” He growled. “What the hell is wrong with the two of you?!”
Ted slapped Dee on the shoulder. “Come on Dee, you're the only one who can make that vein in the Chief's head throb like that and we figured Ryo needed something to keep you on your toes. What better gift then that?!”
“AMEN!” Bikky agreed.
“Bite me brat!”
Ryo just laughed and laughed.
“You guys are crazy!” He said. “Thanks!”
And so it went with the rest of the presents. There was hardly anything else that Dee would have deemed target practice worthy as most of it was clothes, little trinkets for Ryo's desk or the apartment, drawings and little creations from the orphans, a gift basket of Ryo's favorite coffees and teas, gift certificates, and a special collection of books by Ryo's favorite author from Bikky and Carol. The detective was swimming in wrapping paper by the time he was done.
“Thank you everyone very much!” Ryo said holding Marisa on his good knee. “You all are wonderful and I am so glad to have such great friends and family like you all!”
Everyone cheered except Dee who was looking a little nervous.
“Uh oh, Laytner's quiet.” Drake said.
“Yeah come to think of it, Dee.” Ted responded. “Where's your present to Ryo, or is that something R rated you're going to do later and PLEASE spare us the details.”
Dee smiled.
“No no, I have Ryo's present here.” He said as he leaned in and picked Marisa up from Ryo's lap.
“Sorry cutie.” He said placing her gently on the floor. “I need to borrow him for a minute.”
He took Ryo's hand and helped him to stand and led him to the middle of the room.
He turned to Mother Maria.
“Mother, will you?” He asked.
Maria nodded and motioned to three older orphans that were huddled behind her.
Ryo watched as the orphans took the little stage in the front of the room. Usually that stage was used for bands and singers performing at a wedding, but at this party there was no band…yet.
Ryo gasped as he watched the older orphans pick up the instruments that had been hidden behind the stage. One was tuning a violin while another was sitting at a piano and another holding a tambourine. But what was more amazing was when Dee approached the stage and removed his jacket. Then he went over to the side and opened a black case removing his acoustic guitar.
`Oh Dee…' Ryo thought already feeling a tear come to his eyes and Dee hadn't even started playing yet!”
Dee sat down on a stool right behind a microphone and looked out to Ryo.
“Hey everyone, and Drake.” Dee said his voice booming into the room. “You all were curious as to what I got Ryo for his birthday. Well as you all know, Ryo had gone through a rough patch these past few months ago and during this time never had I seen someone with more strength and will power then him. Even when he should have been angry and should have yelled and screamed, he never did. He never complained about how he was feeling, he never felt sorry for himself, he just kept going with that same smile we have seen him with since the first day he came into the 27.
Dee inhaled and exhaled quickly, a little choked up with emotion.
“When I planned this party for Ryo, it wasn't just for his birthday, but to also let him know that he deserves the best. I guess most of you all know that he and I are a couple.”
“WELL DUH, YOU WERE HOUNDING THE GUY SINCE DAY ONE!” Ted yelled causing everyone to laugh including Ryo who was blinking tears.
Dee glared.
“IF I MAY CONTINUE!” He yelled. “Yes, the first time I really set eyes on him, I realized that he is someone special and would be very special to me. I didn't know what other way to you how I feel Ryo, except through this.”
He looked down at Ryo who was smiling up at him with shining eyes.
`Well, here goes nothing Laytner.' Dee thought.
“Ryo, this is for you.”