Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Slipping Through ❯ The Long Road To Edinburgh ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Prologue - The Long Road to Edinburgh
Written by: Totally4Ryo
Date Written: 6/8/08
Rating: G
Fandom: FAKE/Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo, mention of Bikky.
Spoilers: FAKE - all through to volume 7
Warnings: None yet, except this is FAKE, so there's two gorgeous men in love.
Author Notes: Yes, it's true! I love Torchwood. I've been itching to start writing Torchwood fanfic, along with FAKE. But unlike FAKE, there's a lot of unfamiliars I need to get used to. So I decided to start off by also using characters very familiar to me.
I had a simple idea. Simple grew to complicated (one day I'll do simple, but not today). Enter the person responsible for getting me into Torchwood in the first place, Gracie Musica. Now we have a monster.
I'll be posting for the two of us, but we write our own chapters contributing to the whole.
Dee Laytner-MacLean looked out the window of the St. David's Hotel, gazing out at Cardiff Bay, wondering once again how he got talked into this vacation.
What the hell am I doing in the UK again for a vacation? Dee thought.
He remembered their vacation to England, long ago. He was only partners at work with Ryo MacLean at the time, but he did his best to change that during the vacation. It was not until almost two years later did they finally become lovers. Two years after that, they moved in together. Not even a year later, they both decided they did not want to be just `lovers', or `boyfriends'. Partners sounded better, that was the word they used to refer to the other. They were partners at work and at home. Yet even that was not enough, so they took a short vacation to Toronto, where they were married. Their honeymoon was to Japan, where they went between spending time alone, and visiting with Ryo's family. It was not the first time they had been to Japan. They went just before they moved in, because Ryo wanted his family to meet the man he loved.
Now two years later, they decided to go on a second honeymoon. Dee balked when the UK came up again. This time the countries were Wales and Scotland. The second week of their vacation, they were to stay at Ryo's grandparents' home in Edinburgh. Dee found he could not deny his husband that. Especially after Franklin MacLean did a complete turn around from the man who told Ryo that he should leave Dee, find a woman and have a `real' family by fathering children. Estelle MacLean, on the other hand, adored Dee right away, and welcomed her to their family. It was over the course of time, of seeing the love between the two men that Franklin realized his grandson could not do any better with his life. Dee was good for him. Bikky was their son in all sense of the word, except biological. It did not matter. They were a family. Ryo was happy. Franklin finally accepted Dee, and Bikky, as part of the MacLean family. Soon after, his Grandparents retired to the family estate in Edinburgh, where they planned to spend their remaining days. Dee could not say no to giving Ryo the chance to see his grandparents again after they left the US a year ago.
So how did they end up in Cardiff, Wales during the first week of their second honeymoon? Dee shook his head as he heard Ryo take his clothes from his suitcase to put in drawers.
Easy. Dee could not deny Ryo anything. Which is most likely why he found himself going from disinterested or impartial every time Ryo talked about his current favorite TV show, and the star of the show, to mildly interested. Maybe it was the curiosity of an openly gay actor having top billing in a TV show, or maybe it was just to appease his husband, who would actually get excited at times over the show. Whatever it was, Dee finally consented to sitting down with his husband one night, and watch the first episode. What originally made Dee wary of the show was it being a Doctor Who spin-off. Dee had attempted to watch episodes of that show here and there since he was a boy, and found it dreadfully boring. It didn't help that Mother would watch the show in her room once in a while, and if he wanted to spend some time alone with the woman he called his Mother away from the other children in the orphanage, then he found himself sitting through it, not understanding what was going on. It was not so much the accents, since Mother was Irish and sometimes her family would call, or visit. For weeks after their visits, Dee would find himself speaking with some weird blend of a New York/Irish accent, and not like the typical New York Irish that was common. He just found the plots of the show boring and the humor bland. It had to be the only science fiction show that Dee did not particularly care for.
Dee was surprised that he took immediate interest in this spin-off from the first scene. He got into the show, he admired the leading actor. Ryo was overjoyed. Especially when to get more of the main character of that show, Ryo found himself playing the episodes of Doctor Who for Dee.
When they started to plan going to Scotland for their second honeymoon, Ryo make a half joking comment of stopping first at Cardiff to see the places that were featured in Torchwood. Later that night, Dee actually found a Torchwood tour on the Cardiff tourism site. He looked at Ryo's face, and knew he could not say no to his husband. After they made all the reservations for their first week in Cardiff, even Dee found himself getting excited.
Which is why he was currently looking out over Cardiff Bay. He should have been still experiencing that excitement. He should have been anxious to get out of the hotel and look around at the quaint and interesting city he saw on the TV. Instead he found himself staring out the window with a feeling of dread. He tried to simply put it down as nerves because of their vacation in England long ago, and how Ryo was almost killed. He tried his best not to think about the ghost.
“Dee, are you going to help here or what?” he heard Ryo ask. “I know it's beautiful, but what has your so much of your attention out there?”
Dee's eyes finally focused at the view from their hotel room and smirked as he took in the attractions of Cardiff Bay. “Oh, nothing. Just that I think there's a Weevil on Mermaid Quay,” he replied.
Ryo laughed. “Honestly Dee. How cliché can you get. There's more than Weevils on the show.”
“Yeah, but Weevils remind me of a few bad guys we collared.” He laughed as he turned around, glad to see Ryo laughing with him. “Okay, let's get this finished. Then call Bikky, and then we find something to eat?” he asked hopefully.
“Sounds like a plan. But let's not make a late night of it. That tour is first thing tomorrow.”
Dee snorted as he opened his suitcase and started to take items out and sort them. “You act like we never had to wake up at 7 in the morning before.” He winked at Ryo.
They had a good time during the evening. They went into the city, away from the bay, to find somewhere to eat and walked around for a while. When they got back to the hotel, they made love.
As Dee lay in the bed, holding his sated, sleeping husband, he cursed that he still could not shake the feeling of something about to go horribly wrong.