Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 5
Fandom: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count:
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: violence, profanity,
Characters/Pairings: Drake x JJ, Ryo
Notes: Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. I did get some things done today writing wise. It will be harder to sit and do so now that summer is coming. Sigh…
Can someone tell me how to make those fancy animated user-pics with like the marquees and flashing lights on them? Or at least where can I get them made?
He needed to focus.
JJ stretched his small frame across the roof of the building, positioning his rifle against the raised edge. His target was holed up in a newly constructed office building, several hundred yards across the street. They had hostages. JJ could see them clearly through the picture window and yet at the same time his vision blurred and the people seemed to move in and out of a thick mist that filled his line of sight.
“Focus, Adams,” JJ said aloud. It didn't help. If anything the view across the street worsened. Arms and legs and faces stretched into misshapen caricatures of humanity.
What was wrong with him?
JJ squinted, rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger, then raised the scope to his eye again.
There! He saw the perp. He saw the one who had been terrorizing him. Who'd been giving him so many sleepless nights. His face was as blurred as JJ's vision had been. A hostage walked into his sights. Damn it, why were they all moving around like that? He needed that clear shot.
“Adams now! Take the shot!” That voice! It demanded that he do something that he hesitated no longer. That voice was his.
The perp was in his sights once again. The shot free and clear - JJ knew if he didn't end this now he'd never know a moment's peace again.
His finger squeezed.
The perp moved. Someone else was in the path of the bullet as it exploded from the barrel with a horrible flash of smoke and fire. A face looking at him in shock as the bullet hit its mark. Even though the figure was hundreds of yards away JJ could see his face and the look of being betrayed in his eyes.
It was Drake.
“Drake!” JJ came awake with his heart slamming in his chest, his breath catching painfully in his throat. He bolted upright and saw to his panic that Drake was no longer next to him.
“Drake!” JJ screamed again.
Sounds of hurried footsteps and Drake literally fell into the room. It would have been funny if JJ still wasn't gripped in his sleep-induced panic.
“What? What is it?”
“Where were you?” JJ demanded.
Drake looked shocked by JJ's tone. “Getting something to drink.”
JJ's throat constricted further cutting off his air. The younger man took in deep gasping breaths and still there wasn't enough. Oh damn, he was suffocating!
“JJ?” Now panic edged Drake's voice as he strode to the bed and climbed in, pulling JJ to him. “It's okay. I'm here. I've got you all right? Relax.”
“D-Drake - don't - ever - leave - me,” Each word was said on a frantic breath. JJ clutched onto Drake's muscular shoulders, fearful if he let go Drake would disappear.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Drake said. “I love you, remember?”
“Y-yes,” JJ said. “I-I'm sorry.”
“Stop apologizing,” Drake admonished gently. “Take it easy okay? That's it. Breathe deeply. Have you ever had a panic attack before?”
“N-no,” JJ flinched. A panic-attack. That was the last thing he needed. Hell, what must Drake think of him?
But Drake pulled him backward on the bed and rested JJ's head on his chest. He stroked JJ's hair and murmured soothing words until JJ's racing heart slowed and he was breathing normally.
“Did you have a bad dream?”
“I won't ask you about it then.”
“Good,” JJ said. “Because I don't want to tell you and you won't like hearing it.” He was glad Drake understood.
The phone rang.
Instantly JJ was tense again, instead this time, he held onto Drake for dear life.
“Just ignore it,” Drake said. “Hopefully he'll be cocky and leave a voice mail we can analyze.”
He didn't. And he didn't the six other times he called. Drake, frustrated and annoyed finally turned the phones off.
“We'll take care of everything while you're gone,” Ryo assured him.
Drake nodded, “Thanks Ryo. I have to get JJ out of here. This thing's got him really stressed.” Drake of course didn't mention last night's panic attack. JJ's skill as a sniper was rivaled only by Ryo's. Drake had seen his lithe partner take down a target with an eerily cool precision but last night it was as though JJ were an entirely different person. But Drake supposed that unlike his sniper targets the stalker was getting underneath JJ's skin. Touching on emotions that had been buried for years. Drake was no shrink or anything but you couldn't be a cop without learning something of human emotion.
“JJ wanted to stay and help with the case,” Drake remarked. They were in his home office. Ryo had originally dropped by to give him a progress report and to pick up the puppy but he stuck around and was helping Drake get everything in order before he and JJ left for their vacation. JJ had more use out of the converted bedroom than Drake did.
“He knows that's impossible. Just let him know we've got a handle on things,” Ryo gave him that look usually reserved for when Bikky got his ass into trouble. “You know we're taking care of this, right?”
“Of course,” Drake said. “I wouldn't let JJ stay anyway.”
“You sure the puppy won't be any trouble?”
Ryo grinned. The object of their conversation was in a corner happily chewing on his favorite rubber ball. “As long as we keep him hidden from the landlord it should be fine. Bikky will get a real kick out of taking care of him.”
“Appreciate it, Ryo.”
Ryo handed Drake some hold-mail cards. “JJ still sleeping?”
“Yeah. I didn't have the heart to wake him. The bastard called six times last night. Damn it!”
“Forgot to turn the phones back on.”
“Just leave them off. He'll just wake JJ.”
“Good plan.”
“So did JJ get his cell phone number changed?”
“We did it last night. At least the bastard can't reach him there.”
On his way out Ryo said, “You only told Dee and me the name of the place, right?”
“Yeah, guess it's one of those small favors.”
“Try to enjoy yourself,” Ryo hefted the squirming puppy in his arms, “Guess I'd better get Boo to his temporary home.”
“Fuck, why did JJ give that dog such a lame-ass name?” Drake muttered after he closed the door. He made his way to the bedroom where JJ slept peacefully. Drake slipped off his shoes and his jeans and crawled in beside him. JJ muttered something incoherent and instinctively turned into Drake. They would need these few days to themselves. Drake only hoped they wouldn't have a bigger mess when they returned.